Richard Dolan Explains Blue Book. Ep. 1: The Gorman Dogfight | Jan. 19, 2019


The discovered book Richard references in the video is - UFO's and the National Security State - New, First run, Vol.1.

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next?

Dr. Richard Alan Miller | A New Year Chat | Jan. 20, 2019

Source: Feet to the Fire Radio,

We plunge headlong into yeat #17 with F2F, LIVE with a New Years Chat with Dr. Richard Alan Miller, Ph.D.; a long time fav on F2F and one interesting cat. Open Talk, Open Chat, OpenTompics, and if you have listened to F2F w. Dr. RAM, you know that means it can go anywhere.
-Feet to the Fire Radio

Jasun Horsley | Sex, Occultism and Social Engineering | Legalise Freedom Radio | Part One | Jan. 18, 2019


Jasun Horsley discusses his book 'The Vice of Kings: How Socialism, Occultism, and the Sexual Revolution Engineered a Culture of Abuse'.

In today's post-truth world, we are becoming inundated with fantasy fiction, alternate truth, fake news, and grossly-oversimplified, wildly-exaggerated conspiracy theories in which cryptocratic power structures and shadowy elites rule our fates. But suppose the truth is both stranger than any fiction and more nuanced and disturbing than any theory? Suppose it is not conspiracy but complicity that creates our world?

Beginning as an investigation into the author's childhood inside a closet aristocracy of so-called 'progressive' British entrepreneurs, 'The Vice of Kings' uncovers a shocking and deeply-disturbing history with links to powerful, high-profile individuals and organisations within the media, entertainment, government, law enforcement, the intelligence services, and more.

By juxtaposing disc jockey Jimmy Savile's secret cultural, criminal, and political affiliations in the second half of the 20th century with the life and teachings of Aleister Crowley in the first, it uncovers an alarming body of evidence suggesting that organized child abuse is not only the dark side of occultism, but the shadowy secret at the heart of culture, both ancient and modern.

Peter Levenda | Esoteric Hitlerism, Nazi Occultism and Deep State As Told | Jan . 18, 2019


Peter Levenda is the author of Unholy Alliance & Sinister Forces. He appeared in the TNT documentary, Faces of Evil, in his role as an expert on Nazi history with special regard to the occult and esoteric practices. He will also appear on the upcoming History Channel special, Nazi Prophecies. Peter has interviewed Nazis, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, Satanists, self-proclaimed witches and occultists, intelligence agents, clergymen, bogus clergymen, businessmen, military officials, and many more during the course of his research for both Unholy Alliance and Sinister Forces.

The David Icke Dot-Connector | Unravelling The Web (Part One) | Jan. 18, 2019


Clif High | Strange Science : Wine glass shattering for fun and profit | Jan. 17, 2019


Adults only - rough language about woo-woo understanding of physics, reality, and why wine glasses shatter and how to profit from it. Discussion of quantum level effects. Atomic bindings, lattice structure, water, atoms, wine glasses, rayguns...depending on how fast i can work through the material. A basic lecture in woo-woo quantum physics understanding.

Mitch Horowitz | The Miracle Club: How Thoughts Become Reality | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Following in the footsteps of a little-known group of esoteric seekers from the late-nineteenth century who called themselves "the Miracle Club," Mitch Horowitz shows that the spiritual "wish fulfillment" practices known as the Law of Attraction, Positive Thinking, "the Secret," and the Science of Getting Rich actually work. Weaving these ideas together into a concise, clear formula, with real-life examples of success, he reveals how your thoughts can impact reality and make things happen.

Mitch Horowitz explains how we each possess a creative agency to determine and reshape our lives. He shows how thinking in a directed, highly focused, and emotively charged manner expands our capacity to perceive and transform events and allows us to surpass ordinary boundaries of time and physical space. Building on Neville Goddard's view that the human imagination is God the Creator and Ralph Waldo Emerson's techniques for attaining personal power, he explores the highest uses of mind-power metaphysics and explains what works and what doesn't, illuminating why and how events bend to our thoughts. He encourages readers to experiment and find themselves "at the helm of infinite possibilities."

Laying out a specific path to manifest your deepest desires, from wealth and love to happiness and security, Horowitz provides focused exercises and concrete tools for change and looks at ways to get more out of prayer, affirmation, and visualization. He also provides the first serious reconsideration of New Thought philosophy since the death of William James in 1910. He includes crucial insights and effective methods from the movement's leaders such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Napoleon Hill, Neville Goddard, William James, Andrew Jackson Davis, Wallace D. Wattles, and many others. Defining a miracle as "circumstances or events that surpass all conventional or natural expectation," the author invites you to join him in pursuing miracles and achieve power over your own life.

Mitch Horowitz is a PEN Award-winning historian, longtime publishing executive, and a leading New Thought commentator with bylines in The New York Times, Time, Politico, Salon, and The Wall Street Journal and media appearances on Dateline NBC, CBS Sunday Morning, All Things Considered, and Coast to Coast AM. He is the author of several books, including Occult America and One Simple Idea. He lives in New York City.

Dane Wigington and Jeff Rense | NASA Satellite Pics PROVE Disastrous Climate Engineering | Jan. 16, 2019


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 01-16-19 with Guest Dane Wigington.

Mind-Boggling NASA Satellite Photos Absolutely Proving Massive, Global Weather Control
NASA Satellite Imagery Reveals Shocking Proof Of Climate Engineering

NOTHING TO HIDE | Documentary

Directed by: Marc Meillassoux


Anytime you go online, you're not alone. Your internet activity is likely being tracked by the prying eyes of corporations and the security branches of government. It's an insidious form of spying that remains invisible to most. Others claim they couldn't care less who is watching or gathering data from their internet searches. After all, they claim, they have no secrets of value. The feature-length documentary Nothing to Hide outlines the flaws behind this common perspective, and reveals why modern online conveniences should not come at the expense of a person's right to privacy.

Many of those who have expressed grave concerns over online privacy have been dismissed as kooky conspiracy theorists. But according to the film's perspective, their paranoia is firmly grounded in reality. The film features interviews with consumer rights activists, sociologists, a former member of the National Security Agency (NSA), and a series of consumers who have experienced the perils of online surveillance.

At the center of it all is a young man who sees little harm in the practice. Like many others, he happily breezes through terms and conditions when installing an app, and accepts the risk of having his every online activity monitored in exchange.

He agrees to participate in a fascinating experiment for the film. His phone and laptop will be tracked for 30 days, and his metadata will be shared with analysts much like those employed by companies and organizations that specialize in monetizing personal data. What will this data reveal about his personal comings and goings, his likes and dislikes, and the building blocks of his daily life and relationships? Will he think differently about online surveillance once he gains a true sense of what he's giving up?

The film argues that the practice of surveillance, and our willingness to relinquish our private information, is more than just a ploy to target advertising. In fact, it's a gateway to a dystopian future worthy of George Orwell. The information gleaned from our online activities may be used to hinder our employment opportunities, threaten our financial health, and compromise more than just our freedom of speech.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 17, 2019


Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal went down to a crushing defeat in the House of Commons, but she survived a no confidence vote brought by Labour and other opposition parties: what's going on? My two cents worth...

Article: Britain's Theresa May survives 'no-confidence' vote after large Brexit defeat

New World Next Week | The Controlled Demolition of Brexit | Jan. 17, 2019


Story #1: May's Government Survives No Confidence Vote
Brexit: May Calls On MPs From All Parties To “Put Self-Interest Aside”
Gun Gets By TSA During US Government Shutdown
Government Shutdown Brings “Uncharted Territory” For Upcoming Superb Owl Ritual
Pelosi Urges Trump To Delay State of the Union Until Government Shutdown Ends
Democrats Vacation With Lobbyists Amid Government Shutdown
The Real Problem with Brexit and The Irish Border
No, This Shutdown Does Not Look Like Liberty

Story #2: White House Considering Former Pepsi CEO For World Bank President
White House Considering Indra Nooyi to Head World Bank
Wikipedia: Indra Nooyi
The Specter Of Donald Trump Is Haunting The World Bank (Sep. 2, 2016)
So What Does the World Bank Do Exactly?

Story #3: Cops Can't Force People to Unlock Their Phones With Biometrics, Court Rules
PDF: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California Ruling On Biometric Unlocking Of Smartphones
PDF: Previous Ruling On Police And Smartphone Passwords
Social Media’s “10 Year Challenge” Is Just a Harmless Meme—Right?

Dylan Monroe | The Cult of Baal | Freeman TV


"Freemasonry is far too serious a matter for any man to assume its villainous obligations without due reflection...bound by the cable tow of Satan to the altar of Baal, there is no place for after repentance." Mah-Hah-Bone Edmond Ronayne Past Master 1879

"To overcome these dark magicians who have held our world hostage for centuries, we must study and understand the occult knowledge they have usurped for their own advantage, and accept that a metaphysical world does exist and has been used by these overlords against us. We must expose those in the highest seats of power for who they really are, and who they really worship, as we struggle to assimilate the greatest deception humanity has ever known." Dylan Monroe

Dylan Louis Monroe is an American artist currently based in Cincinnati, Ohio. He graduated from Parsons in 2007 with a BFA in fashion design. In New York City, he worked in the high-end fashion industry for 7 years, designing prints, apparel, and jewelry, before moving back to Ohio to focus on fine art and its application to his own vision of fashion.

In 2017, Dylan started the "Deep State Mapping Project" in response to the changing political climate in America. His "Q-web" spread virally across the dark web in 2018. An online store dedicated to this project was launched in April, 2018.

Dylan had been researching conspiracies since 2005, when living two blocks south of the World Trade Center site, then called "Ground Zero," he discovered the theories surrounding WTC 7, which led him down the matrix of rabbit holes that ultimately culminated with the creation of the "Q-web," a cartography of the master conspiracy.
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