Showing posts with label Vinny Eastwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vinny Eastwood. Show all posts

Zen Gardner | How People Wake Up To The Truth | The Vinny Eastwood Show | April 13, 2016


We all struggle to leave behind the lies we built our lives upon, the trauma of waking up is very similar to the grief process as most things you thought were reliable, credible and stable no longer appear that way.

Without this trauma however, there is no waking up, so if anyone tells you that you can be taught the one truth or the one way of life without suffering of any kind, they're either lying or so delusional that they think it's the truth.

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Ken O'Keefe & Vinny Eastwood | Awaken to Reality | Jan. 12, 2016


Veteran activist Ken O'Keefe tells of his awakening experience in the Marine Corps and discusses how the traumas he faced and continues to deal with are in fact what made him strong. An incredible show with enlightening philosophy that may change you as a person just by listening to it!

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Santos Bonacci | Out Of Jail & Healing | Vinny Eastwood Show | Oct. 21, 2015


Vinny speaks to Australian activist Santos Bonacci fresh from a stint in a cage.Santos talks about the vital two choices we have as a species- The path of Truth and righteousness or the materialist road to perdition and misery.He is heavily inspired by Hindu philosophy.

James Robert Wright | Freemason From Illuminati Bloodlines Speaks out | Vinny Eastwood Show | Oct. 5, 2015


Today the 32nd degree Freemason author of "The Filthy Rituals of Freemasonry" James Robert Wright was a former & payed member of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite in Dallas Texas, derived from a rich bloodline linking him to dozens of historical figures, he offers a unique insight as the century's biggest Freemasonic whistle blower.

​Insight into how the worlds largest secret society with over a million members has kept the bulk of their followers completely in the dark as to what higher level members

Dr. Rima Laibow MD, Ralph Fusetola | Mandatory Forced Vaccination, The Dawn Of A New Age Of Human Enslavement | The Vinny Eastwood Show | May 5, 2015


Mandatory Forced Vaccination, The Dawn Of A New Age Of Human Enslavement. Vinny Eastwood On The May Day Vaccine Marathon With Dr. Rima Laibow MD And Ralph Fusetola.

Vaccines are generally accepted by the public to be the sole reason why everyone hasn't just keeled over and died of deadly infectious diseases in the last century. Of course, if you ask them how they came to this conclusion,

You will be met with mindless repetition,
Like "They work because they work!"
Or "It works because Doctors say it works!"
Or "It Works Because The government says so!"
Or "It works because the pharmaceutical companies say so!"
Or "They worked because those bad diseases aren't around any more!"

All of these conclusions sound very reasonable if one blindly trusted any personn or organization with some kind of authority on the sole basis that they have some kind of authority, however, circular reasoning like this is often the direct result of simple marketing techniques, not evidence.
The problem is 2 fold,

1. People are so convinced of the efficacy of Vaccines that they will never listen to contrary evidence,
2. People are so convinced Vaccines work that they label anyone who says otherwise as a conspiracy theorist and therefore justify a blanketed disregard of any evidence presented.

This is called "Brainwashing", implying that the general public are neither stupid nor dishonest,
but have merely been taught through repetition, fear, social pressures and education to believe something that isn't true.

This broadcast will shatter the Vaccine myth and the tactics and phenomena of those who continue to believe the lies and the ones who deliberately distort the scientific findings to gain more profits at the cost of countless human lives that have been destroyed.

Please share this very important show.

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Dr. Rima E. Laibow MD, Ralph Fusetola | Australia: No Vaccine No Benefits, Why Forced Vaccination Is A War Crime! | The Vinny Eastwood Show | April 30, 2015


The vaccine issue is hotting up like never before as Australia announces that any parents drawing a government benefit must have their children vaccinated if they want to continue receiving it.

This means effectively that you can either have a bio-weapon pumped into your children's veins, or watch them starve to death, not only is this a pseudo forced vaccination, but any forced medication is a violation of the Nuremberg code requiring informed consent, this makes it a war crime!

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Douglas Dietrich | World War 3, Why America Deserves To Fall | The Vinny Eastwood Show | April 27, 2015


Famed military historian and former Department of Defense Librarian Douglas Dietrich has a lot of extremely inflammatory opinions concerning America, its history and its people.

These opinions however aren't just being inflammatory for no reason, it comes after doing research few others have done and from personal experience knowing what it's like to be persecuted, abused and assaulted just for looking like a native American.

Because of all the crime, decadence, laziness and apathy, America does deserve to fall and it will be like seeing justice in slow motion for all the crimes of the state and it's people.

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James Corbett | The Peer To Peer Economy & Fukushima, Blown Out Of Proportion? | April 9, 2015


James Corbett explains the reality about Fukushima, how many seem to be blowing it out of proportion and freaking people out for the purpose of gaining popularity.

Beyond that, for speaking the truth you will often be ridiculed and attacked and one should get out of the kitchen if they can't take the heat. Plus! The peer to peer economy, how gaining support directly from an audience can allow you to work without sponsorship or advertising, this exciting new methodology can change the world and the way it does business!

Jay Parker | Illuminati Family Member Speaks Out, Ritual Child Abuse & Deprogramming Techniques! | The Vinny Eastwood Show | March 27, 2015


Jay Parker was born into a family that traces itself back 3000+ years to every seat of power from Rome, To Venice, Dutch banking & then England, burning each empire as they go. All this time an ancient cult has been operating in secret communities around the globe, their own children, groomed for positions of power with torture, dark occult rituals, brainwashing and mind control, a text book case of the MK Ultra "Monarch" program.

After the rape and death of his best friend, Jay Parker began to reject the mind control at the age of 6, resulting in electroshock therapy that completely erased his memory.

Only years later did he begin to remember, it was like reliving the whole ordeal all over again. Several techniques involving pressure points, affirmations, mantras and self love have proved beneficial and in particular the help of Mark Passio has allowed him to understand the root causes, mindsets and total over view of the dark occult.

Viewer Discretion Strongly Advised! Contains stories of ritual torture, abuse to children, infants and unborn fetuses.

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Dr. Nick Begich | Does Covert Technology Threaten Freedom And Planet Earth? | March 22, 2015


Dr. Nick Begich is considered one of the worlds experts on covert technology, surveillance and the HAARP machine. We explore some of the unspoken thoughts of this brilliant man and even delve into his earlier life in a politically connected family where his father, an elected official, went missing without a trace.

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Jordan Maxwell And Max Igan On The Vinny Eastwood Show, June 19, 2014


Those that are long in the tooth here need no introduction to Jordan Maxwell. This morning he lost everything that he had left. He has already lost his wife and family, this morning he learned his warehouse was burned down. If you like to help Jordan Maxwell please make a donation at his website at:


Rick Simpson | Cannabis Cures Cancer, It's Getting Legalized, Where Is The Medical System?, November 13, 2013


November 13, 2013–Rick Simpson With many of the worlds nations seriously considering legalizing cannabis it is important to recognize how far we've come since the days of reefer madness.

Touring Europe and being let on mainstream prime time TV has been a great experience because it is extremely encouraging in the face of hostility & ridicule.

Getting Hemp oil for cancer patients is just one objective and it ties into the entire medical system with the many conditions it cures, not just treat.

This makes it all the more important as the current medical system is basically the leading cause of death and who would argue that curing people is not a better result than killing them?

RUN FROM THE CURE - Full Version

The following presentation of RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story was made possible by Rick Simpson and video producer Christian Laurette... made for free to teach YOU how to heal yourself of disease and illness using cannabinoids.

Richard Alan Miller | ‪Holographics And The Fukushima Apocalypse Explained‬, November 11, 2013


Dr. Richard Alan Miller – The ins and outs of the holographic universe, classified US govt technology and knowledge kept by the military industrial complex now has the ability to either save or destroy mankind, and it's not getting used to help us!

Our food is being weaponized and the oceans (along with pretty much everything else) are being contaminated and all life on earth is in deep trouble from Fukushima, yet hardly anyone is talking about it!
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