Barry King | Pieces of Disclosure, OffPlanet Radio, September 2011

Source:, Information Machine

Randy Maugans interviews Barry King on OffPlanet Radio

Barry King, from the UK, is one of the most credible and documented witnesses on the subjects of government projects, paranormal experience, UFO investigations, and direct contact with Off Planet Intelligences (OPI). As a child, Barry died, and claims he was returned as a "walk-in" soul, who then went on to be inducted into the UK's own "super soldier" programs of the 1960s. He later became involved in UFO research, crash retrievals, and was employed in the underground NSA faciltity at Peasemore where he was party to government experiments on abducted human subjects.

Himself a subject of the experiments, as well as a witness to the proceedings; he has first-hand knowledge and contacts in the clandestine projects of western Europe and in the US. Barry reveals many details of the projects, their victims; the "fringe" science that has been hidden from the public for forty years, and direct evidence of ET involvement, including human-ET genetics projects.

He continues to disclose critical information about the past, present, and future, as humanity collides with a reality they are ill-prepared to face. While some of the information has been revealed in his prior interviews, and certain subjects remain closed for him to discuss, Barry drops details in this interview that pull together crucial pieces of the puzzle to what we call "disclosure."

The Voice: The History You Need To Know-A compendium of Barry King’s thread at - Prepared October 2005 - PDF Document

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The Revelation Of The Pyramids

The Revelation Of The Pyramids
takes an in depth look into one of the seven wonders of the world, the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Mystery has surrounded these epic structures for centuries with theories varying from the scientific to the bizarre.

However with over thirty-seven years of in depth research taking in sites from China, Peru, Mexico and Egypt, one scientist has as at last managed first to understand and then to reveal what lies behind this greatest of archaeological mysteries: a message of paramount importance for all mankind, through time and space.

Grant Cameron | "Disclosure" Has Already Happened, September 2011


Grant Cameron has been looking for answers since his own dramatic sighting in 1975. After years of searching through documents in Presidential libraries, he only recently gave up. “You would think that they’d never heard of UFOs” he says.

This week, he sent me an untitled work in progress. The paper examines the genesis of the Area 51 story and concludes that the reason for the so-called “leaks” from the secret base in the early 1990s was that a group in the U.S. intelligence community was trying to get the truth of alien contact and ET technology into the public discussion. By selectively releasing stories ranging from nearly benign to totally paranoid, Cameron thinks that there is a plan to both frighten and desensitize the public so that when the reality of an alien presence is revealed, the dominant emotion will be relief that the wildest rumors were only that.

Grant and I have been in contact for many years, and have communicated with many of the same government people. During the program, we debated many of the finer points of evidence for government knowledge of the UFO subject. He has concluded that, based on the public statements of current and former intel personnel, that the U.S. Government is dealing with a non-human race which has arrived on Earth in “nuts and bolts” craft. I am not quite ready to make that leap, and I hope that our back-and-forth over the course of the show is enlightening. It was for me, even though I remain unconvinced of anything, especially when it involves the statements of spies and others tasked with keeping national secrets. A fun and lively interview. ~Greg Bishop

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John Lamb Lash | The Archons, October 2, 2011


October 2, 2011–Comparative mythologist, author and teacher John Lash returns to the program to discuss the Archons, from the Nag Hammadi perspective. He’ll discuss the alien intrusion of the mind parasite and the predatory species. John tells us the origins of the Archons and how they existed before the Earth. According to the Nag Hammadi, the Archons envy us and wanted to breed with us.

This idea is quite different than Sitchin’s work. John says the Archons did not succeed and moved to plan B: “we’ll get them to become like us.” This takes us into the transhumanist agenda, an agenda that the Archons desire. We’ll talk about why as well as their tactics using the false show of magic and virtual reality. Also, how the Archon predatory species intrudes though other means such as religion and belief systems. Then, John talks about Sophia’s gift to us to protect ourselves from the Archontic forces. Lash brings up the new age religion of ET as manipulation by Archons. We’ll talk about knowing the enemy, knowing the mission and the defense. Later, we discuss the transhumanist’s fear of death, denial of humanity and insanity. ~Red Ice Creations
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Dr. Brooks Agnew on The Hundredth Monkey Radio, October 2, 2011


Brooks Agnew, PhD, an author, explorer, electronics engineer and physicist, is one of the most successful pioneers with ground probing radar technology, in the world. This technology is currently utilized in the Mars Express program. Agnew holds a Bachelors in Chemistry. Masters in Statistics and a Doctorate in Physics.

Tercer Milenio | UFOs recorded near the Moon, October 3, 2011

Source: tercermilenio youtube

Yohanan Diaz presents videos of UFOs near the Moon.

Bob Dean, August 2011


Robert Dean retired from the US Army as a command sergeant major after a 28 year career. He has appeared on radio programs, TV documentaries and at conferences discussing UFOs. Dean claims he saw a "Cosmic Top Secret" NATO briefing document on UFOs called "The Assessment" when he worked on the General Staff at Strategic Headquarters, Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE).

Alex Putney on TMRN, September 23, 2011


Alex Putney is behind the website Human Resonance. Human Resonance has been organized to share the rediscovery of a superfluid resonance technology of our ancient Sanskrit mother culture, crystallizing the body and synchronizing human consciousness. He returns to the program to discuss extra terrestrial and prophetic messages about 2012 and the high resonance changes and transformations that humankind and our planet might be facing in the next few years.

Rosalind Peterson | Global Geoengineering & Weather Manipulation, September 29, 2011


September 29, 2011–Rosalind Peterson is the California President and Co-Founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition, formed in 2006 to protect agricultural crop production from uncontrolled experimental weather modification programs, atmospheric heating and testing programs, and ocean and atmospheric geo-engineering programs.

In 1995, she became a certified U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjustor working in more than ten counties throughout California. Rosalind earned a BA degree from Sonoma State University in Environmental Studies & Planning (ENSP), with emphasis on agriculture and crop production. Between 1989 and 1993 Rosalind worked as an Agricultural Technologist for the Mendocino County Department of Agriculture. Rosalind has won several awards and recognition for her extensive efforts to protect drinking water supplies from toxic chemical contamination in Martinez, California.

In this interview, she will discuss weather modification, geo-engineering programs and the connection to crop loss. Topics Discussed: agriculture, persistent contrails, manmade clouds, crop loss, restrictive sunlight to crops, maps from your congressman Mike Thompson, intra flights, ramjet, cloud seeding, global warming, “Global Geo-engineering Governance”, upper atmosphere experiments, OCEANA, aluminum.
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Rense & Dr. Ken Johnston NASA airbrushed photos that had shown structures on the moon, September 27, 2011


Back in Time Series | Piers Corbyn on the Jeff Rense Show, January 11, 2011


Piers Corbyn Bio
Piers Richard Corbyn (born 10 March 1947) is a meteorologist, astrophysicist, consultant, and owner of the business Weather Action which makes weather forecasts up to a year in advance, and which he also bets on.

Corbyn was born in Chippenham, Wiltshire and began recording weather and climate patterns at age 15, constructing his own observation equipment. He obtained a first class honours degree in physics at Imperial College London, where he was a contemporary of Brian May. In 1969 he became the first President of the Imperial College Students' Union to be directly elected by the student body. Following some years of activism, he studied astrophysics in 1979 at Queen Mary College, London, later examining the relationship between the Earth's weather and climate and solar activity. Following some years of weather prediction as an occupation, he formed the business 'Weather Action' in 1995.

His website:

Stephen Sakellarios | Reincarnation Research, September 2011


September 20, 2011–Stephen Sakellarios is a video/audio archivist, producer and editor living in Myrtle Beach, SC. He has a master’s degree in Counseling and Human Systems from Florida State University (unused professionally). He began a serious interest in fine-art photography in 1986, and moved into video production in 1990 as an extension of his photography. He started a video production company, Gold Thread Video, in 1997, and shortly thereafter he began work on “In Another Life: Reincarnation in America” as a personal project.  He put the project together primarily by networking over the internet, with practically no resources except those available through his small video business, trade-outs, occasional small financial donations and donations of services, such as illustration.

Stephen has studied reincarnation, the topic of “In Another Life", since 1973. However, he had primarily studied Eastern teachings on the subject, his strongest influences being the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, Rumi, and Meher Baba, who he began following in 1974. When Stephen began working on “In Another Life" in 1997, he started educating himself on Western research and studies, identifying the main people in the field and successfully contacting a number of them for interviews.

This is Stephen’s first documentary as producer. When he first moved from still photography into video, as part of his training through “community access television,“ he produced a series called “Universal Language” about international music in Atlanta. He was editor for videos entitled “Mehera, Meher Baba’s Beloved” and "Meher Baba's Trust" which are distributed world-wide by Meher Prasad. Recently he was commissioned by Meher Prasad to shoot and edit an on-site visitor's introductory film for the Meher Spiritual Center in Myrtle Beach, SC, and now archives and edits audio and video materials for that Center and a related organization, Sheriar Foundation.
~Spectrum Radio Network

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