John Major Jenkins | The Myths and Fallacies of 2012


March 10, 2011–Anthropologist John Major Jenkins has been investigating Mayan culture since 1985, helping unveil the Mayan calendar system that predicts a once-in-26,000-years "astronomical alignment"-the solstice sun and the Milky Way with the galactic center-occurring on December 21, 2012, a date that's gained an apocalyptic reputation in the popular consciousness.

John joins us to talk about the misconceptions about 2012 and his book, "The 2012 story - The Myths, Fallacies and Truth behind the most intriguing date in History".

Topics Discussed: 2012 - where are we?, scholars and academia, changed perception on 2012, transformation, the galactic alignment, Izapa, B'alam Ajaw, the jaguar lord, symbol on the Tourtoguero monument pointing to the 2012 date, epigrapher Sven Gronemeyer & Barb MacLeod, Bolon Yokte' K'uh, sacrificial priest, the seven macaw system, polarized ending of the calendar, yugas, effects on earth, Oliver Reiser and the changing naval observatory winter solstice time from 11:11 to 11:12.  ~Red Ice Creations

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