Showing posts with label Remote Viewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Remote Viewing. Show all posts

Dr. Angela Thompson Smith | Remote Viewing | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Jan. 20, 2015


Dr. Angela Smith is our guest and we cover her career as a remote viewer from PRI through PEAR and beyond. We discuss how she prepares, practices and developes her skills and who can do it...we also talk about her experience with law enforcement investigations and her communication with off-planet ET races as well as her views on religion.

Dr. Courtney Brown | Remote Viewing 9/11 The Attacks - DMN, Oct. 27, 2014


Courtney Brown | 911: What Really Happened? | Remote Viewing | Legalise Freedom Radio | Part Two


Courtney Brown discusses the results of a remote viewing project which focused on the events of 9/11. The 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. in the year 2001 were arguably the most shocking and audacious events to happen so far this century. There are many unexplained anomalies associated with these attacks. The number and nature of the anomalies have led a significant and growing number of people to question the official explanation of these events as simply the actions of a small band of terrorists known as al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden. This investigation takes a fresh look at 9/11 using remote-viewing methods that were originally developed by the U.S. military and used for espionage purposes. The results are both deeply disturbing and highly controversial.

Part One
Courtney Brown | 9/11: What Really Happened? | Remote Viewing | Part One | Legalise-Freedom Radio | Sept. 19, 2014

Courtney Brown | 9/11: What Really Happened? | Remote Viewing | Part One | Legalise-Freedom Radio | Sept. 19, 2014


Courtney Brown discusses the results of a remote viewing project which focused on the events of 9/11. The 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. in the year 2001 were arguably the most shocking and audacious events to happen so far this century. There are many unexplained anomalies associated with these attacks.

The number and nature of the anomalies have led a significant and growing number of people to question the official explanation of these events as simply the actions of a small band of terrorists known as al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden. This investigation takes a fresh look at 9/11 using remote-viewing methods that were originally developed by the U.S. military and used for espionage purposes. The results are both deeply disturbing and highly controversial.

Remote Viewing 9/11 | The Farsight Institute


Official Trailer

Project Release Date: 11 September 2014

The 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. in the year 2001 were arguably one of the most disturbing events to happen so far this century. There are many unexplained anomalies associated with these attacks. The number and nature of the anomalies have led a significant and growing number of people to question the official explanation of these events as simply the result of a small band of terrorists known as al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden. This investigation takes a fresh look at these events using remote-viewing methods that were originally developed by the U.S. military and used for espionage purposes. The two primary events examined here are (1) the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York, and (2) the attack on the Pentagon. Both attacks took place on the same day.

Remote Viewing 9/11: Part 1 - The World Trade Center Attacks

According to remote-viewing data collected at The Farsight Institute in one of the most revolutionary projects ever, this is the story of what really happened during the terror attacks that occurred in the United States on the 11th of September, 2001.

This is Part 1 of a two-part documentary, and in this part the focus is on the World Trade Center attacks that occurred in New York City on that infamous day. Combining two of the best remote viewers on the planet currently, using U.S. military derived methodologies for perceiving across time and space, and working within a scientifically clean and totally blind experimental design, we now have new eyewitness reports that change everything we were originally told about the 9/11 events.

The science of remote viewing has matured to the extent that such a project as this is finally achievable. But no one could have expected the results to be as shocking as what was actually revealed by these new data. This remote-viewing study will change the way many people look at the world, and it adds a strong note of caution to the potential for manipulation of even advanced democratic industrial societies. Interested viewers may also want to see Part 2 of this documentary (which is a separate movie). Part 2 focuses on the Pentagon attack that occurred on that same day, as well as the personnel and organization of those who engineered the joint operations in New York and Washington, D.C.

View on Demand - Remote Viewing 9/11: Part 1 - The World Trade Center Attacks

Remote Viewing 9/11: Part 2 - The Pentagon Attacks and the Organization 

According to remote-viewing data collected at The Farsight Institute in one of the most revolutionary projects ever, this is the story of what really happened during the terror attacks that occurred in the United States on the 11th of September, 2001.

This is Part 2 of a two-part documentary, and in this part the focus is on the Pentagon attack that occurred in Washington, D.C. on that infamous day, as well as the organization and personnel of those who engineered the joint World Trade Center (in New York) and Pentagon attacks. Combining two of the best remote viewers on the planet currently, using U.S. military derived methodologies for perceiving across time and space, and working within a scientifically clean and totally blind experimental design, we now have new eyewitness reports that change everything we were originally told about the 9/11 events.

The science of remote viewing has matured to the extent that such a project as this is finally achievable. But no one could have expected the results to be as shocking as what was actually revealed by these new data. This remote-viewing study will change the way many people look at the world, and it adds a strong note of caution to the potential for manipulation of even advanced democratic industrial societies. Interested viewers may also want to see Part 1 of this documentary (which is a separate movie). Part 1 focuses on the World Trade Center attacks that occurred on that same day in New York.

View on Demand - Remote Viewing 9/11: Part 2 - The Pentagon Attacks and the Organization

Gerald O'Donnell | Mankind at The Brink | Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing Reality


Mr. Gerald O'Donnell holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics, a M.Sc. in computer Science, and an MBA. He is a certified Hypnotherapist. He was, amongst other activities in various fields, once considered one of the world's 7 best top technical commodities experts (independent advisor: C.T.A.) by Paine Webber and Bache Co.. 

He was approached in the 1980's by a Western European intelligence agency in order to join an ongoing program of mental Remote Viewing (sensing) of targeted locations.

Advanced remote sensing (remote intuition) techniques were taught to field operatives, anti-terrorist units and other intelligence and/or commando squads. 

This operation had been set up to counter the activities of very well funded departments of the Soviet K.G.B. and military intelligence G.R.U. that were very advanced in their research and fully operational.

It is in the course of the successful experimental phase of the program that Mr. O'Donnell  stumbled upon the fact that by using special mental techniques and training, not only was space bridged instantly, as the non-locality theorem of quantum physics (theorem of John Bell) had predicted and the Aspect experiment performed in 1982 had confirmed, but that the time barrier was as well conquered: allowing oneself to experience the perceived past and the probable future.

Gerald O'Donnell subsequently voluntary retired from the intelligence community and decided to teach similar techniques for the greatest benefit of all: The creation of better individual and global realities for all  of us and the possible avoidance of unpleasant ones.

Courtney Brown | The Great Pyramid of Giza, April 8, 2014


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Uri Geller | The Secret Life of Uri Geller | Hour 1 | March 10, 2014


March 10, 2014–For over 4 decades, Israeli born Uri Geller has been known for demonstrating telepathic and intuitive abilities and psychokinesis. He is well known for his trademark television performances of spoon bending. Gellar has been studied by the world's leading scientists and has worked with the FBI, CIA and Mussad.

Uri has lectured to Prime Ministers, Presidents, United Nations delegates and CEOs of large multinational companies. We’ll discuss the BBC film, “The Secret Lift of Uri Geller,” which explores his work for intelligence agencies on three continents for 30 years. The program was based on newly declassified information, featured interviews with former intelligence personnel, and contained actual footage from CIA tests.

We’ll hear about the other side of Uri Geller, not the one camouflaged as an entertainer. Uri opens up about his abilities, how he does what he does and what kind of secret missions he worked on for government agencies around the world. We ask him why he is coming out publicly with this information.

He’ll talk about remote viewing, experiments at secret paranormal research labs and otherworldly entities. We also talk about the skeptics who try to debunk him. In the member’s hour, we’ll hear more about his work for the CIA and Mussad. Uri talks about psychics, intuitives and remote viewers being used for government intelligence. He says there is no doubt that UFOs, aliens and time travelers are all real. Later, we question the attack on 9/11. Geller gives his view on terrorism and his concern for a future nuclear attack.

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Major Ed Dames, David Seaman | Remote Viewing Forecasts, December 9, 2013


Maj. Ed Dames 0:39:15 min.

Remote viewing teacher Ed Dames returned to discuss the current cases his agency-- the Matrix Intelligence Agency-- is working on, as well as his forecast for the new year ahead. Living up to his nickname of "Dr. Doom," he foresees 2014 to be a dark time, when the mainstream media will no longer be able to cover-up the disastrous effects of Fukushima radiation which will begin to show up on the West Coast of North America. There are almost no sanctuaries in California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia as they will be hit by both airborne and marine radionuclide plume, "and they're going to continue to hit the coast for the next 100 years," unless there's some kind of intervention, possibly ET in nature, he indicated.

Dames and his group have an ongoing remote viewing project that looks at types of ET/alien contact. They recently studied the 1994 UFO sighting in Zimbabwe, in which 62 schoolchildren described a similar alien encounter, and telepathically heard a warning about humans hurting the planet. They concluded the kids were in a catatonic state that was induced from glowing white spheres that beamed or implanted ideas in them. The ETs behind this engagement were actually human in terms of their DNA, but raised on another planet, he added.

The interaction between the core of the Earth and the sun is what is most affecting our planet's weather, and we could be heading into a mini-Ice Age, he said. The solar "killshot" will take down power grids predominantly in certain areas, especially "broad plains with a lot of electromagnetic induction," he detailed. Dames also sees American economic power on the wane, with nations like Russia and China abandoning the "petrodollar" in favor of their own gold-backed currency. As this happens, smaller countries like Saudi Arabia, and even England, will turn away from the United States, he continued. By the late spring of 2014 we'll begin to see various currency collapses, he warned.

First Hour
Rise of the Bitcoin
First hour guest, reporter David Seaman talked about Bitcoin, a digital currency that has become increasingly popular, and risen in value from $10 to over $900. If Bitcoin starts to take off internationally, it could rise in price even more substantially, he remarked, though the Chinese government has banned financial institutions from transacting in it. It's possible the US government could try to crack down on Bitcoin, yet they would have a hard time suppressing it because the transactions resemble file sharing on the Internet, he explained. Seaman expressed excitement over Bitcoin, calling it the "currency of the Internet," and noted that its value can't be inflated away like when a government decides to print more money.

Skip Atwater & Joe McMoneagle | TMI & The Future of Remote Viewing Practicum


Joe McMoneagle is familiar to TMI's Gateway Voyage® grads for his provocative evening talks. To the world he's known as one of the U.S. Army's premier remote viewers. In fact, back in the 1970s when Skip Atwater headed up the Stargate Project it was he who recruited Joe.

Skip, former president of The Monroe Institute, and Joe sat down together in December of 2012. They discussed their shared history, their views on TMI, and the future of the Remote Viewing Practicum. This is one conversation not to be missed.

Courtney Brown | Farsight Global Climate Change Project, OffPlanet Radio, September 2, 2013


In 2008 The Farsight Institute began a 5-year project remote viewing future climate patterns linked to multiple realities, timelines, and events. In this interview, Courtney explains the project, and some of the surprising outcomes. More info.on the project:

We also discuss other Farsight remote viewing projects, including multiple universes/timelines, known as "Remote Viewing the Future with a Tasking Temporal Outbounder", remote viewing of a base on Mars; as well as the skills and disciplines of RV, the theoretical physics behind remote viewing, and Farsight's unique mission to advance the understanding and usage of RV.

Courtney Brown is Director of The Farsight Institute, where he does remote-viewing research. He has spoken internationally at a host of prestigious venues, including various universities, as well as the respected Lucerne gathering of physicists (which was attended by various Nobels) where he was a keynote speaker.

The Farsight Institute is the leading scientific organization publishing studies relating to nonlocal consciousness and remote viewing. Courtney Brown is the chief investigator at the Institute, and the Board of Directors includes Lyn Buchanan and Glenn Wheaton, both of whom are the leading military (now retired) instructors of remote viewing.

Part 2 | Remote Viewing Atlantis

Atlantis: The True Story — Anomalous Geography on Ocean Bottom Suggesting Technologically Advanced Ancient Civilization Evidence

In what may be the most intriguing Farsight Experiment to date, Courtney Brown describes the tasking of an RV project, based on Google Earth surveys of anomalous underwater patterns found in two locations: the Atlantic waters off Morocco and Spain; and another off the coast of Antarctica. Learn the surprising details of how these two locations connect in a disaster believed to be the destruction of Atlantis.

Russell Targ | The Reality of ESP, Hundred Monkey Radio, May 12, 2013


Russell Targ, is a physicist and author who was a pioneer in the development of the laser and laser applications and was cofounder of the Stanford Research Institute's investigation into psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s for the CIA. This previously classified work, in what is now widely known as remote viewing, was published in Nature, The Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 

Targ has a B.S. in Physics from Queens College, and did graduate work in physics at Columbia University. He received two National Aeronautics and Space Administration awards for inventions and contributions in lasers and laser communications; and invitations were accepted in 1983 and 1984 to present remote viewing demonstrations, and to address the USSR Academy of Sciences on this research. In 1998 Targ retired from Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space Co. as a senior staff scientist, where he developed airborne laser systems for the detection of windshear. He now pursues ESP research in Palo Alto, California, and is also publishing special editions of classic books in psychical research. He is co-author of eight books dealing with the scientific investigation of psychic abilities, Buddhism, and a recent autobiography.

Interview start: 5:37 min.

BBC Horizon - The Case of ESP (1983)

The Case of ESP, Hori­zon, BBC 1983
Programme examining scientific evidence for and against the existence of psychic phenomena, including telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and psychokinesis - and exploring how those who believe in them are applying their knowledge.

Russell Targ | Inception of Remote Viewing & The Reality of ESP, February 3, 2013



February 3, 2013–Russell Targ is a physicist, scientific researcher and author whose pioneering contributions to laser and laser communications has earned him two National Aeronautics and Space Administration awards. He holds a B.S. in Physics from Queens College and did graduate work in physics at Columbia University. Targ has published over a hundred scientific papers on lasers, plasma physics, and ESP research.

In 1972 Targ cofounded and worked for the innovative CIA-sponsored Stanford Research Institute (SRI) where psychic abilities were tested for two decades. Targ retired as the senior staff scientist from Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Co. in 1997. His latest book, The Reality of ESP: A Physicist's Proof of Psychic Abilities, comprehensively details the recently declassified data collected at SRI, as well as serving as a guide to allow everyone to tap into their own psychic potentials. He teaches remote viewing workshops worldwide, and has coauthored eight books on the topic of psychic abilities. In this program we cover the inception of the remote viewing program at SRI and the reality of extra sensory perception.

Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann were two talented remote viewers that Targ worked with in the early days. He also talks about Werner Von Braun at NASA and the CIA’s interest in the concept of psychic spies. (Note: This program was recorded one day before we heard about the passing of Ingo Swann.) download mp3

Courtney Brown on TMRN, December 26, 2012


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Courtney Brown | Remote Viewing 2012 and Beyond, Offplanet Radio, October 17, 2012


We talk with Courtney Brown of the Farsight Institute about the scenarios of a massive global mass disruption event that appears to disrupt the present course of society-at-large. In 2008 Courtney tasked two groups, the Hawaii Remote Viewrs Guild, led by Glenn Wheaton and Controlled Remote Viewers, led by Lyn Buchanan, to begin collecting data on possible Earth changes at 9 selected sites around the planet.

The survey involved two time lines (of many potentials) that are believed to be converging into a single time line around early to mid-2013, and include the probabilistic outcomes of:

1. Impacts from what appear to be large meteors leading to tsunamis and possible volcanism
2. Extensive and forceful flooding of coastal areas
3. Excessive solar radiation
4. Storms and other severe weather

In terms of the effects of these changes on humans, these data also suggest:

1. Massive self-organized relocation from coastal areas (refugees)
2. The breakdown of rescue or other notable governmental functioning
3. The breakdown of the food supply system
4. The breakdown of the vehicular transport system
5. Extensive loss of buildings near coasts

In this interview Courtney explains the assignment, methods, and outcomes of this three year project and the implications based on a criteria that predicated the acceptance of remote viewing by the establishment of mainstream science. Find out why this was a criteria and how it affects both the outcomes and the evolution of human consciousness.

We also discuss the implications of multiple time lines, multi-dimensional human consciousness, and the deterministic nature of both individual and collective human decisions; the effects on human development when governments, universities, large corporate and public service sectors deny the existence and utility of psychic phenomena (even though it is strongly predicted by quantum physics); the elites efforts to prepare for large-scale catastrophic events even while denying the populace such knowledge; and how the future will be impacted science discredits itself. ~Randy Maugans

Lori Williams | Science of Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV), September 28, 2012


Lori Williams, CHt, LMT, has been researching, practicing and studying the science of Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) for over fourteen years. After a lifetime of unbidden, vivid precognitive and unexplained paranormal experiences, she became interested in Controlled Remote Viewing as a scientific method for controlling those experiences as well as gaining a better understanding of them. 

Her search for answers led her to Lyn Buchanan, an ex-military controlled remote viewer and trainer. Ms. Williams met Mr. Buchanan in 1996. His company, Problems>Solutions>Innovations(P>S>I), was one of the first CRV instruction companies to be established after the military de-classified the Remote Viewing program in 1995.

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Courtney Brown, Ph.D. on VERITAS RADIO | RV: Opening a Window to the Past, Present & Future [2013]


This is Segment 1 of 3. Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio. To listen to Segment 2 and 3 of this exclusive 3-hour interview, subscribe at to watch the rest.

VERITAS is censorship- and commercial-free and survives on your voluntary subscriptions. Thank you for supporting our work. ~Mel Fabregas

Oddly, these results largely parallel recent warnings being issued by NASA relating to the dangers of severe solar storms anticipated around the years 2012 and 2013 that would threaten the global long-term use of electricity. NASA is not currently explaining exactly why these unprecedented and severe storms are anticipated, but the warnings themselves could not be more clear. Meteor impacts are not included in the current set of NASA warnings.

Since it seems likely that major governments would be aware in advance of most near term global threats, then it also seems likely that they would take some actions that would reflect their anticipation of those events. These actions would likely not be explained to the masses to avoid panic. Below is a list of largely anomalous governmental actions that may indicate an awareness of a near term global threat that is suggested by these remote-viewing data. These are only speculations, none of which "prove" anything. But considered collectively, they are exceptionally odd. Read more »

Courtney Brown | Truth Connections Radio, August 7, 2012


Returning for a second time this year, we welcome back Courtney Brown Ph.D., leading scholar in the field of Remote Viewing, and Chief Investigator at The Farsight Institute. Courtney previously discussed in detail the scientific process of Remote Viewing, based on methods that were developed by the U.S. Military for espionage purposes, and multiple methods derived from these.

Courtney then shared some of his discoveries about time, dimensions, the universe, and a number of verifiable, but rare, secret, or hidden details about the planetary bodies contained herein. He explained that all viewing procedures are undertaken by the most renown, skilled, and qualified remote viewers on the planet currently, who have decades and decades of experience between them.

This 2 hour show with Courtney will find us covering the post-2012 Earth changes that were perceived in the most comprehensive remote-viewing study of the subject to date. The study was completed at The Farsight Institute, and extensive scientific controls were utilized in the collection of the data. The remote viewers were all highly trained in military or military derived remote-viewing methodologies.

Dr. Brown will update us on the findings and the implications of these findings to our understanding of time, predicting the future, and the near-term evolution of our species and our planet. Items to be covered will include; how successful remote viewing has been in previous studies in predicting the future; the scientific controls that were used to collect the post-2012 data set; the nature of the results themselves, and a description of the perceived profound Earth changes, and; how the extraterrestrial situation could interact with these near-term events.

Courtney Brown | Remote Viewing & Earth Changes Data For 2013, July 19, 2012


July 19, 2012–Courtney Brown is a mathematician and social scientist who teaches in the Department of Political Science at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Independent of his work at the university, he is also the leading scholar on the subject of "remote viewing" as it is done using procedures that were developed by the United States military and used for espionage purposes, or procedures that are derivative of those methodologies.

Dr. Brown is the Director and founder of The Farsight Institute, a nonprofit research and educational organization dedicated to the study of a phenomenon of nonlocal consciousness known as "remote viewing." His recently published book on the subject, Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception, is the only book of its kind where the science of remote viewing is developed with respect to highly structured data-collection methodologies.

In this book he analyzes data and develops a new theory that explains the remote-viewing phenomenon as a consequence of superposition formation on the quantum level. He joins us to discuss remote viewing. He also shares data from remote viewing sessions in relation to 2012 and huge planetary change. ~Red Ice Creations

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Kevin Smith Show | Dr. Courtney Brown - Remote Viewing, Base on Mars, June 8, 2012


June 8, 2012–Appearing on the Kevin Smith Show, Dr. Courtney Brown discusses the Farsight Institute's remote viewing work, and their viewing of an operational base on Mars. Brown discusses what the viewers saw of the bse and its inhabitants, and says there is a NASA photo of the base. ~Kevin Smith
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