Showing posts with label Iran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iran. Show all posts

Scott Ritter | Putin's Gloves are Off as Kursk Offensive Crushes Ukraine | Israel-Iran War Coming? | Aug. 14, 2024

Source: Danny Haiphong youtube,

Former UN Weapons Inspector and US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer Scott Ritter joins the show to react to the latest U.S. government attempt to silence him, how the Kursk offensive is dooming Ukraine to oblivion, and what comes next for the Middle East as Israel and Iran brace for war. This stream will cover all of the most pressing world developments and provide the key geopolitical analysis needed to understand them.

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 30, 2024


Those covert wars Joseph has been warning about appear to be heating up: consider the Iranian report on the recent death of its president Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash:



New World Next Week | Globalist Succession Crisis | May 24, 2024


Story #1: Iran Launches Probe Into President’s Death In Helicopter Crash

Bell 212
Iran Begins Funerals for President Raisi, Others Killed
Are Sanctions Behind Iran’s Aviation Crisis?
“It Wasn’t Us”: Israel Issues Clarification After Iran President’s Death In Helicopter Crash
Who Is Mohammad Mokhber, Iran’s Interim President?
Turkey Says Helicopter Carrying Iran’s Raisi Did Not Emit Any Signal
15 Nations Have Made Their Position On The WHO Sovereignty Grab, Misleadingly Spun As An “Equity” Effort, Publicly Known Before The WHA Meeting Commences
Raisi Death Reshapes Iran Succession, Putting Focus on Khamenei Son

Story #2: The 77th World Health Assembly – A Decisive Moment for the Future of Global Health Cooperation

Slim Chances for Pandemic Accord by World Health Assembly – But Agreement “In Principle” on Amendments to International Health Regulations
Member States ‘Inch Closer’ to Pandemic Agreement; WHO Officials Sound Cautiously Optimistic Note
Slovakia Will Not Support New Pandemic Treaty
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Expected to Survive After Shooting
National Movement to Protect Lives From the WHO
World Council for Health Japan’s 1 Million Signature Movement
Bilderberg 24 Madrid 30May-02Jun Eurostars Suites Mirasierra

Story #3: World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab Is Stepping Down

‘Succession’ Has Nothing on Davos: Elite Conclave Mulls Next Leader
‘Succession’ TV Series
Melinda French Gates Steps Down from Gates Foundation, Retains $12.5 Billion for Additional Philanthropyv Episode 403 – Meet the World Economic Forum
What Happened to the WEF? – Questions For Corbett
The ‘New World Next Week’ Store

Scott Ritter | Iran vs Israel: What’s Next? | Apr. 16, 2024


TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with military analyst Scott Ritter.

David Icke | "Poking Iran In The Chest" - The Goal Of WW3 Is Becoming Ever More Blatant | Apr. 11, 2024


Pepe Escobar | How the US Global Order is Challenged | Nov. 20, 2023

Source: Syriana Analysis youtube

Geopolitical analyst and journalist Pepe Escobar joins Kevork Almassian to discuss the challenges facing the US-led unipolar world by growing powers such as China, Russia, and Iran.

The show starts at 3:00 min.

New World Next Week | UN Supervillains Threaten to Dim the Sun | March 3, 2023


This week on the New World Next Week: the UN admits geoengineering and proposes that they should regulate it; the latest Iran nuke hysteria is a giant nothingburger; and there is more to the new anti-CBDC bill in US congress than meets the eye.

Story #1: Solar Geoengineering Should Be Regulated, U.N. Report Says

James Corbett | Brainstorming Solutions Live on Air | Nov. 7, 2020


James joins Ernest Hancock once again for his regular weekly appearance on Declare Your Independence. This week they discuss the pre-planned (s)election chaos leading into the darkest winter of the great reset and what we can actually do to break people’s mental dependence on the system of their enslavement. Stay tuned to the end where we brainstorm a specific idea for a new campaign to be launched this month.

“Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election
Brzezinski Warns Senate Foreign Relations Committee That False Flag Event Might Kick Off War With Iran
Why schools probably aren’t COVID hotspots
Libertarianism and Boycotts
Black Market Friday

New World Next Week | Bodily Autonomy in the Corona World Order | July 2, 2020


Story #1: Colorado Adopts Mandatory Vaccinations for School Kids
Colorado SB20-163: “School Entry Immunization”
Bill Making It Illegal to Forcefully Microchip Employees Passes Michigan House
Bill Requires Employers to Keep Implanted Microchips Voluntary For Workers
Michigan HB5672: “Microchip Protection Act”

Story #2: BLM Protests Have Not Led To Spike In Coronavirus Cases
COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-Entry
CRISPR Gene Editing in Human Embryos Wreaks Chromosome Mayhem
Our CRISPR Coverage Since 2015

Story #3: Iran Issues Arrest Warrant for Trump Over Killing Soleimani
Esper Saw No Evidence Embassies Were Under Threat
‘Bombshell’: Iraqi Officials Say ISIS —Not Iran— Likely Behind Rocket Attack Trump Used to Justify Soleimani Assassination
Official ISIS Newspaper ‘Thanks God’ for Trump Killing Iran’s General Soleimani
CONFIRMED: Israeli Supplied the Key Intelligence for US Assassination of Iran’s Soleimani
Did Soleimani Kill 600 Americans? – Questions For Corbett #050
TikTok Denies Sharing Indian User Data With Chinese Government

Larry Romanoff | COVID USA | Guns & Butter


Larry Romanoff discusses many of his articles including, "China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update, Did the Virus Originate in the US? Japan, China and Taiwan Reports on the Origin of the Virus"; "Humanity at the Crossroads – Connecting the Dots to Our Brave New World";

and "Why Is the US Apparently Not Testing for the COVID-19 Coronavirus?"; six unexplained viral outbreaks in China during the trade war necessitating US imports; research into the origins of the coronavirus; gene sequencing of all of the different strains; all strains exist only in the US;

Wuhan Seafood Market not the origin of the virus; Wuhan BSL4 lab not a bioweapons lab; over 1,000 leaks from US BSL 3 and 4 labs in five years; enormous Ft. Detrick bioweapons lab shutdown for 6 months; China virus 100% Chinese specific, same with SARS;

Harvard kicked out of China for illegally collecting Chinese DNA; CDC ordered American physicians not to test for coronavirus; Italy and Iran geopolitical targets; CDC produced flawed tests and then none at all; CDC part of the US military; economic devastation.

New World Next Week | Globalist Conferences Cancelled Over Corona Crisis | April 2, 2020


Story #1: Pakistan, China and Russia Decide to Conduct Trade in Local Currencies Skip Dollars 
Russia, China Plot Against US Dollar And Pound

Story #2: Trump Warns “Heavy Price’ If Iran Attacks U.S. In Iraq
Trump Threatens Heavy Price If Iran Conducts ‘Sneak Attack' on US Troops

Story #3: COP26 Postponed
Bilderberg 2020 CANCELLED Due To Coronavirus?
The YouTube Corona Virus Task Force Roundtable Discussion
#MorningMonarchy: April 1, 202
0 Doctors Hoarding Unproven Coronavirus Meds (Chloroquine), Writing Prescriptions for Themselves and Their Families
Tabletop Drill of Virus Response Aided South Korea When The Real Thing Hit
'Immunity Passports' For ‘Key Workers’ Could Speed Up UK’s Return to Work
2001 “Dark Winter” Bioterror Simulation Videos
Media Monarchy’s Discord Chat/Stream

Joe Atwill | The Agenda Continues | Freeman TV | 2020


Is it Trump's war? Is it Trump's Space Force? Or, has this agenda been in play for over 100 years? What secret organizations are orchestrating these events? What is the agenda's true purpose? Are we on the brink of World War III?

When Joe and I spoke a year ago, the news was the first launch of Starlink by Space X, a collection of satellites set to bring wifi across the globe, the birth of the first genetically-modified children, Lulu and Nanna and the ramping up of the Space Force. This week's news is the launch of more Starlink satellites by the US Space Force, the creation of a monkey-pig hybrid to create human body parts in an animal and war with Iran. The agenda continues.

Why do they seek human longevity while also seeking humanity's destruction?

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

Joe Atwill presents in Caesar's Messiah, the Flavian Roman imperial family created Christianity to pacify the militaristic opposition to their rule. Even more incredibly, they placed a literary satire within the Gospels to mark their handiwork. This symbolic framework is the hidden history of Western civilization. In his follow-up book, Shakespeare's Secret Messiah, Atwill shows how this typology was understood and employed by Marlowe and Shakespeare, and what it means for the future of the Christian world.

Dr. Tim Anderson | The End Game In the Middle East | Jan. 15, 2020


The 21st century wars against Middle Eastern countries are bringing them together in what the author terms an ‘axis of resistance’ that includes Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen; what is most feared by American and Israeli strategists is an Iranian Land Bridge consisting of infrastructural links and integration between Tehran and the Mediterranean, including road, rail, communications, oil and gas pipelines and defense collaboration;

characterization of empires and imperialism; the nature of Iran’s leadership role; Russia’s role within the ‘axis of resistance’ and its relationship with Israel; all terrorist groups have been backed by the US-led coalition; final stages of the failed war on Syria; devastating economic sanctions on the entire region; White Helmets; human organ trafficking; all claims of chemical weapon use by the Syrian government a fabrication; war on Syria was never a civil war; the assassination of Iranian General Soleimani and Iraqi Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and others have resulted in a call to expel US forces from the entire region.

Did Soleimani Kill 600 Americans? - Questions For Corbett | Jan. 10, 2020


Everyone has heard by now that Soleimani was responsible for 600 American deaths . . . but where does this oddly specific number come from? Today on "Questions For Corbett," James finds the answer at the bottom of a barrel of neocon lies.

Show Notes:
Interview 1506 – Ryan Cristian on the Assassination of Soleimani
State Department briefing on 600 deaths report
Iran killed more US troops in Iraq than previously known, Pentagon says
Lies About Iran Killing US Troops in Iraq Are a Ploy to Justify War
Episode 002 – WWIII Starts in Iran

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 9, 2020


While all eyes are focused on the Iranian-American relations lately, there's a little story over at Zero Hedge, which may have huge long term implications...

Russia Proposes To Secure Iraqi Airspace With S-400 Air Defense.

Press for Truth | IRAN PLANE CRASH, Trump Calls For PEACE And The FUTURE of Iran/US Relations - What You NEED To Know! | Jan. 9, 2020


Trump calls for peace…for now. Yesterday the Iranians fired missiles into Iraq targeting US bases in retaliation for the assassination of their top general Qasem Soleimani which resulted in zero casualties causing some to speculate that Iran saved face by “appearing” to fight aggression with aggression but in reality was attempting to de escalate the situation.

Meanwhile a Ukrainian airliner crashed in the region which appears to have been shot down in a possible case of collateral damage, which was not mentioned in Donald Trump’s speech today as he urged the two nations to work towards achieving peace. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth interviews Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media about all the latest developments in the Middle East, where US/Iranian relations may go from here and who exactly is pulling all the strings when it comes to escalating tensions for the purposes of going to war.

The Corbett Report | The Assassination of Soleimani: What You Need to Know | Jan. 7, 2020


Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond joins us to discuss his ongoing coverage of the situation surrounding the events that led to the assassination of Soleimani. What is the context of this event, how are we being lied to, and what does it mean for the future of the middle east? Don’t miss this important conversation on the key geopolitical crisis of 2020.

Show Notes:
The Last American Vagabond
Lies About Iran Killing US Troops in Iraq Are a Ploy to Justify War
Soleimani Was in Baghdad on Mission for Saudi Peace
Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani
Russian foreign minister stresses that Soleimani’s killing violates international law
US Intelligence Reportedly Gives Israel Green Light To Assassinate Iran’s Top General
Iraq Votes To Expel US Troops As Iranian MPs Chant “Death To America”

Michel Chossudovsky | US Foreign Policy In Shambles: NATO and the Middle East | July 17, 2019


Michel Chossudovsky discusses the recent US/Iran clash in the Persian Gulf; Iran’s capability as a military power; the breakup of the Gulf Cooperation Council; the Al-Udeid military base in Qatar the largest US base in the Middle East, and Qatar an ally of Iran; the flop of the proposed Middle East Strategic Alliance, also known as the Arab NATO;

the July 2016 failed coup d’etat against Turkish President Erdogan; the US/Israel/Turkey “triple alliance” now a Turkey/Iran/Russia “triple entente”; Turkey’s purchase of the Russian S-400 missile defense shield constitutes its de facto exit from NATO; the geopolitical realignment of the Middle East and its repercussions on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Nader discusses Iran shooting down of the U.S. drone with military experts & analysts | June 30, 2019


Following the shootdown of a U.S. drone over Iran's territorial waters and the controversies after that, Nader Talebzadeh is going to have a comprehensive discussion with three prominent experts in Nader's Show;

Dr. Scott Bennett, ex-U.S. army 11th Psychological Operations Battalion and a researcher at the Heritage Foundation

Pepe Escobar, a prominent correspondent for Asia Times and an analyst for RT

Michael Maloof, ex-senior security policy analyst for the U.S. Secretary of Defense and a specialized trainer for border guards and Special Forces, also Director of the Technology Security Operations for the U.S. Department of Defense

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 20, 2019


Angela Merkel has an attack of the shakes during a state visit:
WATCH: Angela Merkel filmed shaking during German national anthem

After this, she states she see's strong evidence of Iran's involvement in the tanker attacks:
Merkel Sees ‘Strong Evidence’ Iran Attacked Gulf Oil Tankers

But the Netherlands and Japan, who own the tankers, aren't buying the narrative:
Japanese Tanker Owner Says U.S. Is Wrong About Gulf Attack

So Mr. Trump now claims to have irrefutable scientific proof that Iran today shot down a U.S. drone, and is promising a response. But there's a catch, he claims someone in the Iranian chain of command made a big blunder.

Meanwhile, India is now deploying elements of the Indian Navy to the Persian Gulf:
India deploys warships to Persian Gulf amid rising tensions between US and Iran (PHOTOS)
Japanese Tanker Owner Says U.S. Is Wrong About Gulf Attack
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