Mark McCandlish | Secret Space Program, Ben Rich Skunk Works, Frozen Time | FarOutRadio, Aug. 11, 2014


Mark McCandlish returns as our guest on FarOutRadio this program. Mark is a talented technical illustrator whose specialty is in aviation and conceptual art within the defense and aerospace industries. He is a secret space program expert. Topic: We spent some time talking about the intriguing statements from Ben Rich, the former chief of Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works where ultra top secret air and space craft were designed and developed. Rich was a serious man, so what are we to make of his statements...

“We have things out in the desert that are 50 years beyond what you can comprehend.”

“We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of god to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”

We also talked about the strange experience some people that are in close proximity of a UFO where time speeds up and they have “missing time” or time seems to stop and people appear to be frozen. It’s one of the more “far out” aspects of the “close encounters” experience.

James Horak & Mheiread MacDonald on Exopolitics Ohio with Mark Snider | Aug. 8, 2014

Source: Ohio Exopolitics,, Information Machine

This is a broadcast that was carried over from a private conversation to a radio show because Mark was so intrigued by the topics and information discussed that he wanted everyone to hear what Fukushima and the other aspects of this ongoing and upcoming world-wide crisis have in store for us and what their background is.

Mark also got answers to questions that no one on this planet is able to answer except for James and some to questions of a more private nature no one has asked James before. This is certainly the stuff that is blowing the lid off of someone like Clyde Lewis - so enjoy the show.

Courtesy for publication permission: Mark Snider, Ohio Exopolitics
Mhairead McDonald’s website: selkiedreams
Courtesy for title-artwork: Information Machine

Former Army Sergeant, Clifford Stone | Sacred Matrix with Sasha and Janet Lessin, Aug. 3, 2014

Source:, Book - Eyes Only: The Story of Clifford Stone and UFO Crash Retrievals, Bio Clifford Stone

UFO crash-recovery specialist, former Army Sergeant, CLIFFORD STONE, tells hosts Janet Kira and Dr. Sasha Lessin “We did recoveries of crashed saucers. There were bodies with some of these crashes, some ET s from the crashes were alive,” he said.

The military used Stone to communicate telepathically with ETs they took prisoner.

Among several types of Greys, the bodies and ET prisoners included “Individuals that look much us, that could walk among us and you wouldn’t even notice the difference,” he said. The list Stone’s team studied detailed 57 different species of alien life forms, many of whom Stone witnessed.

Hear, on this dynamite show, Sgt. Stone reveal the hidden truths about our alien prisoners.

Bio Clifford Stone

Tom Campbell | GIM Radio Interview

Source: GIM Radio,

Topics covered: matter, consciousness, and the current scientific theories of quantum mechanics that are used to explain our reality.

Tom is the "TC (physicist)" described in Bob Monroe's second book Far Journeys and has been a serious explorer of the frontiers of reality, mind, consciousness, and psychic phenomena since the early 1970s. My Big TOE is a model of existence and reality that is based directly on Campbell's scientific research and first hand experience. It represents the results and conclusions of thirty years of careful scientific exploration of the boundaries and contents of reality from both the physical and metaphysical viewpoints. The author has made every effort to approach his explorations without bias or preconceived notions. There is no belief system, dogma, creed, or unusual assumptions at the root of My Big TOE.

By demanding high quality repeatable, empirical, evidential data to separate what's real (exists independently and externally) from what's imaginary or illusory; Campbell has scientifically derived this general model of reality.

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Jeanice Barcelo | The Dark Side of Reproductive Technologies & Quest for Aryan Genetics | Hour 1 | August 8, 2014


August 8, 2014–Jeanice Barcelo is a birth activist and whistleblower. She is an outspoken voice in the movement to expose the violence of hospital birth and to get birth out of the hospitals and back into the home. Through her radio and television shows, and in her forthcoming book series, she speaks out about the horrors of technologically-managed pregnancy and childbirth.

Jeanice has spent the last 15 years uncovering the long-term and inter-generational impact of primal trauma on the human body, mind, spirit system. She returns to discuss the dark side of the baby making industry, who controls it and whose genetics are being sought after. From masturbatoriums, to fertility drugs and intended parents shopping for sperm and eggs, what kind of children are we creating?

We’ll talk about infertility in western nations and how it is reversible. Jeanice also comments on reasons for the low White birth rates. She’ll read some chilling quotes from Abe Foxman and Rabbi Finkelstein regarding the destruction of Aryan children and the push for interracial marriages for Whites. We’ll talk about reproductive technologies in Israel that allow the use of eggs from aborted babies and postmortem sperm recovery. Meanwhile, a high price is paid for sperm from blonde, blue-eyed American men, which is going around the globe including to third world nations, to try to create light-skinned blonde kids.

One of those countries receiving Aryan sperm and eggs is Israel. Why are they seeking the Nordic gene? In the member’s hour, Jeanice speaks on the spiritual war on the pristine human. We’ll also talk about how indeed it is Jews that have been the ones seeking the master race. Also, we discuss the Jewish circumcision ritual known as metzitzah b'peh that involves a mohel using his mouth to remove blood from the recently-cut penis. Infants have died from this ritual. Later on, we’ll talk about male/female relationships, parenting and more.

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The Lost Physics Knowledge of Nikola Tesla | AlienScientist |

Source: AlienScientist youtube,

I decided to do this week's podcast on Nikola Tesla and the laws of electromagnetism which he used to build his inventions. After reading the following article deifying Tesla as some sort of God with supreme knowledge of the universe, I decided to break down the laws of physics as Tesla likely understood them in order for people to gain more insights into what Tesla actually knew or didn't know in an effort to separate myth and legend from the real history.

The Influence Vedic Philosophy Had On Nikola Tesla’s Idea Of Free Energy

Jack Donovan | The Way of Men | Radio 3Fourteen, Aug. 6, 2014

Source: Radio 3Fourteen,

August 6, 2014–Jack Donovan is the author of The Way of Men, and an advocate for the resurgence of tribalism and masculine virtue. He’s also known for his criticisms of feminism and gay culture. Jack is a contributor to, Counter Currents, Radix Journal, and The Spearhead.

We’re going to discuss what is controversial these days, Violence, Masculinity and Tribalism. For thousands of years mankind has settled territories, disputes and enforced laws through acts of violence. Order demands violence. Today we resort to proxy violence. Is this better or worse?

We’ll talk about masculinity, the male crisis and the missing brotherhood. There was a time when Strength, Courage, Mastery, and Honor were an important part of being a man. When speaking on matters of the state, can we ultimately fight corruption through non-violent means? We’ll also discuss how big government has killed risk, competition and the primal drive to survive and how it has negatively affected men in western society. Are religion, new age ideologies and egalitarianism a revolt against nature?

Later on we’ll talk about the gender neutral fad, the feminization of men and gay culture. Also, we talk about the imbalanced relationship between the sexes and how modern society refuses to acknowledge biological differences between men and women. -Radio 3Fourteen

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Chris McCleary | National Dream Center [Dream Bot] Predictions | Veritas Radio


This portion is being provided as a courtesy from Veritas Radio. To listen to more of this exclusive interview proceed to:

Chris McCleary, the Director of the National Dream Center, which collects, analyzes, and reports daily on various types of dream topics, discussed his Dream Bot experiments, which focus on precognitive dreams. One of the biggest themes or linguistic phrases that's popped up in his database, is "Sky flash," which he connected to a subsequent volcanic eruption in Italy. "Running from violence" is another phrase that came up.

McCleary also spoke about his Project August, in which people incubate dreams (place an intention before going to sleep) about newsworthy events that will happen in August 2014, and then record in his database. He believes that dreaming, like remote viewing, accesses a different brain state, which can put people in touch with a "timeless nature."

Simon G. Powell | Darwin's Unfinished Business | Legalise Freedom Radio, Aug. 7, 2014


Simon G. Powell discusses his book Darwin's Unfinished Business – The Self-Organizing Intelligence of Nature. Darwin's theory of evolution is undoubtedly one of the most important scientific ideas of the modern age, explaining the existence of both life and consciousness without recourse to divine intervention. Yet how do we interpret evolution? How do we evaluate the ability of Nature to engineer something as exquisite as the genetic code or the human brain? Could it be that evolution is an intelligent process? Is Nature smart? According to most scientists, the answer is no. While humanity may be intelligent and purposeful, the natural processes that crafted us are deemed to be devoid of such attributes.

In a radical move away from orthodoxy, Simon G. Powell extends Darwin's vision by showing that evolution is not just about the survival of the fittest but rather the survival of clever and sensible behaviour. Revealing the importance of the context in which things evolve, he explores the intelligent learning process behind natural selection. Rich with examples of the incredibly complex plants, animals, insects and marine life designed by Nature - from the carnivorous Venus flytrap and the fungus-farming leafcutter ant to the symbiotic microbes found inside the common cow - he shows Nature as a whole to be a system of self-organising intelligence in which life and consciousness are always destined to emerge.

Examining the origins of life and the failure of artificial intelligence to compete with natural intelligence, he explains how our scientifically narrow-minded views on intelligence are now acting as a barrier to our own evolution. As Darwin's unfinished business comes to light and Nature's intelligence is embraced, we learn that Nature's agenda is not simply the replication of genetic matter, but of expanding consciousness. By working with Nature's creative and innovative powers instead of against them, we can address today's social and environmental challenges with a new green science of evolution.

Tobias Churton on Notorious Aleister Crowley | Startling Seldom Revealed Facts | FarOutRadio, Aug. 6, 2014


This program we interview author Tobias Churton about his latest book, Aleister Crowley: The Beast in Berlin, Art, Sex and Magick in the Weimar Republic. This is Tobias Churton’s second book about Aleister Crowley. The book focuses on Crowley’s time in Berlin from 1930 to 1933 – the end of the Weimar Republic. Because this was Tobias’ first visit, we covered Crowley’s early life and a few of the things that inspired his metaphysical interests. Crowley was a writer, poet, artist, world traveler, and researcher of inner metaphysical understandings. A most misunderstood man.

Enjoy this amazing interview with the great Gnostic author and film maker, Tobias Churton. Tobias is one of the world's leading experts in Gnosticsism, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Hermeticism and Aleister Crowley. He shares with us his vast knowledge on the occult, Crowley and more.

Geneva Business Insider | Obama Wines and Dines African Dictators as Ebola Spreads, Aug. 7, 2014


This month on the Geneva Business Insider, James and David discuss: the latest on the ongoing Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the decision to send infected patients to Germany and the US for treatment; the conflict in Gaza and what it has done to the population of the world's largest open-air prison; and the latest moves on the Eastern European chessboard as Putin bristles at Poland's "Ukraine invasion" fears.

Spying Virus Infects Smartphones, Mimics Regular Software Update, Aug. 7, 2014


A Russian IT company has discovered half-a-million phones across the globe are infected with malware, allowing them to be controlled remotely. With it, everything from your banking passwords to your text messages could be spied on. RT's Neil Harvey spoke with a member of the company that uncovered the security breach.
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