Showing posts with label NSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NSA. Show all posts

Jon Rappoport | "No One Has Asked Snowden Any Challenging Questions About His Background! Who Is He?" | Richie Allen Show


Dawn Mission Education and Communications (E/C) | Ceres Image Release - 02.25.2015

Source: Dawn Mission Education and Communications (E/C) youtube

February 25, 2015—Dwarf planet Ceres continues to puzzle scientists as NASA's Dawn spacecraft gets closer to being captured into orbit around the object. The latest images from Dawn, taken nearly 29,000 miles (46,000 kilometers) from Ceres, reveal that a bright spot that stands out in previous images lies close to yet another bright area. -Dawn Mission Education and Communications (E/C)

NSA's SIM Card Scandal Bigger Than You Think | Feb. 22, 2015


by Vladimir Platov

Stolen encryption keys are just the beginning. US NSA appears to have compromised big telecom, IT manufacturers, online banking, and even passports, starting on the factory floor.

Recent days have been marked by a record number of news stories regarding the US and its allies trying to establish total control over Internet users.

On February 16, researchers at the Moscow-based security group Kaspersky Lab announced the discovery of the ultimate virus which has virtually infected all spheres of military and civilian computing in more than 40 countries around the world. They’ve managed to discover a piece of malware that must have been installed on hard disks while they were still being manufactured, and due to its complexity and a certain number of features that it shares with Stuxnet, it’s safe to assume that it was created by US secret services.

On February 18, The Guardian confirmed that for the last 7 years Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) had been sharing personal intelligence data en masse with America’s national security agencies, regardless of the fact that it had intercepted millions of foreign citizens' conversations. The ruling of a UK court clearly suggests that these actions were illegal on top of being carried out in violation of the the European Convention on Human Rights.

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'NSA has eyes in every digital communication' | Feb. 19, 2015


Top secret documents previously provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden have revealed that the US National Security Agency (NSA) and its British counterpart, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), broke into the network of the world’s largest SIM card maker to compromise global communications. Marc Rogers, head of Security at the DEF CON hacker conference thinks that the NSA has invaded all digital communications. Read more at:

Snowden receives 'alternative Nobel Prize' 2014 (Full RLA Acceptance Speech) | Dec. 1, 2014


US whistleblower Edward Snowden has been awarded The Right Livelihood Award, commonly known as the Alternative Nobel Prize in Stockholm. His call was met with standing ovation of those present.

Uncut Chronicles: Million Mask March 2014, Nov. 6, 2014


Protests against mass surveillance, govt austerity and social injustice have taken to the streets in over 400 cities worldwide. Dubbed the Million Mask March, the third annual act of mass civil disobedience was organized by the activist group Anonymous. Read more at:

The Virtual Interview: Edward Snowden – The New Yorker Festival

Source: The New Yorker youtube

The New Yorker Festival presents Edward Snowden in conversation with Jane Mayer.

NSA built “Google-like” interface to scan 850+ billion metadata records, Aug. 25, 2014


According to newly published documents, the National Security Agency has built a “Google-like” search interface for its vast database of metadata, and the agency shares it with dozens of other American intelligence agencies. The new documents are part of the Snowden leaks and were first published on Monday by The Intercept.

The new search tool, called ICREACH, is described in an internal NSA presentation as a “large scale expansion of communications metadata shared with [intelligence community] partners.” That same presentation shows that ICREACH has been operational since the pilot launched in May 2007. Not only is data being shared to more agencies, but there are more types of such data being shared—ICREACH searches over 850 billion records.

New data types being shared include IMEI numbers (a unique identifier on each mobile handset), IMSI (another unique identifier for SIM cards), GPS coordinates, e-mail address, and chat handles, among others. Previously, such metadata was only limited to date, time, duration, called number, and calling number.

Read the full article at:

Xaviant Haze | Is Total Global Surveillance SKYNET (Terminator-like) REAL? | FarOutRadio


Skynet is REAL! - In March 2013 Xaviant Haze wrote an essay titled, “Skynet Is REAL!” In the essay he stitches together a picture that pulls together, out in the open reports and quotes that world leaders and military people that are preparing a future where wars and conflicts will be fought using robots controlled by Wi-Fi and Cloud Computing systems.

There’s even a for real “Skynet” British military computer satellite system that it currently being used to control America’s killer drones. Let’s hope and pray that Terminator 2: Judgment Day scenario does NOT come true!

James Bamford Describes His NEW Interview With Edward Snowden, Aug. 14, 2014


The US National Security Agency owns a “MonsterMind” program designed to prevent foreign cyberattacks and, also, automatically strike back, former NSA contractor Edward Snowden told Wired magazine.

In his latest revelation, Snowden said that the defense software in the works would robotically hunt for the launches of foreign cyberattacks against the US and neutralize them.
MonsterMind - unlike similar schemes that have existed for many years now - would also be capable to fire back at such attacks without any human intervention Snowden said in an extended interview with Wired’s writer James Bamford.

The new defense program, Snowden warned, could unintentionally cause serious diplomatic incidents, because many cyberattacks are routed through computers in countries that are not aware of their involvement. That means that a retaliation strike launched by the US system could lead to a conflict with the nation where the machines used by adversaries are located.

“These attacks can be spoofed,” Snowden said. “You could have someone sitting in China, for example, making it appear that one of these attacks is originating in Russia. And then we end up shooting back at a Russian hospital. What happens next?”

The NSA leaker did not specify how exactly a counterstrike would work and whether it would completely disable the attacking system.

Huge privacy concerns is another problem that MonsterMind could stir up, Snowden believes. To make the program work, the NSA would have to spy on basically spy on all private communications coming in from abroad to the US, the whistleblower explained.

“The argument is that the only way we can identify these malicious traffic flows and respond to them is if we're analyzing all traffic flows,” Snowden said. “And if we're analyzing all traffic flows, that means we have to be intercepting all traffic flows.” This, in his words, is a violation on the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution, “seizing private communications without a warrant, without probable cause or even a suspicion of wrongdoing”.

A spokesperson for the NSA declined to comment on MonsterMind, Wired wrote.

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"NSA aka No Such Amendment a grouse violation of rights" – Ex-CIA Officer, Aug. 6, 2014


It appears the US has a new whistleblower, who's leaking secrets on its surveillance programs. CNN broke the news, citing American officials. RT spoke on the issue with former CIA officer Ray Mcgovern.

Illegal Spying Below: Activists Fly Anti-Surveillance Airship over NSA's Utah Data Center

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today released a video by acclaimed documentarian Brian Knappenberger (The Internet's Own Boy) that explores how and why an unlikely coalition of advocacy organizations launched an airship over the National Security Agency's Utah data center. 

The short documentary explains the urgent need to rein in unconstitutional mass surveillance, just as the U.S. Senate has introduced a new version of the USA FREEDOM Act.

Berlin orders CIA chief out of country over US spying, July 10, 2014


The top US intelligence representative working in Germany has been asked to leave the country. It comes after two German officials in a week were revealed as American spies. RT's Peter Oliver has more on the story.

NSA's Muslim targets: Rights groups demand details, July 10, 2014

The NSA doesn't spy on only foreign citizens. The latest batch of revelations from Edward Snowden claim the agency has been targeting prominent Muslim Americans. Even though there is no evidence any of them are connected to terrorism. RT's Marina Portnaya takes us through the reaction.

William Binney NSA Whistleblower | 'NSA owns Entire Network Anywhere in the World' | July 4, 2014

Source: Read Full Script

NSA global reach is omnipresent. The US intelligence controls the entire cyber network across the globe, violating individual piracy by storing endless data on its increasingly enlarged servers, former NSA crypto-mathematician, William Binney, told RT. Read Full Script

You were first William. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. Thank you William!

NSA can spy on 98 percent of the world, July 1, 2014


Despite President Obama's January speech limiting the scope of National Security Agency surveillance, a new Washington Post article outlines a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court could turn that notion on its head. The ruling allows the NSA to conduct surveillance on 193 countries around the world. Only four countries in the world are excluded from the ruling: Canada, Australia, Great Britain and New Zealand. RT Correspondent Meghan Lopez walks us through the latest revelations.

Jon Rappoport | Snowden, Self-Censorship & Friendly Fascism | Hour 1 | June 16, 2014


June 16, 2014–Returning guest, Jon Rappoport is an investigative journalist, author and publisher of the website He has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health. Although his main focus over these years has been the power of the imagination and creativity, he is most often cited and interviewed on conspiracies and global elites.

In this program, we’ll explore Snowden. Who is he and what’s really going on? We’ll also take a closer look at his favored journalists and talk about what he’s doing in Russia. Jon also discusses how the NSA wants to know how their spying is affecting us and in what ways. The thought police is here.

Facebook has admitted to saving everything you type, even if you don’t publish it. They want to know what you are self-censoring. We’ll discuss how people have been conditioned to self censor.

download hour 1 mp3

NSA scours web for images to use in facial recognition program, June 2, 2014


The National Security Agency is collecting millions of images via social media and private communications to use in a facial recognition system, according to new leaked documents from whistleblower Edward Snowden. Saturday, journalists James Risen and Laura Poitras published an article in The New York Times detailing an increasingly complex facial recognition system used by the spy agency. Also included in the documents are mentions of plans to use iris scans to compliment the program. Discussing these latest NSA revelations with RT's Lindsay France is John Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute.

Snowden hits back at government attacks in national TV interview, May 29, 2014


Edward Snowden made waves in the national media Wednesday night in his first national TV interview. NBC's Brian Williams questioned the 30-year-old National Security Agency whistleblower on why he leaked thousands of classified documents that revealed the extent of the NSA's electronic surveillance practices. Defending his actions, as well as his asylum in Russia, Snowden hit back at government accusations he provided classified security information to foreign governments and harmed the nation's security. RT's Ameera David discusses the interview with Jesselyn Radack, one of Snowden's attorneys; journalist and activist Norman Solomon; and former Reagan administration official Bruce Fein.

Lift off! Soyuz Launches from Baikonur with new ISS Crew, May 28, 2014


The Soyuz spacecraft successfully launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Wednesday, carrying a new crew to the International Space Station. Read more at:

'Afghanis deserve to know NSA is violating their rights' - Wikileaks, May 23, 2014


Afghanistan is the 2nd country, where all domestic and international calls are being monitored by the NSA. The newest revelation was made by Julian Assange and Wikileaks -- though not all of the whistleblowing community is happy about it. Kristinn Hrafnsson, Wikileaks spokesman and RT's Polly Boyko explain more.

Whistle-Brawlers: Row over WikiLeaks threat to name NSA-target country, May 21, 2014


Despite warnings that doing so "could lead to increased violence" and potentially deaths, anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks says it plans to publish the name of a country targeted by a massive United States surveillance operation. Read more at:
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