Showing posts with label Wikileaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wikileaks. Show all posts

Whistle-Brawlers: Row over WikiLeaks threat to name NSA-target country, May 21, 2014


Despite warnings that doing so "could lead to increased violence" and potentially deaths, anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks says it plans to publish the name of a country targeted by a massive United States surveillance operation. Read more at:

Julian Assange on Being Placed on NSA Manhunting List & Secret Targeting of WikiLeaks Supporters, February 18, 2014


Top-secret documents leaked by Edward Snowden have revealed new details about how the United States and Britain targeted the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks after it published leaked documents about the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan.

According to a new article by The Intercept, Britain's top spy agency, the Government Communications Headquarters or GCHQ, secretly monitored visitors to a WikiLeaks website by collecting their IP addresses in real time, as well as the search terms used to reach the site.

One document from 2010 shows that the National Security Agency added WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange to a "manhunting" target list, together with suspected members of al-Qaeda. We speak Assange live from the Ecuadorean embassy in London, where he has sought political asylum since 2012. Also joining us is his lawyer Michael Ratner, president emeritus of the Center for Constitutional Rights.

WikiLeaks: US trying to 'criminalize journalism' over Snowden leaks, February 5, 2014


In a House Intelligence Committee hearing looking into worldwide threats to U.S. national security on Tuesday, Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) suggested that journalists brokering leaked documents from National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden are breaking the law.

Later, Rogers called investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald, one of the reporters who first broke the NSA leak story, a thief for stealing government information. Greenwald responded on Twitter, saying, "Maybe there's something that has become pretty sick about DC political culture if the idea of prosecuting journalists is now this mainstream."

RT's Liz Wahl talks to WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson to see if journalists reporting on leaked documents are accomplices to treason, as some US government officials have suggested, or merely participating in their First Amendment rights to freedom of the press.

"I Think It's Embarrassing" Julian Assange Responds To Obama's Big NSA Reforms Speech, January 17, 2014

Source: MOXNEWSd0tC0M youtube

Wikileaks releases more TPP documents, December 9, 2013


More information has become available concerning the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal that would expand the rights of international corporations and would represent about 40% of the world's GDP. Whistleblowing organization Wikileaks released new documents on Sunday detailing the differing positions of the involved countries and the secret terms of the negotiations. These documents shed new light on the United States' position, and show just how isolated the US is in its quest to push through the TPP. RT's Meghan Lopez gives more details about the information exposed in the documents.

TPP: Corporate Charter for the New World Order

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a monstrosity akin to being the corporate charter of the New World Order, effectively providing the framework for corporate global dominance. The details of the agreement are being written and negotiated in secret by 600 corporate advisors (including Walmart, Pfizer, Monsanto & Halliburton) while both Congress and the press have been barred from accessing the text. Sections of the text leaked to the public indicate a massive corporate conglomerate is working behind the scenes, through the TPP trade agreement as well as global consolidation (too big to fail) tactics, to upgrade transnational corporate rights and power from 'personhood' status to 'nationhood' status with a bent towards global resource management and control.

This inflated status enables corporations to sue sovereign nations having strict health, safety and/or environmental laws with the claim that such laws "violate their corporate rights to make money" via exploitive activities such as drilling, mining and fracking. Hundreds of similar lawsuits, costing nearly three hundred billion dollars in taxpayer funds globally, have reportedly already been filed. The latest, and perhaps most disturbing, is Bayer/Syngenta suing the European Commission to overturn the ban on their pesticides---the same pesticides proven to be responsible for killing millions of bees.

While TPP negotiations are expected to be finalized by Oct 1st 2013—a deadline that may also be related to upcoming disaster preparedness requirements centered around FEMA Region 3—the TPP deadline can, through a dedicated public focused on freedom and right-living, be stalled and pushed back for a third time (and perhaps final) time. To learn more about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement (TPP), as well as the Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA), and find out what you can do to personally get involved, please visit the Public Citizen Global Trade Watch website as well as

Video: It Can't Happen Here by Larken Rose
Video: Trans-Pacific Partnership: Corporate Global Domination (long version)
Video: Ask Lori [Wallach] Live: Trade Expert on the TPP

UPDATE(S): Special thanks to Jacqui C. for uncovering records proving Senator Sheldon R. Songstad (Republican--retired), is in fact a real person. Songstad was reportedly the source from which the "memo" regarding FEMA Region III deadlines originated—a claim I have been unable to verify.

WikiLeaks speaks out against TPP secrecy, November 25, 2013


The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a trade deal that countries along the Pacific Rim have been negotiating in secret for several years, yet bragging that it could be the biggest trade agreement in history, addressing everything from food to medicine to intellectual property. Critics of the negotiations and the potential deal contend that the TPP will only help big corporations at the expense of the general public. Last week, whistleblowing organization WikiLeaks leaked 95 pages of documents relating to the TPP's intellectual property negotiations. RT's Meghan Lopez speaks with Kristinn Hrafnsson, spokesman for WikiLeaks, about the TPP, its negotiations and how WikiLeaks got the documents they leaked.

RT | Beware Spyware: Wikileaks Exposes Surveillance Industry Trackers, September 4, 2013


A huge new revelation from Wikileaks this hour has exposed a sweeping surveillance industry, which has been developing spyware for governments to track and control their citizens. RT was among the very few media outlets given access to the documents prior to their release.

Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years behind bars, August 21, 2013


A US military judge has sentenced Army Pfc. Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison. Manning faced up to 90 years behind bars, while prosecutors sought to put the whistleblower away for a minimum of six decades. Read more at:

Govts threats to journos 'signalling rise of fascism' - WikiLeaks, August 20, 2013


The Guardian's editor Alan Rusbridger said that UK authorities raided the paper's London office to destroy hard drives in a bid to stop further damaging publications. He also said that intelligence officials from the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) had told him that he had the option of handing over all the classified documents or seeing the newspaper's hard drives destroyed. For more RT talks to WikiLeaks spokesperson, Kristinn Hrafnsson. Read more at:

RT | Manning Spy? Whistleblower faces 136+ yrs jail time under Espionage Act, July 31, 2013


The 25 year old was acquitted of the most serious charge against him - that of aiding the enemy - which carried a potential life sentence. But the army private was convicted on 15 counts of espionage and theft of government property. There was also a computer fraud charge - along with similar infractions Manning committed while in the military. Add it all up, and Manning could face 136 years behind bars. For a closer look at how the White House has used the Espionage Act in its war against whistleblowers, here's RT's Gayane Chichakyan.

Snowden makes his first statement from Moscow, July 1, 2013


The anti-secrecy website Wikileaks has now released a letter that was allegedly written by Edward Snowden. It says: "The Obama administration has now adopted the strategy of using citizenship as a weapon. Although I am convicted of nothing, it has unilaterally revoked my passport, leaving me a stateless person.

Without any judicial order, the administration now seeks to stop me exercising a basic right. A right that belongs to everybody. The right to seek asylum." Meanwhile, earlier today, we found out that an anonymous Russian official told the LA Times that Snowden has now filed for asylum in no fewer than 15 countries. For reaction on the letter and the latest from the Snowden saga, RT Political Commentator Sam Sacks and Abby Martin, the host of Breaking the Set, join

Kristinn Hrafnsson on RT | US declares Assange an enemy of the state, September 27, 2012


On Wednesday night, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange spoke the United Nations General Assembly during a "Strengthening Human Rights" event. In his speech, Assange implored President Obama to do the right thing when it came to whistleblower Bradley Manning and criticized the administration for not practicing what it preaches when it comes to free speech.

Shortly before Assange's address, it has been learned through a Freedom of Information Act request that the US has declared the Wikileaks founder an enemy of the state and Kristinn Hrafnsson, Wikileaks spokesperson, joins us with the latest developments.

Assange to UN: US is trying to build a 'regime of secrecy', September 26, 2012


On Wednesday night, Julian Assange, the creator of Wikileaks, addressed the United Nations General Assembly in an event called "Strengthening Human Rights" from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where he has been trapped for several months. The event that was hosted by the Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino and gave Assange a platform to draw attention to his case and he emphasized the importance of revealing the truth. Here is that speech.

Julian Assange RT Exclusive - Full Interview


Wikileaks' Julian Assange speaks exclusively to RT. The man behind WikiLeaks says his website's revelations are just the tip of the iceberg. In an exclusive interview with RT, Julian Assange said it is only a matter of time before more damaging information becomes known.

The Wikileaks Documentary

A well made high budget documentary full of information.

Cenk Uyger on MSNBC interviews Julian Assange


December 22, 2010–The newest interview in the U.S. of Julian Assange on Wikileaks. Discussion about the 1917 Espionage Act and our political leaders including V.P. Biden, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee. Assange making his case in a short 15+ minute interview with Cenk Uyger on MSNBC's "The Dylan Ratigan Show".

Julian Assange | Why the World Needs WikiLeaks


Recorded at TEDGLOBAL, July 2010 Oxford, England.

Julian Assange of Wikileaks | Afghanistan war logs


Julian Assange on the Afghanistan war logs: 'They show the true nature of this war'Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, explains why he decided to publish thousands of secret US military files on the war in Afghanistan.
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