Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts

New World Next Week | Whistleblower Reveals US Cover Up of Israeli War Crimes | June 7, 2024


Story #1: State Dept Official Resigns Over “Falsified” Report Claiming Israel Not Blocking Gaza Aid

Biden: People Have ‘Every Reason’ To Believe Netanyahu Is Prolonging Gaza War To Stay in Power
Reports Suggest Israel Is Gearing Up for Lebanon War

Story #2: China “Prepositioning” for Future Cyberattacks – and New NSA Chief Is Worried

Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes
First Draft of UN Cybercrime Convention Drops Troubling Provisions, But Dangerous And Open-Ended Cross Border Surveillance Powers Are Still on the Table
CyberPolygon Technical Training
Beyond Pegasus: The Bigger Picture of Israeli Cyber Spying
Wyden to Block Senate Vote on New NSA, Cyber Command Lead
U.S. Disables Chinese Hacking Operation That Targeted Critical Infrastructure
Leaked Hacking Documents Show China’s Focus on Tracking Ethnic Minorities
Critical Infrastructure

Meet Benjamin Netanyahu, Unconvicted War Criminal | The Corbett Report | May 14, 2024


The International Criminal Court is supposedly mulling war crimes charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other high-ranking Israeli political and military officials. But what reason could they possibly have for charging Netanyahu with war crimes? Uncover all the dirt on the unindicted war criminal presiding over Israel’s crimes against humanity in this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast. 

Time Reference: 

00:23 Israel lashes out at possible ICC warrants as “outrage of historic proportions”
04:16 Bibi: My Story
04:36 The Resistible Rise of Benjamin Netanyahu
05:26 Can the ICC Actually Arrest Netanyahu?
09:05 Agnellis, Rothschilds close in on Economist
09:09 Could the International Criminal Court indict Binyamin Netanyahu?
10:24 US Working To Prevent ICC Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu
11:49 Victor’s Justice: The Truth About the International Criminal Court
12:06 Episode 261 – International Law?
13:34 Who Is Benjamin Netanyahu?
13:44 The Rise of Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu | NowThis World
14:05 Netanyahu at War (full documentary) | FRONTLINE
14:22 From Soldier to Statesman : Biography of Benjamin Netanyahu
17:20 Bibi in the gas mask (CNN January 18, 1991)
19:39 Likud’s Late Grandfather
21:08 1946 King David Hotel Bombing
24:04 PM Netanyahu’s Remarks at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center Event Marking Israel’s 70th Anniversary
24:55 Zionism’s Terrorist Heritage
28:23 Corbett Report Radio 214 – Israel’s Nuclear Smuggling with Grant F. Smith
32:00 Bibi’s bribery case
32:04 What is the latest on Netanyahu’s corruption trial?
34:26 Charter of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East
37:11 Israeli Perspective on Conflict with Iraq
40:17 False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
43:04 Sept. 11 Was Good For Israel – Benjamin Netanyahu
44:50 Israel PM Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu Address to United Nations Sept 27, 2012
45:17 Watch Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s full speech to Congress
46:03 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives statement on Iran Nuclear Deal
46:40 Israel – Prime Minister Addresses United Nations General Debate, 78th Session
47:58 Israel election 2019: Netanyahu vows to annex West Bank settlements | DW News
48:28 West Bank settler expansion: a year on the frontline
49:45 Inside Israeli Apartheid
50:18 ‘Absolute Apartheid’: Israeli general joins chorus of voices condemning persecution of Palestinians
50:54 ‘That sounds like ethnic cleansing’: CNN questions lead figure in Israel’s settler movement
51:42 Israeli Settlers Are Terrorizing Palestinians In Record Numbers
52:37 Palestine Remix – Israeli Brutality Caught on Tape
54:59 Statement by PM Netanyahu Regarding Operation Protective Edge
55:36 ‘Operation Protective Edge’ is underway in Israel
56:22 Gaza Conflict Takes Heavy Toll on Palestinian Children
56:49 Gaza conflict: Israel & Hamas face allegations of war crimes – BBC News
57:22 U.N. Human Rights Official Accuses Israel, Hama Of War Crimes
57:42 Gaza: Israel strike kills four boys on beach | Channel 4 News
58:52 Israhell and the Hannibal Directive – #NewWorldNextWeek
59:53 ‘Cold-blooded massacre’: Israeli forces kill over 104 aid seekers in Gaza
1:00:10 Israeli government under fire after airstrike kills aid workers
1:00:34 Israel likely violated international humanitarian law in Gaza war, U.S. report says
1:01:03 Children in Gaza dying from “malnutrition and disease, Blinken set to meet Arab leaders in Cairo

Scott Ritter | Iran vs Israel: What’s Next? | Apr. 16, 2024


TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with military analyst Scott Ritter.

David Icke | "Poking Iran In The Chest" - The Goal Of WW3 Is Becoming Ever More Blatant | Apr. 11, 2024


The Corbett Report | Is Opposing Israel Anti-Semitic? - Questions For Corbett | Mar. 11, 2024



The genocide in Gaza continues and world reaction is turning against the state of Israel. But does this mean the world is growing anti-semitic? Join James for an important exploration of the situation in Palestine and why there can be no exceptions made for anyone when it comes to basic morality.


March Open Thread
Time Reference: 00:33

Time Reference: 04:09

Will the Al-Aqsa Flood Drown Us All? – #NewWorldNextWeek
Time Reference: 07:17

Israel’s 9/11 on The Last American Vagabond<
Time Reference: 08:09

Israel, Propaganda and Apocalypse on The Truth Expedition
Time Reference: 08:52

Israhell and the Hannibal Directive – #NewWorldNextWeek
Time Reference: 09:22

Episode 455 – The 7th Annual Fake News Awards
Time Reference: 10:05

Israel to Face Trial for Genocide? – #NewWorldNextWeek
Time Reference: 10:38

Interview 1869 – The Flour Massacre and the Gaza Holocaust (NWNW 547)
Time Reference: 11:17

Israel Bombs Areas of Southern Gaza Where It Told Palestinians To Flee
Time Reference: 12:16

חדשות האמת (Truth News)
Time Reference: 15:53

Israeli Apartheid: “A Threshold Crossed”<
Time Reference: 26:58

Max Igan | Terrorism is Made in Israel | Feb. 20, 2024


Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Maximum Propaganda & Billions More For Israel/Ukraine | Feb. 14, 2024



Henrik cover some of the latest absurd propaganda in No-Go Zone February 14, 2024.

New World Next Week | Israel to Face Trial for Genocide? | Jan. 18, 2023



Max Igan | Subdued Minds Scorched Earth | Dec. 6, 2023


Whitney Webb | The WEF & The End of Online Privacy | March 14, 2023



In this video, Whitney delves deep into the WEF's Partnership Against Cybercrime and how its efforts are aimed at eliminating financial and online privacy to pave the way for CBDCs and complete online surveillance.

Links discussed:
Main article discussed
Ending Anonymity: Why the WEF’s Partnership Against Cybercrime Threatens the Future of Privacy (Part 2 of series)
A Catastrophic Mutating Event Will Strike the World in 2 Years, Report Says
Former Biden adviser says a digital dollar could “crowd out” private cryptos and improve national security | Kitco News
Ending Anonymity: Why the WEF’s Partnership Against Cybercrime Threatens the Future of Privacy (Part 2 of series)
WEF Warns of Cyber Attack Leading to Systemic Collapse of the Global Financial System (Part 1 of series)
Board of Directors
2020 Carnegie – International Strategy to Better Protect the Financial SystemAgainst Cyber Threats
Partnership against Cybercrime | World Economic Forum
Chainalysis for Crypto Investigations – Chainalysis
About Us – Chainalysis
Tal Goldstein – Agenda Contributor | World Economic Forum
Global Cyber Alliance | World Economic Forum
CIA and Mossad-linked Surveillance System Quietly Being Installed Throughout the US
From “Event 201” to “Cyber Polygon”: The WEF’s Simulation of a Coming “Cyber Pandemic”
Who Is A “Terrorist” In Biden’s America?
GCA Partners. Become a Partner. Global Cyber Alliance
With Grenell Appointment, the Israel Lobby’s Foothold on US Intelligence Grows Even Stronger
National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace
Are You Ready for a Driver’s License for the Internet?
Christopher Painter
Christopher Painter – Center for Internet Security
Chris Painter – Cybersecurity Expert – Stern Strategy Group
Online ID Verification Plan Carries Risks – The New York Times
Chris Painter – The Aspen Institute
Israel Blurs the Line Between Defense Apparatus and Local Cybersecurity Hub – CTech

Whitney Webb On Pegasus And The Depths Of Global Israeli Spying Industry | July 23, 2021



Welcome to the MintCast Podcast -- an interview series featuring dissenting voices the establishment would rather silence. I’m your host Mnar Adley.

On this MintCast podcast, investigative journalist Whitney Webb joins me to discuss Pegasus, NSO Group, Toka and the global Israeli cyberspying network.

Whitney Webb | Israel's Entryism to Create a Binational Security State with US | July 21, 2021


Lowkey -- Activist, rapper and host of the new MintPress Podcast show, 'The Watchdog', is joined by journalist Whitney Webb to examine the IDF’s military intelligence Unit 8200, which gave birth to the NSO group responsible for Pegasus Spyware, and how Israel’s national security state is merging with that of the United States to target free speech and dissent.

Pegasus spyware targeted politicians, journalists & human rights activists | July 19, 2021

Source: RT America 

Software developed by Israeli surveillance company NSO has been used to spy on thousands of people across 50 countries, including heads of state, politicians and government officials, business executives, human rights activists and journalists. RT America’s Alex Mihailovich has the story. Investigative journalist Ben Swann and former UK MP George Galloway then join In Question to discuss the scandal.

New World Next Week | People Rising in Solidarity Against ZioMedia | May 21, 2021


Story #1: AT&T In ‘Advanced’ Talks To Combine HBO, CNN, Discovery And Other Media Assets
Room 641A
Buycotts – #SolutionsWatch
Conspiracy Theory Rock – A Banned Segment from Saturday Night Live 

Story #2: Palestinians Stage Historic Strike Over Israeli Abuses, Gaza Bombing

‘We Are United As a People’: Palestinians Celebrate Historic Strike, Urge Supporters to ‘Keep Momentum Going’
The Spirit of 1936
RSF Asks ICC Prosecutor to Say Whether Israeli Airstrikes on Media In Gaza Constitute War Crimes
Journalist Reports Live From Gaza As Neighbouring Building Hit By Israel Airstrike
Taboo On Saying ‘Apartheid’ Is Suddenly Over In U.S. Mainstream — Thanks to AOC, Bush, Oliver, Reid, Velshi
Killing Gaza
Biden OKs Sale Of $735M In Missiles to Israel, Incl. Same Type Used to Strike Gaza Tower
Biden Approves $735M Weapons Sale to Israel, Raising Red Flags for Some House Democrats
Biden’s $735 Million Arms Sale to Israel to Include Missile Type That Hit Gaza Tower

Story #3: OSHA Tells Employers They May Be Liable For Adverse Reactions’ Over Vax Mandate

Employers May Be Liable For ‘Any Adverse Reaction’ From Mandated Coronavirus Shots
PDF: “Job Safety and Health – It’s The Law!”
WEF: Get Your COVID-19 Jab – Or You Could Face Consequences From Your Employer
Biden Administration Seizes Texas Land for Border Wall Construction
‘Fight Club’: Raymond K Hessel Motivation Scene

The Corbett Report | Forging Vaccine Passports – #SolutionsWatch | April 22, 2021


We all know that vaccine passports are the end of human liberty, but what do we do about it? As usual, the black market is stepping into provide AN answer, but is it THE answer? Join James for this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch as he examines whether fake certificates and sink-squirting doctors are the real, structural solution to this emerging problem.

Show Notes:
Episode 375 – Corona World Order
Who Is Bill Gates?
Naomi Wolf: Vaccine Passports Are The “End Of Human Liberty In The West”
‘Freedom Movement’ Campaign to Showcase Model ‘Freedom Compact’ Legislation and Executive Orders
The Great Reset Conspiracy Smoothie
Forged Israeli vaccination certificates on New World Next Week
Fake Covid-19 Certificates Hit Airlines, Which Now Have To Police Them

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 14, 2021


An unusual day today because we will be talking briefly about two stories; the first out of Israel, as geopolitical fallout from the selection of Biden continues, and the second from the USA, and a grieving wife:


Whitney Webb | The CTI League, The Maxwell Sisters, & Israeli Intelligence | Sept. 6, 2020

Source: The Higherside Chats,,

Returning guest, Whitney Webb, is an independent journalist investigating some of the deepest, darkest rabbitholes there are. She is currently a staff writer for the Last American Vagabond, and previously wrote for MintPress News and Ben Swann's Truth In Media.

Whitney is also the very deserving 2019 winner of the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism. And has launched a great new website recently @

Joe Atwill | The Agenda Continues | Freeman TV | 2020


Is it Trump's war? Is it Trump's Space Force? Or, has this agenda been in play for over 100 years? What secret organizations are orchestrating these events? What is the agenda's true purpose? Are we on the brink of World War III?

When Joe and I spoke a year ago, the news was the first launch of Starlink by Space X, a collection of satellites set to bring wifi across the globe, the birth of the first genetically-modified children, Lulu and Nanna and the ramping up of the Space Force. This week's news is the launch of more Starlink satellites by the US Space Force, the creation of a monkey-pig hybrid to create human body parts in an animal and war with Iran. The agenda continues.

Why do they seek human longevity while also seeking humanity's destruction?

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

Joe Atwill presents in Caesar's Messiah, the Flavian Roman imperial family created Christianity to pacify the militaristic opposition to their rule. Even more incredibly, they placed a literary satire within the Gospels to mark their handiwork. This symbolic framework is the hidden history of Western civilization. In his follow-up book, Shakespeare's Secret Messiah, Atwill shows how this typology was understood and employed by Marlowe and Shakespeare, and what it means for the future of the Christian world.

Dr. Tim Anderson | The End Game In the Middle East | Jan. 15, 2020


The 21st century wars against Middle Eastern countries are bringing them together in what the author terms an ‘axis of resistance’ that includes Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen; what is most feared by American and Israeli strategists is an Iranian Land Bridge consisting of infrastructural links and integration between Tehran and the Mediterranean, including road, rail, communications, oil and gas pipelines and defense collaboration;

characterization of empires and imperialism; the nature of Iran’s leadership role; Russia’s role within the ‘axis of resistance’ and its relationship with Israel; all terrorist groups have been backed by the US-led coalition; final stages of the failed war on Syria; devastating economic sanctions on the entire region; White Helmets; human organ trafficking; all claims of chemical weapon use by the Syrian government a fabrication; war on Syria was never a civil war; the assassination of Iranian General Soleimani and Iraqi Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and others have resulted in a call to expel US forces from the entire region.

Christopher Bollyn | Exposing the Ongoing Cover Up of 9/11


Christopher Bollyn’s new book, “Solving 9/11: The Articles Volume II”, includes all of his research since 2012; extended discussion of CIA Executive Director on 9/11, A. B. “Buzzy” Krongard, his ties to 9/11 and the 9/11 wars, his thirty years with Alex Brown, the likely origin of the United Airlines put options and its ties to Israel; Deutsche Bank; Press Secretary to George W. Bush, Ari Fleischer, crafts Bush’s message to the nation;

Fleischer’s brother Michael heads privatization of Iraq; International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS); ICTS and the Betar Brigades in China; the Odigo Instant Messaging System; Comverse and Amdocs; control software on US airport computers; FBI put in charge of Pentagon site on 9/11; LVI Services; peculiar similarities between 9/11 and the assassination of RFK and JFK; Henry Crown family; why first responders are dying.
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