Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Aug. 30, 2018


There's big news from Russia and Japan, and I mean big news:

Article: Orient express: Japan tests freight transportation across Russia via Trans–Siberian Railway

Newsbud | Mind Hack with Jeff DeRiso | Winning the Battle to Control Your Mind | May 19, 2017

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

In this week’s edition of Mind Hack, Jeff DeRiso looks at an achievement by Japanese researchers using brain waves to decode human speech. He also examines a US Defense Industry insider’s view of advances in neuroscience and bioweaponry. Also, we’ll examine how the dynamics of power can act as a control mechanism of human behavior, and the ways to connect with other humans despite our cognitive biases toward self-preservation.

Show Notes:
Japanese scientists know what you are about to say
Weaponizing the Brain: Neuroscience Advancements Spark Debate
Flashback: Stanford Prison Experiment
The Problem of Psychological Asymmetry

Newsbud | Russian-Led Military Alliance Gears to Challenge NATO in Eurasia, as Russia-Japan Draw Closer | Prof. Filip Kovacevic | Dec. 18, 2016


In this eleventh edition of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the front-page articles from four Russian newspapers: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Izvestia, and Trud. He focuses on the current state of negotiations between the Russian president Vladimir Putin and the Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe, the geopolitical and military situation in Syria after the fall of Aleppo, the Russian-led military alliance (ODKB) plans to challenge NATO in Eurasia, the new Russian government strategy of scientific and research development until 2035, and the recent false statements on Russian economy by the Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev who, Professor Kovacevic believes, is on his way out of the government.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Dec. 15, 2016

Source:'s finally happening... Vladimir Putin has become the first Russian head of state to visit Japan. But there's something lurking between the lines of this article: 'Onsen summit': Vladimir Putin meets with Japan's Shinzo Abe to 'heal rifts

Joshua Blakeney | Japan Bites Back: Allied Demonization of the Empire of the Sun | Hour 1 | March 23, 2015


March 23, 2015–Joshua Blakeney is a freelance journalist originally from the UK based in Canada. He has been Press TV's Canadian correspondent since April 2012. He is a co-host of The Real Deal radio show and co-founder of Non-Aligned Media. In 2014, after extensive archival research at the Diet National Library in Japan, Blakeney published Japan Bites Back: Documents Contextualizing Pearl Harbor, the topic of our discussion.

Joshua begins with an overview of his journey into the world of WWII revisionist history, a subject that is far less taboo in Japan than it is in the west. He speaks about the backdrop of Japan as the perceived aggressor in the Pearl Harbor operation, and the threat of communism that went against Japan’s unique, homogenized and autonomous way of living.

Joshua explains the history of Japan’s interests in preserving the Asiatic agrarian societies and the need to expel White influence. Then, we compare Pan-Asianist ideology to Iran’s attempt to unify its region today. Joshua makes connections to false flag events such as Pearl Harbor and origins of wars that have been interpreted in a fraudulent manner.

download hour 1 mp3

7.1 EarthQuake/Japan/Lukima Cat 3 Typhoon, October 25, 2013

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

Solar Warning. Double X-Flares

The New World Order - A 6000 Year History

Source: ufotvstudios youtube,

Description: Now presenting a detailed and complete 6000 year history of the New World Order and the Illuminati. Includes the history of the Secret Societies, Ancient Beliefs and the Matrix of Control that has shaped human history for thousands of years. Also includes for the first time, a documented history of the true birth of the Illuminati and finally, its affect on the world today.

Okinawa: A Pawn in the China-US-Japan Imperialist Game, May 9, 2013


Japan's ownership of an entire archipelago in the East China Sea may be up for review - not by Tokyo, but by Beijing. The Okinawa Islands chain is home to sprawling US military bases, and tens of thousands of American troops. The People's Daily - considered a mouthpiece of China's Communist party - all but laid claim to the archipelago in an article written by academics. Japan quickly hit back, denouncing the paper as a political tool and declaring its ownership of Okinawa beyond doubt. It's the latest territorial dispute marring relations between the two Asian powers - both are also locked into contest over another island chain. Read more on

Strong quake hits off coast of northeastern Japan, December 7, 2012


(Reuters) - A strong earthquake centered off the coast of northeastern Japan shook buildings as far as Tokyo and led to a tsunami warning for coastal areas of the northeast, public broadcaster NHK said on Friday.

The earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.3, the U.S. Geological Survey said, adding that there was no risk of a widespread tsunami. That was revised from an earlier estimate of 7.4.

A warning for a one-meter tsunami was issued for the coast of Miyagi Prefecture in northeastern Japan, which was hit by a devastating earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

That quake triggered fuel-rod meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant, causing radiation leakage, contamination of food and water and mass evacuations in the world's worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986.

The government declared in December that the disaster was under control, but much of the area is still free of population.

Tokyo Electric Power Co, the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, reported no irregularities at its nuclear plants after the latest quake.

Typhoon Guchol Slams Japan & Fukushima Update, June 19, 2012

Typhoon Gychol Slams Japan A typhoon has roared through the main island of Japan, bringing heavy rain and strong winds to many areas.

Strange UFO's Filmed in Japan

Amazing footage of a UFO that released multiple orbs into clouds above Hikone (Shiga Prefecture, Japan). This video shows three of the orbs before they disappeared into the cloud cover. What do you think they are? Take a look at the existing evidence and make your own decision..
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