Showing posts with label Mintpress News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mintpress News. Show all posts

Josephine Guildbeau | Military Intel Officer Speaks Out: Ukraine, Gaza, and Why I Left The Service | Aug. 15, 2024

Source: MintPress News youtube

Tonight on State of Play we are joined by Josephine Guilbeau, former US Army Combat Medic turned decade-long Military Intelligence Officer.

She has worked as an All-Source intelligence analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in Washington D.C, as a Cyber Operations Officer during the Afghan War, and has recently left a multi-six-figure government contractor job to advocate and organize against the US War Machine.
We discuss her gradual disillusionment through the Global War on Terror, the War in Ukraine to which she had analytical taskings, and finally the genocide in Gaza.

We also discuss US Military capabilities, readiness ratings, and how you can agitate against the Military Industrial Complex.

MintPress News | The Most Censored Stories of The Year! | Feb. 9, 2023


Lee Camp with Director of Project Censored Andy Lee Roth.

Mintpress News | Eric Schmidt Cashes in on Artificial Intelligence Arms Race | Sept. 20, 2021


As the Pentagon drives a hi-tech arms race to maintain its global military superiority, ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt is the man at the center. Behind The Headlines’ Dan Cohen investigates how the US empire’s drive to control the world using Silicon Valley technology creates the possibility of a devastating war.

Mintpress News | Vanessa Beeley | Biden's 1.7 Ton Bombs Dropped on Syria Amid Pandemic | March 15, 2021


Welcome to MintCast -- an interview series featuring dissenting voices the establishment would rather silence. I’m your host Mnar Muhawesh Adley.

Within just three months in office amid a global pandemic, the Joe Biden administration recently ordered an airstrike that dropped 1.75 tons of explosives on a town in Syria near the Iraq border. The move is re-inflaming tensions between Washington and Damascus as the war enters its 10th year.

Joining me today to discuss the latest on the ground in Syria is Vanessa Beeley.

Vanessa is an independent British journalist based in Damascus and specializing in Middle Eastern affairs. She is perhaps best known for her coverage of the Syrian Civil War and the Western media propaganda machine drawing up support for a so-called humanitarian war against Syria.
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