Showing posts with label Zionism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zionism. Show all posts

Redice TV | No-Go Zone: This Is Your Government Occupied By Zionism | July 24, 2024


Henrik cover Netanyahu's visit to the US congress, the Olympic terror rapes In Paris have officially begun. Also, what the hell is going on with Peter Theil, Alex Karp, Palantir and the AI tech takeover of the GOP?

Joe Atwill | The Agenda Continues | Freeman TV | 2020


Is it Trump's war? Is it Trump's Space Force? Or, has this agenda been in play for over 100 years? What secret organizations are orchestrating these events? What is the agenda's true purpose? Are we on the brink of World War III?

When Joe and I spoke a year ago, the news was the first launch of Starlink by Space X, a collection of satellites set to bring wifi across the globe, the birth of the first genetically-modified children, Lulu and Nanna and the ramping up of the Space Force. This week's news is the launch of more Starlink satellites by the US Space Force, the creation of a monkey-pig hybrid to create human body parts in an animal and war with Iran. The agenda continues.

Why do they seek human longevity while also seeking humanity's destruction?

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

Joe Atwill presents in Caesar's Messiah, the Flavian Roman imperial family created Christianity to pacify the militaristic opposition to their rule. Even more incredibly, they placed a literary satire within the Gospels to mark their handiwork. This symbolic framework is the hidden history of Western civilization. In his follow-up book, Shakespeare's Secret Messiah, Atwill shows how this typology was understood and employed by Marlowe and Shakespeare, and what it means for the future of the Christian world.

David Livingstone | The Chao Before The Ordo | Freeman TV


Zionism, Nazism, radical terrorists factions, and where each fits into this highly controversial picture is not the job of ultracrepidarians; giving opinions and advice on matters outside of their knowledge. The creation of Sabbatai Zevi's messiahship by the Rosicrucians and the connection of the Protocols of Zion to the Memphis-Mizraim rite of Freemasonry is known by few. Who are the "THEY"? Is there an Illuminati causing terrorism and present day conflicts? Are they interconnected, related and fueling each other, thus propelling the world towards a clash of ideologies?

The Black Madonna, Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and the Orient; legends, myths and elite bloodlines, when analyzed independently appear insignificant and are easily ignored. However, when the dots are connected, a very different picture comes into focus. According to like-minded individuals, keeping these connections broken and the lines blurred, has allowed these secret societies and their members to operate in the shadows of a meticulously cultivated public image.

While many dismiss the idea of secret societies and a one world government as mere conspiracy theories run amok, many others would argue that is part of the plan. Thinking outside the box has always been a trait of forward thinking individuals and societies. Analyzing the ridiculous or outlandish has resulted in numerous discoveries and inventions that in retrospect have shaped communities, academics, governments and the world as a whole and their creators are given the highest, most prestigious recognition.

David Livingstone has been researching the hidden aspects of history for the last 25 years, resulting in the writing of three books. David's approach to history is to dare to consider those areas often dismissed by scholars as the subject of cranks, but to investigate these matters with the utmost scholarly rigor. The results are works that expose many neglected areas of history, but resist the temptation to hasty generalizations, and therefore offer a more sober penetrating treatments.

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Kevin Barrett, Philip Giraldi and Gilad Atzmon |  Zionism - Deconstructing the Power Paradigm, Part 1 | July 15, 2018


Panel presentations at the Deep Truth: Visionaries Speak Out online video conference of June 10th, 2018, produced by No Lies Radio and Kevin Barrett on "Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism, Judeophobia: Lets Define Our Terms"; Philip Giraldi on "How Jewish Power Sustains the Israel Narrative" and Gilad Atzmon on "Truth, Truthfulness and Palestine".

The Saker | Superpower Confrontation in Syria: It's Not Over


Actual targets hit in the April 14th missile strike on Syria; symbolic strike; chemicals would have created toxic cloud; facts no longer matter, only perceptions; Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) investigation resolution blocked by UN;

abandonment of international law, conflicts to be resolved by war; Russia announces ahead of time evidence Britain plans to stage false flag chemical event with White Helmets; Russia’s dilemma in responding to US missile barrage;

China’s response; goal of the AngloZionist attack on Syria; Russian weapons systems; confrontation with Russia not over; attack consistent with Oded Yinon Plan for the Greater Israel; Syria, Ukraine and Iran in the crosshairs;

Russia sending reinforcements; one world hegemon versus a multipolar world order; alliance between Turkey, Russia and Iran; Zionist lobby a pretext used to achieve power in the US; Zionism merged with Anglo/American power to create a one world hegemony.

Dr. David Duke | A New Paradigm For True Human Diversity and Freedom | Radio 3Fourteen | Aug. 18, 2015

Source: Radio3Fourteen,

August 18, 2015–Dr. David Duke is a graduate of Louisiana State University with a BA in History. He pursued a PhD in the largest university in Ukraine and in 2005 completed his Doctoral Defense in Kiev. He is a former member of the House of Representatives from Louisiana. His books “Jewish Supremacism” and “My Awakening” are translated into numerous languages, with millions of copies in circulation.

Duke is with us to share his views on the right of every people on earth to preserve their heritage, genetic lineage, cultural traditions and freedom. Dr. Duke views Zionist-driven globalism and its collaborators the greatest enemies of mankind, and his ideas bring forth a way of liberation for all people by promoting a new paradigm for true human diversity and freedom.

We discuss psychological conditionings and associations that Europeans are the enemies of mankind, and David describes how we can raze the system of Jewish supremacy that keeps this propaganda in circulation. We talk about the Jewish-controlled media’s role in changing the value systems of the Western world, teaching destructive behavior, over-sexualization, and the dismantling of the nuclear family.

David points to the depth of Zionist political corruption in our government, and he asserts that the only way to free ourselves from this occupying force is to instruct our people of this mortal enemy. We get into Christian Zionism, civil liberties, and the importance of White people connecting with their ancestry to understand the tremendous accomplishments that were achieved in establishing the great European nations that exist today. David says that our survival is hinged on elevating and supporting women, and that men must make revolutions within themselves in order to rise up to their fullest potential and attract viable mates.

Then, we look at the ever-popular meme of ‘White supremacy’ that is used to attack White human rights activists, along with the fact that it is the inborn urge of every people to express their essence in their own forms of art, music, culture, religion, societal structure and government. He underscores the source of the ultimate racist supremacy on Earth, and he suggests that by regaining control of the media, European values can be restored and peace will ensue. At the end, we touch on ways to use simple psychology to open the minds of people to understanding the true nature of human diversity. -Radio 3Fourteen

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Gilad Atzmon | From A to Zion & The Jewish Solidarity Spin | Hour 1 | May 18, 2015


May 18, 2015–Gilad Atzmon is a British jazz artist and author born in Israel and trained in composition and jazz at the Rubin Academy of Music, Jerusalem. He is a member of the Blockheads, founded the Orient House Ensemble in London, and has recorded and performed with many rock music legends. Gilad also writes on political matters, social issues, Jewish identity and culture.

Atzmon has written three books, and he returns to speak with us about his new publication, “A to Zion – The Definitive Israeli Lexicon,” a fictitious satire co-authored with cartoonist Enzo Apicella. Gilad gives a synopsis of the book and tells about his impetus for engaging the issues of Jewish ideology in Israel politics using aphorisms and humor.

Gilad underscores some of the pressing themes he covers, most notably the solidarity movement that has destroyed the Palestinian people, as well as the political advancements that have been achieved through the military institution’s murderous wars against innocent civilians. Gilad emphasizes the bamboozling effects of identity politics among various discourses, and we relate this cultural tactic to the notion of the oppressed vs. the oppressor as a trick to lead victims into the hands of more oppression.

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Brandon Martinez | The Creation of Israel & The ISIS Conspiracy | Hour 1 | April 17, 2015


April 17, 2015–Brandon Martinez is an independent writer and journalist from Canada who specializes in foreign policy issues, international affairs and 20th and 21st century history. For years he has written on Zionism, Israel-Palestine, American and Canadian foreign policy, war, terrorism and deception in media and politics. He is the author of Grand Deceptions, Hidden History and The ISIS Conspiracy.

Brandon is with us to give his take on the ISIS conspiracy and the array of terrorism plots that have been used to manipulate the masses and shape foreign policy. We begin with a look at the state of mainstream journalism today and the opinions of popular culture that are defined by reporting that sticks to largely unchallenged official narratives.

We consider how the powers that be are able to maintain protected status and convince society to relinquish freedoms via manipulating language and demonizing criticism of authority. Brandon takes us through the history of recent wars that have been predicated on fabricated terrorist attacks, and he outlines the backdrop of lies and guilt on which the state of Israel has been built. Martinez details the fine points in the hidden story behind the World Wars, and explains how Hitler and Germany was pushed and consequently used in order to justify the creation of Israel.

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Jeff Gates | How the Israel Lobby Took Control of U.S. Foreign Policy and Public Opinion | Hour 1 | Feb. 13, 2015

Source:, How Israel Wages Game Theory Warfare

February 13, 2015–Jeff Gates is an attorney, acclaimed author, and former counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance. Our guest has also served as an adviser to some 35 foreign governments. Jeff joins us to talk about his third book, Guilt By Association -- How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War.

He begins by explaining his personal awakening to the endorsed, systemic criminality going on in the background of politics. Jeff illustrates the US’s long-term relationship with the Israeli Zionist enclave that was recognized in 1948 during Truman’s presidency – a group responsible for expanding organized crime to a global scale behind the façade of a sovereign state.

He’ll give details of how this core allegiance of parasites have successfully victimized America and waged an unconventional war against the American public through domination of the “in-between domains” of media, pop culture, politics, think tanks and education. Jeff discusses the ideas of an embedded consensus, the simple math of campaign contributions, assets, and groomed politicians.

We’ll consider how the US came to stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel and the role of the Israeli Lobby to take control of Congress. Then, we’ll look at Hollywood’s role in advancing the narrative, extremism in faith communities, and the challenges of a society and government that operates by a consensus. Later, Jeff talks about the war with Iran that has been ongoing since 1979, and the manipulation of intelligence that could lead America into another war. We’ll end by examining strategies that can be used to combat and bring attention to the Zionist storylines aggregated in our minds through master mythmaking and sophisticated storytelling.

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Jeff Rense & Texe Marrs | ISIS...The Latest Zionist Bogeyman


Clip from September 15, 2014 - guest Texe Marrs on the Jeff Rense Program.

Zen Gardner | Activate the Warrior | Hour 1 | August 15, 2014


August 15, 2014–Zen Gardner began his online writing and blogging 8 years ago after a lifelong quest for truth and several major life changes. His focus is empowering humanity to reach its full potential in conscious awareness and its resultant activation in the expression of our lives. He writes on a variety of subjects from earth and human origins and our manipulated spiritual and historical context, to current political events in an effort to dismantle old mind sets in order to free and encourage the awakening of human consciousness that is readily available to all.

In this program, Zen discusses the process of awakening the warrior. He’ll talk about breaking free from passivity and how to take initiative. Also, we talk about the problem with Zionism and their genocide attempts. Zen says we’re coming to a point where we won’t be able to compromise any longer. It is our responsibility to respond against violence. He emphasises that this battle needs warriors, not observers standing on the sidelines with pity and guilt. Those who don’t yet recognize that we are engaged in a war, will soon be awakened to it.

Later, Gardner talks about pornography and feminism as a tool to break down the family, to degrade and create imbalance between the sexes. In the second hour, we’ll speak about Zionist control of the media and the insanity of Christian Zionists, who support Israel at all costs. We’ll also talk about escapism, increased suicide rates and urban warfare. Near the end, we discuss heroism of the warrior as the method of resolution. -redicecreations

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Conversation with Zen Gardner | Keep It Together in an Insane World | FarOutRadio | Aug. 4, 2014


Zen Gardner-Ebola, Gaza, Ukraine, Chemtrails-A CLASH of Civilizations. Zen and Scott Teeters (host) talked about the strange times we are living in. With two genocides playing out at the same time, westerners have to endure a totally biased and skewed news media. And when the media (the unofficial 4th branch of government – the one that governs your MIND) isn’t twisting reality, they serve up a continuous stream of more and more extreme “entertainment.” In actuality, modern “entertainment” has become “entrainment.” As George Carlin used to say, “And it’s BAD for ya!” 

So, how does one “stay aware” and not let it all crush you? That and other interesting things were covered in my conversation with Zen Gardner. Zen Gardner's always unique and eye opening take on what is going on in the world. With an eye toward the awakening he looks at the dark alternative news headlines, the real motives behind the powerful plays and what it means to you on a conscious path. Lots of BAD stuff going down.

About Zen Gardner:
Zen Gardner is a deep thinker on a quest for truth. He is the editor and publisher of the truth seeking website, He shares: "I have questions. Life is wonderful–full of amazing wonders that continue to unfold. My quest for truth has given me new perspectives which lead to well springs of information that continue to inspire awe and wonder at the world we live in. Dare to explore and see what leaves you …just wondering."

Jeff Rense & David Cole | The Zionist Perversion Of History


Clip from April 24, 2014 - guest David Cole on the Jeff Rense Program.

Henry Makow | Zionism & Multiculturalism, July 6, 2011


July 6, 2011–Henry Makow is the author of "Cruel Hoax - Feminism and the New World Order" also "Illuminati - the Cult that Hicjaked the world". He's written exstensivley on his website about many different politically incorrect issues from Feminism and the Satanic Bankers to Free Speech, Zionism and much more. He is with us as the second guest in our series about Zionism, Israel and Multiculturalism.

Topics discussed: Zionism, Israel, 1972, Palestinians, the structure of Zionism, Freemasonry, cultural programing, fragmentation, Sayanim, Palestine and Israel, apartheid, cultural cohesion, multiculturalism, immigration, feminism, migration, satanic agenda, Lucifer, Illuminati, Weishaupt and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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Adrian Salbuchi | Zionism & Multiculturalism, July 5, 2011


July 5, 2011–Additionally, he is an International business consultant. We're delighted to have Adrian on the show as the first guest in our series about Zionism, Israel and Multiculturalism. He begins discussing Argentina, which has suffered several major financial collapses. He'll talk about the presence of Zionists in Argentina and the taking over of Argentina's minerals and resources. Then, he clarifies what a Zionist is as not all Zionists are Jews and not all Jews are Zionists.

Adrian discusses 4 different categories: Judaism, Jewish people, Zionism and the State of Israel. He tells us about the global elites' long term tactics and strategies and how the world has been trained to think only in short term. Later, we talk about powerful American lobbyists who are more concerned with Israel than the USA. We end the first hour talking about the infighting of the elites and doing the opposite of what the global elite want. In the second hour we begin to discss Hitler and the Vatican Ratlines, an underground railroad that helped Nazis escape. Did they flee to South America? Adrian tells us about cutting edge technology that came from Argentina, including the first fighter jet and nuclear power because of the Germans living there. Then we talk about the Zionist/Nazi/Freemason connections. Is anti-Semitism and racism hyped up and invented? Adrian gives a personal example of how there is no tolerance for political analysis from all points of view, especially when it involves looking into Zionism. We'll talk about what Semitism is and who the Semites are. Then, we talk about Israel as the world government's spiritual capital. Is that where the future king of the world will be crowned?

Next, Adrian explains today's psychological war and how we need to set up a counter-psychological war tactic. Later, we discuss the hot topic of multiculturalism, the Zionists role in it, forced integration, monoculture and why the elites are now attempting to destroy cultural differences. We end talking about the benefits of difference on this planet and how it awakens us to the cosmic view.
~Red Ice Creations

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