The Murder of Muammar Gaddafi - GRTV Backgrounder, November 1, 2011


The killing of Muammar Gaddafi at the hands of NATO-backed, Al Qaeda-linked forces marks the end of a campaign expressly aimed at the assassination of a head of state and overthrow of a sovereign country in direct violation of international standards that have held sway since the Nuremberg trials at the end of World War II and the establishment of the Geneva Conventions.

Find out more about the death of Gaddafi and the gears of the international "justice" system that was out to convict him from the start in this week's GRTV Backgrounder.

Source & Transcript
The Cortbett Report - The Assassination of Gaddafi

Turd Ferguson on TMRN Radio, October 28, 2011


Turd Ferguson on TMRN Radio
People and Monetary Change ~ Charts & Technical readings on Precious Metals ~ The Future and Precious Metals

Fukushima Update, October 31, 2011


In today's Fukushima Update we highlight an editorial on the IAEA by "Nuclear Free by 2045"; note a new video interview with Aileen Mioko Smith; and go over all of today's latest Fukushima news and updates. ~James Corbett

Max Igan on Truth Frequency Radio, October 31, 2011


Max Igan on Truth Frequency Radio, October 31, 2011

Fukushima Update, October 30, 2011


In today's Fukushima Update we look at a petition to save the animals of Fukushima, highlight a new interview with Dr. Helen Caldicott, and do a round-up of all of the latest Fukushima stories from around the web. ~James Corbett

Philip Coppens | "Odyssey of the Gods: The History of Extraterrestrial Contact in Ancient Greece" by Erich von Däniken and edited by Philip Coppens, October 27, 2011


October 27, 2011–Philip Coppens is an author and investigative journalist, ranging from the world of politics to ancient history and mystery. He co-hosts The Spirit Revolution radio show with his wife Kathleen McGowan and is a frequent contributor to NEXUS Magazine and Atlantis Rising Magazine. Since 1995, he has lectured extensively and has appeared in a number of television and DVD documentaries, including Ancient Aliens: The Series (The History Channel). He is the author of The Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel, The Canopus Revelation, Land of the Gods, The New Pyramid Age, Servants of the Grail, the ebook 2012, Science or Fiction? and The Ancient Alien Question.

As a journalist, he had investigative research into the Kennedy assassination submitted before a US government enquiry in 1993. Two years later, he broke the story of the existence of Chinese pyramids to an international audience. Many of the stories in the so-called “esoteric field” have at one point passed through his hands, including The Templar Revelation, the book on which The Da Vinci Code was based. In 1999, he was the principal researcher for Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince’s The Stargate Conspiracy, which investigated current politicians’ apparent obsession with ancient Egypt, thus combining his passion for politics and history. The book was dedicated to him.

He is the author of The Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel (2002), on the enigmatic Scottish chapel and its relationship with freemasonry and the Knights Templar; The Canopus Revelation (2004), on the lore of the star Canopus in ancient cultures; Land of the Gods (2007), on the prehistory of Southern Scotland and the myth of King Arthur; The New Pyramid Age (2007), detailing the most recent discoveries that have changed our understanding of pyramids; and Servants of the Grail (2009), identifying the real people encoded into the medieval Grail legends. Most recently, he has published an ebook, 2012. Science or Fiction?, with Digital Journeys, which aims to bring clarity as to what 2012 is truly all about. The ebook is also the first to have incorporated video, featuring an interview-style conversation with Philip. He is currently working on The Ancient Alien Question (release date November 15, 2011), addressing the question whether extra-terrestrial contact has occurred in our past.

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Max Igan | A World in Crisis, October 28, 2011


Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - 10/28/11

Gilad Atzmon | The Wandering Who?, October 27, 2011


October 27, 2011–Gilad Atzmon was born in Israel, now living in the UK. He is a successful jazz musician as well as a prolific writer. Atzmon writes on political matters, social issues, Jewish identity and culture. He specializes in writing about Jewish identity politics and how it fits into Jewish ideology.

His papers are published in many press outlets around the world. Gilad returns to Red Ice to discuss his latest book, The Wandering Who. Jewish identity is tied up with some of the most difficult and contentious issues of today. In this interview, we‘ll discuss some of these issues including Jewish nationalism, Zionism, the Israel lobby and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

We also talk about the tolerance from the Gentiles and Shabbos goys. Gilad says many taboo issues need to be aired out to be fixed. Also, Gilad gives a warning about the serious problem he sees coming ahead. He urges people to stop listening to mainstream media and instead support the media outlets that are treading the deeper paths and moving beyond the boundaries of political ideologies. ~Red Ice Creations
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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny | Vaccines, Inc.: Putting Wealth Before Health, October 28, 2011

Source:,, Info

In the foreword by Dr. Andrew Moulden he says: "If penicillin shots and peanut butter sandwiches were mandated, many children would be harmed; some would even die. If we cannot give penicillin or peanut butter to everybody safely, the logical progression that injecting live, biologically active, immunogenetic particles cannot be safe for everyone either."
Warfarin is rat poison. Statins weaken the heart. CoQ10 can reverse receding gums. The stuff one learns listening to Dr. Sherry Tenpenny!

But the former emergency room specialist, osteopath, and alternative medicine clinic owner is waging a battle. Her clarion call is for informed consent, for knowledgeable consumers, of vaccinations. They are far more dangerous than orthodox medicine will admit.

The chemicals, heavy metals, adverse effects and sheer number of vaccinations being coerced if not required by a growing preponderance of authorities is cause for concern, she says. Consumers have a right to know that medical directives (thou shalt get your flu shot), government agencies (the CDC, the FDA) and profit-driven pharmaceutical companies are elements of revolving door behemoths that don't necessarily have your good health as highest priority. After all, big pharma makes the drugs that treat other drugs' side effects, don't they?

"The vaccination program has been a 200-year, multi-generational brainwashing campaign," she says, worsened now by laws that protect practitioners and pharmaceutical producers from liability, and that allow medical treatment and insurance to be profit-oriented industries.

Until 1985, children generally got three vaccinations: MMR, DTaP, and Polio. Now, by the time they start kindergarten, Tenpenny says, children have been injected with 40 doses of 16 vaccines. Some 200 more are in development.
Cancer, eczema, asthma are growing problems among our children. The numbers for autism are through the roof. "We've got an epidemic of children losing their minds and we've got a medical industry in denial."

Know your rights, she is saying. Every state has a medical exemption (although it's hard to get). Nineteen states have philosophical exemptions. Forty-eight states have religious opt outs. [Check out your state's laws about vaccinations at National Vaccine Information Center:]

Tenpenny sets the record straight about squalene. It's shark liver oil. Fine to ingest, but injecting it can cause serious neurological damage. Squalene is soon to be a vaccination component, she says.

She talks about the new HPV (Gardasil) vaccination.
About fluoride: "It's a byproduct of the aluminum industry. They use it to sedate prisoners in Russia."
About overeating: "Our body is seeking minerals when we eat, so taking a good multi-mineral supplement often makes those carb cravings go away."

Tenpenny's a strong advocate of herb and vitamin supplements.

"If you can only take one vitamin, take D3 – the level must be between 75 and 80 – get a blood test. It protects from cancer. It's important for brain function, for the immune system. If you're depressed due to the lack of sun in the winter, it's likely a vitamin D3 shortage."

An insider told this doctor that the vision statement of the pharmacy industry wants every human being who walks the planet to be on one, preferably three, prescription drugs for life. Tenpenny's on a crusade to wake people up to that fact.

Lauren Weinstein | Internet Regulation, October 27, 2011


Technology expert Lauren Weinstein reported on recent attempts to regulate the Internet. There are pieces of legislation showing bi-partisan support in the US Senate and House, such as the Protect IP Act, and the Stop Online Piracy Act, which are ostensibly designed to curb piracy on the Internet. Yet, Weinstein noted that such bills if passed would allow entertainment industries and the government to shutdown any website they wanted to, and a website owner would have to file a complaint or appeal in order to get their site back up. Such legislation "would eviscerate or destroy most of the safe harbors that are in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act," which protected ISPs and websites from being sued, he commented.

Weinstein expressed concern that such laws will end up eroding free speech on the web. In Europe, there's a push for something called "The Right to be Forgotten," a plan for people to have items about themselves that they don't like removed from the Internet. In the US, if these new bills pass, the Courts may rule that large parts of them are unconstitutional, yet the Internet may ultimately be moving toward a more closed model, like China has, he lamented.

Alexander Putney | Earth Resonance Changes, October 26, 2011


Human Resonance has been organized to share the rediscovery of a superfluid resonance technology of our ancient Sanskrit mother culture, crystallizing the body and synchronizing human consciousness. Alex Putney reveals the ancient Sanskrit mandala as a nonlinear geometric model of consciousness: the Unified Field reflecting the octagonal symmetry of prime numbers.

Alex's synthesis of modern and ancient science has been supported by grants from the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation (98', 00') and Brandeis-Hayes Traveling Fellowship (02'). The deepest origins of this work have been traced to past life memories only recently recalled.

Meditation, visualization and research have illuminated the sacred Sanskrit mandala of consciousness replete in the teachings of indigenous elders around the world, who steward our hearts into awareness of the profound electromagnetic changes now occurring through the emanations of sacred sites and celestial waters.

Marilyn Gewacke, Ph.D. and Dr. Steven Greer | The Science of Consciousness, October 28, 2011


Dr. Greer will continue his discussion of transdimensional sciences with Marilyn Gewacke, Ph.D.. Both have fascinating personal and group experiences to share that will enlighten this subject. They will focus on the Science of Consciousness and how the instrument of the mind and body are used in CSETI expeditions and other contexts. These sciences involving remote viewing, the electrical nature of the heart and brain, the body of light are increasingly the sciences of now but are definitely the sciences of the future. Let's take a glimpse into that future.

Marilyn Gewacke, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and nondenominational minister with a private practice specializing in trauma and psychospiritual approaches to healing and wellness. She was the Director of the Clinical Investigations Department at the Capital District Psychiatric Center where she was responsible for designing and implementing the Borderline Outpatient Treatment Program. She has been involved in a national workshop series on the borderline personality disorder and trauma, where she presents a unique and innovative model for healing the trauma within. In addition, she has been in two documentary films on the subject as well as on PBS.

She is also currently codirector of the Sanctuary for Evolutionary Vision (SEV) where she leads workshops and retreats on consciousness, the path of the heart and planetary transformation. She has received the Ambassador to Universe Training from Dr. Steven Greer and has attended several of his CSETI expeditions.

She is currently working on completing her book entitled Living from the Inside Out: Soulful Steps for Sacred Living. This book outlines her new and groundbreaking paradigm for growing beyond pathology into a psychospiritual model for self and soul wellness and planetary wholeness.
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