F. William Engdahl | Myths, Lies, Oil and Climate Wars | Nov. 7, 2018

Source: GunsandButter.org, williamengdahl.com

We discuss his article, The Dark Story Behind Global Warming also known as Climate Change and his book, Myths, Lies and Oil Wars; the International Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC, draconian recommendations based on computer models; neuro-linguistic programming;

the Global Warming Petition Project signed by 31,000 scientists; climate and the sun's activity; analysis of the IPCC climate report; history of the climate change/global warming movement; motives of the Rockefeller NGOs and Maurice Strong in promoting environmental activism; Agenda 21;

the Club of Rome and its Mankind at the Turning Point and Limits to Growth; The 1001: A Nature Trust and the World Wildlife Fund; assumptions of MIT authored computer model study; the Bilderberg Group; mankind blamed for global climate change, not corporate ecological destruction;

the Worldwatch Institute; reduction in overall living standards for the public; population reduction; promotion of deindustrialization; peak oil; abiotic oil; shale oil; oil wars. -GunsandButter.org

Jerry Marzinsky | The Myth of Chemical Imbalance | Freeman TV | Nov. 12, 2018

Source: freemantv.com, keyholejourney.com

Getting this information out before the Medical Mafia comes down on us is critical. To disrupt the medical mafia’s lies the most, is to expose that they have no evidence that schizophrenia is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.

There is no instrument to measure such an imbalance and they do not even know what the neuro-transmitter balance of the brain is or what it should be. They are virtually making this crap up! The Medical Mafia continue to foster the chemical imbalance lie to line their pockets. The toxic drugs they dish out rot out the peripheral nervous system and merely suppress psychotic symptoms temporarily. Virtually no research money is spent looking for a cure.

The evidence that both victims and others can see for themselves, if they look at what we can point out, will make it perfectly clear that the voices heard by psychotics are not hallucinations, but follow very well defined and predictable destructive patterns.

Before the truth can be reached, both these lies must be addressed and brought to light otherwise the medical mafia will keep the people suffering from this disorder, spinning in a hellish circle with escape routes blocked, while they continue to line their pockets off the suffering of these poor souls and drive up medical insurance costs for the rest of us.

Jerry Marzinsky has over thirty years experience working with Psychiatric Patients in both the Arizona Prison System and as the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Counselor Senior at Yarbrough Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, Central State Hospital, Milledgeville, Georgia. Jerry is a licensed mental health practitioner, specializing in psychiatric care and he is a licensed pilot and SCUBA diver. He is also an avid explorer of nature and things that go bump in the night.

Jerry spent time working as a mental health counselor in the Prison System and found that many of the prisoners who were regarded as schizophrenics or mentally unstable were likewise being tormented by voices. These “voices” can give detailed instructions to individuals and even seem to be familiar with distant geography and the future behavior of people.

This is one of the most important interviews ever given by a mental health expert with a verifiable background. Jerry has been in the trenches healing people tormented by negative entities. Jerry also talks about the true nature of the PhD training in the Psychiatric field and how it is meant to brainwash the prospective PhD’s into believing what they are told and doing what the system wants them to do. Psychiatrists became angered at Jerry when they found out he was asking patients about the voices they were hearing. Jerry quit the PhD program in disgust when he found out what it was all about.

Brien Foerster | Baalbek In Lebanon: Megaliths Of The Gods Full Lecture | Nov. 11, 2018

Source: khemitology.com, hiddenincatours.com

Dark Journalist | X-Series: Dr. Joseph Farrell | Templars X Mystery & MKULTRA Mind Control! | Nov. 10, 2018

Source: DarkJournalist.com, gizadeathstar.com

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion.

The Corbett Report | The WWI Conspiracy | Nov. 11, 2018

Source: corbettreport.com

What was World War One about? How did it start? Who won? And what did they win? Now, 100 years after those final shots rang out, these questions still puzzle historians and laymen alike. But as we shall see, this confusion is not a happenstance of history, but the wool that has been pulled over our eyes to stop us from seeing what WWI really was. This is the story of WWI that you didn't read in the history books. This is The WWI Conspiracy. -corbettreport.com

Transcript & MP3

Jim Vieira | Giants on Record: Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source: veritasradio.com, Jim Vieira FB

Over a 200-year period thousands of newspaper reports, town and county histories, letters, photos, diaries, and scientific journals have documented the existence of an ancient race of giants in North America.

Extremely tall skeletons ranging from 7 feet up to a staggering 18 feet tall have been reportedly uncovered in prehistoric mounds, burial chambers, caves, geometric earthworks, and ancient battlefields. Strange anatomic anomalies such as double rows of teeth, horned skulls, massive jaws that fit over a modern face, and elongated skulls have also been reported.

Many of these discoveries were sent to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C., seemingly never to be heard about again. The Smithsonian's own records describe at least 17 giant skeletons in annual reports. This book examines a possible cover-up initiated by Smithsonian scientists starting in the late 1800s.

The origins of "the tall ones" has been shrouded in mystery for centuries, but this book reveals where they came from, why they got so large, and the reason for their downfall, using the latest scientific research, genetic data, native myths, news reports, and ethnological research.

This has become one of the most gripping stories of the last few centuries and for the first time the truth of the giants of North America has been revealed. This book also reveals:

- How early explorers to America witnessed these giants first-hand, including Sir Francis Drake, John Smith and even some of the early presidents.
- Legends and myths that talk of cannibalistic, red-haired giants.
- Strange inscriptions, metal armor, mummified remains, and sophisticated technologies buried with the skeletons.
- How secret societies such as the Rosicrucians, Freemasons and Theosophists all claim the existence of giant humans in the past as historical fact in their literature.
- How the giants may be connected to the Denisovans from Siberia, the Nephilim of Bible tradition, and other ancient cultures.

Dark Journalist | Secret Space Program Update: Disclosure Cults & Disinformation! Special Guest Clif High | Nov. 8, 2018

Source: darkjournalist.com

Catherine Austin Fitts | Globalizing Thievery | The Richard Dolan Show | Nov. 7, 2018

Source: richarddolanpress.com, solari.com

Recorded November 7, 2018, Richard Dolan interviews Catherine Austin Fitts. This is a fascinating and extremely clear discussion of the nature of the $21 trillion of "unaccounted discrepancies" in the Pentagon and HUD budgets from 1998 to 2015. Catherine argues that the fundamentals in how we look at the U.S. federal budget and spending is completely wrong, and our society is bleeding money on a daily basis to fund unaccountable programs that do not benefit the people.

Catherine Austin Fitts is one of the world's leading experts in "black budget economics," and has been investigating U.S. federal government financial discrepancies totaling in the trillions of dollars. She was Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1989 to 1993, and is an investment analyst and advisor. She has authored many articles on financial fraud, missing money and the structure of power in our world. -richarddolanpress.com

F. William Engdahl | Gods Of Money & Climate Change Hoax | Nov. 8, 2018

Source: ageoftruth.tv, williamengdahl.com

WHO ARE THE GODS OF MONEY? The NEW WORLD ORDER enslavement plan! THE CLIMATE CHANGE construct! The ruling elite´s succesful economic crisis & The Federal Reserve! Media manipulation lies! Vaccinations and chemical medicine that makes people sick! The 9/11 lie! Oil and energy = Rothchilds vs. Rockefellers! The political voting scam! Nikola Tesla and Free Energy! GMO food poison! The Bilderberg Group! etc...

These controversial and eye-opening topics and more - discussed in this interview with award-winning American author, professor, historian, investigative reporter, geopolitical analyst, economic and conspiracy researcher: F. WILLIAM ENGDAHL.

AGE OF TRUTH TV´s Lucas Alexander is interviewing F. William Engdahl is this straight forward hard-talk interview, filmed at the Open Mind Conference in Skanderborg, Denmark in September 2013.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Nov. 8, 2018

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Those pesky Russians are at it again... and you won't believe how and what: Think "the Moon," think "robots", think "3d printing", think "moon bases"...

Pandora, anyone? Russia plans to set up moon base inhabited by ‘avatar robots’
Russia to have permanent moon base – space chief

New World Next Week | A Magna Carta for the Internet? | Nov. 7, 2018

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Tehran Keeps Going Crypto For Sanction Relief
How To Evade Sanctions
The Death Of SWIFT and the Engineered Death of the Dollar
Choke Point: How the Government Will Control The Cashless Society
Plans For Digital Currency Spark Political Crisis In Marshall Islands; President Hilda Heine’s Plan to Adopt Sovereign Cryptocurrency Prompts No-Confidence Vote
Hong Kong Securities Regulator To Propose “Sandbox” For Crypto Exchanges
Thailand Wants To Use Blockchain To Catch Tax Dodgers
The Bitcoin Psyop

Story #2: Sir Tim Berners-Lee Launches “Magna Carta For The Web” To Save Internet From Abuse
“Principles for a Contract for the Web”
Internet 2.0 Decentralized And In Our Hands?
Beaker Browser at the Decentralised Web Summit
Leaked Google Video After Trump’s Win Adds to Pressure From Conservatives

Story #3: NYC Cars to Talk to One Another Under Traffic-Safety Pilot Program
Waymo Robot Car Injures Motorcyclist — But Human Driver At Fault
Welcome to Your Driverless Future
NWNW Flashback: Techsperts Propose Driverless Highway (Oct.5, 2017)
#GoodNewsNextWeek: Making Water Out Of Thin Air

Max Igan | Cui Bono Radio 26RCB Sweden | Nov. 6, 2018

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan Interview - Radio Cui Bono - 26RCB Sweden 11/06/18.
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