Showing posts with label Coronavirus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coronavirus. Show all posts

MUST WATCH: Dr. David Martin Interview — U.S. Gov. Is Coordinating A Depopulation Program Against | June 19, 2024



Full Dr. David Martin Alex Jones Must Watch Interview

US Government is coordinating a depopulation program against the world.
States are preparing criminal charges against Big Pharma.

The Young Ones - Under 40's NZ Covid Jab Data | Apr. 12, 2024

Whistleblower Barry Young provides his data on the young New Zealanders, aged 40 and under, who died between the nationwide rollout of the covid vaccination in 2021, and who were registered as having had at least one dose of Covid vaccination before November 2023.

Barry's next court appearance is on the 23rd of April 2024 in Wellington.

All are warmly welcome on April 21st to show your support at a gathering of supporter picnic's.

To get in touch with picnic coordinator Robyn, connect via the Telegram group - "A NEW HOPE - Support Barry Young Whistleblower' - (@A_New_Hope_NZ)

To contribute directly to whistleblower Barry Young's Legal Fund -

The Great COVID Cover-Up EXPOSED by Senator Rand Paul, "Fauci should be arrested" | Redacted News | Apr. 11, 2024

Source: Redacted youtube

Senator Rand Paul joins Redacted to talk about the great Covid cover-up and the details of his new investigation proving Dr. Fauci lied before Congress. Will he be brought up on criminal charges?

"Infectious Replicatable Defective means a weapon." Dr. David Martin COVID 2023 Int'l COVID SUMMIT

"Pfizer 1990--the very first spike protein vaccine for corona virus--isn't that fascinating? That we were told the spike protein is a new thing that we just found out...filed the first patents for coronavirus in 1990."

"Most of you don't know that coronavirus as a model of a pathogen was first isolated in 1965. Coronavirus was identified, in 1965, as one of the first infectious, replicatable viral models that could be used to modify a series of other experiences as a human 1966, the very first COV coronavirus model, was used as a transatlantic biological experiment in the human population."

"But then we had an interesting development in 2002, and this date is most important--because in 2002 the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill patented, and I quote, "an infectious replicatable defective clone of coronavirus". Listen to those words: infectious replicatable defective. For those not familiar with (the) language, let me unpack that for you: 'infectious replicatable defective' means a weapon."

The Corbett Report | Navigating the River of Lies | Mar. 5, 2024


Last year, New Zealand activist Billy Te Kahike interviewed James for a documentary he was creating about the New Zealand government's response to the COVID scamdemic. Well, that documentary is now here. It's called River of Lies and it's available now at Today James talks to Billy TK about his documentary and shows some of the raw interview footage that was recorded last year.

Show Notes

Here's what REALLY happened with the Covid vaccine | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris | Feb. 28, 2024

Source: Redacted youtube

Did the Pentagon orchestrate the Covid pandemic? New leaked audio shows the DOD labeled Covid a national security threat weeks before we knew about it.

"This COVID study is MASSIVE and exposes the LIES they told us" | Redacted with Clayton Morris | Feb. 28, 2024

Source: Redacted youtube

A massive study of 99 million Covid-vaccinated people has just wrapped and the results are startling. Dr. Peter McCullough joins us to break it down.

The Great Setup with Dr. David Martin - Part 2 Full Documentary



In this riveting and eye-opening documentary, "The Great Setup" delves into the unsettling world of global genocide. Where one man, Dr. David Martin, courageously exposes a hidden web of sinister plans through an unexpected lens – patents.

This two - part docuseries serves as a wake-up call, urging audiences to reevaluate the consequences of blindly accepting what theyve been told without questioning the implications. Sit back as Dr. David Martin unravels the tightly woven fabric of a clandestine agenda that transcends borders

The Great Setup with Dr. David Martin - Part 1 Full Documentary


In this riveting and eye-opening documentary, "The Great Setup" delves into the unsettling world of global genocide. Where one man, Dr. David Martin, courageously exposes a hidden web of sinister plans through an unexpected lens – patents.

This two - part docuseries serves as a wake-up call, urging audiences to reevaluate the consequences of blindly accepting what they've been told without questioning the implications.

Sit back as Dr. David Martin unravels the tightly woven fabric of a clandestine agenda that transcends borders. 

Gain of Fauci: This might be the most eye-opening video clip that you see this year. The COVID shots pushed on billions of people could only be justified if there were no treatment options.

So, what did they do? According to Dr. David Martin, they let people die and suppressed treatments to make way for an experimental gene therapy bioweapon. But no one would voluntarily agree to take such a thing, thus they called it a “vaccine.”

The audacity of the crime was shocking:

The CDC, before it became the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was the US Malaria Suppression Program in Atlanta, Georgia, which did what? It advocated for the distribution of hydroxychloroquine.

Dr. Drew Pinsky | Shocking Proof That There Was No ‘Science’ Behind Most Covid Policy | Jan. 31, 2024

Source: Rubin Report youtube 

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Dr. Drew Pinsky about his political evolution during the COVID-19 pandemic; his shift in openness to alternative ideas due to growing distrust in mainstream media;

how an interview with RFK Jr. was a turning point for him in revealing the cozy relationship between regulators and pharmaceutical companies; the danger of arbitrary decisions, like the six-foot distancing rule,

emphasizing the lack of scientific basis for them; why young people should be more outraged; his concern about potential future health crises and the need for meaningful discourse; and much more.

Dr. David Martin | End The Tyranny of the W.H.O. | Sept. 13, 2023

13th September, A panel bravely exposed the WHO (World Health Organization) for the criminal organization it is, and proved that Covid is indeed a BioWeapon.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny | More Mass Deaths From Covid Kill Shots Still to Come!

Source: ariazeee rumble

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has had her medical licence suspended by the Board for "not complying" with their directives... except they refuse to tell her what the elusive "directives" actually are.

As one of the earliest doctors to speak out about the mass deaths we would see as a result of the COVID injections, Dr. Tenpenny is still sharing truth fearlessly, stating the worst is still to come.

Truthstream Media | Did No One Bother to Look up This Word?! | Sept. 3, 2023


Max Igan | End Game - The Launchpad Podcast | July 18, 2023

Source: The Launchpad Podcast,

It was an honor to speak with Max Igan, who has been on the front lines for the past 15 years trying to wake people up and doing his best to have them step into their most genuine, authentic selves, bringing awareness to consciousness.

In this podcast, we cover how far the agenda accelerated through the pandemic and the poison he believes was circulated. The absolute injustice of government. The poisoning of society as a whole, and how one can get through it.

It's not all doom and gloom though, there's hope. Max speaks eloquently and passionately about our souls, consciousness, unity, and respect for one another, and our respective paths. This talk has it all. Unedited, raw, and real.

DR. DAVID MARTIN w/ Brian Rose - Covid Was An Act Of War Against The Human Race (Full interview)

Source: London Real 

Back in 2020, we were one of the few platforms that questioned the mainstream narrative and continued to speak with experts and insiders that had important information we felt the public needed to hear.

One of those people was Dr. David E. Martin, the professor, researcher and author who many of you will remember as the star of the groundbreaking documentary Plandemic 2. That film was livestreamed here on our Digital Freedom Platform to over two million viewers, becoming the largest live broadcast of a documentary film in human history.

In it, David exposed the elaborate web of deception and lies by governments, corporations, and regulators that was a preamble to the Covid-19 pandemic and illustrated in detail how “following the money” uncovers a distinct conflict of interests between the very people that are managing this crisis.

David is the Founder and Chairman of M·CAM, an organisation that has for some time stood at the forefront of innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance. His groundbreaking achievements include the development of the world’s first innovation-based quantitative index of public equities, revolutionising the way we measure and assess the potential of companies.

Essentially M-CAM allowed US banks and then global banks to use intangible assets as collateral for loans. Whereas normally with a loan from a bank you put up security like your business or your house, David and his team found a way to allow people to put up patented ideas or copyrights.

“What we had to do for our business, is we actually have to monitor every patent that issues anywhere on earth. So the fact of the matter is, our business has to look at whether or not people have what they say they have.”

And with that understanding and knowledge alongside an unwavering commitment to right and proper research, David’s expertise became the fulcrum of investigations into the pharmaceutical industry and the workings of the FDA, CDC and the role of health officials like Anthony Fauci.

What David has uncovered is mindblowing information that suggests Covid-19 was far from being an overnight phenomenon, but has actually been orchestrated over the course of more than five decades! It is a remarkable narrative, the timeline of which David outlined in detail at the recent International Covid Summit in the European Parliament in Brussels.

David believes that Covid-19 was and remains an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race, and explains that coronavirus was first identified as an infectious replicable viral model that could be modified for “a whole host of reasons” in 1965.

David also outlines how Pfizer filed the first patent for a spike protein vaccine for coronavirus in 1990. While in the years that followed, every publication on vaccines for coronavirus dating from 1990 until 2018, concluded that coronavirus escapes the vaccine impulse because it modifies and mutates too quickly for vaccines to be effective.

In 2003, David says the CDC filed the patent on coronavirus isolated from humans. This is mind boggling information and brings into question almost everything we thought we knew, and barely scratches the surface of the incredible research and work David has done to uncover the truth of what is really happening, and the motives of those at the top of the global health industry.

This is a huge interview, and I can’t wait to unpack all that David has uncovered in his years of research and find out what steps need to be taken to ensure this can never happen again. David is an incredibly smart individual, a great analyst and speaker and what he has to say might just be the most shocking and detailed analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic to date.

James Corbett on the WHO's Anti-Human Agenda | June 22, 2023


via The New American: In this interview with The New American, award-winning investigative journalist James Corbett speaks about the gradual expansion of the biosecurity state and the weaponization of the healthcare apparatus and explains the key facts about the WHO’s proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and Pandemic Zero Draft that would provide the organization with unparalleled authoritarian powers.

Show Notes:
The Corbett Report on Medical Martial Law (2009)
Council of Europe: The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed
BMJ: WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”
The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act
COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity
WHO chief declares monkeypox an international emergency after expert panel fails to reach consensus
The Global Pandemic Treaty Is A Threat To Us All
Sovereignty Coalition Press Conference: Get the US out of the W.H.O.
Propaganda by Edward Bernays

James Corbett | The Biosecurity State, Germ Theory, RFK Jr, & the Transgender-Transhuman Connection | June 4, 2023


At the 2nd Better Way Conference in Bath, UK, Derrick Broze interviews James Corbett of The Corbett Report. Derrick and James discuss the changes which have taken place since their 1st in person interview in February 2020, specifically COVID1984 and the rise of the Biosecurity State & Technocracy. Derrick also asks James his thoughts on RFK Jr's presidential run, germ theory, and the Transgender-Transhuman connection. Don't miss this powerful interview!

Final Days | Full Documentary | May 30, 2023


From the Directors of Died Suddenly’: Final Days’ Exposing the Scientific Technological Elite and their desire to become gods. The Covid pandemic was the test run for an even more sinister plot to come.

International Covid Summit III - European Parliament, Brussels - David Martin - Part 1


This is the opening presentation by Dr David Martin on the origins of Covid in 1965 & Covid Vaccines in 1990! He speaks in front of the European Parliament International Covid Summit III in Brussels on May 3, 2023. Hear and be shocked..!

“Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked. Science was hijacked.”

Dr. Ahmad Malik - Fear Drove Covid Lockdowns and the Vaccine Debacle

Source:, Dr. Malik on Twitter

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on May 1, 2023, Patrick talks with Dr. Ahmad Malik in a stunning interview – as Dr. Malik speaks frankly about his experience as a medical professional during the Covid-19 ‘global pandemic’, and the repercussions he faced after speaking out against the Covid narrative whilst many doctors remained silent or compliant – fearing for their livelihood. Dr. Malik goes on to give his take on mandatory vaccination mandates by breaking down the basic pillars of ‘medical ethics’ and emphasising the importance of informed consent.
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