New World Next Week | Kony Droney, Utility Searches, CopBlock'd, August 9, 2012


Story #1: Clinton Wants New Drones To Hunt Kony

Chinese State Media Slam Hillary Clinton's Speech In Africa
Drone Race Will Ultimately Lead To Sanitized Factory Of Slaughter
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton Swarmed By Bees In Malawi
NWNW Flashback: Joseph Kony Viral Video Campaign Clouded In Controversy

Story #2: Court Grants Feds Warrantless Access to Utility Records
PDF: 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' Decision
Related: New Zealand Police Try to Justify Para-Military Raid on Kim Dotcom

Story #3: Founder Faces 21 Years On "Wiretapping" Charges
Manchester Police Officer Uses Excessive Force On High School Student's "Free Ademo" Resource Page
Electronic Surveillance Laws In New Hampshire

Amit Goswami | The Self Aware Universe, August 8, 2012

Source: Radio 3Fourteen,,

August 8, 2012–Amit Goswami, Ph. D. is a retired theoretical physics professor, a senior resident researcher at the world-renowned Institute of Noetic Sciences and a pioneer of the new paradigm of science called "science within consciousness."

Goswami is the author of the textbook Quantum Mechanics that is used in universities throughout the world and has also written many books based on his research on quantum physics and consciousness. Amit appeared in the film, What the Bleep Do We Know, The Dalai Lama Renaissance, and the award winning documentary, The Quantum Activist. We’ll go all across the board and discuss quantum consciousness, dimensional overlaps, interdimensional beings, artificial intelligence, hallucinogens, teleportation and much more. Amit explains how quantum consciousness could solve the world’s problems. ~Radio 3Fourteen
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Dr. Paul LaViolette | Subquantum Kinetics, Superwave, Alternative Energy


Air date: ‪6/8/2012‬
PAUL A. LaVIOLETTE, PH.D, is author of Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, Subquantum Kinetics, Earth Under Fire, Genesis of the Cosmos, Decoding the Message of the Pulsars, Galactic Superwaves and their Impact on the Earth, and is editor of A Systems View of Man. He has also published many original papers in physics, astronomy, climatology, systems theory, and psychology. He received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins, his MBA from the University of Chicago, and PhD from Portland State University and is currently president of the Starburst Foundation.

3MIN News | Meteors, Quakes, Storms, Spaceweather, August 7, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers youtube

Fish Deaths Ohio

Richard Cassaro on VERITAS Radio | Written in Stone: Decoding the Secret Masonic Religion


Conspiracy theorists say the Freemasons are an evil cabal aiming to take over the entire world. Whether true or not, the Freemasons of today bear little resemblance to the cathedral-building Order of yesteryear.

This loss has left five million modern Masons worldwide clueless as to their Order's true origins and purpose. All that's left is an empty set of meaningless rituals, ceremonies, and symbols, along with "substitute secrets" usually associated with "faith, hope and charity":

For decades researchers have tried to recover the Order's lost wisdom. None as of yet have deciphered anything meaningful in the architecture; and none have discovered the repeating architecture pattern (the "Cathedral Code.

But, as you're about to hear, the key to breaking this code is hidden in the "Triptych" architectural portal.

The Freemasons knew a stunning truth about this architectural Triptych that scholars and archaeologists are totally unaware of.

This truth is that the Triptych stretches back to the farthest reaches of Antiquity.

Incredibly, it was universally constructed by history's first civilizations.

Triptychs are still visible in temple ruins and important landmarks worldwide.

The Triptych appears in a staggeringly vast number of ancient cultures—a discovery that has the potential to rewrite ancient history!

It evokes groundbreaking new questions that challenge our understanding of Antiquity—questions that modern scholars and researchers have been unwilling or unable to raise:

How could these varied cultures have built the exact same types of Triptych Temples, separated as they are by vast space and time?

Could it be that the Triptych symbolizes a common idea, universal wisdom, or parallel doctrine that was mysteriously shared by all of them, and that this doctrine was slowly forgotten over the millennia, but carried clandestinely into the current era by the age-old Freemasons?

This interview discusses the secret meaning of this giant hieroglyph in stone, and how its wisdom once formed a Universal Religion in Antiquity, once known to every ancient empire on earth.

NASA's Curious Curiosity | by Kevin W. Smith, August 5, 2012


NASA's Curious Curiosity
by Kevin W. Smith

At a time when most of the planet is of the opinion that NASA is pretty much out of the space exploration business these days, the successful landing of the Curiosity rover is especially significant.  Of course, this mission was started long before the Obama Administration canceled most of NASA's plans for manned spaceflight.  That this mission escaped the axe is curious in and of itself.

It is curious because of statements made by NASA's Deputy Administrator, Lori B. Garver, on the live video feed as Curiosity was racing into its final phase before actually landing.  She was being interviewed on air and said that part of the Curiosity mission includes some crucial tests (like radiation measurements) to help NASA know how to protect "our astronauts" when they are sent there.  She also mentioned that the landing of something as large as Curiosity helps NASA prepare for landing astronauts on Mars.

Did they not get the memo?  Or were we misinformed by the media?  Is it not the case that NASA announced the cancellation of their planned missions to the moon and to Mars?  At least, that is what the public was told.  Is it not a fact that NASA does not now have the capability of launching astronauts into space and are hitchhiking with the Russians on Soyuz? So far as the public has been advised by the media, NASA is pretty much out of the manned space exploration business. 

Yes, they still have astronauts hitch hiking up to the ISS. Their work on the ISS is manned space science.  However, it is not manned space exploration.  They are in low Earth orbit circling the Earth again and again and again. 

Curiosity's mission is, according to Garver, tied to stepping up into a manned mission to Mars.  Is there a sort of manned space exploration undercurrent at NASA even though they have publicly canceled manned space exploration? 

It is interesting to note that even as they cancelled their manned missions to return to the moon and then on to Mars, they have continued to develop and talk about a new super-lift system to take astronauts "farther and faster than ever before".  So, when?  To where? It is somewhat heartening to hear that Curiosity is playing a role in preparing for manned exploration of Mars, but curiously confusing as well.  What do they know that they are not telling us?  What they have told us is both that the missions are cancelled, and that they are preparing for missions to Mars.  Yes, it's a curiosity indeed.

2MIN News, August 6, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

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Peter Lindberg | The Mysterious Baltic Sea Object, August 5, 2012


August 5, 2012–On June 19th the Swedish-based diving company Ocean X Team discovered something unusual on the sonar while they were exploring the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland looking for sunken treasures.

They found a 197 feet diameter cylinder shaped object at the depth of approximately 275 feet. Much mystery surrounds the object. Peter Lindberg from the Ocean X Team joins us to discuss the details and anomalies of the object. He’ll talk about how the object is giving off electrical interference and disturbing their research gear. Peter provides us with up to date information on their research results and current news. We speculate on what this mysterious object may be. ~Red Ice Creations
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The Stargate Project: Psychic Warriors and the CIA


By Vikram Zutshi |

Metaphysical and psychic phenomena have long existed on the fringes of conventional science and academia. ESP, Clairvoyance, Telekinesis and Astral traveling have all been relegated to the back seat of mainstream, accepted belief systems in spite of an extensive mention of these practices down the ages, across myriad cultures. It has always been challenging for practitioners of the science to be validated by the prevailing status quo.

That however changed in 1995 when the CIA declassified a top secret program that had been training individuals in the esoteric science of ’Remote Viewing’ in which, it was claimed, people were able to envision ongoing activities in distant places and future events.

Although reminiscent of a Sci-Fi yarn, Remote viewing was tested and deployed under rigorous scientific conditions to obtain data about foreign espionage activities, counter terrorism efforts, secret military bases abroad and hidden missiles. It recognized the inherent psychic potential in humans and attempted to harness these special faculties or ’powers’ for the purposes of intelligence gathering, often of a vital nature.

The initial testing was done at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) where extensive investigations were carried out into the human mind’s capacity to transcend all bounds of time and space. SRI’s research was supported by the CIA and other government agencies for over two decades. [...]
Read the full article at:
Stargate Project - Wikipedia

Jordan Maxwell Uncensored 2012, August 5, 2012

Source: ClandestineTimelord youtube

Jordan Maxwell, the Godfather of Conspiracies unleashed multiple gems of clandestine knowledge in this uncut and uncensored 2 hour interview. Topics discussed, the Connections between "Sun Worship" Yahweh, The Archons, The Occult, The Dungeon Masters Iron Grip Control Grid and so much more.

Eve Lorgen | The Dark Side of Cupid, Offplanet Radio, August 2012


August 2012–Eva Lorgen, Author, Researcher and Consultant in Anomalous Trauma. Offering Hypnotherapy, Coaching and Telephone Consulting Services.

Eva Lorgen joins us for a discussion on how to detect, deflect, and recover from emotional vampires.

If you’ve ever thought you have met your soul mate but were baffled by magical omens, paranormal activity, and high emotional drama, you may first want to do a background check on Cupid’s evil twin.

No, it’s not your imagination. Cupid may very well exist, but he also has a dark side. In The Dark Side of Cupid, Eve Lorgen, M.A., shares her expertise of what may really be happening when lovers are brought together by supernatural sources. These love connections can lead to obsession, and may even cause the lovers to question their own sanity. Supernatural interference may be anywhere from a nudging sense that “this love connection feels like it’s being orchestrated elsewhere” to a hard-hitting realization that the lover is an outright psychopathic, demonically overshadowed, psychic vampire.

Cupid can take the form of extraterrestrials, angel watchers, troll spirits, or reptilians. Through several case histories, identifiable signs and symptoms, and a questionnaire, the author introduces the reader to a new understanding of mystically connected love relationships gone wrong. She challenges readers to enhance their awareness of the possibility of relationship interference and manipulated psychic connections. She offers practical tools for recognizing, dealing with, and healing from these traumatic, fools-gold soul mate connections.

Hour 2 – with Eva Lorgen covers MILABS, spirituality, the overview of abductions, species of ETs, genetic experiments, and insights into recovery and healing from trauma-based events. ~Randy Maugans

Elaine Fox, Sam Kean | Personality & Genetics


August 2, 2012–In the first half, experimental psychologist and neuroscientist, Elaine Fox, spoke about her work finding the roots of optimism and pessimism.

In the latter half, science writer Sam Kean discussed his research into DNA and how its effects have played out in human history, language, and medical anomalies.

News segment guests: Robert Zubrin, Dr. Peter Breggin
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