Piers Corbyn Explains The Japan Earthquake Reasons

Source: weatheraction.com, prisonplanet.tv

Stan Romanek | "Answers"

Source: exotica-radio.com, stanromanek.com

March 15, 2011–Interviewed by Larry King, discussed on Letterman, his "alien in the window" video seen by throngs on the web...Stan Romanek spends an hour discussing his experiences, no holds barred..

We caught up with Stan on the heels of a standing ovation talk at the International UFO Conference in Phoenix, as he recaps his history as a contactee/abductee, discusses the back story to the famous "Romanek Equations", quantum physics, military psy-ops, memories aboard the craft, the hypnotic regression sessions, and the story of the "star children" which result from his abductions...and more jaw-dropping revelations.
~Randy Maugans

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Sam Osmanagich | The Bosnian Pyramids Update: Pyramid Energy

Source: redicecreations.com, bosnianpyramidofthesun.com

March 13, 2011–Sam Semir Osmanagich is a Bosnian-born researcher and author now living in Houston, Texas. He is most known for his discovery of an ancient pyramid complex in Visoko, Bosnia which consists of five colossal stone structures in the shape of the pyramid with an extensive pre-historical underground tunnel network.

He has established the non-profit and non-government "Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun" Foundation to pursue the excavation and geo-archaeological work. He lectures extensively around the world and promotes the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids Project and archaeological tourism in Bosnia.

Osmanagich is a member of the Archaeological Society of Alexandria, he has become a first "honorary citizen" of the Town of Visoko in 2006. He has been admitted as a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in Moscow, he holds his doctorate in Sociology of History and his PhD thesis about the Mayan civilization has been accepted at the University of Sarajevo. Sam is with us to talk about the latest discoveries and research about the Bosnian Pyramids.

We begin to address the skeptics and move on to discuss the new findings related to the beam of energy that have been measured to come out of the top of the pyramid, the underground tunnels, waterways, the lake and the intriguing ceramic statuettes found underneath the pyramids. ~Red Ice Creations

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Richard Dolan Speaks on the Missing UFO Documents and Disclosure, March 13, 2011

Source: coasttocoastam.com

During the first three hours, guest host Whitley Strieber was joined by researcher Richard Dolan, who talked about current UFO happenings as well as the prospect for disclosure. He expressed dismay at the news that the UK Ministry of Defense files related to the infamous Rendlesham UFO event had gone missing. Dolan was skeptical of the idea that the destruction of the files was merely a bureaucratic mix up, since, in the United States, the Roswell files suffered a similar fate. However, he also speculated that the disappearance of the files may have had less to do with UFOs and more to do with the nuclear weapons that were secretly being stored at the Bentwaters base, a fact which the UK government continues to deny to this day.

"The clock is ticking on it. It cannot last forever," Dolan mused about the secrecy surrounding UFOs. While he stressed the inevitability of disclosure, he theorized that it would only happen if the government was forced to reveal the truth about UFOs. The two scenarios he sees as most likely causing this to happen are either a major sighting of a UFO that cannot be attributed to Earthly technology or a Wikileaks-esque revelation of "a damning statement that attests to the reality of this that cannot be denied." Additionally, Dolan noted that even if government officialdom confirms that UFOs are real, they will still have to prove it to "a very deeply skeptical scientific community around the world."

Alex Jones, Japan's Nuclear Meltdown - Special Report March 13, 2011

Source: infowars.com

March 13, 2011–In this Sunday edition, Alex brings you live updates on the emergency in Japan following the meltdown of one of its nuclear power plants and the aftermath of the devastating earthquake and tsunami. The aftershocks, the risk of further plant failures, the fallout, radiation safety information and the unfolding crisis the island nation is struggling to contain.

Current Events | Joe Joseph, Shepard Ambellas and Scott from Believersunderground

Source: theintelhubradio.com

On Friday March 11th, Joe Joseph and Shepard Ambellas touched on a variety of topics in the news including Japans horrific earthquake. During the second hour he was joined by Scott from believersunderground.

Japanese earthquake and Tsunami news straight from someone who has first had knowledge of what is actually going on with the earth changes in our world.

Clif High | Web Bot Predictions 2.0, March 12, 2011

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com, halfpasthuman.com

Clif elaborates on some of the Web Bots previous predictions, gives his analysis about the Earthquake in Japan, cracking in the earth, the Libya conflict and much much more.

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John Moore interviewed by TMRN, March 11, 2011

Source: webbotforum.com, thelibertyman.com

Topics Discussed: Clima, Weather Change, Oil Spill, Philadelphia Experiment. Black Night Satellite, Solar Flares, Powergrid Outage, Chemtrails, Preparations

John Moore Bio: John Moore first fought terrorism in 1967.  He is still fighting it today. Walking patrol in Vietnam, at night, alone, he searched for terrorist booby traps.  He searched for terrorist bombs in his jeep and saw what happened to those who did not find them.

J.R. flew 57 combat missions over Vietnam and Cambodia, many of those being hit by enemy gunfire.

John went on to join the Green Berets at Fort Bragg where he trained to invade the Middle East.  He also did classified studies of Middle-East terrorists for the Special Forces.

Special operations, covert operations, psychological operations, undercover operations, surveillance operations, bodyguard for executives and stars like Jane Fonda and Charleton Heston, private investigator, firearms instructor, intelligence analyst and homicide detective: these are the jobs that have kept J.R. busy. He also found time to be a husband, father and grandfather. Website: theliberteman.com

Lindy Tucker & Steven Greer | Research on Tones of ET Origin

Source: worldpuja.org

March 11, 2011–Dr. Greer is joined in this show by Lindy Tucker. She is a native of Canada who now resides in the mountains of North Carolina. Lindy has been researching ufo sightings accompanied by sound for the past 25 years.

She discovered there were many identical cases from 1962 to 1990 with an unusual beeping sound.

Having experienced a close encounter and the sound herself, she spent many years having these recordings analyzed by top scientists . With reports in hand she was able to contradict official Air Force reports on the same phenomena.

Her research independent of the work of CSETI shows the wide scope of this phenomenon.

Read one of her reports on http://www.cseti.org/position/secondsight.htm

John Major Jenkins | The Myths and Fallacies of 2012

Source: redicecreations.com, alignment2012.com, johnmajorjenkins.com

March 10, 2011–Anthropologist John Major Jenkins has been investigating Mayan culture since 1985, helping unveil the Mayan calendar system that predicts a once-in-26,000-years "astronomical alignment"-the solstice sun and the Milky Way with the galactic center-occurring on December 21, 2012, a date that's gained an apocalyptic reputation in the popular consciousness.

John joins us to talk about the misconceptions about 2012 and his book, "The 2012 story - The Myths, Fallacies and Truth behind the most intriguing date in History".

Topics Discussed: 2012 - where are we?, scholars and academia, changed perception on 2012, transformation, the galactic alignment, Izapa, B'alam Ajaw, the jaguar lord, symbol on the Tourtoguero monument pointing to the 2012 date, epigrapher Sven Gronemeyer & Barb MacLeod, Bolon Yokte' K'uh, sacrificial priest, the seven macaw system, polarized ending of the calendar, yugas, effects on earth, Oliver Reiser and the changing naval observatory winter solstice time from 11:11 to 11:12.  ~Red Ice Creations

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Dr. Carol Rosin | Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011

Source: veritasshow.com, peaceinspace.com

During this two hour interview, aerospace consultant, Dr. Carol Rosin, announced a proposed treaty she developed with her colleagues, including astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, to keep space free of weapons. She discussed her background and how she came to work for Dr. Werner von Braun in the 1970s. Dr. Rosin and her husband have been the victim of threats, blackmail, theft, and even physical attacks. She decided to come forward publicly to propel the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011. As Dr. Rosin says: Would we rather have weapons above our heads or a transformation of the war industry into a peaceful World Cooperative Space Industry?

Dr. Rosin is an educator, perhaps best known as the original political architect of the movement to stop the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and Anti-Satellite Weapons (ASATs). Carol became the first woman executive in the aerospace industry, a Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries, a U.S. aerospace company, where she was also spokesperson for the late Dr. Wernher von Braun, the “father of rocketry.” With von Braun, Carol coordinated the award-winning “It’s Your Turn” educational program to motivate youth, women, and minorities in fields of science and technology as they could be applied to achieving world peace in a clean and safe environment for all. Their program won various awards including the Aviation Writers Award, Science Teachers Gold Medal, and others. Rosin helped set up the ATS-6 satellite educational and medical training programs across the U.S. in Appalachia, the Rocky Mountains, and Alaska, and the first national and international two-way, audio-visual satellite educational programs in over 20 countries, including 5,000 villages in India. Dr. Rosin is the founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, ISCOS. World Peace Ambassador, International Association of Educators for World Peace, IAEWP (NGO, UN-ECOSOC)

Upon leaving Fairchild after the death of von Braun, Carol became the National Chancellor of the International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP), founded by Dr. Charles Mercieca, in consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council. After bringing several experts to the UN Second Special Session of the Peaceful Uses and Exploration of Outer Space in Vienna, Austria, Rosin founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space (ISCOS) in 1983. In that initial incarnation of ISCOS, the Board included Honorary Board Chairman Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Chairman of the Advisory Board Apollo Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, and Advisory Board members that included the late Dr. Rashmi Mayur, the late Dr. Buckminster (Bucky) Fuller, the late Dr. Isaac Asimov, attorney Daniel Sheehan and many others. The new ISCOS Boards are soon to be announced.

Dr. Rosin was a witness in The Disclosure Project at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. in May, 2001. She has appeared in numerous media productions, interviews, and publications, and on YouTube. She has served on technical and non-technical boards including the Advisory Board of The Exopolitics Institute, and among her awards was the United Societies in Space award for her 30 years of Humanitarian Work for the Peaceful Uses of Space for Peace on Earth.

Carol and ISCOS are well-known for having helped start the movement to prevent the weaponization of space, and for educating the public and decision makers about the benefits and opportunities from space R&D, exploration, and living and working in space. As an international consultant and speaker to countless audiences, Carol started the movements to “Stop Star Wars,” the "Leaky Umbrella Campaign" first introduced on The Larry King Show on CNN, the "Campaign for Peace In Space," and the "Campaign to Save Outer Space"…which ultimately involved approximately 50 million people.

Her educational work has been focused on various aspects of space issues and actions and their relevance to achieving peace and a clean environment on Earth. Carol is dedicated to banning all space-based weapons. She has spoken around the world regarding civil, commercial, entrepreneurial, and military world cooperation in space in order to reap the potential benefits for all. These benefits include a new kind of security, economic conversion and stimulation, and Space Age solutions to solve urgent and potential problems of health, education, poverty, to aid in the amelioration of natural and man-made disasters, and to transform the war industry into a space industry to end war and finally achieve peace – all in the context of human evolution into a higher consciousness and the truth regarding the existence of Cosmic Cultures.

Born in Wilmington, Delaware, USA, graduate of the University of Delaware, Carol received an Honorary Doctorate for her work in developing countries from Archbishop Solomon Gbadebo, of Orthodox College in Nigeria.

She educates about how to transform the entire war industry and war-based economy, feasibly and verifiably, into a peaceful space industry on Earth and in space and how we can rise to a higher frequency above our old ways of thinking, perceiving, and behaving. Removing the intention to weaponize space is a necessary step in the process to provide us all with a real security system and a stimulated economy based on world cooperation in space.

Dr. Rosin is an official Advisor to the People’s Republic of China.

During the Cold War, she visited many countries to speak about the issue of peace in space for peace on earth. She met many times with people on all levels and in many areas of the Soviet Union in order to discuss possible cooperative space ventures and the vitally important ban on all space-based weapons. She returned to the U.S. with the first list of joint U.S./USSR space ventures on which the Soviets had agreed to work. She initiated the first ever visit by nine U.S. Senators to the Soviet Union as well as the first private, off the record, military-to-military meeting between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. She participated in several U.S./USSR citizen diplomat programs in order to encourage cooperation in space and the ban of all space-based weapons. (Both China and Russia have announced they would sign an agreement to ban all space-based weapons.)

ISCOS produced the first legislation introduced in the U.S. House by Rep. Joe Moakley and in the Senate by Sen. Tom Harkin to ban all space-based weapons. At the instigation of Dr. Rosin, a later bill, the Space Preservation Act, was introduced by Rep. Dennis Kucinich. This was the first time in U.S. history that U.S. legislation was accompanied by a World Treaty, the Space Preservation Treaty.

Her book, SPACE CAREERS, was co-authored with the late Dr. Charles Sheffield. She created the first international aerospace telephone book for the International Astronautical Federation Congress.

Carol replaced the late futurist/author/scientist Dr. Isaac Asimov as Coordinator of the Space Commission for the World Government of World Citizens founded by Garry Davis. She is a five star General in the First Earth Battalion founded by Lt. Col. Jim Channon, (U.S. Army, ret.)

Carol was a consultant to TRW on the MX missile, weather satellites, and the time/money/management of the space shuttle and applications reports.

Carol has consulted to companies and organizations including General Dynamics, IBM Europe, The National Space Institute, and many corporations, militaries (including the Space Command), intelligence organizations (including the CIA), government offices from the Congress to the White House, to countless NGOs, to high level officials, and grassroots around the globe. Carol has spoken at many meetings of civil, commercial, governmental, intelligence, militaries, and to representatives of NASA and other international space agencies.

Carol created the Space Development Initiative (SDI), as the alternative that could replace the Space Defense Initiative (SDI). Carol was Space Conversion Advisor to Presidential Candidate, the Rev. Jesse Jackson during his run for the White House. Rev. Jackson introduced this alternative SDI vision as part of his U.S. Presidential Campaign Platform. Carol presented the Space Development Initiative vision when she was keynote speaker at the U.S. California Democratic Convention as well as at several Republican and other political meetings.

She testified before both the Senate Armed Services and the House Ways and Means committees in the U.S. Congress, educating about the importance and benefits of banning ALL space-based weapons and transforming the war game into a space game…without space-based weapons.

Carol worked with Congressman Les AuCoin to create legislation to prevent the development and testing of anti-satellite weapons (ASATs). She testified before the President's Commission on Space, emphasizing the inexorable link between commercial and military space ventures.

Carol was a Space Action Coordinator and Educator in Buckminister Fuller’s "The World Game."

The company Celestis, Inc. afforded Dr. Rosin the opportunity to keep a promise to her friend Dr. Timothy Leary to launch his ashes into outer space aboard a Pegasus rocket from the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. Also aboard that initial launch were the ashes of other space luminaries, including rocket scientist Kraft Ehricke, space physicist Dr. Gerard O’Neill, Todd Hawley, the founder of the International Space University, and the creator of Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry, 26 people in all…an example of a non-weapons, peaceful, international cooperative space venture.

Rosin has authored numerous articles and appeared in many media productions, publications, and interviews talking about replacing war projects with peace projects such as building space habitats, hotels, hospitals, schools, labs, industries, farms, elevators, and craft: endeavors that will provide enormous jobs and profits.

After several years living abroad, working from the local to the presidential level, Dr. Rosin has returned to the USA to introduce an exciting new Plan of Action, the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011 (See http://www.peaceinspace.com)

This Treaty was drafted by Dr. C. B. Scott Jones (President, Peace & Emergency Action Coalition for Earth); Apollo Astronaut and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Edgar Mitchell; retired Navy Commander Will Miller; and retired Boeing executive Abe Krieger.

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Victor Viggiani B.A. M.Ed. | UFO Disclosure & Exopolitics

Source: spectrumradionetwork.com

March, 2011-Victor Viggiani is currently the News Director of ZlandCommunications an international news service. His study of anomalous aerial phenomenon, research and analysis of Extraterrestrial issues spans over 30 years. His experience involves UFO sightings report investigation, academic and radio journalism with a primary focus on UFO/ET government Disclosure.

Victor has addressed the media and audiences in Sydney and Brisbane Australia, Washington D.C., at the Washington D.C. National Press Club, CBC and CTV Toronto television news programs and at Convocational Hall University of Toronto. Victor is a co-host on the Richard Syrett Show on AM 740 Radio in Toronto.

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