Showing posts with label Tim Swartz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tim Swartz. Show all posts

Tim Swartz | Weird Time: Exploring the Mysteries of Time and Space | June 12, 2024

Source: Beyond the Forbidden TV youtube

Step into the enigmatic realm of time and alternative realities with Weird Time: Exploring the Mysteries of Time and Space. Starting with ancient mythologies that introduced deities believed to control time and fate, right up to the forefront of modern science as renowned physicists unveil mind-bending theories about the nature of time and space.

From Einstein's General Theory of Relativity to quantum mechanics, Weird Time examines cutting-edge ideas by modern physicists that push the boundaries of our understanding of the universe.

Prepare to be transported beyond the limits of the conventional and into the mysterious realms of time slips, missing time, and alternate realities. Scientists may not yet agree on the nature of time, or if time travel is even possible, but here are firsthand accounts of ordinary individuals who have pierced the fabric of time and witnessed the unexplainable.

A Somerset man who vanished after being struck by lightning, only to end up in a hospital from a different reality. 

A pilot flying from the Bahamas who found his plane suddenly drawn into an "electric fog tunnel" and transported to the Florida coastline in only 47 minutes.

The anthropologist who speculates that UFOs could be time travelers from the future.

The Italian Benedictine monk who claimed to have invented a device to view past events, only to have it dismantled by the Vatican. 

Sean Casteel and Tim R. Swartz, along with some of the most talented paranormal researchers of our time, invite you on an unforgettable voyage through the past, present and future. Weird Time explores the fabric of reality itself, the many possibilities of tomorrow, and the realization that what we experience is only a fraction of a much larger, stranger universe.

Tim Swartz | Factions of Breakaway Civilizations | Part 1-2


Part 1:
What's the modern roots of the Breakaway Civilization? When did the first experiments with space crafts and anti gravity start? Whence did the ideas stem? Was Tesla really involved in launching a spaceship to Mars in 1908 (!)...? Tim Swartz joins the forum and relates some lesser known info regarding all of this, which points to the germ of different factions. ... and we learn about his childhood experience that opened him up to the world of the weird.

Part 2:
When did the classified space fleet attain field propulsion? Who's really in charge behind the scenes? What factions exists within our planetary power circles? Who and what are "The Others"? Journalist Tim Swartz continues his briefing on these obscure matters and ties the recent past up to the present. ... and we learn about "Alternative 4" - that's right, not three, but four!

Covert History, The Deep State, Cartel Corporatism, The Black Economy, The Nazi International, The Globalist Oligarchs, The Intelligence Agencies, The Breakaway Civilization, The Multinational Banksters, The Classified Space Program, Anti-Gravity, Fringe Science, Cultural Assets, Health Solutions, Innovative Projects, Frontline Dissidents, Planetary Mysteries, Esoteric Philosophy, Human Relationships, Zero Point Free Energy, The Crisis of Academia, The Antediluvian Civilization, The Nature of Consciousness

Tim Swartz | UFO Repeaters, Seeing Is Believing – The Camera Doesn’t Lie, UFOs On Film | FarOutRadio | March 30, 2015


Tim Swartz was back to talk about the new book, “The UFO Repeaters – Seeing Is Believing – The Camera Doesn’t Lie.” The primary authors are Timothy Green Beckley and Sean Casteel with contributions from Scott Corrales and Tim Swartz. And Tim Swartz is credited as the editor and he created the cover art.

The new book addresses the well documented cases of those rare individuals who have experienced an ongoing series of encounters with UFO occupants – and have the uncanny ability to take remarkable photos of their craft on an ongoing basis. Some photos… showing the aliens themselves!
Many of the images are over 50 years old and some as recent as 2007! Some of the people included in the book are George Adamski, Howard Mangers, and Stella Lancing.

If you are interested in UFOlogy and the history of UFO photographs, you will enjoy this new book!
The book is available on in print and Kindle. The page listing at has a rather extensive “Look Inside” feature so that you can get a sense of the scope of the book. And, it looks like another fun one!

Tim Swartz | America’s Strange And Supernatural History, GIANTS, Cannibalism, Ghosts | Far Out Radio | Jan. 23, 2015


Tim Swartz is an author and paranormal researcher. This was Tim’s 33rd visit on Far Out Radio. Tonight we talked about his latest book, America’s Strange and Supernatural History” co-authored with Sean Casteel, Mike Mott, Arthur Crocket, and Timothy Green Beckley.

It’s a fun book that covers accounts in America of Weird creatures, ghosts, UFOs, cannibals, giants, prophecies of the American presidents, strange fumes, Sleepy Hollow, the supernatural history of Indiana, monsters and more.

Tonight we talked about his latest book, "America's Strange and Supernatural History" co-authored with Sean Casteel, Mike Mott, Arthur Crocket, and Timothy Green Beckley. It’s a fun book that covers accounts in America of Weird creatures, ghosts, UFOs, cannibals, giants, prophecies of the American presidents, strange fumes, Sleepy Hollow, the supernatural history of Indiana, monsters and more.

In our limited time we touched on the issues of what is it about the Ohio Vally and northeast that is so strange and unusual. In the book there is a map of North America with markers for over 1000 reports of the discovery of the remains of Giants in America. So, how we can determine the validity of the accounts of these very unusual finds? And lastly, we touched on the psychic and paranormal stories connected to America's Founding Fathers, including Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson. -Far Out Radio

Tim Swartz | Mind Control Via MK-ULTRA, the Covert Form of Mind Control, Oct. 22, 2014


Tim Swartz is back with us this evening. We like to get together every three weeks or so and share stories of the strange and unusual. When Tim was with us on October 1st, we were talking about Mind Control. Tim wrote a book on the subject back in 2012 titled, “Mind Stalkers: Mind Control of the Masses.” (an EXCELLENT title, by the way.) Since the subject of Mind Control is very broad and deep, we decided to break the topic into two parts – OVERT Mind Control and COVERT Mind Control.

In Tim’s last visit, we talked about OVERT Mind Control – the obvious stuff: advertising, public relations, and the mass media that includes popular music, films, books, and the relatively new, Social Media. Tonight, we’ll be talking about the more sinister, COVERT Mind Control that is often referred to as MK-Ultra, and often employs frequency manipulation, and drugs in the form of street and perspiration medications, the fluoridation of drinking water, and vaccines.

In the purest sense, all Mind Control must be subtle and stealth-like. The intended victims need to be unaware of what’s being done to them. One of the most shocking recent examples of a victim that seemed to be unaware of what had just happened was James Holmes. On July 20, 2012 in Aurora Colorado, Holmes opened fire inside a movie theater where the latest Batman movie was being shown. 12 people were killed and 58 injured.

But when Holmes was captured, witnesses said that he looked TOTALLY BEWINDERED. Holmes wasn’t a stupid guy. He was a neuroscience doctoral student at the University of Colorado and his family had ties to the exotic DARPA project “Peak Soldier Performance Program.” Look that on up, it’s a real eye-popper! “Peak Soldier Performance Program” brought to you by DARPA and Mars Company – you know, Milky Way and Snickers bars – there’s something VERY special about DARK CHOCOLATE. (get it? Dark projects and Dark Chocolate)

Is it a coincidence? I suppose it “could be.” But then again, when there are too many interlocking pieces, one has to wonder if indeed this is how modern MK-ULTRA programs “function out.”
MK-ULTRA-like projects, AND mental / emotional control via electronic frequencies are REAL. Twenty-three years ago during Desert Storm, the U.S. military tapped into regular FM radio frequencies that were being used by the Iraq army to carry encoded commands. You see, Sadam’s Command & Control System had been destroyed, so they were forced to use commercial radio with codes. We included special encoded commands to artificially implant negative emotional states - feelings of fear, anxiety, despair and hopelessness. This subliminal system didn't just tell a person to feel an emotion, it made them feel it, the emotion was planted in their minds. And Sadam’s battle-hardened soldiers surrendered like little girls, much to the astonishment of the American soldiers on the ground. That’s just ONE example from over 20 years ago.

Indeed, Mind Control has come a very long way from 100 years ago when tobacco companies wanted to get a big increase in sales by getting women to smoke, via the use of Edward L. Bernay’s “public relations” techniques. The Black-Ops Boys and Girls have come a long way from the post WW II days of wanting to create Manchurian Candidates to be used for assassinations, or secret couriers ala the Candy Jones Story, or just good old Spy vs. Spy fun and games. Is it safe to assume that these kinds of things are still going on? Would you believe anyone in the government or military if they said, “Oh no… We don’t do that stuff any more. NAW!” I hope not.
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