Andrew Norton Webber on A Fireside Chat | Distilled Water & Liquid Therapies, November 19, 2011

Source: fireside_chat bbsradio,

Andrew Norton Webber returns in this 2nd installment of an ongoing series on the miraculous properties of drinking distilled waters and ancient technologies of using our own urine for healing; both without and within. Distilled waters, from outside and from our own alchemical distillery, are the true "fountain of liquid gold and life".

Andrew discusses the "why and how" to de-mineralize (de-calcify) and unlock the awesome power of our own living glands; the 360 degrees of subtle senses represented by the Pineal, which works in synchronicity with all our glands, when not "deadened" by fluoride and other "toxic substances". Radiation and INorganic minerals can exist in mineral and bottled waters; not so in distilled waters. We go into more depth about the many uses for "Liquid Therapies", including urine for severe burns, insect and snake bites, cancer, arthritis and bone diseases.

Jon Kelly | Dream Warfare, OffPlanet Radio, November 27, 2011


November 27, 2011–Jon Kelly is a Canadian journalist and world famous speech analyst who released key intelligence pertaining to the Iraq War two years in advance of the “Shock and Awe” strikes against Baghdad in 2003. As a former feature producer for CBS Radio with experience in #1-rated US television, his work is featured in USA Today, Coast to Coast AM, the Huffington Post, Fox News, CBS Radio and Television, CBC, BBC London, Deutschlandradio Berlin, AOL News, UFO Digest and Jon Kelly writes the Vancouver UFO Examiner for and produces the Secret Message Report - Podcast Edition along with a variety of online video programming including educational, documentary, interview and panel shows focused on paranormal, spirituality, disclosure and truth for SecretMessageTV.

He joins us to discuss the topics of "Dream Warfare" in MKUltra-style mind control death ops, and voice based disclosure: the human voice often discloses the contents and perceptions of the subconscious mind, even deeply buried, and often symbolic images that occur in the human dream state...this goes deeply into mind control, the secret projects of intelligence, military, and government agencies...and is a rear window into the workings of both victims and perpetrators in events that have shaped the headlines for over 40 years.

HEAR----a pre-verbal toddler's reverse speech revelation...Gabriel Giffords' nightmare of Sarah Palin viewing her death...Jared Loughner's sunconscious revelations before the shooting of Giffords...Mark David Chapman's hidden clues to linkages with the FBI over the shooting of John Lennon...the famous  BTK serial murders in Wichita, Kansas..the Jonestown Massacre and CIA influences...the Columbia shuttle disaster...Russian spy, Anna Chapman's occult disclosures of betrayal...and insights into the process of investigative reporting, psychic forensics, and analysis. Learn about the ghost in the machine...spooks and spirits...psychic Dracula and Vampires...Project Molech..the whispers of the subconcious emerge in demonstrations in this show.

While we deal with much of the dark side in this show, voice based disclosure is also a means for self-discovery, healing, and spiritual advancement, which Mr. Kelly also practices as a consultant and therapist---details at Jon's website. ~Randy Maugans,

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M. Hasati & N. Meniooh | The Mystery & Secrecy of Ancient Kemetic Culture, November 25, 2011


This week’s guests are Nehez Meniooh and Men Zebah Hasati, American initiates into the secret teachings of the late Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig, a Dogon High Priest whose lineage comes from Burkina Faso, West Africa. Master Naba founded and taught at The Earth Center in Chicago from the late 1990s until his death in 2008.

JPL Curiosity Mars Rover Update, November 2011


Curiosity is scheduled to launch to Mars from a seaside launch pad at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on Nov. 26, 2011, at 7:02a.m. PST (10:02a.m. EST) for an eight-month trip to the Red Planet.

Dr. Nick Begich | HAARP, Secret Sciences & High Tech Mind Control, November 25, 2011


Dr. Nick Begich has been pursuing independent research in science and politics for most of his adult life. Dr Begich received a doctorate in traditional medicine from the Open International University for Complimentary Medicines in November 2004. Dr. Begich the eldest son of US Congressman Nick Begich Sr. and political activist Pegge Begich.

During this interview conducted by, Dr. Begich talks about many controversial science experiments, including HAARP, Mind Control technology, compartmentalization within the science community, and how these technologies, which might be used for the progress of all mankind, is currently controlled by secret military industrial complex interests putting all of humanity at risk.

Dr. Begich talks about Alaska as a strategic location that can be utilized by the United States as way to stimulate the economy and put America back on the map as the world's economic leader.

Finally, Dr. Begich spends some time telling us his perspective of the plane crash that killed his father, Congressman Nick Begich sr. and US House Majority leader, Hale Boggs. Dr. Begich recalls out the historical election that faced the U.S. immediately after this tragic plane crash. An almost forgotten event in American history, one that not only changed the course of U.S. history, but the history of the world as well.

Max Igan | ‪Occupy Yoursel‬f, November 25, 2011


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - 11/25/11

Frank O'Collins | The Roman Cult, Law & The Khazars, November 24, 2011


November 24, 2011–Frank'O Collins is an author and futurist having developed over 60 web sites on global issues and solutions. 25 years ago, Frank started collecting and working on the ideas that eventually became UCADIA. Since then, Frank has completed a range of books, patents, and models covering a vast array of subjects.

Frank's current focus is finishing the 22 books of Canon law, based on the "Restore the Law Project," aimed at challenging the root of Roman Vatican law, 500 years since Martin Luther first challenged the authority of the Vatican and its commercial allies. Frank will talk about UCADIA, the Roman cult, law, sovereignty, history of the Venetians, the Khazarians and other related global issues.

Topics Discussed: the Roman law system, Egypt, naming, power, Ebla, Yahudi, Menashe, Etruscans, occupation, Latin, cursive, land, registers, Khazaria, King Tut, Justinian, Belarus, genetic anomaly, black plague, bubonic plague, city of Ur, Satanism, Lilith, magic, true soul vs. counterfeit soul, Amarites and more. ~Red Ice Creations
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Linda Moulton Howe | Strange Phenomena in Missouri, November 22, 2011


November 22, 2011–Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the unidentified balls, discs, and entity encounters in Kansas City, Missouri since April 2011 and the 125 orange spheres that flew in waves toward Lee's Summit, Missouri. She interviewed Margie Kay, the Asst. State Director of Missouri MUFON, who noted that in a one month period between the first week of October to November 2011, Kansas City Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) had received nearly 80 cases, the biggest UFO flap in such a short time in the city's history. Among the sightings were a soundless diamond-shaped craft, a large slow-moving circular disc that ejected a red sphere, a flaming orange orb, and a small orb that a dog chased into the woods.

Additionally, Kay described cases where a UFO witness with missing time had a strange crystal tooth installed in her mouth, and a retired police detective saw a small alien being, as a black triangular craft hovered over his backyard. More of Kay's interview here. Linda also spoke with witness Richard Vick,who described seeing waves of small orange spheres flying in the sky between Kansas City and the suburb, Raytown in June of 2011 (photo below). Numerous other witnesses saw the orbs, and a local TV news station reported on the event, he said. More.

In her third report, Linda shared information on how Solar Cycle 24 could be the last cycle for decades to have any sunspots at all. If that plays out, then, for the first time in 400 years, Earth will go through a solar Grand Minimum like the Maunder Minimum of 1635 to 1715, when Europe went through a 'Little Ice Age.' Solar physicist David Hathaway told her we wouldn't know for sure until 2013, but that the current & upcoming sun cycles offered a good opportunity to study how they affect global warming. In her last report, she spoke with author Philip Coppens about Erich von Daniken's latest book, Odyssey of the Gods, in which he proposes that the Greek Gods were extraterrestrials.

Kosta Makreas and Dr. Steven Greer | Update on Global CE-5 Initiative, November 25, 2011


November 25, 2011–
Dr. Greer will be joined by Kosta Makreas who will update you on the Global CE-5 Initiative. Each month this international group works together with small groups at multiple venues in multiple countries. Kosta will share some of the most interesting experiences these groups have had. These people acting as citizen diplomats are doing their part to peacefully reach out to the ET visitors. It's fascinating.

Joe Rogan | What Is Reality?


Joe Rogans insight, telling it in his colorful way.

Tom Horn | The Lost Symbol, Southwest Radio Bristol Conference 2011


Thomas Horn at the Southwest Radio Bristol Conference 2011 hints at the incredible reasons he wrote the best selling book "Apollyon Rising 2012" and what ancient pagan cultures and founding Freemasons in the United States believed and encoded on the Great Seal and the layout of Capitol Center in Washington DC concerning the coming of a Pagan god in 2012. This would not be believable if not for Tom Horn's credentials and access to scholars in history, theology, and occultism, two-dozen of whom helped him with this book. The power at work behind global affairs and current planetary powers are hurriedly aligning for a New Order from Chaos. Why? Watch this powerful lecture and learn more at

New World Next Week | Climategate 2.0, Lone Wolves, Food Stamp Thanksgiving, November 24, 2011


The video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in alternative news and open source intelligence. This week:

Story #1: Fresh Round of Leaked Emails Called Climategate 2.0
Related: Background and Context
Related: New Batch of Emails Released in Climategate 2.0
Related: More Emails Leaked From Climate Researchers

Story #2: NYPD Says FBI Declined to Pursue 'Lone Wolf' NYC Bomb Plot
Who Is Oscar Ortega-Hernandez and Why Did He Allegedly Try To Kill Obama?
Related: In Search of Lee Harvey Oswald with Charles Ochelli

Story #3: Oregon Tops Nation in Food Stamp Use
Video: News Report from KEZI 9 in Eugene, Oregon
Related: USDA Targets Stores in Food Stamp Trafficking

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