Richard Dolan - A.D. After Disclosure, University of Leeds, August 7th, 2010


In "A. D. (After Disclosure) - How the World Will Look After the Great Change" Richard Dolan looks at how, after over six decades of quiet revolution that UFOs herald, we can now see the outlines of a reality that's been sneaking up on us one step at a time. The issue that got hushed up by one generation and turned into an object of derision by another now demands to be heard straight up in ours.

Presented at the 2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo at the University of Leeds on August 7th, 2010.

Jack Abramoff | Secret Weapons Inside Capitol Hill, March 27, 2012


March 27, 2012–We like to think our Congress represents us – but does it? When they first arrive on Capitol Hill, new Congresspeople are immediately sought out and mentored by lobbyists. With over 20,000 lobbyists in Washington D.C., the role of lobbying in U.S. politics is a critical key for understanding how our government works. This segment explores lobbying and the systemic issues that can stem from it. Jack Abramoff – former lobbyist, convicted felon, and the author of Capitol Punishment – joins us with an insider’s perspective on the political processes that corrode truth, leadership, and the ethical representation of “We The People”. Jack offers a rare and candid glimpse into the complex political realities surrounding legislation – how it’s drafted, voted in, killed, and largely unread by our representatives – and a deeper understanding of Congressional hearings, political immunity for insider trading, lobbying-related conflicts of interest, and high-level bribery.

In order to change our political system, we have to understand it first. Join us as Jack Abramoff, Washington D.C.’s most notorious former lobbyist, shares his insights into how it works – and what we can do to reform it. ~Kim Greenhouse

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Mack Maloney | UFOs in Wartime: What They Didn't Want You to Know


In the course of researching his novels, military fiction writer Mack Maloney discovered startling historical records of an increase of UFO sightings near pivotal military events. He discussed a variety of incidents from World Wars I & II, as well as Viet Nam and other battle zones. One of the earliest cases he found dated back to the time of Alexander the Great, when his army was planning a siege on the city of Tyre, and "flying shields" let out a lightning bolt that destroyed one of the city's walls, which allowed Alexander's army to get in. Proceeding WWI, "scareships" were reported by British newspapers in 1909. They were described as dirigible-like craft that emitted huge searchlights and could travel as fast 200 mph.

In World War II, there were reports that crews of allied bombers would see fantastic aircraft flying just 100-200 ft. off their wing. These strange craft, which became known as "foo fighters," would not take action or interfere with the bombings. One of the foo fighters was described as an enormous cigar-shaped, brightly lit craft that flew in formation with the bombers. Incidents such as these led Maloney to theorize that rather than ETs, the UFO occupants were time travelers who came back to observe significant time periods, such as during wars-- to see history as it was being made.

In the "ghost rocket" sightings of 1946, which took place in a remote area of Sweden, hundreds of long tubular objects flying in formation were seen. While they resembled cruise missiles, this was years before that technology was developed, he noted. Maloney also detailed bizarre incidents that took place in Viet Nam, such as when a bright object came down on top of an American base, illuminating the entire area, while all electricity was knocked out; and a UFO that hung over Hanoi for a period of two hours, while the North Vietnamese shot at it to no effect.

Pepe Escobar on GRTV | Responsibility to Protect: Exposing the "Humanitarian" War Lie, March 26, 2012


As the world recovers from one humanitarian peace bombing in Libya, and braces for another possible intervention in Syria, many are now asking how it is that the so-called liberal left have become cheerleaders for the very wars of aggression they once pretended to deride. As long-time investigate reporter Pepe Escobar explains, an obscure international doctrine called Responsibility To Protect or R2P has been the main tool for shaping this new paradigm for the continuation of NATO's imperial power grabs around the world.

Henrik Palmgren interviewed on The Vinny Eastwood Show, March 23, 2012


Vinny’s NUTShell: Henrik Palmgren Feels like the world is changing and changing fast, it also appears that the people around us are under the control of a sinister scheme hatched in the very bowels of scumbaggery. But we can all wake up and do what is right, not because we have to, but because we want to. ~Vinny Eastwood

Sgt. Clifford Stone | Eyes Only: The Story of Clifford Stone and UFO Crash Retrievals


This is video segment 1 of 2. Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of Veritas Radio. To watch Segment 2 of this exclusive interview, subscribe at

Veritas is censorship and commercial free and survives on your voluntary subscriptions. Thank you for supporting our work. ~Mel Fabregas

This interview with Sgt. Clifford Stone was filmed at the 2012 International UFO Congress.

"My name is Sergeant 1st Class, US Army, Clifford Stone. I had a secret clearance with nuclear assurity. I was called in on special operations, I participated in crash recovery missions. There were bodies involved. Some were alive. While we were doing this, we were telling the world there was nothing to it."

Wow. It's great to hear from someone who's actually worked with crashed UFOs, and the ETs found on board. Retired from the U.S. Army after 22 years, Sgt. Stone has been revealing what he saw and knows since Dr. Steven Greer's 2001 National Press Club DISCLOSURE PROJECT conference. You've seen the YouTube footage (over a billion views, Mel says). Stone is the guy whose answer to a question is that the government has catalogued at least 57 ET species.

Stone was trained to be an ET first responder. He had a kind of field guide to ET types and how to keep them alive until medics arrived.

Stone was also an interfacer, brought in to communicate with live EBEs; telepathically, of course.

Like so many whose lives become entangled with ET realities, Stone hints that he was probably cultivated from a young age for future assignments. He talks about one strange "training mission" to "Florida," where they came upon Grays at a gently placed, but shrapnel spewed B-52 in what was likely a Cambodian jungle. "CLIF-FORD. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He is asked, telepathically.

We hear about a downed craft in Virginia, of all places, where Stone was brought in to interface with an EBE. The little guy exuded fear. He asked Stone for help. Said there was a big problem ahead. Stone got ET home, safe and sound.

Why are we seeing so many UFOs these days, Mel asks.

"I think they know something we don't, and that's the part that worries me," says Stone.

Stone has amassed over 500 million pages of documents in support of his case that the U.S. has been involved with ETs since the early 40s, if not before, and he's still at it. He's got a new book out that he hopes will encourage others to reveal their ET experiences.

"Our visitors have rogue elements with access to technology," Stone says. "But with that said, if any of these rogue elements were to threaten us, others would come to our aid and neutralize that threat. That may be what's happening out in space. Something is.

"Someone needs to come and say: 'First of all don't panic, but here's the facts.' That will be the start of disclosure. Otherwise some event is going to happen that thousands of people will witness. A lot of people will panic and we'll be our own worst enemies.

"I want my message to be one of enlightenment, and hope for a new beginning and a brighter future. Yes they're here. They're not hostile. They are very spiritually and technologically evolved. They mean us no harm."

You'll want to catch Mel's 2009 interview with Sgt. Stone in the Veritas archives.

Max Igan | Participating In Your Own Salvation, March 23, 2012


Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - March 23, 2012

Universal Law trumps all others.

1. No man or woman, in or out of government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against my life and property and, any and all contracts I am a party to, not giving full disclosure to me, whether signed by me or not, are void at my discretion.

2. I may use force in self-defense against anyone that violates Law 1.
3. There shall be no exceptions to Law 1 and 2.

"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader" - Plato

David Icke | The Manipulation of Humanity, March 22, 2012


March 22, 2012–British author David Icke has written 16 books and traveled to over 40 countries since 1990. His books reveal how a hidden hand is behind world-changing events like the attacks of 9/11 and the manufactured wars in the Middle East, as part of a mass mind manipulation technique he has dubbed problem-reaction-solution.

While being controversial and often heavily attacked, David Icke has driven on with his unrelentless investigation into subject areas that others don't dare touch. He reveals information that has been kept from a "dumbed down" population and has allowed the establishment to treat them as nothing more than slaves to a sinister hidden agenda.

David returns to Red Ice to talk about his newest book, Remember Who You Are. First, we begin the interview discussing Robert Green's campaign and ritualistic child abuse. Then, David speaks about reality within our holographic universe. Later, David gives his perspective on aliens manipulating human DNA. Lastly, we discuss archetypes as software programs. David explains how human emotion is tied to genetics and using consciousness to override manipulation from external sources.
~Red Ice Creations

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Max Igan on Truth Frequency Radio, March 22, 2012


Jordan Maxwell | Fall of America, Occult Symbols, Truth, Supernatural, March 14, 2012


Topics: Studying the Occult World, Know the Truth, Fear of Police State, Apathy of the General Public, Jordan as a Child Wanting to Learn, Fall of the World, Advanced Technology, Jordan's Supernatural Experience, Higher Entities Interfering, The Republican Party Today, Nazi Establishment, Democrat, Soviet Fascist Party, The Eagle Symbol, The Sun Order, Democracy-The Mob, People's Democratic Party, Ron Paul, Politics, Wanting to be Awake, Freemasons, Knowledge is Power, Good and Bad Men, Spreading Rumors About Jordan

New World Next Week | Cashless Sweden, Missile Secrets, Korea Cold War, March 22, 2012


Story #1: In Sweden, Cash Is King No More
Flashback: Cashless Society By 2012, Says Visa Chief

Story #2: US Dangles Secret Data for Russia Missile Shield Approval
Related: On Persian New Year, Obama Tries To Pierce Iran's "Electronic Curtain"
Did Russia And Israel Swap Data On Their Enemies?

Story #3: In Echo of Cold War Tension with North Korea, Obama to Visit
Demilitarized Zone Next week

Related: North Korea's Kim Game for "Let's Make a Deal"

Dr. Andrew Saul on TMRN Radio, March 21, 2012


About Dr. Andrew Saul

Andrew Saul, Ph.D., a biologist and teacher, has been a consulting specialist in natural healing for more than twenty-five years, helping medical doctors’ problem patients get better. He has taught hundreds of students at New York Chiropractic College and the State University of New York. Dr. Saul’s previous book, Paperback Clinic, has been used as both a college textbook and reference work for health practitioners. He lives and practices in upstate New York.

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