Showing posts with label Freeman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freeman. Show all posts

Jim Lee | Controlling the Climate Changers | Freeman TV


“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over, you almost never get it back.” — Carl Sagan The Anatomy of Slave Speak

Can we draft legislation to end atmospheric modification without notification? The solution to the problem of rogue geoengineering, weather warfare, and geophysical weaponry is, to help expose the secret world of climate engineering by learning the history, teaching your friends, and sharing this knowledge. Together we will bring clarity to our increasingly chaotic skies. The Environmental Modification Accountability Act
Desiring to prohibit effectively military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques in order to eliminate the dangers to mankind from such use, and recognizing the Environmental Modification Convention of 1976, it shall be law that any individual or organization shall give prior notice of intent to modify weather or climate in order to determine if such actions are hostile or result in monetary, environmental, or physical losses.

The most extensive research on Geoengineering and Weather Modification experiments worldwide, with articles, maps, and timelines to fully expose the hidden world of Weather Control.
Jim Lee has compiled the largest volume of geoengineering and weather modification history into one massive timeline, complete with lists of companies, patents, sponsors, and laws: WMH is an international effort lead by me and Domenic Marrama, combining both investigative journalists’ superpowers to create an unparalleled online repository of factual references in chronological format.

Dylan Monroe | The Cult of Baal | Freeman TV


"Freemasonry is far too serious a matter for any man to assume its villainous obligations without due reflection...bound by the cable tow of Satan to the altar of Baal, there is no place for after repentance." Mah-Hah-Bone Edmond Ronayne Past Master 1879

"To overcome these dark magicians who have held our world hostage for centuries, we must study and understand the occult knowledge they have usurped for their own advantage, and accept that a metaphysical world does exist and has been used by these overlords against us. We must expose those in the highest seats of power for who they really are, and who they really worship, as we struggle to assimilate the greatest deception humanity has ever known." Dylan Monroe

Dylan Louis Monroe is an American artist currently based in Cincinnati, Ohio. He graduated from Parsons in 2007 with a BFA in fashion design. In New York City, he worked in the high-end fashion industry for 7 years, designing prints, apparel, and jewelry, before moving back to Ohio to focus on fine art and its application to his own vision of fashion.

In 2017, Dylan started the "Deep State Mapping Project" in response to the changing political climate in America. His "Q-web" spread virally across the dark web in 2018. An online store dedicated to this project was launched in April, 2018.

Dylan had been researching conspiracies since 2005, when living two blocks south of the World Trade Center site, then called "Ground Zero," he discovered the theories surrounding WTC 7, which led him down the matrix of rabbit holes that ultimately culminated with the creation of the "Q-web," a cartography of the master conspiracy.

Michael Joseph | Magick & The JFK Conspiracy | Freeman TV | Dec. 2, 2018


On the 55th anniversary of the JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theory, let's get deep into magickal practice. For instance, magic spelled with a K is considered accursed or black magic. K is an evil letter! So much to learn and you will.

Randy Maugans | Everything is an Agenda | Freeman TV | Nov. 3, 2018


Can you face your dark side? Are you speaking your mind? How do we find the patience in a microaggression world? Trivial things blow up out of proportion to the life that we lead. Like Markoff Chaney of The Illuminatus! Trilogy nuanced aggravations are bringing chaos into the world and it looks bad. Imposition of order equals escalation of chaos. Can our chaos be beautiful and artistic? Everything is an agenda and we need to cut through the muck to find our true selves.

Randy Maugans is a long time radio talk show host, producer, and writer, working in the fields of religion, politics, and the paranormal.

With an early start in radio as a high school intern at a local public radio station, he has worked as both a rock radio and club DJ; produced and hosted talk radio in his native Central Pennsylvania, and appeared on short wave radio as the host of several shows on religion and politics, as well as hosting and producing the “Exotica” paranormal series for shortwave, satellite, and internet radio since 2005.

Randy’s background includes work in the music field as a performer and writer; a background in audio engineering and production; extensive work in the field of internet media production: his long-running “Threshing Floor” show has had a continuous web presence since 2003— before the era of what is now called podcasting on the web.

His technology background includes work as software training consultant, programmer, web designer, and work in corporate technology sales and consulting.

An interest in the esoteric, paranormal and occult stems from early life experiences, which fueled his quest to understand the complex issues of the phenomena of UFOS and ETS, as well as exploring the black operations, mind control programs, and esoteric arts behind a global conspiracy of soul harvesting.

His training in Christian ministry has transitioned into a spiritual approach to the supernatural, paranormal and covert operations; and in 2009 he created OffPlanet Radio to expand the scope of his research and presentation.

While maintaining a journalistic approach that allows for a wide range of views to be explored in an objective manner, OffPlanet Radio does have an agenda: to expose the works of darkness and deception, and provide a presence for exploring authentic spirituality and healing.

Cory Daniel | Ancient and Modern Phoenix Mysteries | Freeman TV


ENIGMA: Something hard to understand or explain. Derived from the Latin ænigma, meaning “Riddle” or the Greek aniigma/ainissesthai, “To speak obscurely, speak in riddles.”

What is The Phoenix Enigma? In its current form, it is the City of Phoenix itself. Like everything else in this corner of the world, having found a crack in the desert floor, Phoenix has pushed through and bloomed into being. A vibrant “riddle” of prosperity, thriving in a land which only extracts. In a past incarnation, The Phoenix Enigma is the ruins of an ancient civilization buried only inches below the streets and businesses today. A civilization which once mastered ancient hydrological techniques and who's infrastructure cannot be fully explained to this day.

Freemasonry and other secret societies hold a subtle yet, heavy and ever-present, control grid upon the existing riddle of life and prosperity in Arizona. A grid of control belonging to a not so ancient society laying upon a civilization of ancient mastery. A finely tuned machine assembled with the wisdom of ancient and occult knowledge. A machine which has successfully infiltrated every institution and system of our modern world, seeking to guide it and bring to fruition its own agenda.

Cory Daniel is a 3rd generation Phoenician, writer/researcher and professional guide currently living in the Phoenix area. Roaming the Big Sandy Valley, Cory studied religion, physics, poetry, botany, philosophy, primitive survival, traditional archery, and the occult. Here he rode for a local ranch, working cattle the old way, and teamed up with an old prospector to explore the surrounding mountains and valleys.

Cory currently enjoys work as an Interpretive Guide in the Valley of the Sun and is devoted to decoding and reverse-engineering the esoteric symbolism embedded within the city of Phoenix, Arizona.

Jerry Marzinsky | The Myth of Chemical Imbalance | Freeman TV | Nov. 12, 2018


Getting this information out before the Medical Mafia comes down on us is critical. To disrupt the medical mafia’s lies the most, is to expose that they have no evidence that schizophrenia is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.

There is no instrument to measure such an imbalance and they do not even know what the neuro-transmitter balance of the brain is or what it should be. They are virtually making this crap up! The Medical Mafia continue to foster the chemical imbalance lie to line their pockets. The toxic drugs they dish out rot out the peripheral nervous system and merely suppress psychotic symptoms temporarily. Virtually no research money is spent looking for a cure.

The evidence that both victims and others can see for themselves, if they look at what we can point out, will make it perfectly clear that the voices heard by psychotics are not hallucinations, but follow very well defined and predictable destructive patterns.

Before the truth can be reached, both these lies must be addressed and brought to light otherwise the medical mafia will keep the people suffering from this disorder, spinning in a hellish circle with escape routes blocked, while they continue to line their pockets off the suffering of these poor souls and drive up medical insurance costs for the rest of us.

Jerry Marzinsky has over thirty years experience working with Psychiatric Patients in both the Arizona Prison System and as the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Counselor Senior at Yarbrough Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, Central State Hospital, Milledgeville, Georgia. Jerry is a licensed mental health practitioner, specializing in psychiatric care and he is a licensed pilot and SCUBA diver. He is also an avid explorer of nature and things that go bump in the night.

Jerry spent time working as a mental health counselor in the Prison System and found that many of the prisoners who were regarded as schizophrenics or mentally unstable were likewise being tormented by voices. These “voices” can give detailed instructions to individuals and even seem to be familiar with distant geography and the future behavior of people.

This is one of the most important interviews ever given by a mental health expert with a verifiable background. Jerry has been in the trenches healing people tormented by negative entities. Jerry also talks about the true nature of the PhD training in the Psychiatric field and how it is meant to brainwash the prospective PhD’s into believing what they are told and doing what the system wants them to do. Psychiatrists became angered at Jerry when they found out he was asking patients about the voices they were hearing. Jerry quit the PhD program in disgust when he found out what it was all about.

James Perloff | Demons In Your TV | Freeman TV | Nov. 5, 2018


Do you remember the introduction of the V Chip for your television? It was as if they were willing to give them away to even the homeless! Then, everyone was forced to upgrade to HD TV. Now, you are being offered the 5G TV free with your submission to the network. Partnering with Apple (AAPL) and Google (GOOGL), Verizon will give 5G internet customers a choice: YouTube TV service or an Apple TV. Verizon has not announced the terms, but Bloomberg reports that Verizon will offer them free. Are demons preparing to come through your television?

For decades, TV’s “Golden Age” was, and still is by many, remembered nostalgically. Though many of my younger readers won’t know them, some of the best-loved staples were I Love Lucy, The Honeymooners, and Leave It to Beaver. What made that era so memorable? Sure, it was new and innovative at the time, and shows were often live instead of prerecorded (adding an appeal of unpredictability). Initially, audience laughter was almost always genuine instead of “canned.” But I credit a more profound reason for the attraction.

In a world complicated by many lies, telling the truth is sometimes not enough. It is often important to disprove the lies – especially ones that, through the psychological ploy of repetition, have been embedded in the public mind as facts by the corporate media. With the lies washed away, the truth becomes easier to see.

James Perloff has given scores of talks for civic groups, patriotic organizations, schools and churches. Most of his lectures have been on the subjects of his books (the drive for world government, and creation vs. evolution), but can be tailored to any need. There are lots of visuals and humor (after all, who wants to just hear a talking head give a discourse?)

Richard Cassaro | Freemason Secrets in Mayan Architecture | Freeman TV


These Mayan monuments are not the remnants of a raging warrior people drenched in sacrificial blood, as commonly portrayed, but rather reflect a sophisticated spiritual legacy — a Masonic legacy — that stretches back over many millennia and displays a Universal Religion.

Maya “Master Masons” built some of the most advanced stone pyramids, temples, aqueducts and ceremonial centers in the world; Mayan art and architecture represents a civilization focused on metaphysical self-knowledge and inner development. Mayan temples are gateways bridging the material and spiritual worlds, capable of healing, divination, and raising consciousness.

Harald Kautz Vella | Are You A Bio Robot? | Freeman TV | Aug. 12, 2018


In the early days of chemtrails, barium was falling from the skies. All around us, life died from the top down. What force is bio-engineering the human race? How do we return to human in this robotic society? With A.I., gene splicing, smart dust, nanotechnology, cloning, and killer robots, can a heart-based consciousness release us from this Satanic Dystopia?

An imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic vs. an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect, has been told from the time mankind could write.

Atlantis has been a part of our culture to the point of America being known as the New Atlantis by philosophers and Freemasons, alike. What will it take to not relive this ancient trauma?

Computer systems have a collective intelligence inside the A.I. Mind Cloud. Quantum computers, possibly derived from the alien black goo, function across dimensions. Scalar signatures use the synthetic RNA as a bio-weapon, leading to the creation of a synthetic bio race, with no empathy or ‘feelings’. Octo-form creatures may exist around us like a scene from "Final Fantasy" but, our loving nature is helping Earth to neutralize this alien black goo so it has a balanced positive nature. Can you find the heart to nurture before it is too late?

German researcher Harald Kautz-Vella is one of those rare beings who can weave together both the spiritual-metaphysical and the scientific. He started to look at the topics of AI, chemtrails, Morgellons, Smart Dust, and nano-technologies while looking at environmental protection analysis and, “came across a number of substances that shouldn’t have been in nature because they are 100% artificial, and they are high-tech, and there is no other reason to have them in the environment apart from intent — and not the best one, let’s put it this way.”

Referring to this list of semi-secretive technologies and to the substances he found in the environment, he says, “… if you root these substances back to what they are designed for, you come to Transhumanistic technologies, which is the attempt to get an interface between artificial intelligence and biological. If you ask the Transhumanists themselves, they would always say they would like to give humans better access to AI — and if you look into the technologies, it’s always to the opposite way round, it’s always giving the AI access to the human, in the sense of getting the human system controlled from the outside.”

James Horak | Mechanized Spirituality | FreemanTV | May, 2018

Source:,, Book: Siege in the Davis Mountains

"Man's off planet origins and refined cosmology to free humanity from control and tyranny from a man that claims to not be from here. Let's explore the 300,000+ years of mankind's life on planet Earth. Are there extraterrestrials out there waiting to help? Do sentient beings the size of continents orbit the sun to save life in the solar system from certain doom due to solar flares? Are Electromagnetic Vehicles extracting surplus energy from our Sun and are E.T civilizations helping us prevent total annihilation of our species and the Earth?" - Freeman

James C. Horak reveals in his book Siege in the Davis Mountains what the objects in the Corona of the Sun, photographed by NASA/ESA, are. In deference to Dr. Norman Bergrun he describes the EMVs - Electro-Magnetic Vehicles and explains Humanities Call on this Planet now. "This work assumes some demand on the reader but then a little research may be all that is required from time to time. Grant but possibility and, whether you accept my personal story or not, the purpose of this work has its own credibility. As an end to this lineage became more apparent, I came to feel more and more compelled to approach mankind with what I could offer." JCH

Available at Kobo: Siege in the Davis Mountains

Stefan Verstappen | Rules of the Warrior | Freeman TV | Apr. 14, 2018


How do we shift the paradigm and stand in the face of the evil of Empire? This is a guide to the Way of the Warrior. Do you have the strength of character to step out your door and change your world? Could one meeting with a stranger change the course of your life forever? We must push ourselves to train each day. Never show weakness. Never show fear. Be larger than life and live to gain as much experience as everyday can bring.

Can altering the course of your lifestyle, change the course of history? There is no need to complain, you'll just annoy people or end up surrounded by psychic vampires. Each day that you choose to step up and tone your mind and body, you are creating a new future for all humanity. Believe me, this is enough!

Tyrannies throughout history have a repeated pattern of doing everything they can to eliminate warriors from their populations.

The reasons are obvious; warriors are the ones that always stir up trouble for tyrants. They are the ones that will speak out against oppression, that will stand up to cruelty, and that will fight and die for freedom.

Stefan H. Verstappen is a Canadian author, researcher, and adventurer. He has written dozens of articles for various magazines and newspapers and is the author of 8 books including; The Way of the Warrior, The Thirty-Six Strategies of Ancient China, and The Art of Urban Survival.

He has worked as an instructor for St John Ambulance, a wilderness guide, a community organizer, and a martial arts instructor with over thirty-five years’ experience in the martial arts including five years spent studying in China.

He is the creator of the viral YouTube documentary, Defense Against the Psychopath, and the Paradise Stolen series and 140 other videos.

Warriors are also the grassroots leaders around whom disgruntled citizens will gather and unite to provide a unified front against injustice.

Thomas Sheridan | Banishing Demons With Sorcery | Freeman TV


"This is why the great and powerful of the world - have always been - and still are, involved in magical rituals." - Thomas Sheridan

Are you a refugee of the Energy War? Can you move from Passive Conjuration to finding your role in this Cosmic Play? What does it mean to banish demons and how would you do it? On the other hand, how do you manifest into this material plane? Could it be done through art? What would happen, in your life, if you drew yourself as a hero in a comic book?

Disney may have made Tinkerbell a lovable fairy but, the tale of fairies and leprechauns is closer to that of demons. Gargoyles stare down from their perch atop cathedrals. How is this different than the bird's genetic memory played upon by plastic owls on our rooftops? Crowley, Blavatsky, and others used arcane sorcery to communicate with entities from another world. Are "The Elite" descendants of the djinn? Do we now call demons, aliens?

Thomas Sheridan is an author, artist, and filmmaker from Dublin, Ireland who came to international recognition in 2011 with the book Puzzling People: the Labyrinth of the Psychopath. In the years since, he has written several more books and has made films on topics such as social engineering, political and corporate pathology, and on to the occult foundations surrounding the emerging years of the Third Reich.

Joe Atwill | Who Owns History | Freeman TV | Feb. 3, 2018


Who owns history? Are we looking at Illuminati symbolism or Freemason symbolism. When we say "Illuminati", are we actually referring to Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the Ordo Templi Orientus, or maybe, ourselves? We know that there is a shadow power that guides humanity and writes history to forever forget their heinous acts of genocide but, we must come together on who are the Illuminati. Is it the Council on Foreign Relations or the Royal Institute of International Affairs? How much do you know about The Round Table Group? Did Freemasonry create Zionism?

As we witness the groundwork for WWIII be laid, we must understand the powers of the past and how they abused it. Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill were all members of the same fraternity, the Freemasons, yet, we are to believe that WWII was nation versus nation? Couple that with the strange magical practices of Aleister Crowley and we have a near indescribable concoction. We are the pawns in this game and if we can't identify the villains and their tactics, they have us spinning around on a witch hunt! Should there be a DNA database to tell us, who runs the world?

Joe Atwill is a researcher and independent scholar. He is the author of Shakespeare's Secret Messiah and Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus. His websites are and Joe also co-hosts The Secret Society Revealed, a weekly podcast that is carried on the Revolution Radio network.

Atwill presents in Caesar's Messiah, the Flavian Roman imperial family created Christianity to pacify the militaristic opposition to their rule. Even more incredibly, they placed a literary satire within the Gospels to mark their handiwork. This symbolic framework is the hidden history of Western civilization. In his follow-up book, Shakespeare's Secret Messiah, Atwill shows how this typology was understood and employed by Marlowe and Shakespeare, and what it means for the future of the Christian world.

Books by Joseph Atwill include Caesar’s Messiah, Ulysses Press 2006,the best selling work of religious history in the US in 2007. Its German translation Das Messias Ratsel, Ulstein 2008, achieved #1 Best Seller status. The German magazine Focus published a cover article of Atwill's work in Issue #52 December 25, 2008. Caesar's Messiah Flavian Signature Edition was released in 2011, followed by a documentary in 2012, also titled Caesar's Messiah. Atwill's latest book, Shakespeare's Secret Messiah, was released in 2014 with an Introduction by Jerry Russell, PhD.

Freeman | Hidden Media Messages | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | Jan. 16, 2018


Interview start 33:20 min.

Freeman is the reason we now have a Belluminati commercial! He created the concepts of Illuminati Logos and High Profile Rituals in the media. He has been on the forefront of conspiracy theory for two decades. He is an award-winning TV producer, radio talk show host and lecturer. An expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, Illuminati symbolism, and ancient civilizations. You definitely want to watch his presentation, Aliens From Hell which is banned on YouTube. You’ll have to go to for this one folks!…

Freeman has appeared on Howard Stern, an HBO Documentary, The Discovery Channel, and even a film with Dan Fogler and Anne Hathaway!

Freeman graduated with honors in Interdisciplinary Studies and attended Kansas University, specializing in ancient architecture. And he still has time to create music with his band, Molecular!

Tonight we are going to discuss current symbology and messages in advertising and the media…all of it… and a little cloning, transhumanism and social engineering for good measure. The Freeman Fly way.

Greg Reese | Bitcoin Blockchain and a QAnon Coup | Freeman TV | Jan. 15, 2018


Will it take a military coup over the deep state and Blockchain A.I. to bring humanity to a pure democracy? Will cryptocurrency and blockchain technology transform how we reach consensus in politics, finance, and the ecology of the planet? Bitcoin's energy requirements have surpassed over 150 nation's annual energy usage! Will The Matrix come true and humanity becomes the batteries of the Artificial Intelligence driven by the unhackable system powering cryptocurrencies?

Jim Marrs | Who Rules The World? | Freeman TV


Jim Marrs joins Freeman Fly on the premiere episode of Radio Freeman on American Freedom Radio November 9th 2010. Jim, you will be greatly missed.

James Perloff | 9/11 The Israel Connection | Freeman TV | July 15, 2017


Yes, there really were hijackers on the 9/11 planes—but not the ones we were told. When it comes to resolving the mystery of how 9/11 was executed, the Truth Movement suffers from cognitive dissonance. 9/11 was an outside job, done by Israeli operatives, but with consent and cooperation at the highest levels of the U.S. government.

James Corbett | Resistance Without Anger | Freeman TV | May 27, 2017


Can we have resistance without anger and anarchy without chaos? With A.I. technology like Watson, even lawyers are about to be obsolete. How can we possibly know what we want to be when we grow up, if we don't know what is possible in our future?

Michael Cremo | Challenging Darwin - Evolution and What's Next | Freeman TV | April, 8, 2017


If the aim of a researcher in human origins is "to find evidence for evolution," then how will such a researcher react to evidence that radically contradicts evolutionary expectations? There are many reports of evidence for extreme human antiquity. How do human origins define our political structure? Over the past two centuries researchers have found bones and artifacts showing that people like ourselves existed on earth millions of years ago.

But the scientific establishment has ignored these remarkable facts because they contradict the dominant views of human origins and antiquity. Cremo and Thompson challenge us to rethink our understanding of human origins, identity, and destiny. Forbidden Archeology takes on one of the most fundamental components of the modern scientific world view, and invites us to take a courageous first step towards a new perspective.

"The ontology of the modern scientific worldview recognizes only the existence of ordinary matter and material forces... However, we see that at various times in the history of Western science, scientists have accepted things such as subtle material elements, a nonmaterial soul, and God as part of their explanations of life and the universe." -Michael A. Cremo, Introduction to My Science, My Religion

Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. In the course of a few month's time he might be found on pilgrimage to sacred sites in India, appearing on a national television show, lecturing at a mainstream science conference, or speaking to an alternative science gathering. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality.

Michael Cremo is a member of the World Archeological Congress and the European Association of Archaeologists as well as an associate member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute specializing in history and philosophy of science.

Freddy Silva | Living Resurrection Experience | Freeman TV | Mar. 25, 2017


Based on solid evidence, this original work uncovers the origin of sacred sites, the seven laws that transform ordinary locations into portals, how the measurable energy in ancient temples induces altered states of consciousness, and why we seek out these mysterious places.
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