New World Next Week | Nobel Exec Regrets Obama Peace Prize | Sept. 25, 2015


Story #1: Ex-Nobel Committee Exec Regrets Obama Peace Prize
Episode 108 – Peace Prizes for Warmongers
Corbett Report Radio 242 – The Ignoble War Prize

Story #2: Volkswagen CEO Resigns As Company Crashes Into Carbon Emissions Fraud
Here's Why Deutsche Bank Just Downgraded Volkswagen
VW Sex and Bribery Scandal: Sentences Handed Down in Corruption Affair
Volkswagen has plunged 50%. Will it ever recover?
Volkswagen shares are PLUNGING again

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek - ‘Happy Birthday to You’ Finally Public Domain as Warner/Chappell Stripped of Copyright
Wikipedia - Copyright Clause
#GoodNewsNextWeek Updates: Norway Rewards Brazil With $1 Billion for Keeping the Amazon Full of Trees
Iceland’s Capital Bans All Israeli Products Over Occupation of Palestine
Up 72 Percent From Just Six Years Ago, Organic Farm Sales Soar
No “Facebook Bureau of Investigations” as Terror-Reporting Provision Dies in Senate

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates:
#PigGate Busts UK PM Cameron Putting Privates In Dead Pig’s Mouth As Cult Initiation Ritual
Revenge! Drugs, Debauchery and the Book that Lays Dave Bare
Shades of Skull & Bones: Cameron Accused of Debauched University ritual
U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies
Vice Magazine FOIA’s Further Prove CIA Produced ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Propaganda Film
Apple's App Store Got Infected With the Same Type of Malware the CIA Developed
‘Wild West’ Culture As 60 U.S. Police Departments Asked For Drone Certification
Passports To Fly Domestically in NY, NH, Louisiana, Minnesota & American Samoa

Information Machine | Intro 2015 HD

Source: Information Machine

The new Information Machine Intro 2015 HD. Enjoy.
Watch in HD.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 24, 2015


Did a geopolitical earthquake just quietly take place in Berlin?

Germany Moves Away from the US Anti-Putin Alliance. Joins Forces with Russia in Coalition to Defeat ISIS?

Jordan Maxwell | Epic Conversation On The Amazing Hidden Meanings Of Everyday Words! | Richie Allen Show


Brien Foerster | Flying Over Megaliths In Peru And Bolivia: Quadcopter Pachacutec | Sept. 24, 2015


There is no better way to see the finest of details of megalithic sites than the use of a quadcopter. Watch this video as my "Pachacutec" explores many ancient sites in Peru and Bolivia. -Brien Foerster

Dr. Richard Alan Miller | The Coming Dramatic Earth Changes | New Dimensions TV


A delayed but very very important interview with Dr Richard Alan Miller, An ex Navy Seals Trainer. Rick talks about working with “The Boys from Brazil” in his early days with Navy Intel, why he quit the service, his visit to the Secret Nazi underground submarine base in Antarctica, the coming dramatic Earth changes, and his work with the President of Mexico teaching thousands of schoolchildren to grow organic food.

He also talks about his forthcoming book Spook Central, and his work with Dr. Carl Schleicher (aka “the Smoking Man” from X-Files) This is one interview not to be missed!

Brien Foerster | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Sept. 9, 2015


Brien Foerster joins us again live from South America...the audio for the first half-hour with Brien is a little dicey...but everything is great for the next two hours. We cover every major megalithic site around the world...what makes them significant and which place is his favorite to explore.

Kevin MacDonald, Tim Murdock & John Friend | Invasion of Europe | Hour 1 | Sept. 21, 2015


September 21, 2015–Dr. Kevin MacDonald, Ph.D. in Biobehavioral Sciences, is the editor and chief contributor of The Occidental Observer, which presents original content touching on themes of white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West. Tim Murdock is the host of White Rabbit Radio and the voice of Horus the Avenger, bringing awareness to White genocide through the widely circulated memes, "Diversity is a code word for White genocide" and "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White” and other popular animations. John Friend is an independent blogger and journalist who maintains The Realist Report, focusing primarily on the events of 9/11, WWII revisionism, media deception and psychological warfare, power and influence of the Zionist Lobby in America, and the systematic assault upon traditional Western European civilization.

In this special roundtable discussion, we focus on the burgeoning immigrant invasion of Europe and the controlled mainstream media’s contrived web of lies covering the mess. We begin with a look at the design and tactics of the campaign that is pulling on the heartstrings of White Europeans, and signs that the official narrative is beginning to crumble as people wake up to the absurdity of the situation. John describes the press’ coverage of the crisis, which plainly indicates their ruling elites’ central role in promoting the resettlement of non-Whites in Europe and America. We discuss the absence of any MSM video footage that would shine a negative light on the hostile 'refugees,' a majority of whom are extremely aggressive male Muslims with a particular disdain for Europeans.

We get into the attacks on US presidential candidate Donald Trump for his open support of White interests, along with the hypocrisy of the outspoken political elite in regards to the demographic and economic questions of the immigration debate. Further, we look at the speed in which the Zionist agenda to overthrow the Middle East using Western capital is moving, and Tim points to indications that the managerial class is growing suspicious of the global agenda and the mission of multiculturalism for only European countries.

Kevin emphasizes the history of cataclysmic social upheaval that has been created by Jews, and the ideology of past movements that have been aimed at deconstructing the ethnicity of the Western people. Then, our focus turns toward simple memes that can be used to counteract the psychological warfare that has brainwashed society to believe in the utopian dream of diversity. To round things off, we speculate on what moves the hostile elite could have up their sleeves in what is shaping up to be a full-on clash of civilizations on European homelands.

download hour 1 mp3

Jeff Rense, Harry Cooper & Clark Mcclelland | How Germans Ran Our Space Program | Sept. 15, 2015


Clip from September 15, 2015 - guest Harry Cooper & Clark Mcclelland on the Jeff Rense Program.

Rebekah Roth | Methodical Deception | OffPlanet TV with Randy Maugans | Sept. 16, 2015


Launching her second 9-11 "truth novel", Methodical Deception, Rebekah Roth, a former flight attendant and airline industry insider returns to the scene and deploys her intimate knowledge of the airline industry’s protocols, procedures, and technology, to uncover the hidden details of what happened on September 11, 2001.

Beginning with uncovering the fact that 7 of the alleged hijackers aboard United flight 11 are still alive(!); that the alleged hijackers had sued to have their names restored; that one hijacker was already dead…that the original narrative of “terrorists with box cutters” withered under scrutiny; and of the details surrounding a mysterious passenger who turns out to be a highly skilled Mossad operative.

Among some of the new details:
-The location, which Rebekah determined, the 4 planes were taken; from where the phone calls were made; and where the unfortunate passengers were dispatched---and the corroborative sworn testimony of a witness who confirms the location and timing.

-The 1TB of "dumped" FOIA documents, which plot the timelimes on 9-11 and the metadata tagging that shows clues that documents were created BEFORE the events.

-The web of actors inside the government agencies and corporate contractors; the overlaps in relationships between major players in the events; military contractors who contributed to the events and "smoking gun" links that implicate Israeli interests directly to the attacks.

-The traveling Israeli "artists", known as Gelatin, who fanned out across the US in 2000-2001, invading government agency offices, collecting sensitive data, and actually LIVING in the World Trade Center where it appears electrical fuses---of the kind used for demolition were stored.

And more...

Catherine Austin Fitts | AMERICA 2020 - THE UFO ECONOMY 2.0 | Dark Journalist


America 2020: Will it be Creative Freedom or Mechanized Tyranny?

Join Dark Journalist as he welcomes back Former Assistant Housing Secretary and Financial Expert Catherine Austin Fitts for her sixth appearance on the show. In what will be remembered as the most amazing, insightful, gripping, stunning and controversial Dark Journalist episode on record, Catherine reveals that her deep research has shown that America is now at a major crossroads and has two choices for the country that we will become by the year 2020: Creative Freedom or Mechanized Tyranny, there is no third way.

Catherine exposes globalist forces that operate at covert levels throughout our society in corporate, government and institutional roles. She has dubbed this group ‘Mr. Global’ and she had a chance to witness their clandestine actions up close when she worked in the halls of government as the Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the Bush Sr. administration and as a Managing Partner at Monolitic Wall Street Firm Dillon Read & Co.

America 2020
With this great experience she has learned to interpret geopolitical, societal and economic trends that show the design of Mr. Global’s Master Plan and it is very unnerving: Mechanization, AI, Robotics, Centralized Control, Domestic Militarization and Surveillance, GMO Agriculture, Black Budget Drain on Resources, and reducing the thriving middle class to spectators to their own debt slavery. She outlines the dangers of Common Core as a way to turn American children into Servile Robots who can’t respond to social interaction, but are primed to be programmed and harvested by Entrainment Technology on their smartphones that can devastate their creativity and capacity for mental growth and self determination.

The UFO Economy
Catherine and Dark Journalist deeply investigate the untouchable subject of advanced UFO technology and surmise that whoever is operating that technology has a major role in controlling the power structure on planet earth today. By developing a Secret Space Program, these covert groups have diverted trillions of missing dollars from the American Economy to create a UFO Economy via the Black Budget and are creating a huge Breakaway Infrastructure in Space, but why?

What is really happening in our solar system and why has this paranoid secrecy became a way of life for the National Security Deep State? Fitts sees one last chance for the American Middle Class to rise up and expose the forces that are marshaled against them and their children and she explains what the dangerous stakes are if America fails and gives us a glimpse of the dystopian future world we will inhabit unless the game and the invisible players inside the matrix are exposed.

She explains the objective, balanced attitude we must hold and what actions we must take to regain our power from corporate and media overlords that are linked to covert intelligence agencies that want to consolidate power quickly before the sleeping giant of the American People wake up and demolishes their plans for world domination!

America 2020: Will it be Creative Freedom or Mechanized Tyranny?

You have never ever heard an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts like this before!

New World Next Week | Obamessiah Meets Pope Francis as Misleaders Converge on UN


Story #1: The White House Thinks It Can Make a Deal With Companies to Break Encryption
Obama Faces Growing Momentum to Support Widespread Encryption
i9-11: US Government Ready with a "Patriot Act" for the Internet
Larry Lessig for President 2016

Story #2: Pope’s Visit Poses a Security Test for New York
Time Warner Cable Plans Channel Dedicated to Pope Francis’ Visit
Where is Pope Francis? A Schedule of His U.S. Visit Sep22-27
GLADIO, Pope Assassination, CIA

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek: Libraries Embracing Maker Movement, Offering Patrons Use of 3D Printers and More
Solutions: The Peer-to-Peer Economy
U.S. Navy Agrees to Ease Off Sonar Kills Whales, Dolphins
DuPont to Face First Trial Over C-8 Exposure
Ahmed Mohamed Is Silicon Valley’s New Hero
Why Winning the ‘Dancing Baby Lawsuit’ a Win For Fair Use and the Web
Millions of Americans Who Avoid Banks Offer a Peek at the Underground Economy
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