Showing posts with label Matt Landman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matt Landman. Show all posts

Matt Landman | Non-Human Spiritual Warfare: Geoengineering, Transhuman World & Regaining Our Sovereignty | Aug. 7, 2024

Source: eyondtheForbiddenTV youtube,,, 

Matt Landman | Living with Radiation: Advice for Living in the Hyper-Digital World | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


You eat organic and non-GMO food. You only drink purified water. You take care of yourself and your family's health. But could there be a silent, invisible danger causing potential harm to you and your loved ones? There could. And it's called electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation and it's one of fastest growing health issues facing our society. EMF radiation produced by modern technology such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, Wi-Fi, and smart meters is an emerging health threat, and we are all guinea pigs in a giant experiment with many unknown consequences.

But aren't these technologies regulated and safe?

Is there a solution?

And what about 5G? The next generation wireless access technology.

Matt Landman grew up in the suburbs of Washington DC where he studied business and received a Bachelors degree in Marketing Management from Virginia Tech in 2003. Matt relocated to California where he worked in Finance and studied film at California State University of Humboldt and earned a Masters degree in Business Administration with a focus in Strategic Sustainability in 2010.

After various careers in business and finance, Matt left the corporate world to be an organic farmer where he unknowingly had actually began his career as an activist. Working outdoors and dependent upon the elements, Matt witnessed weather engineering in Northern California as the region suffered from a historic and catastrophic drought.

The realization that the weather was being manipulated via atmospheric aerosol dispersal changed Matt's life forever as he inevitably decided to devote his existence to exposing the hidden agenda in 2015.

Since this commitment, Matt hosted the first Annual Global Chemtrail Summit in Vancouver Canada in May of 2016 and then again in May of 2017. In June of 2017 Matt released the groundbreaking documentary, Frankenskies and has since been promoting the exposure of the film and working on the film's sequel.

Matt will be hosting the third Annual Global Chemtrail Summit in Tucson, Arizona May 2018, which is a fitting location considering the public launch of solar geoengineering / chemtrails as a solution to global warming. Matt continues to inspire others to bring awareness to geoengineering where many feel much scrutiny and transparency is needed.

Matt Landman | Time To Stop 5G | The Vinny Eastwood Show | Apr. 22, 2019


Matt Landman | A Prison Made Of Light | Freeman TV


With the ongoing wave of wireless tech, smart devices and now 5G infrastructure and deployment, levels of cumulative non-ionizing radiation are reaching limits hazardous to human health.

Speak your truth even if your voice shakes.

Spero Protection Clothing will consist of garments lined with metal fabric such as nickel, silver, copper and steel. The metal acts as an armor of protection from microwave EMF / RF radiation. The clothing line will become a vehicle for funding future activism and is purely designed to serve humanity. Protection Clothing GoFundMe

Climate scientists are currently advocating a ‘strike first’ preemptive move against climate change and global warming although you probably won’t have heard much about it. The plan is to block the sun, akin to mimicking a volcanic eruption, which is why it’s called The Mount Pinatubo Effect which would implement an ongoing aerosol injection campaign in the atmosphere in order to veil incoming SUNLIGHT.

Lack of public information shielded by an abundance of confusion tactics, misinformation, outright denial, and euphemistic terminology have worked so far to hide the facts. But those demanding to know the truth have been paying careful attention to the evolution of the terminology surrounding what many of us have known up to now as ‘chemtrails’. Language does indeed matter.

The media even coined the term Secret Large-scale Aerosol Program (SLAP) as a dead end for people new to the subject. Little did we know then that the regime was just buying itself a bit more time before launching its crazy scheme this coming spring.

According to experts, there is no such thing as chemtrails in the skies, and what we see is actually contrails coming out from aircraft. However, conspiracy theorists strongly believe that governments are secretly spraying chemicals in the skies for various reasons including weather control, solar radiation management, psychological manipulation, and human population control.

Climate scientists, however, are very divided as to what causes global warming. Similarly, it is not understood what the effects of geoengineering intervention are or will be, nor how nature will react. The level of unpredictability calls for risk assessment analysis that focuses on the probable outcomes.

Matt Landman | Geoengineering, EMF Radiation, 5G, & Frequency | March 28, 2019


Matt Landman of Frankenskies fame joins THC once again. This time to talk about his latest research into 5G, EMF radiation, smart cities, frequencies, and more.

Matt Landman | Frankensky: Dissecting the New Homomutatus [Man-Made] Sky | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


We've all heard the story of Frankenstein. Frankenstein is a scientist who creates and brings to life a manlike monster which eventually turns on him and destroys him. If you listen to this program, I'm sure you know our sky is no longer normal, although most people accept it that way.

Did you know there is a new scientific term for the new sky and the 12 new types of clouds added to the Cloud Atlas? It's called Homomutatus sky. Man-made sky. Or shall we call it, Frankensky. During our discussion we discuss the chronology, the possible participants and their technology, the purpose, the outcome, 5G, and how we can take care of our health in order to mitigate the results.

Matt Landman grew up in the suburbs of Washington DC where he studied business and received a Bachelors degree in Marketing Management from Virginia Tech in 2003. Matt relocated to California where he worked in Finance and studied film at California State University of Humboldt and earned a Masters degree in Business Administration with a focus in Strategic Sustainability in 2010.

After various careers in business and finance, Matt left the corporate world to be an organic farmer where he unknowingly had actually began his career as an activist. Working outdoors and dependent upon the elements, Matt witnessed weather engineering in Northern California as the region suffered from a historic and catastrophic drought.

The realization that the weather was being manipulated via atmospheric aerosol dispersal changed Matt's life forever as he inevitably decided to devote his existence to exposing the hidden agenda in 2015. Since this commitment, Matt hosted the first Annual Global Chemtrail Summit in Vancouver Canada in May of 2016 and then again in May of 2017.

In June of 2017 Matt released the groundbreaking documentary, Frankenskies and has since been promoting the exposure of the film and working on the film's sequel. Matt will be hosting the third Annual Global Chemtrail Summit in Tucson, Arizona May 2018, which is a fitting location considering the public launch of solar geoengineering / chemtrails as a solution to global warming. Matt continues to inspire others to bring awareness to geoengineering where many feel much scrutiny and transparency is needed.
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