Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts

John Lenard Walson | Moon Footage January 2016

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

Welcome to V-A-S-T video advanced space telescope By John lenard walson I DO want to share the way I film with the world I have been told by Robert Kiviat this is in production but its taking so long to do the film I feel people should know it only cost $300 to get a telescope off ebay and with my invention you can double a 8 inch to safely be the same power as a 14 to 16 inch I have done this and film the moon with no loss of quality. My wish is to bring these Elements to the front of our vision and space and time I have called my invention V.A.S.T (video advanced space telescope) -John Lenard Walson

John Lenard Walson | Moon & UFO Footage January 2016

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

The really interesting stuff begins at: 2:00 min.

John Lenard Walson | Caught On Tape | Moon Footage | Nov. 24, 2015

Source: John Lenard Walson youtube

Watch in HD.

Streetcap1 | Ryder Crater Ruins on the Moon? | Nov. 9, 2015


Some of these things look ' built. ' These are still captures from a large NASA oblique photograph available online. The crater is huge and the larger white anomalies must be massive. If they are from a lost civilisation millions of years ago they must have had excellent construction skills. The Moon must have once upon a time had a breathable atmosphere. -Streetcap1  

Watch in HD.

The Moon from John Lenard Walson

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube


Crrow777 | Objects (UFOs) Shot Through Telescopes On Both Coasts of US | Oct. 8, 2015

Source: Crrow777 youtube

This clip shows objects (UFOs) shot on both coasts of the US. I also cover telescopes as many are asking what to buy in order to film the moon.

Two of the clips here were shot with a small scope and two with a large scope. Even small telescopes of 90mm or better will provide beautiful shots of the moon. Do not buy Meade scopes until they prove they are on track again. Celestron is a good way to go. -Crrow777

Jim Fetzer & Ole Dammegard | Mass Illusions: The Moon Landing, The Holocaust & The Beatles & Doubles | Hour 1 | June 3, 2015


June 3, 2015–Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth. He has published widely on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science and evolution and mentality. Ole Dammegård is an author, international speaker, investigator, former journalist, artist who is behind the website Light On Conspiracies.

Ole and Jim join us to speak about their new book collaboration called, "And I suppose we didn't go to the Moon, either?" It is a collection of essays on government lies that is intended to challenge some of our most cherished and deeply held beliefs. Our conversation begins with the first subject of the book – the Apollo 11 Moon landing. Jim takes us through a few of the vast number of anomalies in the 5,000+ photographs in existence, and he talks about the problem with the Van Allen radiation belt, which continues to be a giant obstacle for space travel today.

Ole gives his interpretation of why so many connections exist amongst various conspiracies within the government, and we discuss the backlash that is felt by researchers who decide to look into some of the most preposterous events in history. Then, we delve into the holocaust, anti-Semitism, hate speech, and the big media promotors of disinformation, as well as the deterioration of news coverage that is pushing the mainstream to alternative sources.

download hour 1 mp3

Black Objects (UFOs) Transit The Moon (not listed satellites) | Crrow777 | May 6, 2015

Source: Crrow777 youtube

This clip shows more of the black, round, haloed UFOs (shot in full spectrum) that we often film near the moon. We also have a very close view, sent in by Richard205Maria, of two of these objects.

John Lenard Walson | Astrophotographer | May 1, 2015

Source: John Lenard Walson youtube

There is more stuff out there in near earth orbit than you might think.

Crrow777 | Black Moon Object (UFO) & Jupiter In Full Spectrum | April 30, 2015

Source: Crrow777 youtube

This clip shows a black UFO with a halo crossing the moon in full spectrum. The object could not be vetted as a satellite. Also, Jupiter and the moons are shown in full spectrum. -Crrow777

Robert Morningstar | Travis Walton Movie, Secret Space Program, A Rich Man’s Trick, Moon Monoliths | Far Out Radio | April 27, 2015


Earlier in April, Robert had the opportunity to meet UFO abductee Travis Walton, the man at the center of the "Fire In The Sky" story. There is a new documentary coming out about Travis' experience titled, "Travis Walton The Movie." November 5-8, 2015 will be the 40th anniversary of Travis' experience and there will be a special event where it all happened in rural Arizona. For more information, go here...

The next topic we covered was the documentary film, "JFK to 911: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" by Francis Richard Conolly, available on YouTube. The film is extraordinary and even if you are already familiar with the JFK material, you will go places you do not expect to go. Plus, the film contains some of Robert's research! You can see the film here: JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

Last June 2014 Robert was one of the presenters at the Secret Space program in San Mateo, California. The panel was extraordinary and now all of the presentations, as well as the round table discussions are available here: Secret Space Program 2014 Playlist

And lastly we talked about the exposure Robert's monoliths on the moon material is getting. He was recently on Third Phase of the Moon show and you can enjoy that presentation here: Megalithic Structures on the Moon 2015

Crrow777 | Rare Satellites, Planes & Unknown Objects | April 12, 2015

Source: Crrow777 youtube

Filming a satellite transiting the moon is very rare and being able to identify them even rarer. Planes are shot from time to time and you can see and hear them coming. The remaining objects in this clip are unknown and by far the things that are filmed the most transiting the moon. -Crrow777

Crrow777 | Moon Mysteries | The Hundredth Monkey Radio | April 3, 2015

Source:, Crrow777 youtube

Crrow777 holds a degree in Internet Technology. Having worked in the digital field since the 90’s, Crrow has now made the commitment to pursue his passion, ufology, lunar anomaly and space anomaly research. This is a far cry from his service as a U.S. Marine during the first gulf war. Upon separation from the military spent 10 years as a roady (stage hand) working for some of the most well known music acts on the planet. In 1995 Crrow purchased the 8” robotic telescope that began his research. He recalls seeing the moons of Jupiter for the first time through this telescope – at which point he was hooked. His fascination with the unknown has never diminished.

- Fast forward to the super moon of May 2012. On this night, Crrow had gathered with family to view the moon’s closest approach to Earth for the year. It was this occasion that ended up changing everything. That night Crrow and family members witnessed “black triangles” transiting the full moon through his 8” telescope using a 26mm eyepiece. This went on for hours and culminated in the observation of 5-7 of the objects in formation. Following the night of the super moon in 2012, Crrow purchased the equipment needed to couple his camera with his telescope. He has been filming astounding HD footage ever since.

Crrow is currently best known for his hi-def videos of space based UFO’s, chemtrail UFO’S and most notably, the first and best capture of what he calls the “Lunar Wave”, which may be a façade or projection covering the moon which may hide a secret. He has filmed this event 5 times to date with another 7 recorded from other videographers. Crrow is currently working to inform the public of his findings and has stated that with the right equipment, he could change the world in a year.

Crrow777 | Shadowships Vs Birds, Strange Objects & The Lunar Wave | March 29, 2015

Source: Crrow777 youtube,

This clip shows how I vet objects filmed in front of the moon and shows the strange things we call shadowships. There is a weird object from Houston as well and some words on the lunar wave. The link below will take you to Higher Side Chats where my 1st of 10 articles is posted. This one addresses viewer questions. -Crrow777

Crrow777 | The Apollo Missions Are a Scientifically Provable Lie | March 26, 2015

Source: Crrow777 youtube

So many people still refuse to understand the truth about the NASA moon missions. The time of for this lie is coming to an end. This clip provides yet more science that proves the lie and it can be reproduced in a lab any day of the week. Anyone who continues to tell this lie is echoing the lie. It should be clear what that means - to anyone... -Crrow777

 A Stereoscopic method of verifying Apollo lunar surface images

Crrow777 | The Lunar Illusion, Space Magick & The Bigger Conspiraccy Puzzle | March 21, 2015

Source:, Crrow777 youtube

Truth seeker and investigator, Crrow777 returns to THC just a few weeks after his first appearance, to elaborate on some of the ideas we talked about last time and see just how far these aspects of the big bamboozle might actually go. It’s a personal favorite.

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John Lenard Walson | Moon Footage | Filmed with 8 Inch Scope

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

Spaceship Like Object With Thruster Engines Examined

Source: Crrow777 youtube

This clip is a review of the crazy spaceship with thrusters clip. I create new views with extra zoom and video filters to help get a better look at the strange object. Please follow my articles on the and click the link below to subscribe the author. I will send notifications as new articles are published. -Crrow777

10 Lunar Waves Filmed To Date & What We Now Know | Feb. 6, 2015

Source: Crrow777 youtube, Crow Tripplehorn

This clip contains all 10 lunar waves filmed to date and goes over what we know so far. Please follow my articles on the - Crrow777

Crow Tripplehorn has been a sky watcher for nearly 20 years, having purchased his first telescope in the 90s. For the past three years he has been a full time UFO and space anomaly investigator in southern California and in this time has become known for his UFO video work the world over. Crow is also credited with the discovery of a lunar wave phenomenon that is not yet well understood. Tripplehorn has worked hard to bring honesty and integrity to the world of UFO and anomaly investigations and is now a trusted source of information in this field. Raw Lunar 

Wave Footage Sent From Berlin Germany

John Lenard Walson | Close Moon Footage 2015

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

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