Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp Unloads on The Shadow Government, Exotic Weapons and Covert Budgets | July 23, 2020

Source: Health Ranger @Brighteon

 Health Ranger, Mike Adams interviews Kevin Shipp.

S0 News | Sun, Climate, Earthquakes, Geo-Engineering | July 27, 2020


Dark Journalist | X-Protect: UFO File Assassins | July 26, 2020


Dark Journalist debuts his new breakthrough documentary that uncovers startling information about an unkown group of Aerospace agents that have controlled the crucial geopolitical events of the last 70 years to protect the secret of the UFO File. Amazing new information on Howard Hughes, Litton Industries, RFK assassin Thane Eugene Cesar, the Pascagoula UFO incident, MKULTRA and more.

Breakthrough Documentary Includes:
Pascagoula UFO Incident
UFO File
Howard Hughes UFO Secret
Litton Industries
Lockheed Defense Contractors
False Disclosure
Aerospace Hidden Technology
Aerospace Assassins
Thane Eugene Cesar

Jeff Rense & David Icke | His New Book ‘The Answer’ And The CV PsyOp | July 24, 2020


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 07-24-20 with Guest David Icke.

Bruce Fenton | Exogenesis: Hybrid Humans, Ancient Aliens, & The Mothership | July 25, 2020

Source:, Bruce Fenton Twitter

Bruce R. Fenton is a British multidisciplinary scientific researcher and media personality. Born in the historic English town of Cheltenham, England, he studied Information Systems at Anglia Ruskin University before working in global finance and real estate.

Fenton, is an explorer best known for his expeditions to megalithic constructions in the Ecuadorian Amazon jungle and ancient ruins in the Georgian Caucasus. His adventures have featured in the UK Telegraph & Daily Mail newspapers as well as on the Science Channel.

Most recently he has made several appearances on the flagship History Channel show Ancient Aliens, featuring as a guest expert for seasons 14 & 15. His thoughts and findings have been shared on dozens of radio shows around the world.

He has two books available for purchase, The Forgotten Exodus: The Into Africa Theory of Human Evolution (foreword by Graham Hancock) and Exogenesis: Hybrid Humans: A Scientific History of Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulation (foreword by Erich von Daniken).

S0 News | Pre-Quake Electromagnetic Signals, Climate Laziness | July 24, 2020


How They Pulled Off The 'Plandemic' | An Animated Film Explanation by David Icke | July 24, 2020


Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | July 23, 2020



EMERGENCY BRIEF: China has stopped publishing inflow data to Three Gorges Reservoir

If you know more about disasters and how economy or food prices internationally may spike because of this event, please leave comments below.

I am watching in real time the almost complete destruction of China's central grow region as emergency warnings are given as engineers blow dam after dam and levy after levy to evacuate major cities and farm lands with livestock.

What I am watching will have an effect on you in the US, but I am not sure the lag time from these unbelievable events that are out of a Hollywood movie and real price increases and finance shocks.
Start with this video the the afternoon update from Taiwan and this is a live feed of the Three Gorges Dam

Airang News , TVBS in Taiwan and CBC news are all covering the thousand year floods sweeping China live. This is unprecedented the scale of damage to China.

More flood videos and information
China blasting dams

Brien Foerster | A Thorough Exploration Of The Megalithic Osirion At Abydos In Egypt: Pre-Dynastic Masterpiece | July 23, 2020


Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds To Reuters Fact Check on COVID-19 Vaccine Genetically Modifying Humans


In this interview, Dr. Andrew Kaufman joins Spiro for a second time. The first time Dr. Kaufman joined Spiro, they talked about topics that apparently, nobody is allowed to talk about, if you dare question the official story that is.

In the first interview the two discussed the coronavirus, they covered testing and they covered the vaccine. The video was quickly approaching 100k views but YouTube removed the video after only a couple days. This video will likely be taken down as well, because it does not conform to the establishment's narrative.

Not only did YouTube remove the previous video, Reuters, which is a massive international news publication that news sites from all over the world obtain their talking points from, published a fact checking report attempting to debunk Dr. Kaufman's claims that the new COVID-19 DNA vaccine would genetically modify humans. In this must see report, Dr Kaufman responds to the Reuters ‘fact checking’ report.

Show Notes:
Doctor Andrew Kaufman Website
False claim: A COVID-19 vaccine will genetically modify humans
DNA, RNA and protein – the Central Dogma
The Emerging Role of DNA Vaccines
Advancing Novel Experimental Gene-based COVID-19 Vaccine, AAVCOVID
Adenovirus DNA Replication
CRISPR-Cas9: Gene Drives
Antisperm Contraceptive Vaccines: Where we are and where we are going?
The HSD-hCG Vaccine Prevents Pregnancy in Women: Feasibility Study of a Reversible Safe Contraceptive Vaccine
Development of antifertility vaccine using sperm specific proteins
State Bar Group Calls for 'Mandatory' COVID-19 Vaccinations, Regardless of Objections
AstraZeneca CEO Soriot says fast-tracked COVID-19 shot will protect for just one year
New COVID-19 restrictions will be needed for anti-vaxxers
Colorado Bill Would Require “Re-Education” Classes for Parents Who Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine
MLAs vote to drop notwithstanding clause from mandatory vaccination bill
Among Americans who say they wouldn't get vaccinated, 7 in 10 worry about safety
There appears to be a coronavirus vaccine on the horizon—but it’s a GMO and the FDA would need to approve testing
GMO tomato as edible COVID vaccine? Mexican scientists work to make it a reality

S0 News | Sun Triggers Earthquakes, Many Recurrent Novae, Hurricanes | July 23, 2020


Linda Moulton Howe | Interview w/RN Lynn Monet "Invisible Entity Experience", UAE Mars Launch, Chat Q&A | July 22, 2020


COVID-19 Update:
- Vaccine trials under way
- July 20, Lancet reports 1,077 injected with vaccine. Results are positive, induces immune response.
- 140,000 vaccines in developments, only 23 being tested on humans
- More than 100,000 reported cases each day.
- Over 15 million people currently infected.
- Over 625,000 people have died to date.
- 29 States require the use of masks in public sites and gatherings

Mars rocket launches:
- UAE rocket blasts off July 19, 2020, headed for Mars.
- Set to land on Mars in 7 months.
- China to launch on July 23. Carrying ground penetrating radar.
- USA to launch on July 30. Large “Perseverance” rover on board.

Mage, Brazil follow-up with “Psychic X”
- Sixth Mass extinction, estimated to be only 25,000 polar bears remaining.
- Aliens trying to collect animals before they disappear.

Invisible Entity Experiences:
- Interview with Lynn Monet, professional nurse
- Wrote “Omnipresent” book.
- Able to perceive frequencies most humans cannot.
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