Enormous Flare in Progress in AR 1158, February 14, 2011

Source: Solar Dynamics Observatory

Active region 1158 let loose with an X2.2 flare at about 0150 UT or 8:50 pm ET on February 14. This makes it the biggest flare so far in Solar Cycle 24. AR 1158 is in the southern hemisphere, which has been lagging the north in activity but now leads in big flares!

Here is a blowup of the flaring region at 0153 UT (February 15, 2011) in AIA 335. Many of the short lines in the image are not part of the flare but are from light scattered on the inside of the telescope. More on that later.

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Clif High, Half Past Human on Fireside Chat with Zany Mystic, February 12, 2011

Source: Fireside Chat, halfpasthuman.com

February 12, 2011–Clif High, Half Past Human on Zany Mystics Fireside Chat.

Thrills, Chills, future talk and perhaps a little Taoism with a bit of pie...

Clif High has a patent on computer-assisted reading technology which allows reading from computer screens at up to 2000 words per minute. Reaching into other areas of hidden potential within language use by humans, he has been developing a system of software internet agents (like search engines use) and other proprietary processing methods to predict future events. The software project, begun in 1997, captures near-real-time changes in language patterns within internet discussions. Then, employing radical linguistic techniques of his own devising, he develops a model which anticipates future events with some seeming accuracy. The processing has, at its core, a method of assigning emotional values to complex content and time carry-values to predict changes in future behavior based on how people are using language now.

Since June 2001 when the work projected a major 'tipping point', that is a 'life-changing event' with aspects of 'military and accident' that would forever change the way we live to occur inside 90 days, the web bot project has continued to give archetype descriptors of future events such as the anthrax attack in Washington, the crash of American 587, the Columbia disaster, the Northeast Power outage, the Banda Aceh earthquake and most recently the flooding of the Red River. As a continuing project, reports are offered from the extracted archetype information at his web site, www.halfpasthuman.com.

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Dr. Judy Wood on Republic Brodcasting Network, February 13, 2011

Source: republicbroadcasting.org, wheredidthetowersgo.com, drjudywood.com

"Dr. Judy Wood's New Book on "wheredidthetowersgo.com" being the ONLY comprehensive investigation into 911 to date using empirical evidence. Jerry Leaphart, the attorney for Dr. Wood's whistle blower lawsuit (Qui Tam) gives us great insight into her suit and is on for the first half hour, with Dr. Wood on for the next 1.5 hours." ~RBN

Judy D. Wood is a former professor of mechanical engineering with research interests in experimental stress analysis, structural mechanics, optical methods, deformation analysis, and the materials characterization of biomaterials and composite materials.

She is a member of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), co-founded SEM’s Biological Systems and Materials Division, and currently serves on the SEM Composite Materials Technical Division. Dr. Wood received her * B.S. (Civil Engineering, 1981) (Structural Engineering), * M.S. (Engineering Mechanics (Applied Physics), 1983), and * Ph.D. (Materials Engineering Science, 1992) from the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Her dissertation involved the development of an experimental method to measure thermal stresses in bimaterial joints. She has taught courses including * Experimental Stress Analysis, * Engineering Mechanics, * Mechanics of Materials (Strength of Materials) * Strength of Materials Testing Is this what Eisenhower warned us of? Where did the building go? Figure 1. My intellectual integrity prevents me from calling this a collapse. This is why I have chosen to stand up. My conscience leaves me no other choice. From 1999 to 2006 Dr. Wood has been an assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina.

Before moving to Clemson she spent three years as a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Tech. One of Dr. Wood's research interests is biomimicry, or applying the mechanical structures of biological materials to engineering design using engineering materials. Other recent research has investigated the deformation behavior of materials and structures with complex geometries and complex material properties, such as fiber-reinforced composite materials and biological materials.

Dr. Wood is an expert in the use of moiré interferometry, a full-field optical method that is used in stress analysis, as well as materials characterization and other types of interference. In recent years, Dr. Wood and her students have developed optical systems with various wavelengths and waveguides. Dr. Wood has over 60 technical publications in refereed journals, conference proceedings, and edited monographs and special technical reports. Dr. Wood started to question the events of 9/11 on that same day when what she saw and heard on television was contradictory and appeared to violate the laws of physics. Since that day she has used her knowledge of engineering mechanics to prove that the collapse of the World Trade Center twin towers could not have happened as the American public was told.

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Dr. Stoyan Sarg | UFO Propulsion Technology

Source: spectrumradionetwork.com, helical-structures.org

February 2011–Stoyan Sarg joined us last night and spoke about his work over the years in Physics. He shared his views on gravity as it applies to UFO propulsion systems and why UFOs seem to shimmer and change color while in earth's atmosphere. We also spoke about why the scientific community regards the topic of UFOs and how original skeptical views are changing.

We had a very interesting discussion about Space and the Universe and the possibility that theoretical hypothesis's like expanding universe and the big bang are not conclusions. We also covered the older theory of Aether and what Stoyan's experiments have attempted to show. ~Spectrum Radio Network

Bio Dr. Stoyan Sarg

Dr. Stoyan Sarg - Sargoytchev is a Bulgarian born Canadian. He holds engineering diploma and PhD in Physics in the field of space research. From 1976 to 1990 he was involved in space projects sponsored by the program Intercosmos coordinated by the former Soviet Union.

He participated also a collaborative project with the European Space Agency. For his pioneering work he was rewarded with medals from Intercosmos, Russia and Bulgaria. In 1990 he was invited as a visiting scientist by Cornel University and worked in Arecibo Observatory, P.R. on a Lidar project funded by the NSF (USA).

This was the place where the first SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program was operated before 1985 using the world largest radiotelescope – radar. In 1991 he immigrated to Canada, where he worked on projects coordinated by the Canadian Space Agency. Since 2002 he is with the York University, Toronto, Canada. He has over 50 publications in peer review journals and a few patents related to space research.

Gerald Celente | Economic Crisis, Arab Revolutions and Upcoming War, February 10, 2011

Source: rense.com, trendsresearch.com

The Universe | Beyond the Big Bang

Source: history channel

History Channel® : The Universe Beyond the Big Bang

The Hillary Raimo Show Presents Len Horowitz

Source: hillaryraimo.com, ‪drlenhorowitz.com‬

January 20, 2011–Dr. Leonard Horowitz, an internationally known authority in the overlapping fields of public health, behavioral science, emerging diseases, and natural healing.A Harvard University trained expert in health education and media persuasion, he has additional expertise in genetics and electrogenetics, virology, and vaccine research and development

Edgar Mitchell | Aliens & UFOs, February 12, 2011

Source: theunexplained.tv, edmitchellapollo14.com

In 1971, Dr Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14 became the sixth man to walk on the Moon. His views on space , aliens and our planet are compelling and unique -- hear him on this new, special edition of The Unexplained.

Claude Swanson, PH.D. on VERITAS

Source: veritasshow.com, synchronizeduniverse.com


These are just a few of the areas in which science is discovering very real, physical and measurable effects which violate present science. This presentation, which discusses the science behind the paranormal describes this evidence in non-technical language, with many pictures, illustrations, graphs and references. It also shows how our present science can be expanded to begin to understand these mysteries. Of Dr. Claude Swanson's books, best-selling author Brad Steiger says:

"The Synchronized Universe is a well-written and exciting presentation of the latest scientific evidence proving the existence of the paranormal. Swanson's suggestions about how present physics can be modified to understand and explain some of these strange phenomena may go a long way to healing the ancient split between science and spirituality. The implications of this book are far-reaching."

--Brad Steiger, author of Mysteries of Space and Time.

Dr. Claude Swanson was educated as a physicist at MIT and Princeton University. During those years he worked at the MIT Science Teaching Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory and a Virginia cyclotron in the summer. At Princeton he received the National Science Foundation Fellowship and Putnam Fellowship. His Ph.D. thesis at Princeton was done in the "Gravity Group," which focuses on experimental cosmology and astronomy, and was headed by Nobel laureate Robert Dicke. His thesis advisor was Prof. David Wilkinson, who later became chairman of the physics department.

Swanson conducted postgraduate work at Princeton and Cornell Universities on the design of superconducting plasma containment vessels for fusion energy systems. He then began work for Aeronautical Research Associates of Princeton, a consulting company, and later formed his own consulting company which carried out studies in applied physics for commercial and governmental agencies, including DuPont, United Technologies, the U.S. Army and Navy, DARPA and the CIA, among many others.

For the last fifteen years, interspersed with his conventional professional career in applied physics, Dr. Swanson has pursued investigations into "unconventional physics." His principal interest has been unified field theory, the so-called "Theory of Everything" which could explain the universe at the deepest possible level. This has led him to investigate many aspects of the paranormal, which appear to be completely real phenomena which violate our present science. Paranormal phenomena, which have now been proven in the laboratory in many cases, offer a window into the deeper universe, the mysteries of consciousness, and unlock new forces and principles which conventional science has only begun to glimpse.

Among paranormal phenomena which are now known, it has been found that signals can move much faster than light, and the human consciousness and even human influence, can move backward and forward in time. Science fiction concepts such as teleportation and levitation seem to occur in reality in paranormal events, and offer powerful evidence that this will be the new frontier of science.

At the same time, thousands of out-of-body and near-death experiences show that other dimensions and other realities do exist. This has been the domain of speculation by theoretical physics, but OBE and NDE cases indicate that parallel realities and dimensions are in some sense real. And finally, paranormal research suggests that the human soul, the center of human consciousness, can survive death and is apparently an energy form which can move and exist independently of the body. Science is discovering that, in the words of the pioneer Robert Monroe, " we are far more than our physical bodies."

Dr. Swanson has conducted extensive research in these areas, including research of the scientific literature, interviews with scientists in these fields, attended and spoken at conferences, and conducted experiments and investigations, to better understand how such paranormal phenomena can be incorporated into modern science.

This research has involved underwater archaeology in Bimini, scientific measurements in haunted houses, experiments in remote viewing and psychokinesis, and testing of new devices which can measure these strange forces. He has just published a book, The Synchronized Universe, which summarizes some of the new discoveries of this emerging science.

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Russell Targ interviewed by Molly Cheshire

Source: espresearch.com

Russell Targ is physicist and the author of " Do You See What I See?" He was a pioneer in the development of the laser and cofounder of the Stanford Research Institute's investigation into psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s.

His website is www.espresearch.com.

Alex Putney | Messages of Resonance Change in 2012, Betelgeuse & Modern Alchemy

Source: redicecreations.com, human-resonance.org

February 10, 2011
Alex Putney is behind the website Human Resonance. Human Resonance has been organized to share the rediscovery of a superfluid resonance technology of our ancient Sanskrit mother culture, crystallizing the body and synchronizing human consciousness.

He returns to the program to discuss extra terrestrial and prophetic messages about 2012 and the high resonance changes and transformations that humankind and our planet might be facing in the next few years. We discuss the next magnetic reversal, Betelgeuse supernova being visible from earth in 2012 and giant skeletons found in Ecuador, where Alex currently is.

Then, Alex talks about purification of water and physical alchemy, a scientific experiment that now is taking place in the United States by Joe Champion. Dr Champion has allegedly managed to transmute copper, lead and other metals into precious metals such as silver, gold and platinum.

More topics discussed:
giants in Ecuador, Acamboro artifacts, acoustic resonance field change, gravity, oxygen levels, dinosaurs and humans existing at the same time, the shift of the ages, 1968, in South Africa, "Valdar", "Sola Kananda", Billy Eduard Meier and the Plejarans, Ptah, magnetic reversal, Betelgeuse supernova visible from earth in 2012, Charles Fort, Fortean Times, sinkholes, mining, oil, earthquake lights, infrasound standing waves, birds and fish temperature related, low resonance, HAARP, psychopathic elite, the power of nature, high resonance change, making choices, Urandir Oliveira contact in Brazil, lightwater, protium, deuterium, pure form of heavy water, water in Antarctica, HHO plasma, Malta underground spiral structure, red dawn, waves of UVA Infrared light, Hopi final warning, levitation stones, heartbeat resonance of pyramids, energetic waters, physical laws changing, entropy decrease, return to a 360 day year, the golden year, straightening of the earth axis, modern alchemy, Semjase, metals alloy and Low Energy Nuclear Change (LENC). ~Red Ice Creations

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Chris Everard | Hallucinogens Of The Ancient World

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com, enigmatv.com

February 6, 2011–Once again British film maker, author and researcher Chris Everard joined us to discuss his film, SUPERSTATE but since Chris is a wealth of information the discussion flowed to the topic of  Ancient Egyptian Psychedelics and their use throughout history. In the second hour we touch upon SUPERSTATE.
~Truth Frequency Radio

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