Showing posts with label Psychotronic Weapons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychotronic Weapons. Show all posts

Jeff Rense & Preston James | EMF Mind Assassins


Clip from April 29, 2015 - guest Preston James on the Jeff Rense Program.

Jeff Rense & Dick Allgire | How TV Controls Your Mind


Clip from December 22, 2014 - guest Dick Allgire on the Jeff Rense Program.

Dr. John Hall | Govt Mind Control Technologies, September 19, 2013


Dr. John Hall, anesthesiologist and author of "Satellite Terrorism" discusses the facts of the possibilities of Government mind control and Satellite harassment.

Neil Sanders on Veritas Radio | Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own | Segment 1 of 2


Mind Control is a documented fact. The control of the actions and emotions of an unsuspecting victim has been a reality since at least the 1950's. Tonight, we discuss the origins of mind control, propaganda, and the objectives and architects of mind control.

Neil Sanders holds an MA in Film Studies, studied Psychology and Media Production for his BA Honours and is a qualified hypnotherapist. Neil is considered an expert on the subject of mind control and has been studying the history of this dark art and its application by military and government intelligence agencies across the globe for many years. Neil has appeared on several television shows and made numerous radio appearances in Europe and the USA and is the author of Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own Volume 1 and 2.

CIA Black Ops, Mind Control, MK-Ultra, New Phoenix Project, Organized Stalking, Monarch

Source: FansFiltration youtube

Dr. Richard Miller | ESP, Mind Control & The New Alchemical


This is a great lecture by Dr. Richard Miller given at the Nexus Conference in Australia. He is a Former Navy Seal who has worked in numerous amount of projects and speaks about Mind Control that is being implemented on the population through ELF Wave Technology, GMO's, MKULTRA and Media Programming. He also Provides solutions to over come the assault of this New World Paradigm.

Dr. Nick Begich | The Global Impact of HAARP & New Weapons


After spending hundreds of hours researching climate change and weather, it is clear that the climate debate is incomplete without acknowledging technologies in use worldwide that affect our atmosphere. In this fascinating interview, Angels Don’t Play This HAARP author Dr. Nick Begich of Earthpulse Pulse gives us the scoop on HAARP, energy weapons, and what happened to Nikola Tesla’s inventions, patents, and information. He expands on the subject matter we first introduced in our December article on HAARP’s disruption of the atmosphere with microwaves and provides insight into its use for weather modification.

HAARP, which operates below the radar of mainstream public awareness, has yet to emerge within the context of the Global Declaration of Climate Emergency. If more people were aware of these technologies, we would stop vilifying carbon dioxide (the breath of life, according to Dr. Sherwood Idso) and redirect our focus on the misuse of electromagnetic and pulse energy weapons, the harmful radiation they emit, the havoc they wreak upon the environment, and how (amongst other technologies) it will alter and ruin this planet for generations to come. Don’t miss this important discussion!

Back in Time Series | Dr. Robert Beck - Psychotronic Weapons: Brain Manipulation From a Distance

Dr. Robert Beck in The Open Mind - proadcasting by Bill Jenkins

That it is feasible to manipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal, either sound or visual, messages is now generally known. This is why in most of the countries the use of such technologies, without consent of the user, is banned. Devices using light for the stimulation of the brain show another way how the light flashing in certain frequencies could be used for the manipulation of human psychic life. As for the sound, a report on the device transmitting a beam of sound waves, which can hear only persons at whom the beam of sound waves is targeted, appeared last year in the world newspapers. The beam is formed by a combination of sound and ultrasound waves which causes that a person targeted by this beam hears the sound inside of his head. Such a perception could easily convince the human being that it is mentally ill. The acts presented in this article suggest that with the development of technology and knowledge of the functioning of human brain new ways of manipulation of human mind keep emerging. One of them seems to be the electromagnetic energy.

Though in the open scientific literature only some 30 experiments were published, supporting this assumption, already in 1974, in the USSR, after succesfull testing with military unit in Novosibirsk, the installation Radioson (Radiosleep) was registered with the Government Committee on the Matters of Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR, described as a method of induction of sleep by means of radio waves. In the scientific literature technical feasibility of making a human being asleep by radio waves is confirmed in the book by English scientist carrying out research on the biological effects of electromagnetism. In the report by World Health Association on nonionizing radiation from 1991 we read "Many of biological effects observed in animals exposed to ELF fields appear to be associated, either directly or indirectly, with the nervous system".

Robert Bruce | Psychic Attacks & Self Defense, July 6, 2011


July 6, 2011–Author and metaphysicist Robert Bruce talked about psychic attacks and self-defense methods, spirit entities, and techniques to induce astral projection. Certain ghosts who had addictions seek out like-minded living people that they can "overshadow" and have vicarious experiences through, he said. These opportunistic entities can gradually possess a person, and sometimes you might even catch a glimpse of another face transposed over the living person's, he added. In the case of demons, he described them as having long fingers, and long fingernails-- like spectral claws, and thin leathery limbs that often have spots. Interestingly, he noted that demons are sometimes mistaken for ETs.

There is a lot of different "astral wildlife" in the astral realms, and generally they don't cause any problems, said Bruce. In addition to various spirit entities, people with psychic gifts are capable of attacking others such that a victim might experience an extended period of bad luck and negative events. Victims can even inherit curses and psychic attacks that extend through generations, he said. Symptoms of these attacks include noticing distinct cold areas, dark sparks in the air, and pains that come and go, such as being jabbed in the feet, he detailed.

One of the first lines of defense is simply taking a shower-- running water creates a strong electromagnetic field that is detrimental to entities, he shared. Also, a bright, clean, pleasant room attracts positive energy, whereas a dingy and messy environment draws in negative energy, he continued. Bruce characterized astral projection as a natural phenomenon that everyone does when they sleep. However, in order to consciously experience astral projection, the mind must be awake while the body is physically asleep, he pointed out.

Dr. Manfred Doepp - Switching of Consciousness, Mind Control, Big HAARP, etc.

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