Jay Coghlan on Las Conchas Fire (Los Alamos), June 29, 2011

Source: NewsTsar

Jay Coghlan of Nuclear Watch New Mexico Comments on Las Conchas Wildfire.

Crop Circles | Crossovers from Another Dimension

Source: UFOTVstudios

Discover the hidden secrets of a timeless mystery in this award winning film about the greatest Crop Circle formations ever created. The creators of these paranormal formations still remain a mystery. After years of painstaking research, scientific evidence still points to alien influences that are responsible for this phenomena. One thing is certain, what you are about to see in this amazing film can only be described as miraculous evidence of a secret art form that continues to defy explanation.

Arnie Gundersen | New Insight on Fort Calhoun & Cooper Nuclear Stations, June 28, 2011

Source: wbai.org, fairewinds.com

Dr. Judy Wood on the Gary Null Show, June 28, 2011

Source: thegarynullshow.podbean.com, drjudywood.com

June 28, 2011–Dr. Judy Wood and she is a former professor at Clemson University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, specializing in the research of thermal stress and deformation analysis with optical imaging, biomaterial composition, and biomimicry. She is an expert in the field of interferometry, an optical method of stress analysis to determine interference patterns and their effects. She has authored over 60 peer reviewed research papers.

Dr. Wood has applied her scientific expertise, since the time of 911, to conduct what is probably the most thorough forensic study on the collapse of the world trade towers – based on over 40,000 images, video clips, volumes of witness testimonies. Her findings led her to file a federal qui tam case for science fraud against the contractors who controlled the official 911 Commission report. Her research has been published in a 500 page book, “Where Did the Towers Go?: Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 911.”

Listen to the interview here

Nightvision Recordings Over Denver Colorado by magnetflipper, June 2011

Source: magnetflipper youtube

Thomas Sheridan | The Labyrinth of the Psychopath & The Intraspecies Predators, June 26, 2011

Source. redicecreations.com, labyrinthpsycho.blogspot.com

Thomas Sheridan is an artist, writer and musician from Ireland. His first major book Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath, is a first-person account of the cheats, the charlatans, the liars, the neglectful parents, abusive teachers, two-faced politicians and their Psychopathic Control Grid, tyrannical bosses and colleagues from hell we have all encountered, including the lying lovers who use us then lose us in an instant.

Puzzling People takes a look at how the minds of psychopaths work and why, and focuses on what you can do to survive and thrive and ultimately escape forever. In the first hour of this interview, Thomas will talk about the individual psychopath. He'll talk about their consciousness, drive and tactics and will share a personal story of his experience with a psychopath. Thomas will tell us how psychopaths serve as evolutionary triggers and what we need to do to break free of them. He says we are at the cusp where the psycho control grid either tightens or loses control because of awareness.

Topics discussed: moral insanity, internal chaos, pathology, invented personas, playing on pitty, intraspecies predator, spiritual parasite, the R-complex, managers, promoters, the enlightenment, shadow projection, Joseph Campbell, neurosis, Darwinism and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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Wildfire 1 Mile from Nuclear Facility in Los Alamos, NM - Mandatory Evacuations - June 27, 2011

Source: msnbc.msn.com

"Los Alamos under mandatory evacuation
Las Canchas fire continues to grow
Updated: Monday, 27 Jun 2011, 4:56 PM MDT
Published : Monday, 27 Jun 2011, 2:11 PM MDT

LOS ALAMOS, NEW MEXICO (KRQE) - A mandatory evacuation has been placed on the city of Los Alamos after fire officials are reporting the fire is now threatening Los Alamos.

"Officials are ordering a mandatory evacuation...."

"The County is first evacuating those residents who are the closest to the immediate threat of fire."

.. For detailed evacuation instructions for Los Alamos, NM, go here:

Robert M. Stanley | Close Encounters on Capitol Hill, June 27, 2011

Source: coasttocoastam.com

June 27, 2011–UFO expert and editor of Unicus Magazine, Robert Stanley discussed how the location of Washington DC has been a hotbed for UFO activity over the years. Hundreds of people witnessed the numerous 1952 sightings over the Capitol, and some took photos and movies, which the government attempted to confiscate, he stated. According to his sources, during this time, two US jets went up to intercept one of the UFOs over Capitol Hill, and "were either disintegrated or beamed up and never returned."

The National Mall has had a lot of UFO activity, said Stanley, describing an incident that took place at the Millennial celebration held there on January 1, 2000, in which witnesses reportedly saw cylindrical motherships that released smaller triangular craft. The UFOs were said to suddenly disappear when military helicopters swooped in. Stanley said that he himself has been subject to visitations from unmarked black helicopters hovering over his home, possibly to harass him over his UFO research.

UFOs/ETs have focused on Washington because it's the seat of power, and further, there appears to be an alien base underneath the city, he argued. He arrived at this conclusion because of the frequency of the sightings, witnesses that have described craft that hover low to the ground and disappear, and the huge number of tunnels and bases known to exist underground in the area. Alarmingly, Stanley suggested that these alien or interdimensional visitors may actually be controlling key leaders in the government.

Nick Redfern | Men in Black, June 22, 2011

Source: coasttocoastam.com, Nick Redfern

June 22, 2011–British ufologist Nick Redfern discussed his research into the Men in Black (MIB) phenomenon, in which he looked at numerous cases from the start of UFO sightings to the present day. The first report of Men in Black was associated with Albert Bender, who was studying UFOs in the early 1950s and formed a popular group called the International Flying Saucer Bureau. But then, he suddenly shut the organization down after he was visited by three men wearing black suits who told him that he was getting too close to the truth, and if he knew what was good for him, he'd leave the subject alone. Later, researcher Gray Barker popularized Bender's tale, and implied that the Men in Black were government agents, Redfern detailed.

In many of the MIB accounts, witnesses describe the visitors as having somewhat odd appearances and behavior, including bulging eyes, being very short, sometimes lacking in emotion, and suddenly disappearing. Their goal always seems to be intimidation, which is typically accomplished with veiled threats, said Redfern, who added that he found it curious that people invariably allowed these strangers into their homes, which indicates the MIBs might employ a kind of hypnosis.

Redfern has concluded there may be more than one group behind the MIB phenomenon. For instance, there is documented evidence that government agents have visited people who've reported UFO sightings, yet some of the paranormal aspects to MIB visitations suggest there may also be alien/hybrids making their own visits to determine how much people know about them. Joshua P. Warren proposed an interesting theory to Redfern-- that MIBs may actually be time travelers. The reason they wear the black suits is because this look will fit in in many time periods, and this might also explain why the cars they drive are sometimes out of date, Warren said. In reference to photo documentation of MIBs, Redfern mentioned this photo taken by Timothy Green Beckley.

Max Igan | Surviving the Matrix, Equity & The Holographic Universe, June 23, 2011

Source: redicecreations.com, thecrowhouse.com

June 23, 2011–Max Igan is from Queensland, Australia and is behind the website thecrowhouse.com which covers a vast array of different topics spanning from government corruption to the mysteries of our ancient past.

Max is with us today to share his perspective from Australia as it seems to be a testing ground for the agenda of the power hungry cabal of global centralization. Oz is banning everything from herbs to guns and we question why. The theme of this program is corruption. We'll discuss why things are they way they are, where we're heading and the philosophy of the elite. Max also talks about the strip mining of our planet.

Topics Discussed: The Crow House, surviving the matrix, disarmament, Australia a testing ground, smart cards, DMT, "chemtrails", weather controlled device, military base pine gap, global government, new world order, 1984, new speak, dharma, evolving, devolving, holographic universe, the surrounding field, time, cyclical time, the program and more.~Red Ice Creations

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William Henry | Ancient Stargates

Source: veritasshow.com, WilliamHenry.net

William Henry is one of the world's cutting edge mythologists, is perhaps one of the most credible experts available when it comes to the secret sciences and technologies of our ancient ancestors. An authority on ancient mythology and the Holy Grail, he's conducted decades of intensive scientific, archaeological and historical research.

What he's discovered is truly amazing. His working hypothesis is that Stargates and wormholes are at the center of all the world's myths and religions. William is the author of 10books on ancient mysteries and spirituality. During this exploration of Egypt, William will be drawing on information contained in all of his books.

William's mission is to seek and bring forth this ladder's mysteries. Welcome to an investigation into the blackest secret of all. You are about to experience a secret that has been handed down for millennia. A creation of wise beings who called themselves Shining Ones, who hailed from Planet X, and carried the creation across the darkness of the cosmic ocean. We discussed how real stargates/portals/wormholes are. Could they be the emergency exits in the event a global extinction event were to occur?

William Henry is an investigative mythologist and author of ten books on ancient mythology and neo-archaeology with a Stargate twist. By applying the latest theories in science and consciousness to ancient myths of the gates of the illumined gods, including Sumerian, Egyptian and Holy Grail gateway myths, he hopes to uncover the secrets of the guarded, by such groups as the Illuminati.

His latest book, Oracle of the Illuminati, states that we are on the verge of rediscovering the sacred science of creating peace on Earth. Investigative mythologist William Henry was leading a tour in Egypt when the revolution suddenly began. He recapped what he saw in Egypt, and how he escaped the chaos, violence, and military lock down, as well as his study of ancient Egypt's iconography and wisdom traditions. His tour, begun on January 19th included 24 people, and was going fine.

After two days in Giza exploring the pyramids, they traveled south for a cruise on the Nile. When they flew from Cairo to Aswan to begin their cruise, they encountered a British man in the security line, who cryptically said "wait till you see what happens in Egypt next week," which in retrospect made Henry wonder if the Egyptian uprising had been carefully planned rather than spontaneous. When they returned to Cairo on January 28th, the demonstrations had been going on for several days, and a curfew was announced. There was gunfire outside their hotel room, and tanks rolling through the area, and they didn't know if they'd get out.

Cobbling together various resources, the group journeyed to the Cairo airport passing checkpoints guarded by neighborhood gangs with makeshift weapons. At the airport, mayhem reigned, as 18,000 people were all trying to go through security at the same time, and no one could print out their boarding passes because the Internet had been shut down. Henry's group pulled together as a team, and eventually all successfully got out on various planes.
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Secret Space Program Conference: Richard Dolan [Full Length]

Source: groundcrews.eu, keyholepublishing.com

The Secret Space Program Conference was held on the 3rd of April 2011 in Amsterdam.
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