Showing posts with label Transhumanism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transhumanism. Show all posts

James Corbett on The Transformation of Humanity | Sept. 26, 2024

Source:, The Freedom Convo Podcast


via The Freedom Convo Podcast: James Corbett discusses cultural transhumanism, psychological transhumanism, technocratic transhumanism, vitalism, the bio/digital convergence, simulacra and simulations, hyperreality, the desert of the real, the Sentient World Simulation and much more with David Gardner of the Freedom Convo Podcast.

Show Notes:

The Freedom Convo Podcast / Rumble channel
Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary)
Episode 057 – Transhumanism and You
Episode 402 – Your Guide to The Great Convergence
Mass Media: A History (Digital Download)
Episode 423 – Into The Metaverse (The Media Matrix — Part 3)
The Magic Words – #SolutionsWatch
Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda
Milken Institute – Universal Flu Vaccine (C-SPAN 2019)
Meet the Sentient World Simulation: How the Government Predicts the Future
Information Awareness Office – Wiki
Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon – (Free Substack link)
All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace

Matt Landman | Non-Human Spiritual Warfare: Geoengineering, Transhuman World & Regaining Our Sovereignty | Aug. 7, 2024

Source: eyondtheForbiddenTV youtube,,, 

James Corbett | The Biosecurity State, Germ Theory, RFK Jr, & the Transgender-Transhuman Connection | June 4, 2023


At the 2nd Better Way Conference in Bath, UK, Derrick Broze interviews James Corbett of The Corbett Report. Derrick and James discuss the changes which have taken place since their 1st in person interview in February 2020, specifically COVID1984 and the rise of the Biosecurity State & Technocracy. Derrick also asks James his thoughts on RFK Jr's presidential run, germ theory, and the Transgender-Transhuman connection. Don't miss this powerful interview!

Joseph P. Farrell | The Post Human & Transhuman World Order, Soul Hacking and the A.I. Takeover | Part 1 | May 2, 2023

Source: Beyond the Forbidden TV,

Carrie Madej | Transhumanism and AI | The Anarchast | Jan. 26, 2023

Guest Links:

Rubin Report | WEF Head Creeps Out Crowd by Describing His Weird Future Fantasy | Direct Message | Jan. 20, 2023


Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about the latest craziness out of the World Economic Forum; Klaus Schwab sharing his creepy fantasy of everyone getting brain chips and brain implants; Tony Blair discussing the digital infrastructure being planned to put a global vaccine passport in place; and FBI Director Christopher Wray revealing the deep level of collusion between the public and private sectors. Dave also does a special “ask me anything” question-and-answer session on a wide-ranging host of topics, answering questions from the Rubin Report Locals community.

Dark Journalist | Atlantis Automaton DNA Secret! | Oct. 28, 2022



Please join us for this Special X-Series Episode 137 as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep to reveal the Transhumanist Elite A.I. Obsession and the Mystery School Secret of the Atlantean Cyborg Mixed Creatures called 'Automatons.' DJ examines the Mystery teaching sources and the legacy of Atlantean Scientists distorting Atlantean DNA into cyber 'things' to create a race of chimerical slaves.

Dark Journalist | X Pole Shift Sixth Root Race Revealed! | Sept. 30, 2022


Please join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for this Special X-Series Episode as he goes deep on the Mystery School predictions of a Pole Shift in the near future and the hidden scientific data that shows the factors that will cause it. 

He also looks at cryptic references in esoteric material, from Edgar Cayce to The Fourth Way, to the mysterious "Sixth Root Race" and how the Transhumanist obsession with Biometric Humans may be to keep control before this psychic generation appears.

Dark Journalist | Steiner Eighth Sphere Crisis Ahriman Spiritual Invasion! | Sept. 3, 2022


Join us for this fascinating LiveStream episode as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on the Revelation of the Eighth Sphere through the figure of the founder of Anthroposophy Rudolf Steiner. Steiner foresaw the rise of Scientific Materialism, AI and Transhumanism through a Demonic Virtual Reality figure in the 21st Century named "Ahriman."

James Tunney | They Want You Dead - PART 1 | Legalise Freedom Radio | May 8, 2022


James Tunney discusses some of the ideas in his book 'Human Entrance to Transhumanism', exposing the assault on humanity by the coming Scientocracy. What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming science fact. 

You will own nothing and be happy, immersed in a virtual reality of games, pornography, and mindless distractions. You will be discouraged from reproducing therefore you will not be replaced. The goal of a post-human planet envisages a much smaller population and in time, no real population at all. We are at a crossroads in the evolution of the human race. The future is taking shape in the present.

The assault is triple-pronged:
Technology – Complete control and surveillance under the guise of entertainment and security.
Technocracy – Rule by unelected, unaccountable, technical and scientific 'experts'.
Transhumanism – The 'augmentation' of the human mind and body by science and technology with the eventual goal of eliminating the species entirely through a process of total transformation.

Developments to watch out for as the agenda advances:
Social credit systems – Rewards for ‘good’ behaviour.
Mandatory vaccinations – 'Passports’ for international travel.
Digital currency – Cashless society, all transactions recorded.
Universal Basic Income – Subsistence income instead of a job. This can be withdrawn for 'bad' behaviour.

What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming science fact. You will own nothing and be happy, immersed in a virtual reality of games, pornography, and mindless distractions. You will be discouraged from reproducing therefore you will not be replaced. The goal of a post-human planet envisages a much smaller population and in time, no real population at all. We are at a crossroads in the evolution of the human race. The future is taking shape in the present.

James Corbett on The Pete Quinones Show

Source: The Pete Quinones Show Youtube,

via The Pete Quinones Show (RECORDED APRIL 19, 2022): Pete invited documentarian, researcher and commentator, James Corbett, to return to the show. James discusses how he believes the transgender movement we are currently seeing points forward to an even more technocratic transhuman movement.

Show Notes:
What is the Trans Agenda? - Questions For Corbett #082
West Japan city says tourism "princess" can now be of any gender
Exploring Biodigital Convergence
Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda
Prof. Yuval Noah Harari | Humans are now Hackable Animals
Way of the Future: A New Church Worships an AI God
Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists
WHO Cares What Celebrities Think - #PropagandaWatch
Sean Parker - Facebook Exploits Human Vulnerability
The Superclass by David Rothkopf
Top Disney Shareholders
Ukrainegate: What You're Not Being Told
The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America by Peter Dale Scott
Harari Explaining Humanity's Role in the 4th Industrial Revolution
Rothschild on a tortoise

Dark Journalist & Elana Freeland | Transhumanist Killswitch Nanotech and The Eighth Sphere! | Mar. 13, 2022

Source:, Elana Freeland book: Geoengineered Transhumanism

Free Humanity vs, Transhumanist Tyranny
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep in this groundbreaking interview with AI Synthetic Biology Researcher Elana Freeland on her Breakthrough New Book, Geoengineered Transhumanism.

Elana's remarkable scientific and esoteric work connects major military operations of global control and goes inside the Electromagnetic Lockdown of the Space Fence and growing web of Nanotech.

She shows us the rising landscape of technological control, DNA Patents and how humanity is to be neurologically directed toward a Transhumanist future unless we wake up now. The Occult influence of Ahriman and the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, Mystery Schools and the Eighth Sphere are also covered!

Topics: Reincarnation
Eighth Sphere
Space Fence

The Corbett Report | What is the Trans Agenda? - Questions For Corbett | Dec. 3, 2021


Dan writes in to ask whether there is a deeper agenda behind the recent push towards gender fluidity. James takes the answer in a surprising direction. Don't miss this important edition of Questions For Corbett.

Show Notes:
In Depth - Ray Kurzweil discusses "Ramona" on C-SPAN
Why The Matrix Is a Trans Story According to Lilly Wachowski | Netflix
I'm transhuman. I'm going to become digital - BBC
"Postgenderism: Beyond the Gender Binary"
Bioethics and the New Eugenics
J.K. Rowling accused of transphobia after mocking 'people who menstruate' headline
JK Rowling snubbed from Harry Potter 20th anniversary reunion:
Revolve: Man's Scientific Rise by Godhood by Aaron Franz
Interview 1429 - James Corbett and Liberty Weekly Recommend Books
This New Religion From a Silicon Valley Pioneer Worships AI as an Emerging Godhead
Japan's buddhist robot preacher | DW Stories
Your Guide to the Great Convergence
Klaus Schwab: brain chips by 2026

Elana Freeland | Geoengineered Transhumanism, Humanity 2.0, & The Esoteric Agenda | Nov. 18, 2021


About Today's Guest:
Elana Freeland came of political age during the COINTELPRO decade of Vietnam, street riots, political assassinations, and all-night rap sessions about the Establishment's downfall. Her US Navy Intelligence father was enmeshed with the military-industrial complex she writes about. Like the characters in the book, readers will learn how every major event and personality in the United States political establishment over the past 50 years is tied in one way or another to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas. She has a BA in creative writing and wrote her Master's thesis on historiography.

Geoengineered Transhumanism is the third book in Elana Freeland's trilogy on geoengineering. It completes the picture of what geoengineering has been from its very inception decades ago: to control the ionosphere with phased array heater blasts so as to maintain an ionized atmosphere in which chemicals, nanotechnology, and synbio synergies can be continuously laid by jets, drones, and rockets in the name of "climate change."

Dark Journalist & Elana Freeland | The AI Transhumanist Nanotech Invasion! | Sept. 25, 2021


A 21ST Century Roadmap to Technological Control!
Dark Journalist goes deep in this groundbreaking interview with AI Synthetic Biology Researcher Elana Freeland on her new book, Geoengineered Transhumanism.

Elana's remarkable scientific and esoteric work connects major military operations of global control and goes inside the electromagnetic lockdown of the Space Fence.

She shows us the rising landscape of technological control and how humanity is to be neurologically herded toward a Transhumanist future unless it wakes up now.
Ahriman, Steiner, Mystery Schools and the Eighth Sphere are also covered! Topics:
Eighth Sphere
Space Fence

More About Our Special Guest Elana Freeland:
Geoengineered Transhumanism
How the Environment Has Been Weaponized By Chemicals, Electromagnetics, and Nanotechnology For Synthetic Biology

Elana Freeland has been a Waldorf school teacher, lecturer and writer. Her fascinating book series includes Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth and Under an Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown.

Patrick Wood | The Evil Twins Of Technocracy And Transhumanism

Source: Technocracy News & Trends gotube

This is the keynote presentation delivered to the 39th annual convention of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness in Tucson, Arizona on July 31, 2021. It is a detailed analysis of how Scientism is at the root of both Technocracy and Transhumanism, the historical case and the modern dilemma.

Whitney Webb | Exposing the Technocratic-Transhumanist-CyberPandemic Agenda | July 15, 2021


Derrick Broze sits down with journalist Whitney Webb for a discussion on a number of topics, including the CyberPolygon exercise, her article on Wellcome Leap, tips for being prepared for supply chain disruption and power outages, and her thoughts on Counter-Economics.

The Corbett Report | Whitney Webb Dissects the "Wellcome Leap" into Transhumanism | July 8, 2021


Whitney Webb of joins us once again, this time to discuss her latest article, “A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction.” Even if you’re familiar with the transhumanist agenda, what the ex-DARPA, ex-Silicon Valley old hands at the newly created Wellcome Leap are planning to do in their quest to transform the human species in the coming decade will blow your mind.

Dark Journalist | Catherine Austin Fitts on the Global Crisis of Centralization and Surveillance! | March 13, 2021


Catherine has been facing heavy censorship for connecting the dots on the consolidation of power and secrecy by the ruling elite.

She outlines the dangers of what the leadership and corrupt media is attempting to do in making humanity a commodity to be harvested in an AI controlled Cloud Tech Transhumanist Nightmare reality!

She also shows how people around the globe can avoid participating in creating this dystopian future by embracing sound principles of freedom, sustainable farming, local currencies and embracing ethical financial practices and spiritual balance!

Richard Dolan | Disclosure Scenarios | Pt. 1 of 2 | Forum Borealis | March 14, 2021


Dolan is back! Apart from debating his book AD, we dig into all present issues, like: Who to blame for the fake SSP vogue? Why has emotions & ego replaced data & logic? What happened at the 2017 MUFON symposium? Why's normal ppl in favour of censorship, misinfo, & disinfo? 

Why's populism & new media crushed? Is the mob reaction zeitgeist or psyop? Is Space Force a whitewash? Are aliens a decoy? How did Bryce Zabel's collaboration arise? Could free energy be a peril? What's changed in likely disclosures? What options left to end secrecy? Is transhumanism taking over? Is liberty dead? + Hear the plausible dystopia we're heading towards...

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