Showing posts with label Secret Space Program Conference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secret Space Program Conference. Show all posts

Richard Dolan interviewed by Freedom Central at the Secret Space Program Conference


Freedom Central interviews Richard Dolan before the Groundcrew Secret Space Program Conference which was held in Amsterdam on the 3rd of April 2011. Richard talks to us about his work, the existence of a breakaway civilization as well as some insights into what is really going on that we are not aware off. Richard is a respected historian who has authored two volumes of alternative American history as well as a book about life after the disclosure of extra-terrestial existence.

Secret Space War | Lawrence J. Joyce, Dr. Betty Martini, Richard C. Hoagland


April 12, 2011–Back from his trip to Amsterdam, Richard C. Hoagland articulated his theory of a secret space program, and its possible connection to the 9-11 attacks, in the second half of the program. Clandestine groups are involved in a secret space war, "and the terrestrial equivalent to cover this fact, is the so-called War on Terror...that's why we have hundreds of thousands of troops stationed at key strategic positions around this planet, having nothing to do with the ostensible reasons why they're there," he explained.

There are six groups involved in the space wars, and two of them are non-terrestrial-- possibly humans that used advanced technology to develop civilizations off world, he suggested. Japan, he noted, is "being clobbered for a reason, and I believe it is fundamentally part of this secret space war." The 9-11 attacks were a shot across the bow that the status quo was over, he continued, adding that exotic technology was used to turn the Twin Towers into dust-- "some kind of massive disintegrator beam, based on Torsion physics."

Aspartame Update
First hour guest, Dr. Betty Martini shared an update on aspartame dangers. She argued that some people convicted of methanol poisoning were innocent, and that the victims actually consumed excess aspartame products leading to methanol toxicity. She also reported on a study which linked diet drinks to heart attacks and strokes.

2012 & Ancient Sites
Appearing during the second hour, pharmacist and amateur astronomer Lawrence Joyce began research to debunk 2012 and discovered astonishing connections that establish how the ancients came up with their calendar. He found an obelisk in Quito, Ecuador that dates back to 1500 BC that served as an observatory to mark the arrival of the winter solstice. The Mayans chose the end of their Long Count calendar on the winter solstice of Dec. 21, 2012, as at the obelisk the solstice occurs exactly at sunrise, he said. The ending of the Mayan calendar is analogous to the visit of the Three Wise Men at Bethlehem, as some significant change in history will take place, he added.

News segment guests: Dr. John Apsley, Catherine Austin Fitts

Richard Dolan | The Secret Space Program & Breakaway Civilization


March 22, 2011
Richard Dolan is considered by many students of the UFO phenomenon to be the pre-eminent historian of the subject. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, as well as an analysis of the future, A.D. After Disclosure: The People’s Guide to Life After Contact.

Richard’s writing is widely seen as ufology’s gold standard. A.D. After Disclosure, which Richard co-authored with Bryce Zabel (the creator of the television series Dark Skies), has been widely hailed as among the most original works in all of UFO literature, a fearless and analytical “what if” scenario that discusses the deep impact that would be brought about by the end of UFO secrecy.

Among Richard’s main themes are the destruction of our political liberties as a result of the UFO cover-up, the possible nature of the non-humans themselves, and what their presence here means for our civilization. This has led him to take a fresh approach to the topic of “Exopolitics” and to develop unique insights into the practical challenges and opportunities for a true disclosure of the UFO phenomenon. Richard, born in Brooklyn, New York, studied at Alfred University and Oxford University, was a finalist for a Rhodes scholarship, and completed his graduate work in history at the University of Rochester. Prior to his interest in UFOs, he studied U.S. Cold War strategy, Soviet history and culture, and international diplomacy.

In this interview, we'll discuss the concept of a "breakaway civilization", our dependency on oil, government secrecy about UFOs and the "Secret Space Program."

Topics Discussed: the breakaway civilization, acquired technology, crashed UFOs, black budget, banking scandals, Rumsfeldt, Pentagon missing 2.6 Trillion, the development of functional flying saucers, what kind of toys have been developed with the "lost" money, quantum computing, nano-technology, post petroleum, peak oil, abiotic oil, energy, power, nuclear fusion, weaponry, electrogravitics, zero-point energy, Hal Putoff, the new world order, global government, bottleneck and new technologies, philosophy of the secret space program, NASA, strange artifacts on the moon and Mars, US space command, Iraq, Libya, war in space, not a harmonious relationship in space and more.

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Secret Space Program
April 3rd in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Check out the website for more informations

Richard C. Hoagland | The Secret Space Program & The Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Disaster


March 20, 2011
In this program, we discuss the "Secret Space Program" and the concept of a breakaway civilization. Someone with a more sophisticated and advanced technology, from Earth, has created for themselves a completely different capability to go into space, to utilize resources and maybe even to settle on other planets. Is this a plausible theory? Could this really be happening?

Richard C. Hoagland from and author of “The Monuments of Mars” and ”Dark Mission", returns to Red Ice Radio to discuss some of these ideas. Richard tries to shed light on the possibility that most of humanity has been kept in the dark about.

Topics Discussed: the other space program, advanced technology, Timothy Good, Peter Levenda, Richard Dolan, Joseph Farrell, the Secret Space Program, breakaway civilization, anti-gravity, free energy, Star Trek, the Nazis, the Hebrews, the Bible, natural cycle of cataclysm, the yuga cycles, the superwealthy elite, banksters, uranium and plotunium, Japanese earthquake, tsunami, nuclear meltdown at Fukushima, war in Libya, philosophical roots of the idology and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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Secret Space Program
April 3rd in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Check out the website for more informations

SECRET SPACE PROGRAM Conference 2011, Amsterdam/Holland


CONNECTING THE DOTS…WITH Richard Hoagland, Peter Levenda, Timothy Good, Richard Dolan will unravel the most expensive, secret and influential covert program hidden from society…the secret space program.

These key speakers are coming together to shine new light on our hidden ancient past, present and future,where human society is going, who is the driving force behind it, how a breakaway in world civilization is imminent and insights into coming earth changes.

Check out the website for more informations

Secret Space Program
April 3rd in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Peter Levenda | Secret Space Program & NASA's Nazis


February 27, 2011
Peter Levenda is an author who focuses primarily on occult history. Peter has visited more than 40 countries and gained access to temples, prisons, military installations, and government documents for his research. He is president of the international division of a telecommunications company and the author of Unholy Alliance.

Peter Levenda's quest for the truth began in 1979 while reading Aftermath: Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich, by Ladislas Farago, about how Hitler's former Riechsleiter had escaped to South America after the war pretending to be a priest, protected by the "underground railroad" of Nazi sympathizers that operated and still operate all over that continent.
In this program, he discusses his work and research on the theme of the secret space program of NASA and the connection to the occult agenda of the Nazis.

Peter details how the background of this philosophy spawned from people involved in various Catholic orders, adopted and refined by the Nazis and later it transitioned over to NASA via Project Paperclip. In his book "Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult" he describes this research in detail.

He is also the author of the "Sinister Forces Triology", "Stairway to Heaven: Chinese Alchemists, Jewish Kabbalists, and the Art of Spiritual Transformation" and "The Secret Temple: Masons, Mysteries, and the Founding of America".

Topics Discussed: America, Nazi connections, Ratlines, Klaus Barbie, Martin Bormann, Walter Dornberger, Vatican, peadophilia, Spelman, Knights of Malta, Secret Space Program, paranoiac Egypt, religion, theosophy, Ahnenerbe, theosophy hijacked, Jörg Lanz Von Libenfeldt, Guido Von List, Cistercian order, 1939 expedition to Tibet, Operation Condor, Bruno Beger, flying saucers, 1947 and Nazi ideology. ~Red Ice Creations

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Richard Dolan | A Breakaway Civilization


A 3 minute collection of clips by Richard Dolan exploring his idea of a Breakaway Civilization. Includes thoughts on the black budget and a secret space program. Taken from the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C., Leeds University, U.K., and elsewhere.

Secret Space Program Conference, Amsterdam April 3, 2011

Secret Space Program Conference Promo Clip | Richard C. Hoagland


Conference info

CONNECTING THE DOTS…WITH Richard Hoagland, Peter Levenda, Timothy Good, Richard Dolan and Jay Weidner will unravel the most expensive, secret and influential covert program hidden from society…the secret space program.

These key speakers are coming together to shine new light on our hidden ancient past, present and future,where human society is going, who is the driving force behind it, how a breakaway in world civilization is imminent and insights into coming earth changes.

For more information

Richard Dolan and the Secret Space Program

UFO historian and author of UFOs and the National Security State, Richard Dolan, shares with us his thoughts on the possibility of a secret space program.

Slowly, by degrees, I have come to the opinion that there is a secret space program. I recall, for instance, wondering about the alleged anomalies on Mars early on in my research. Back then, I was in correspondence with an individual who had impressive scientific and intelligence credentials. Attempting to feel him out on the topic, I wrote something a bit flippant about Mars, primarily to see what his reaction would be. Sure enough, he replied soberly that I should not dismiss these anomalies, that there were in fact many people within the classified world who took them seriously.
That’s when I realized, very concretely, that the notion of space anomalies was indeed a serious topic. I began to consider: if there is covert interest in the anomalies on Mars, would there be a covert space program to investigate? To this day, I don’t know the answer with certainty, but over the years I have encountered no shortage of quiet, serious-minded people who tell me of their knowledge that there is such a covert program. One component of this, it appears, has to do with the Moon. Are there bases on the far side of the Moon? Again, I do not know for sure, but I cannot rule it out. More than once, people I consider to be informed insiders have steered me in this direction.
There is another reason to suppose the existence of an advanced, clandestine space program. An enormous amount of video of space missions has been downloaded and is available for anyone to see. These include missions of NASA, the European Space Agency, Russia, and China. Much of this was downloaded and made available by a gentleman named Jeff Challender, who unfortunately died in 2007. Jeff spent an enormous part of his life downloading and reviewing – very carefully – video recordings of those missions. There can be no denying that there has been a great deal of activity in Earth’s orbit. Much of what was recorded undoubtedly has conventional explanations. But, frankly, many events do not offer easy explanations. I firmly believe there is something unusual going on in Earth’s orbit. Fortunately, after Jeff’s death, I was able to upload his entire site and attach it to my own. His site, known as Project Prove, now has a permanent home at
Look at it this way. If you believe there are anomalies on Mars, and if you acknowledge strange activity in Earth’s orbit, you would have a very good reason to initiate a secret space program, would you not? You would want a way to investigate these things in a way that would not be seen by the prying eyes of the public.
I’ve also come to the opinion over the years that part of the classified world – the part that deals with the ET reality – has essentially “broken away” from our own conventional civilization. That is, utilizing the jumpstart they received by studying exotic, alien technology, they have very likely achieved scientific breakthroughs that they have not shared with the rest of us. I think that these breakthroughs have enabled them to employ technologies substantially beyond what we are using, and that in all likelihood this too has contributed to their secret space program.
It’s important to emphasize that the above is primarily conjecture on my part. I consider it my working hypothesis. Proving it will to take a great deal of effort and dedication. It also means not being sucked in by every new person who has claimed to have traveled to Mars. We need to remain clear headed.
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