Showing posts with label Consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Consciousness. Show all posts

Judith Pennington | Superconscious: The Brainwaves of Extraordinary States | Monroe Instutute | June 2, 2021

Source: Monroe Institute youtube,,, 

What do extraordinary states of awareness look like inside the brain? See for yourself in "The Brainwaves of Extraordinary States." The Mind Mirror EEG is used to map the brain-wave patterns of remote viewers and out-of-body travelers listening to Monroe audio technology during the research-oriented Discovery program. Hear about their superordinary experiences in higher states of consciousness—and how they got there.

Judith Pennington is a Mind Mirror Consciousness Trainer, an internationally-published journalist, mind researcher and world authority on EEG biofeedback meditation and the evolution of consciousness. Founder of the Institute for the Awakened Mind and co-developer of the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6 EEG and the Mind Mirror Portal, she is the author of two books and seven guided meditation albums.

Tom Campbell | Fireside Chat March 2021 | Part 1-3


Part 2

Caroline Cory | Consciousness and Superhuman Abilities - YOU Are ALL That! Here’s What it Takes | March 31, 2021


It was this Seth insight channeled by the late Jane Roberts who said, “Consciousness creates reality. Not the other way around.”

Simple and powerful. But is this a scientific fact or a just postulate that can only be relegated to esoteric opinion?

According to consciousness researcher and filmmaker Caroline Cory, not only is the science there to show that consciousness is the primary ingredient to all of reality - both seen and unseen, but she’s got the experiments to prove it.

In her latest film: Superhuman - The Invisible Made Visible, some of the most mind bending feats of humankind, when put to the test, using innovative but rigid methods show without a shadow of a doubt that each of us have capabilities far beyond what most could ever imagine.

Remote viewing, psychokinesis (or PK),telepathy, even the ability to read while being completely blindfolded are all possible.

More than possible, there are people on this planet right now who are demonstrating these abilities every single day. This is how they live.

So what can WE learn by understanding and knowing the science that backs these claims up?

Caroline shares powerful information that will no doubt turn you on your ear, but also turn the volume up on your ability to plug in using some powerful and proven techniques.

The next step? How you can be a Super Human! -Alexis Brooks

Anthony Peake, Pascal Immanuel Michael | The Near Death Experience | March 26, 2021


Pascal obtained his BSc Hons from Aberdeen University in Neuroscience with Psychology, researching the neurotrophic effects of Omega-3 fatty-acids, and graduated with an MSc from University College London in Clinical Mental Health Sciences in 2018, exploring wellbeing changes associated with the DMT experience.

He is currently a PhD student at University of Greenwich with Dr. David Luke, investigating psychedelic and spiritual experiences, specifically the phenomenology and physiology of the DMT and near-death experience (NDE). He has a particular interest in how the scientific method can be harnessed, not least using psychedelics as ideal tools, to investigate the nature and transformative capacity of mystical-type and other ‘exceptional human experiences’ – and how the continuum of the molecular mechanisms to the humanistic experience of death and dying will inevitably illuminate the nature of life.

His interests include psychedelic experiences and/or near-death experiences, neurobiological and subjective mechanisms of psychotherapeutic effects; Neural correlates; Experiential phenomenology.

Tom Campbell interview with Christina Rasmussen of Dear Life | March 24, 2021


“There is a stillness about Tom, and deep inner knowing that you will experience when you listen to this conversation. Even though I have spent many years reading about and researching consciousness and time and space, this conversation and Tom’s work has forever shifted and altered the way that I understand and think about these things.

Through this vast and expansive conversation, we dive into Tom’s understanding of consciousness and answer some of the BIG questions like, Why are we here? Where do we go? Where does love fit into all of this? And a whole lot more!

I also want to say that it is OK not to agree with some of Tom’s discoveries and beliefs. In my humble opinion the truth about our existence is a multi layered reality. There are many answers that will construct the one truth. So take from this conversation the parts you need to add to your truth.

“We are here to grow up. We’re here to make good choices, and through the quality of our choices we evolve.” ~ Tom Campbell

Tom shares the work that he did with Bob Monroe in the 1970s, his first out-of-body experience, and how he can now have these experiences at will. Tom is a self-described skeptic and explains how these experiences allowed him to see what is fact and what reality, consciousness, and our purpose here really is.

We talk about what reality actually is, what those synchronicities might mean, and trying to tell you. I share a story that some of you may have heard already about a rubber ducky and how it continues to show up in my life, the life of my loved ones, and even people I’ve worked with.

He explains in great detail what happens when we die and how he knows this to be true, how we remain connected to those that have exited this reality, and how that connection changes as well.”
-Christina Rasmussen

Dr. David Luke | The Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour | March 15, 2021

Source: Anthony Peake youtube

Dr. David Luke is Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Greenwich. His research focuses on transpersonal experiences, anomalous phenomena and altered states of consciousness, especially via psychedelics, having published more than 100 academic papers in this area, including ten books, most recently Otherworlds: Psychedelics and Exceptional Human Experience (2nd ed., 2019). 

When he is not running clinical drug trials with LSD, conducting DMT field experiments or observing apparent weather control with Mexican shamans he directs the Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness salon.

Tom Campbell | Losing Fear and Everything You Wanted to Know About The Afterlife


This audio excerpt from the Q&A Krakow (part 3/4) begins with a question on how to deal with fears. Possibly because it is being simultaneously translated into Polish, by Witold Tomkiewicz, Tom has delivered particularly detailed and thoughtful advice on one of the most asked questions relating to spiritual evolution we have heard to date.

Another often asked question is: What happens after we die? What is the afterlife like? Again, this is a detailed and in depth answer that will shed light not only on the subject, but on the man who researched this subject so thoroughly.

Tom Campbell and J Mitchel Reed | Choices, Rules, and How to Win | March 5, 2021


Mitch calls Tom Campbell "Intrepid, fearless."

In this interview, Mitch takes on the role of alchemist with great questions and quotable insights, while Tom's theory and answers meld the conversation into pure gold.

The conversation begins with Campbell's motivation as a physicist in helping set up Robert Monroe's lab with Dennis Mennerich, an engineer. The compelling goal was to gather evidence for Bob's out of body experiences. "What was the organizing background behind what was going on in these experiences?"

Logic, the structure that explains purpose and point was the goal. Logic is what drove his big theory of everything thirty-five years later.

There are some good talking points here for that "Giant leap for mankind."

JMR: "The best argument for free will is that we are where we are."
TC: "Only the truth is sustainable."

Thomas Campbell | Straight Talk Live The Science of Consciousness | March 1, 2021


This episode we sit down with physicist, author, and consciousness expert Tom Campbell who has worked as an applied physicist for over 40 years — including a decade with Army technical intelligence, two decades with National Missile Defense and several years as a consultant to NASA, as we discuss:

✔️ Out-of-body experiences and what it has to teach us about our current physical reality
✔️ Why fear, ego, beliefs are the greatest limiters to evolving our consciousness
✔️ How to balance rational and intuitive modes of perception for greater problem solving
✔️ And how you can make better choices that align with your highest-level growth and potentiality

Anthony Peake | Author of Philip K. Dick , The Man Who Remembered the Future | PKD Talks | Feb. 23, 2021

Source: The Philip K Dick Film Festival youtube,

Anthony Peake is a writer who deals with borderline areas of human consciousness. His first book, Is There Life After Death? was published in 2006 and since then he has gone on to develop his own ideas together with exploring the latest areas of research in his field. Peake brings to the fore cutting-edge research in neuroscience and metaphysics.

His seventh book, A Life of Philip K Dick The Man Who Remembered the Future delves heavily into the psychological, neurological, and gnostic background of the writer. Topics of discussion will include what is the origin of the many PKD experiences; what can it tell us about the nature of reality, are we living in a simulation. Join us for this riveting talk on PKD The Man Who Remembered The Future.

Freeman Fly | Signs of Allegiance | Skeptico Swapcast | Jan. 30, 2021


Near-death experience science and the ever growing body of peer-reviewed research surrounding it. - Parapsychology and science that defies our current understanding of consciousness.
- Consciousness research and the every expanding scientific understanding of who we are.
- Spirituality and the implications of new scientific discoveries to our understanding of it.
- Others and the strangeness of close encounters.
- Skepticism and what we should make of the "Skeptics".

Tom Campbell | Your Superior Self | Interview with Trey Downes | Jan. 7, 2021

Source: Trey Downes youtube,

For the past forty years, Tom has been focused on scientifically exploring the properties, boundaries, and abilities of consciousness. His books, videos, and workshops have reached millions of people around the world and have changed lives and opened eyes to a new way of thinking about reality: a new way of understanding physics, and a new way of understanding who, what, and why we are.

Dr. Mark Pitstick | After Death Communication Shatters Materialism | Oct. 20, 2020


Dr. Mark Pitstick has over 40 years’ experience in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers, and private practice. His training includes pre-medical degree, graduate in theology and pastoral counseling studies. Master’s in clinical psychology and doctorate in chiropractic health, which is no joke in my opinion, is fantastic. He has also provided suicide prevention counseling, and education to many, many people.

He began having clairvoyant experiences around the age of 10 and has been blessed with numerous miracles in his life, revelatory experiences, spiritually transformative experiences. Are you getting a kind of feeling for why I wanted to read all this in, pretty amazing? 

After working in hospitals with many suffering and dying adults and children, he was motivated to find sensible evidence-based answers to the questions that many people ask, actually, I think many people should be asking more on a regular basis. Who am I? Why am I here? What happens after I die? Will I see departed loved ones again? Is there God? Why is there so much suffering? 
So his books, documentary films, and workshops have grown to address all of these questions. Dr. Pitstick wrote Soul Proof, compelling evidence that no one really dies and Radiant Wellness: A Holistic Guide for Optimal Body, Mind & Spirit. And I think there’s another book in there that I may or may not have mentioned, but I’m sure we will get Mark to talk about it.

Tom Campbell | Stress: Control Power Force | Oct. 6, 2020


Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Stress: Control, Power, Force. This Month we begin this conversation discussing what happened on our last show - the fear and anger people are exhibiting due to COVID-19 and how people are angry about being called out on Self-Centeredness - which seemed to be upsetting people. 
Unfortunately, not only was that not our focus but rather it was to assist us to realize that instead of focusing on "me" we need to understand that we are all one and together.

Yes we may have a perfect auto-immune system to fight this virus, but does our parents, or grandparents, what about the people who are asymptomatic? So this month we discussed Stress and what Tom phrased as Control, Power, Force.

We want to have control, power and force over our lives and when it is threatened, like being told we have to wear a mask, we get angry. But this is our ego talking, it is our desire to be in Control, have Power and Force our way of thinking on others.

Stress is only hurting ourselves: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually. We need to remember Love comes from a place of Giving. When we 'take' it is not Love, or Acceptance - it offers very little to our Evolution towards Love. When we wear a mask it is to respect others.

We need to stop worrying about our own needs and Give Love by BEing conscious of the World we share with the other 8 billion people. Remember we are here to Grow towards Love not stay stuck in our fears! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We're Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

Truthstream Media | The Gordian Knot | Sept. 20, 2020


Aaron Dykes recounts the long history of scientifically controlled central-management systems that have led us to into our current predicament.

As the world becomes more divided on nearly every issue, it results in further extremes as people try to untie the Gordian Knot of apparent complexity and chaos.

What can we do when we need logic, commonsense and clear thinking more than ever, but it has been supplanted by fear, emotion and technocratic illusion management?

Tom Campbell | On Fear of Death | Sept. 17, 2020


Tom Campbell explores the complex dynamics behind the fear of death from different viewpoints. 
His experience with the transition process brings a unique perspective to this subject.

Chris Cooper of Voice America interviews Tom Campbell | Part 1 | Sept. 13, 2020


Chris Cooper interviews Tom Campbell in a series of three interviews. This is Part 1 of the series. Chris has hosted the weekly Business Elevation show since Sept 2011 – one of the most listened to business shows on the world’s leading on-line platform. Chris interviews thought leaders and high achievers on topics relevant to elevating your business and your people whilst contributing to a better world.

Tim Murphy and Tom Campbell | Synchronicity and Fermi's Paradox 3/3 | Aug. 27, 2020

Source:, Digital Philosophy youtube

In this interview, Tom Campbell answers critical questions that Tim Murphy had about his theory as he worked on a philosophy thesis related to its morality code. Also, Campbell answers critical questions that his professors had about his theory.

Tom Campbell is a retired NASA physicist, consciousness researcher, and author of "My Big TOE." He argues that our universe is not physical, but rather is a simulation created by a vast consciousness field of which we are all a part.

According to Campbell, this consciousness field is at its most fundamental level, a digital information system evolving toward lower-entropy states. The purpose of the simulation, Campbell contends, is to provide a challenging environment that offers small individuated units of consciousness (like you and me) the opportunity to overcome their fear (a high-entropy state) and move toward love (a low entropy state) over many experience packets (lifetimes). -Tim Murphy

Tom Campbell | PhDs, Synchronicities, and Nudges | Aug. 11, 2020


What’s up Doc? Well, here is what’s up with the Doc! The LCS had other plans. We all have intuition, most of us ignore it. There is after all, free will. (Consciousness, free will, and time are key elements to Tom’s logical big TOE, a big theory of everything.) But when you are an evolved being such as Tom Campbell, and your intuition is finely tuned after many life experience packets of making the best choices possible and acknowledging nudges, well, you pay attention.

In this virtual reality, which is the logical conclusion of Tom’s big theory, learning is the most important thing. Learning, growth, experiences, good choices, and evolving toward love.

From a teaching assistant in the physics department of a prestigious university, to Robert Monroe’s makeshift lab, the One, and My Big TOE, listen in to Tom’s very personal journey from graduate school to the award winning documentary Superhuman!

Caroline Cory & Tom Campbell | Consciousness is Fundamental | Aug. 5, 2020


"Superhuman" is a provocative award-winning documentary that provides tangible evidence for the powers of the human mind over matter.

Through ground-breaking scientific experiments and real-life demonstrations, viewers will find themselves connecting the dots about the relationship between mind and matter and discover whether they live in a simulated matrix or if they can have any control over their physical reality.

Physicist, consciousness researcher, author of the My Big TOE trilogy and international lecturer, describes the nature of our larger reality, provides a complete theory of consciousness, and explains our purpose and connection to that larger reality. Along the way, Campbell derives a more fundamental science that directly answers the most pressing problems and paradoxes of modern physics.

Caroline Cory’s film “Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible:
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