Showing posts with label EMVs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EMVs. Show all posts

Threat Assessment and Analysis with Crystal Clark, James Horak, Randy Maugans, November 3, 2012

Source:, emvsinfo.blogspot.comdrowninginabsurdity.wordpress.comRefined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly - Lifting the Veil

Responding to the ridiculous theories of David Icke and his distorted usage of the research of NASA scientist, Dr. Norman Bergrund. The fake cosmology of the Sun-Moon-Saturn menace; the Moon-Mind Control Orb scenario, fake alien invasion thesis; weather wars and genocide; The Greed-To-Death cycle of wars; Werner von Braun's leak of the hostile alien thesis. A call to reason and unity among humans against the Global Elite Death Wars. -

James Horak | EMVs, ETs and the Future of Humanity with Randy Maugans

Source: ,

Researcher, contactee, enemy of the NWO, and expounder of the "EMVs - Designers of the Solar System"... James Horak joins us for an off planet romp into the unknown, and often unspoken realms of cosmology: EMVs, Electromagnetic Vehicles... seen in the corona of the Sun and in the rings of Saturn.

Following the work of Dr. Norman Bergrun, a former Fellow of the Ames Space Center and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and his book, "The Ringmakers of Saturn"; James Horak unfolds a story of the fantastic beings who "manage" the energy interchanges of the solar system and galaxies.

A childhood contactee by the 'Greys', whom he terms as EBEs (Extra-Biological Entities, essentially robotic "meat puppets" which are non-sentient creations of a long transcended civilization), James makes the distinctions between these entities and the numerous sentient, and peaceful, ETs who are in close contact and proximity to the Earth.

He discusses the suppressed scientific and spiritual nature of the universe, why humans on this planet have been deliberately lied to, subverted, and enslaved on every level by evil controllers whose only goal is to reduce the population of the planet and enslave totally... mind, body, and soul... this race who are creations of a Divine God. A creation with a spectacular destiny, and one that is emerging even now, against all odds...even if the face of annihilation. He warns of the impending "ET" deception to be foisted on the planetary peoples by this same corrupt power structure, and how it may be used to create the final stage takeover of Earth, its assets, and inhabitants. Controversial... decidely "against the grain", and steeped in the wisdom of one who has "been there"...listen and decide for yourself!

Giant UFO shoots laser in the Sun and the giant "RODs" near the Sun, October 9, EMVs around the Sun, October 10, 2012

Source: myunhauzen74 youtube

Comment from James Horak:
"You are simply being allowed to see more of what's been going on ordinarily since the introduction of ET/EMVs is now suited to the hostile alien thesis. All the while, with the non-commitment typical of NASA and others, deniability is maintained. You can't push the mythical hostile alien threat without acknowledging ET, but at the same time you can't turn on a dime when for fifty years you've suppressed the presence of their UFOs. Leaks work both ways." JCH

Object Leaves Velocity Wake Near Sun 2012 | Stephen Hannard (ADG UK), July 23, 2012

Source:, StephenHannardADGUK youtube

This object is only visible for three frames, this indicates the object was travelling at a tremendous velocity, far exceeding light speed. I put it through several filters to see what I could highlight, and in my opinion the object does have a design of sorts, an oval shaped body, with two possible propulsion engines at either side, looks almost similar to the Space Jockey ship in the Prometheus movie, but as always you decide. ~Stephen Hannard (ADG UK)

Incredible Solar Anomalies 2012, July 18, 2012

Source:, StephenHannardADGUK youtube

Some incredible unexplained objects seen in greater detail using various filtering techniques. I will be creating another video analysing some of these strange objects in greater detail shortly, including some I did not include in this video. The stills and raw footage i have, contain much more detail, mainly because as with any conversion to video some slight distortion and loss of definition is unavoidable.

Apart from running these clips through various filtering programs I have developed, and some editing, no other manipulation has been done, so believe, or don't believe what your seeing, I don't care either way.

Thanks to Mike (Blackwards1) for helping me find the missing frames to the heat signature object, thanks also to Anon (you know who you are) for sending me the full unedited UFO/Fibre clip, your help was much appreciated. ~Stephen Hannard

Disclosure? We will do it, and no one can stop us.
-Information Machine-

‪Sun Ejects Mystery Object 2012‬ | Stephen Hannard ADG (UK), July 4, 2012

Source:, StephenHannardADGUK youtube

Not sure whether the ejected object is a natural occurrence or not, never seen that type of ejection before, looks kind of weird to me especially with UFOs watching. The object looks like it has a shape to it too, almost like a craft of some sort travelling at a colossal speed, and leaving a vapout trail. It cannot be a gas or plasma emission in my opinion. Just before the object leaves the Sun a funnel type phenomena is seen, and then the object seems to shoot out of it, possibly like a solar tunnel, or perhaps like a bullet leaving the barrel of a gun. Any thoughts would be appreciated. -Stephen Hannard (ADG) UK

Comment James Horak: "Very good catch. When you hear people like Stan Friedman brag about never seeing a UFO, it is because they won't look up. Today people are not only looking up, they are looking closely at the sun where even more diverse "action" is taking it has for eons." JCH

Norman Bergrun | Ringmakers of Saturn, Project Camelot, June 2012


In June of 2012 on the way to the Sacramento UFO Conference, we had the good fortune to interview Norman Bergrun the 91 year old author of "Ringmakers of Saturn". Norman is a scientist/engineer who worked in an above top secret capacity (his level of clearance, way above the President) for Lockheed. Prior to that he was at NACA a precursor to NASA.

Upon leaving Lockheed, he wrote "Ringmakers of Saturn" about the enormous craft spotted in the rings of Saturn and became something of an outcast in the scientific community. This interview covers his views on time travel, the nature of the vehicles that he says are creating the rings and much more... His conclusion is that the Ringmakers of Saturn are now creating rings around other planets and they are on their way here....

Groundbreaking and a real wake-up call for the mainstream scientific community not to mention the World.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot
June 2012

Ringmakers of Saturn

Norman Bergrun's "The Ringmakers of Saturn" is the inspiration for this video of the mysterious rings of Saturn. The big 3 amigo's on ATS (mikesingh, zorgon, and internos) have each added enormous effort of personal research on this subject, by gathering up to date Cassini satellite imagery that is showing some very interesting anomalies on and around the ringed planet.

Recap Video | Large Object Moves Across the Sun 2012

Source: ADG (UK)

Recap on the Incredible Object captured by SOHO, which seems to show a double ringed shaped object phase into view at the top of the screen, then darting across the Sun causing a flash across its surface. Did the UFO collide with the Sun or could it have been the result of tremendous gravitational and magnetic forces eminating from both objects. Whatever the reason, this video is the best evidence to date of ET craft in the proximity of the Sun. Will post all relevant data in a few days, so even if NASA remove the raw footage, I have the raw SOHO files available to download. Thanks. ~ADG (UK)

Large Object Moves Across the Sun 2012


Incredible Video of an Object captured by SOHO, which seems to show a double ringed shaped object phase into view at the top of the screen, then darting across the Sun before shooting off out of view.

James Horak on The Hundredth Monkey Radio, May 27, 2012


James Horak is explaining recent images showing a huge object in the vicinity of the Sun that has shown up on several images from the solar observatories. James is revealing that this is an ET-operation that is protected by EMVs while it is ongoing. ETs are using the Sun for forging an immensely large piece of a very special metal that James calles Armaton. This metal is used for the construction of ET craft among other things.

James, Tom and Ramone, in the course of the interview also discuss the chances of the survival of this lineage of humanity that is now facing the 7th extinction. James is giving the Captains and Lieutenants of the Illuminati, the facilitators of the ongoing depopulation of the 'useless eaters' on this planet Earth a warning that history is teaching us one thing:

"If the powers that be had their way, that after they depopulated the Earth, the evidence would have to be removed, that means the facilitators because tptb are going to rewrite history so it makes themselves look as wonderful and not the murderous scum they are."

Follow-Up on how EMVs Protect ET Operations near the Sun

Comment James Horak:
Yes, it's an EMV protecting an operation conducted by ETs to make a specific metal substance. This operation was discussed by me in a call-in to the Kevin Smith Show a few weeks ago when I explained what a very large object near the corona was and that it would need such protection over the weeks ahead as it completed processing this metal.

The substructure of managed stars are made of it as is stellar craft and structures on moons with rarefied atmosphere.

Large Craft leaving the Solar Anvil

Comment James Horak:
The anvil can serve to charge the exceedingly large craft destined for nearby points who have arrived from deep space through its portal. You see it draw a large solar flare at the time the craft disembarks.

EMVs, Sun Control and the Solar Anvil - James Horak explains

Giant Object discovered near our Sun - The Solar Anvil
Six weeks of solar activity - timelapse from June 1. 2011 to July 12. 2011
Composit of images from SECCHI COR2-A and SECCHI EUVI-A 304
provided by Naval Research Laboratory on

James Horak explains some astonishing phenomena we witness around our Sun. Next to the Sun, in a two o'clock position we see an object that is called the 'Solar Anvil' and has never been mentioned by science. This object is larger than all our planets together and has been there all the time and is captured by solar observatories in space and now published for the whole world to see. The sensation being that these images are actually presented to us unexplained and that science does not even ask what it is, at least publicly. NASA claims it is a fiber from the coat of Santa Claus, but everybody knows the true abbreviation for NASA: Never A Straight Answer.

EMVs around the Sun, May 22, 2012

Source: myunhauzen74 youtube

SolarWatcher | SOHOs Greatest Hits Volume 1-4

Source: SolarWatcher,

Compilation of the best anomalies i found from the Soho probe. ~SolarWatcher


A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly: Lifting the Veil Part 4, Benjamin Donnelly interviews James Horak, April 29, 2012


In this interview, which is a continuation of the Crystal Clark series, Benjamin Donnelly probes deeper into the nature of reality and our purpose of existence by questioning James Horak further.

Some of the Topics covered in this interview are:

  1. Other races which co-existed with us on Earth.
  2. The difference between partial and full manifestation and their relationship with holographic reality and split consciousness/unified consciousness.
  3. The possible protocols of E.T. contact enabling one to discern between real contact and social engineering.
  4. Can population control be something natural without social engineering?
  5. Are there other planets in our solar system unaccounted for by NASA and JPL and filtered out by the Office of Astronomical Telegrams?
  6. Why did our ancestors encounter so many problems despite having unified consciousness?
  7. The nature of serial and linear time in reference to evolution and what we define as the present and if this is dynamic and changeable by ourselves even now.
  8. The nature of Genetic Memory.
  9. What was the purpose of the Sphinx and the pyramids?
  10. How is life created? The possible distinctions between creation and evolution and their roles in the creation process.

Part 1-3

A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly: Lifting the Veil, Crystal Clark interviews James Horak

James Horak on Offplanet Radio | The Split Consciousness, April 25, 2012


April 25, 2012–
James Horak: has issued a warning to the global elites---your time is up! We talk about the mechanics of liberation and the end of the ruling elites who have perpetrated genocide on humaity. EMV updates' and the management of the Earth grids in galactic center; the split consciousness of man...the source of evil, and "privatizing space"...a REALLY bad idea!
~Randy Maugans

A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly: Lifting the Veil, Crystal Clark interviews James Horak, April 4, 2012

are presenting a three-hour series of three interviews
Crystal Clark and James Horak

A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly: Lifting the Veil
This may well be the first time earth-bound humanity has been told the truth about our past—ever.

Should that be the case, this is a Great Day for the people on this planet—this is no small thing. It is entirely natural and expected that people will ask themselves, “How can we possibly know if this is true?”

As you move through each segment of this 3-part series, the answer will become self-evident: If we are able to turn things around on this planet fast enough, which will also ensure that we survive our own technology and those who abuse it, we will be in a position to TEST this story… I like that. :)

I would imagine some of you are wondering if I personally believe this story? Yes—I do.
~Crystal Clark
Click here to download the interviews as single mp3 file

Black Spherical Anomaly on the East Limb of the Sun, March 11, 2012

Human Origins, EMVs and E.T.-Life - Mark Snider interviews James Horak on Ohio Exopolitics Part 2, March 5, 2012

Source: Ohio Exopolitics,

March 5, 2012–Mark Snider again is extracting tremendous amounts of information from James Horak about the human condition and our relation to the people in our solar system we have had in the past. James also explains what his position on earth is and how he found out what his task is. The importance and function of the EMVs in relation to sun, earth and sentient life is explored and what is going on on Venus, Mars and Jupiter and its moons. The design of the universe is laid out by James and in recognizing it's beauty you may understand why it can't be any other way.

James Horak | EMVs, Kontrolle der Sonne und der Solare Amboss


EMVs, Kontrolle der Sonne und der Solare Amboss

Gigantisches Objekt in der Nähe der Sonne entdeckt - Der Solare Amboss
Zeitraffer der Sonnenaktivität vom 1. Juni bis zum 12. Juli 2011
Komposit der Bilder von SECCHI COR2-A und SECCHI EUVI-A 304
vom Naval Research Laboratory auf zur Verfügung gestellt

James Horak erklärt die erstaunlichen Phänomene, die wir in der Nähe der Sonne beobachten können. In einer 2 Uhr Position sehen wir ein Objekt, den Solaren Amboss, der bisher nie von der Wissenschaft erwähnt wurde. Dieses Objekt ist einhundert mal größer als alle Planeten des Sonnensystems zusammen und war schon immer dort und wurde von den Sonnenobservatorien im Weltraum abgebildet und ist nun für die ganze Welt zu sehen. Diese Sensation wird uns mit dem Kommentar der NASA präsentiert, dies sei eine Faser vom Mantel des Weihnachtsmanns aber jeder kennt die wahre Abkürzung für NASA: Niemals eine ehrliche Antwort (Never A Straight Answer). Das Naval Research Laboratory scheint es nicht zu kümmern...

Sie sind Zeuge einer erstaunlichen Entdeckung und aufgefordert Ihr Konzept der Realität neu zu überdenken, zögern Sie nicht, diese 'Entdeckung' wird unsere Welt verändern und unsere Überlebenschancen erhöhen. Bedenke auch: spirituelle Technologie von gigantischen Ausmaßen kümmert sich unablässig um unser Wohlergehen und kann jetzt bei ihrer Tätigkeit beobachtet werden.

In diesem Video sehen Sie nach einer Serie von sechs starken Eruptionen innerhalb von vier Tagen, vom ersten Juni bis zum 12 Juli 2011, daß das Gebiet zwischen dem 'Solaren Amboss' und der Sonne sich verdunkelt. In einen energiearmen Zustand verwandelt, bildet das dunkle Gebiet eine Art Verbindung zwischen Sonne und dem Solaren Amboss. Nach diesen Eruptionen und der Bildung des 'Kanals' oder 'Portals' füllt sich das ganze Gebiet um die Sonne herum mit sich schnell bewegenden Objekten. Diese Objekte nutzen den Kanal oder Portal das von der Sonne und dem Solaren Amboss gebildet wird um aus dem ganzen Universum hierher zu springen, meistens nur als Durchgangsverkehr, wie James weiß.

Die EMVs und ET-Schiffe, die zahlreich ein- und austreten nutzen Zeit-Kompression um das Portal zu passieren, die von der Energie der Sonne und dem Solaren Amboss ermöglicht werden.

Wir sehen weitere merkwürdige Objekte aber das Eigenartigste ist ein Sonnen-Kreuzer, einem Schmetterling ähnelnd, der auf einem gekrümmten Weg vorbeizieht und einem Flare nahekommt und dort auftankt. Diese Zivilisation benutzt eine unterschiedliche Technologie, vielleicht sind sie die Hippies des Universums?

Die Anzahl von solaren Explosionen innerhalb von nur sechs Wochen ist erstaunlich und man könnte bezweifeln, daß die Sonne mehr als sechs Milliarden Jahre aktiv sein kann ohne auszubrennen.

Diese Bilder sind so ehrfurchteinflößend, insbesondere wenn Du anerkennst was hier von dem bestqualifiziertesten Mann, den es gibt, offenbart wird und der uns helfen wird ebenso zu den Sternen zu gelangen - falls wir die Neue Welt Ordnung vereiteln.

'Set the controls for the Heart of the Sun' - was wusste Pink Floyd darüber?
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