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Showing posts sorted by date for query james horak. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Race With Time 11 [Final Episode] | The Judge: Last Exit for Mankind

Source:,, Information Machine

The Judge: Last Exit for Mankind

While so many listen to the woo woo cooing of a large part of the alternative media, we have come to the brink. The madness that has allowed the progression of the Fukushima meltdowns has at least made newsworthy enough the reporting of nuclear waste leaks at Hanover, Carlsbad, NM, and elsewhere. Events that might not have made it to the news were it not for gathering public interest. But, just as at Fukushima, the official releases have been focused on purely handling public perception and not truth. 

We will connect the recent wave of earthquakes and the magnitude threat posed by shifting conditions in Yellowstone to such irresponsible practices as these. Together with the extensive extraction of oil and now fracking, subsurface detonations in the past, the madness of employing HAARP, and the decline of an atmosphere that once shielded us from full spectrum light, this planet has been brought to the very crossroads where one more wrong turn can easily lead to our extinction.

Instead of the slow death by an already poisoned environment, you may have a fast one. You have little time left to turn it around. My colleagues and I feel we are simply trying to find new ways to say the same things. - JCH

The show has been plagued by several interruptions, at one time David had to reboot his whole system.

During the first interruption at minute 40 into the show, James was discussing the lawyer from Florida and how, when James answered his question about what happened in Sasebo Harbor, the lawyer decided to give up the trip. James take on it was that if that was too difficult to accept, he wouldn't have been ready for what was in the ridge valley.

In the second one where James audio breaks up at 2h24min, James explains how the powers-that-be are so entrenched in their madness that they had rather destroy everyone, including themselves, as long as they are still on top than survive with losing any of their hold on power.

Timed Out

Truth comes with crushing embrace
lies lingering so long
Since mocking birds all night
sing their song

Trailing mist visiting death
slowly settling to earth
Strontium, aluminum, flouride
reactors burning, distilling
Into life loss the once life giving

And food denied by one scheme
or another
The health of bounty traded
declined to shudder
By it's own epidemic in the face
of hunger

Until the mocking birds go

Copyright © April 2014 James C. Horak

As discussed in the show.

Mirage Men Documentary

Yekra Player

Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films.

Mirage Men

How the US government created a myth that took over the world.

ET visitors… crashed UFOs… back-engineered alien technology… the government cover-up of a secret that would change the world as we know it…

These are the core elements of the modern UFO mythology, a story that has captivated farmers, princes and generals for generations, and shows no sign of loosening its grip on the popular imagination.

But what if, instead of covering up the UFO story, elements in the US military had actively encouraged it as part of their Cold War counterintelligence arsenal – manufacturing the myth of the UFO as a powerful weapon of mass deception and the perfect cover for all manner of clandestine technologies and operations.

Now, for the first time, some of those whose actions have directly shaped the UFO mythology, and some of their victims, tell their stories, revealing a surreal disturbing and sometimes tragic sequence of events that is part Manchurian Candidate and part Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Mirage Men draws viewers into a saucer-shaped hall of mirrors, a shadow-world where every lie contains elements of the truth, and the truth is far stranger than the UFO believers, or their detractors, would have you believe.


How the US government created a myth that took over the world.

ET visitors… crashed UFOs… back-engineered alien technology… the government cover-up of a secret that would change the world as we know it…

These are the core elements of the modern UFO mythology, a story that has captivated farmers, princes and generals for generations, and shows no sign of loosening its grip on the popular imagination.

But what if, instead of covering up the UFO story, elements in the US military had actively encouraged it as part of their Cold War counterintelligence arsenal – manufacturing the myth of the UFO as a powerful weapon of mass deception and the perfect cover for all manner of clandestine technologies and operations.

Now, for the first time, some of those whose actions have directly shaped the UFO mythology, and some of their victims, tell their stories, revealing a surreal disturbing and sometimes tragic sequence of events that is part Manchurian Candidate and part Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Mirage Men draws viewers into a saucer-shaped hall of mirrors, a shadow-world where every lie contains elements of the truth, and the truth is far stranger than the UFO believers, or their detractors, would have you believe.

Crystal Clark and James Horak | Our Earth is in peril if we do not remove the Psychopaths, February 22, 2014


An especially important topic was discussed during this interview dealing with the destruction of our protective atmosphere via the weaponization of our natural weather systems: this is known by many as Weather Modification or Geo-engineering, and includes HAARP as well. Of significance in this regard, is the way these technologies are killing the living microbes responsible for providing earth life forms with a protective barrier against too much solar radiation. For additional information on this topic, please use the search mechanism on this blog and type in “microbes”.

A great deal of harm is being caused to both plants and humans (as well as animals) with ANY technologies that subject living things to too much radiation, be it nuclear or cosmic bombardment. A useful tool in staving off this damage is an extremely unique mineral commercially sold under the name of Excelerite. While it is a useful tool for improving the health of our bodies, soils and oceans, it is in NO way meant to be the end-all-be-all solution to the misuse of technology that currently requires the application of the mineral to deal with the side-effects of renegade science. At the same time however, this mineral remains but another technology that our brothers and sisters are purposefully not being informed about. That being said, the following videos are being provided in the hopes of changing that. What this mineral is really capable of, outside of its marketed uses, were discussed at length during this interview and are not, and cannot, be claimed by those currently selling it due to the same FDA restrictions that classified walnuts as a drug! In the necessary interest of disclosure, neither myself nor James Horak financially profit from sales of the mineral as we are not distributors. Moreover, while I don’t personally know if they are currently looking for more distributors, for those looking to escape a system that financially rewards them for supporting greedy and environmentally damaging corporate mindsets, this may very well be the opportunity you’re looking for. Additionally, the video selection below represents but a small segment of currently available data on the subject.

Crystal Clark and James C. Horak from the show RACE WITH TIME can be heard 2nd and 4th friday of every month 7-9 pm pacific. Both talk about the pending doom with Fukushima and how it is the major threat to this worlds total population. James also speaks from experience as to how it can be remedied but it will take humanity to step up to the plate in a very collective matter.”

When Opinion Forming Becomes Mind Control | Crystal Clark, Mhairead McDonald & James Horak on Wolfspirit Radio, February 15, 2014


The official narrative of egyptology is nonsense and the pyramids were built in a very different manner and scientific evidence exists that the Sphinx is much older. The Jewish exodus was led by Akhenaton, Carter found the scrolls that prove that and are now hidden in the Vatican and in Cambridge. Akhenaton also started monotheism. The Arc of the Covenant is in Ethiopia, the Etruscans spoke Latin. Kids in the UK get conscripted in the MI5/6 and for the CIA in the US.

Other topics discussed are the Antikythera mechanism, the Black Knight Satellite, Phobos - the ultimate Hall of Records. Aberrancy can not be tolerated when you have star-travel technology, we have to get civilised. The EMVs, Oppenheimer and Teller. There are no races. What do you stand for - the words on your tombstone.

Dale after Dark | Background on James Horak | WolfSpiritRadio, February 8, 2014


Background on James Horak - Questions addressed James Horak by someone seeking answers to questions few ever ask.

Thanks go to the host Dale Benadum of Wolfspiritradio for hosting the show and for publication permission. His website is: The Spirit of Mount Shasta

Dale Benadum, The Spirit of Mt Shasta,
At 15, I was floored (literally) by a voice that spoke to me internally,yes thats right I said internally. As if every single atom vibrated & spoke as one. After that, events and effects started to happen in life and became more interesting as time progressed. Time displacements & slips, USO's, UFO's, physical Angelic contact. Its been a difficult, lonely and stressful life at times. However I'm a firm believer that GOD (The Divine Source/ The Force) and all that he/it has created is not in vain. We Earthlings/ Starseeds who think alike have been in waiting for what seems like an eternity for our "purpose" to unfold. I'm a firm believer that THIS TIME HAS ARRIVED.

Saturday 3pm-5pm PST

The Fukushima Inevitability | Crystal Clark & James Horak with Mark Snider, February 1, 2014


Mark Snider hosts Crystal Clark and James Horak who discuss the most impacting of events, Fukushima in detail with attention to concerns others have declined to address, like that of the China Syndrome. Signs of isotopic particle contamination have spread to even middle America while focus on leaking reactors elsewhere is coming more and more into fashion. The time has come to take a stand on important truths about nuclear safety, carefully weighing the industry's value versus its risks. These are the issues the show will examine. -JCH

The Destruction of the BioSphere | Fukushima Roundtable with Mark Snider

Source: Blogtalkradio OhioExopolitics,

January 11, 2014–The biosphere is the global sum of all ecosystems. It can also be termed the zone of life on Earth, a closed system (apart from solar and cosmic radiation and heat from the interior of the Earth), and largely self-regulating. By the most general bio-physiological definition, the biosphere is the global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. The Fukushima disaster threatens all life on our planet.

Thanks to Mark Snider of OhioExopolitics for publication permission and for hosting the broadcast with James C. Horak, Torz Baron-Copley and Mhairead McDonald.

For comments, info and more radio shows with James Horak visit the blog:

Crystal Clark & James Horak | Race with Time - Dispensing with the Barriers to Change, January 10, 2014


The urgency of our survival on earth has never been better expressed than in this show by Crystal Clark. In order to best example the stark contrast between the reality of that situation and how it is dressed up in fantasy by many of the alternative community, Crystal cuts through the crap and delivers brilliantly and decisively what we must do to achieve necessary change. -JCH

Fukushima Round Table Discussion 2 with James Horak and Guests | Ohio Exopolitics with Mark Snider, December 26, 2013


The cores on all three reactors melted down.These are the events that caused these reactors to melt down:

1. The water in the containment vessel evaporated because the pumps that keep the coolant water flowing were disabled by the flooding waters of the Tsunami;

2. The Nuclear fuel became uncovered and heated up to a temperature of 2,300 degrees Celsius.

3. The nuclear fuel melted and mixed with the materials in containment vessel;

4. This melted core formed a magma called Corium which flowed down to the bottom of the reactor vessel.

5. The corium pierced the containment vessel and fell on the concrete containment;

Currently, we don't know what quantity of corium has fallen? How deep did the corium pierced the concrete containment vessel?

James Horak Round Table | Fukushima Radiation – World-Wide Killer on the Loose by Design, October 25, 2013


Three leading voices in the anti-nuclear movement speak out. Kevn Blanch, Andrew Ebisu and Christina Consolo are our guests thanks to co-host Mhairead McDonald. A full three hours of information that offers all appreciable aspects of the most imposing environmental threat humaity has faced, Fukushima.

Radchick links:

On Fukushima Beach (remastered)
Source: Andrew Ebisu youtube

Crystal Clark & James Horak | The Elements of Social Engineering

Information Machine

Crystal Clark and I have tried to obtain an overview of the cultural, economic, political, military and social encroachments upon the individual that the New World Order Portends. In this segment we deal with that of social engineering, it's methods and applications of this modern era; how, as an instrument of this intended feudal corporate fascist police state, it serves its masters. -JCH

Crystal Clark & James Horak on WolfSpiritRadio - TPP: WHEN GREED ISN'T ENOUGH


• TPP & FEMA Region III updates
• UN Arms Trade Treaty: global gun registration and regulation
• Constitutional transgressions and political corruption
• Republic form of government requires an involved and responsible public for oversight and direction • Treason: Fast & Furious and supplying arms to Syrian rebels
• The many Orwellian faces of the Cremation of Care ritual---are you wearing one?
• People need to plug back in to reality and help by taking appropriate action
• The UN is a front for the New World Order
• Lawlessness: turning a blind eye to corruption means your silence is consent
• Corruption of the Supreme Court the gateway to the destruction of our Republic
• Shoulder-shrugging won’t fix anything; don’t get depressed—get busy and involved
• The overpopulation lie: when all you see is overpopulation, all you have is depopulation tools
• Corrupt corporations (not the public/sheeple/useless eaters) are destroying our environment
• Did the NRA covertly sell out?
• The legal system has been contaminated--- loyalties have been confused (and/or purchased)
• Eustace Mullins and Common Law
• Administrations vs. regimes: the Constitution is our ONLY social contract with government
• John Kerry: patsy, imposter, or both?
• Why would they do that?—Howard Hughes, Qui Bono and the military industrial complex
• Kevin Blanch (not David Blanch), Lauren Moret and the Fukushima depopulation nightmare
• Strontium 90 the predominant cause of rapid onset leukemia
• Fear of confrontation allows aberrant behavior to thrive and continue
• The ultimate insanity: using a neutron bomb to neutralize Fukushima radiation
• Increasing disease & more virulent strains of flu
• Overview (lending to genius) prohibited as a threat to New World Order agenda
• The psy-ence behind helium, carbon, alpha particles and CERN
• Helium is not an element—doesn’t react to/combine with anything or degrade---NO such thing as
  Helium 3
• Helium disinfo began during WW1 by the military industrial complex
• Proper knowledge of helium kept secret from the public by gas companies based on extraction/use
   being a corporate “trade secret”
• Helium being part of the secret of the sun

All of this (in the first hour alone) and much, much more were discussed in this expansive, set-the-record-straight, and 3rd episode of RACE WITH TIME, with hosts James Horak & Crystal Clark. Shows air live every 2nd & 4th Friday of the month on Wolf Spirit Radio from 7-9 pm PST.

Articles referenced during the show: Microbes & Machiavellian Mindsets (Aerobiology, climate and chemtrails) can be found HERE Cognitive Dissonance & Detachment or Spiritually Enlightened? (Cremation of Care in New Age Dogma) can be found HERE

CREDITS: Thanks to Dave Corso of Wolf Spirit Radio for hosting the broadcast, Shuny (OmetaOne) for doing the audio editing, Information-Machine for producing the graphics, and co-host James Horak for his special (out-formation) insights. It’s always a team effort!
Website of Crystal Clark:

Part 1: Crystal Clark | James Horak | TPP: Corporate Charter for the New World Order, September 14, 2013

Crystal Clark | James Horak | TPP: Corporate Charter for the New World Order, September 14, 2013


The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a monstrosity akin to being the corporate charter of the New World Order, effectively providing the framework for corporate global dominance. The details of the agreement are being written and negotiated in secret by 600 corporate advisors (including Walmart, Pfizer, Monsanto & Halliburton) while both Congress and the press have been barred from accessing the text. Sections of the text leaked to the public indicate a massive corporate conglomerate is working behind the scenes, through the TPP trade agreement as well as global consolidation (too big to fail) tactics, to upgrade transnational corporate rights and power from 'personhood' status to 'nationhood' status with a bent towards global resource management and control.

This inflated status enables corporations to sue sovereign nations having strict health, safety and/or environmental laws with the claim that such laws "violate their corporate rights to make money" via exploitive activities such as drilling, mining and fracking. Hundreds of similar lawsuits, costing nearly three hundred billion dollars in taxpayer funds globally, have reportedly already been filed. The latest, and perhaps most disturbing, is Bayer/Syngenta suing the European Commission to overturn the ban on their pesticides---the same pesticides proven to be responsible for killing millions of bees.

While TPP negotiations are expected to be finalized by Oct 1st 2013—a deadline that may also be related to upcoming disaster preparedness requirements centered around FEMA Region 3—the TPP deadline can, through a dedicated public focused on freedom and right-living, be stalled and pushed back for a third time (and perhaps final) time. To learn more about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement (TPP), as well as the Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA), and find out what you can do to personally get involved, please visit the Public Citizen Global Trade Watch website as well as

Video: It Can't Happen Here by Larken Rose
Video: Trans-Pacific Partnership: Corporate Global Domination (long version)
Video: Ask Lori [Wallach] Live: Trade Expert on the TPP

UPDATE(S): Special thanks to Jacqui C. for uncovering records proving Senator Sheldon R. Songstad (Republican--retired), is in fact a real person. Songstad was reportedly the source from which the "memo" regarding FEMA Region III deadlines originated—a claim I have been unable to verify.

James Horak | Robert Stanley | A Tale of two Timelines, September 13, 2013


This lesson in history and the projections for the near future leave Robert quite unsettled in this eye opening conversation. If you meet someone who has the history of the world at hand, with details present from all periods you come to inevitable conclusions.

James Horak & Crystal Clark | Race With Time, Wolf Spirit Radio, August 30, 2013



"If time travel is possible, has been possible, will ever be possible; it is with us now." -JCH

Crystal and James are going deeper into all matters of time travel and it's implications. Other topics discussed are ancient civilizations and of course, the psychopathic elite's schemes for total destruction in their effort to install a global corporate feudal police state.

James Horak & Crystal Clark on the Vinny Eastwood, August 16, 2013


Original Description:
Vinny's NUTShell: James Horak
When you read his entire bio from his website, you realise James Horak has an unusual background; in fact you could say he's had an unusual life!

But in recent years James has become known for his revealing the true nature of the strange objects that people have been seeing in many NASA/ESA/SOHO images of the corona of the Sun. He calls these objects EMVs, which stands for Electro-Magnetic-Vehicles. James also talks about Sun Control, The Solar Anvil and Humanities Call, and today we're going to find out from him exactly what he means by all these things.

Crystal Clark &
An author who is passionate about Sacred Science. We'll ask Crystal to explain exactly WHAT Sacred Science is shortly. But her personal goal is to help humanity realize its full potential in meaningful ways that not only expand awareness of the other choices that genuinely uphold, regenerate, and recreate life (of which there are many), but also to rebuild the bridge between the mind and the heart; the mystical and material, so that the peaceful and abundant paradise we all long for can finally manifest here, in, around, and through, us. -The Vinny Eastwood Show

Sad farewell to a dear friend.. Kevin Smith, August 15, 2013


Dear readers, subscribers and fellow truth-seekers.

It is with a heavy heart and blurry eyes that I bring the sad and shocking news to you that Kevin Smith, a very dear friend to both James Horak, myself and many others throughout the truth community, has last night left us to journey on this mortal plane alone…. You are sadly missed my friend.

As many of you will be aware, Kevin had a heart attack 3 days ago and after having a stent put in was sent home from hospital yesterday… (a bit too early perhaps). Last night he died, leaving the rest of us and his family reeling in shock at loosing him so soon after such a close call.

If it were not for Kevin, this blog would not exist. He introduced me to James Horak and the rest, as they say, is history….

Kevin, we are all devastated by your death, leaving a gaping hole not only in the lives of those who loved you but the wider community as a whole. You are (I can’t bring myself to say were just yet) a shining light of no-nonsense truth and wisdom, laughs and chuckles, thought provoking questions and open minded discussion on matters of great importance.

As I sit here and write this through blurred eyes and tear stained face, I cannot help but wonder and hope that you are now in a place in the Sun or an EMV, now aware of ALL that is, ever was and ever will be and chuckling your little socks off. Save those of us who love you a seat for when we eventually join you.

Until then we will honor your memory and dedicated hard work to continue to openly speak the truth about matters that affect Humanities and this Planet’s tenuous future.

You will be missed by more than you could ever have known possible…… God Speed Kevin xxxx

All our love and respect..

Torz, James, Shuny, Crystal and anyone else who’s ever known you or called in to your show…

In Memoriam 
(by James Horak)

“You matter.” You have a right to know.”

Etched by one intent effort and another
to go where so few others bother
A guiding light to thought with density
the realm of physics with added intensity
Holding open a stage to all when any
answers could be found…
Never denying any cogent thought that
might lead to new ground
Knowing how to challenge issues without
Logic and insight served all means he had
of redress
The prince of a genre, a friend to so many
shoes to fill, cannot any
A right to know is now what’s left
for Kevin Smith now has the fullest sense
of that right to know

James Horak | Napoleon in the Great Pyramid



Changing History through Time Manipulation
Napoleon, when he was in Egypt in 1798, asked to be left alone for a night in the King's Chamber inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. When he emerged, it was reported that he looked visibly shaken. When an aide asked him if he had witnessed anything mysterious, he replied that he had no comment, and that he never wanted the incident mentioned again - and then orders a cannoneer to fire on the face of the Sphinx.

Years later, when he was on his deathbed, a close friend asked him what really happened in the King's chamber. He was about to tell him and stopped. Then he shook his head and said, "No, what's the use. You'd never believe me." But there is an unsubstantiated story that Napoleon had hinted that he was given some vision of his destiny during his stay in the King's Chamber.

What happened inside the King's Chamber when Napoleon spent the night in the sarcophagus? And can this event account for his change from an ardent supporter of the French Revolution into an egomaniac who crowned himself a cesar?

Please fasten your seat belts, James Horak, again, is taking us far out on the limb and what we are told is also a warning - facilitators of the elite take note, this is for you to listen very closely!

If Napoleon had not been implanted a micro chip, if he would have stayed true to himself, history would have taken a very different course and the world would very likely be a better place.

Related article at: The

James Horak & Crystal Clark | MORPHEUS, HALCYON DAYS & THE FORKED ROAD OF CHOICE: A brand new beginning or the same old end?

Source: Information Machine,,

James Horak interviews Crystal Clark to discuss her recent treatise regarding the Sacred Science. With special emphasis on the hidden history of mankind’s self-destructive past(s) and our current repetition of the patterns that ultimately led to those cataclysms, few stones were left unturned in this immersive, pointed and engaging discussion:

• Acquiring extra-information through dreams (Morpheus)
• Walter Russell, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus
• The risks of leaving records behind for the next civilization
• Hidden/suppressed archeological discoveries and anomalies would tell the truth
• Previous cataclysms caused by misuse of technology via elitist mindsets
• Weaponization of natural systems and genocide
• Catastrophic Biosphere & Biodiversity Collapse
• The public has purposefully been set up to fail and take the blame
• Manufactured lack turned into personal guilt
• Greed and planned obsolescence (of products, living things AND people)
• Depopulation as a counter to an awakening public
• Surveillance and data collection: Invasion of privacy and emotional/psychological manipulation
• Data-mining and Artificial Intelligence
• People perish for lack of knowledge—participate in their own demise through ignorance
• Billions of people want an abundant, free and peaceful future (Halcyon Days)
• Emulating and honoring the wisdom of Nature’s balanced interchange system
• Freedom to fully explore individual creative potential and free will
• Overcoming imbalance/split-consciousness with moral integrity
• Taming the ego allows for individual uniqueness to become a cultural benefit for everyone
• Non-violent models of change: balancing the desire for peace with the changes necessary to ensure it

“Humanity once again stands at a most important fork in the road; a moment exhilarating and exasperating, liberating and terrifying—may we have the wisdom and moral fortitude to choose the path of countless wonders.”   
--Crystal Clark, June 3, 2013

Related article: A BRIEF TREATISE ON THE SACRED SCIENCE by Crystal Clark

Download mp3

James Horak | Our Rightful Place in the Continuum, June 1, 2013


James Horak on Exopolitics Ohio with Mark Snider, June 1st, 2013.

Our Rightful Place in the Continuum
"Recognizing Where We Are to be Where We Should be to Survive the Near Future."

James Horak on Beyond 2012 with Tony Kudos, May 11, 2013


James returns to share with us his Lifetime's personal experiences with UFOs and Extraterrestrials. Join us for 75 minutes of revelations.
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