Showing posts with label CIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CIA. Show all posts

Whitney Webb | Trump, JD Vance bankrolled by CIA/Mossad backed billionaire Peter Thiel | Aug. 4, 2024

Source: MintPress News youtube,

MintPress director and host Mnar Adley is joined by investigative journalist Whitney Webb to talk about Peter Thiel’s influence on Trump and his VP JD Vance and how a Trump administration would advance a CIA-Mossad backed plan to expand the technocratic surveillance state.

Trump has chosen JD Vance as his running mate, a character made and financed by Silicon Valley and surveillance state billionaire Peter Thiel. It seems no matter whom you vote for, our national security state – and that of Israel’s – will be the winner.

Peter Thiel’s CIA-tech empire “Palantir” helped Israel develop the AI lavender system which has been used by the Israeli military to target civilian homes, children and completely decimate the world’s largest concentration camp with precision. 
However, this is not Peter Thiel's first ride in the Trump campaign as he helped bankroll Trump himself in the 2016 election and even worked in his cabinet to advance the surveillance state by collecting our data during COVID.

Jay Dyer | Occult Government: Gateway Process & Project Stargate: Remote Viewing, Intel Agencies & SRI -DPH | Jan. 13, 2024

Source: Jay Dyer youtube

COTEL joins me to cover the tie ins between the deep government establishment and everything from UFOs to the occult: SRI, CIA, Remote Viewing, Stargate and much more!

Bombshell From The @dailymail : CIA Secret Office of Global Access Crashed UFO / UAP Program | Nov. 28, 2023


Journalist Josh Boswell from The @dailymail, Christopher Sharp from The Liberation Times, and Matt Ford from @TheGoodTroubleShow discuss their bombshell story revealing the secretive CIA Program, The Office of Global Access, and its secret UAP / UFO recovery program.

EXCLUSIVE: CIA's secret office has conducted UFO retrieval missions on at least NINE crash sites around the world, whistleblowers reveal

*Key Points:*
1. The article in the Daily Mail discusses a CIA program, the Office of Global Access, that coordinates operations to recover crashed UAPs or UFOs.
2. Special Forces or private contractors are used for these recovery operations.
3. The program raises questions regarding the lack of democratic oversight.
4. The story's investigation involved inquiries with the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).
5. The Office of Global Access is part of the CIA's Science and Technology Directorate.
6. Operations to retrieve off-world vehicles involve coordination with military units or private defense contractors.
7. The secrecy surrounding these operations poses challenges to democratic oversight and transparency.
8. The story alleges that the CIA and potentially other agencies have technology capable of detecting even cloaked UAPs.

*Most important part of the message & possibilities:*

The most important part of this message is potentially the secrecy and lack of proper oversight of a government program related to UAPs, which could undermine democratic governance. The possibilities from this story include:

- Investigating further to uncover and report additional details.
- Lobbying for greater transparency and accountability within government programs.
- Questioning the entities involved about the procedures and legal frameworks governing these operations.

*Potential future outcomes:*

1. Increased public and governmental scrutiny of the CIA's Operations and similar programs.
2. Congressional inquiries or legislative action to ensure proper oversight and transparency.
3. Pressure on agencies for more transparency could lead to the declassification of certain information.
4. A heightened awareness of the issue's importance could stimulate public debate about UAPs and related governmental policies.

Scott Ritter | “The CIA is working directly with Ukraine” | Redacted News | Aug. 24, 2023

Source: redacted youtube

Scott Ritter is a former UN Weapons Inspector who exposed the lies in Iraq. He told the world that Saddam Hussein didn't have weapons of mass destruction. Powerful people in Washington didn't want to hear it and he resigned in protest. The War in Iraq cost millions of lives and trillions of dollars. Now Ritter is revealing the truth about the latest U.S. military incursions in Ukraine, Syria, and beyond.

Dark Journalist | X Election 2024 CIA UFO Threat Psyop | Aug. 11, 2023



Please join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt as he goes deep on the collapse of the CIA UFO Threat narrative with the revelation that their Intel 'whistleblower' had undisclosed detention in psychiatric facilities. DJ connects the dots on how this false Deep State disclosure push is the opposite of the real UFO File. He also shows how the 2024 Presidential Election will be a showdown of President Trump and RFK Jr. vs. the Biden Regime with Continuity of Government lurking and looking to seize Emergency Powers.

Dark Journalist | CIA UFO Disclosure Hearings | July 26, 2023


Please join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt tonight as he goes deep on the Intel Community creating a false UFO Disclosure in Congress while providing zero data. DJ unmasks the Opsters and CIA Players!

Dark Journalist | The UFO File President 2024 Revealed! | May 5, 2023


Freedom vs. Slavery in the 2024 Presidential Election! 
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on the looming presence of the UFO File in the Presidential Election process and how the Presidential Race of 2024 will be historic because it must include either a True or False version of UFO File disclosure. DJ will look at the UFO Threat Op being rolled out by the CIA and the National Security State and how it's meant to slowly manipulate the public into giving the Global Government Emergency Powers.

New World Next Week | Crypto Contagion Banks Get the Runs | March 17, 2023


This week on the New World Next Week: Silicon Valley Bank gets a case of the runs as the world careens toward the CBDC nightmare; the NED is up to its old colour revolution tricks in Georgia (again); and the US military is now openly experimenting with pulsed energy weapons for neurological warfare.

Story #1: Prepare for Governments to Push CBDCs In Wake of Silicon Valley Bank Collapse
SVB Collapse Sparks Bank Runs As People Wait In Lines
Record Bank Run Drained $42B Of SVB's Deposits In Hours, Leaving It With Negative $1BN
Inside Legal Loophole US Regulators Used to Bail Out SVB Depositors
With Big Banks Going Under, CBDC's Can't Be Far Behind—And If We Don't Stop Them, "Lockdown" Will Be Total, And Eternal, For Us All
CBDC Can Arrive Next Month! Are You Ready?
Silicon Valley Bank Was Wall Street IPO Pipeline In Drag As Federally-Insured Bank; FHLB of San Francisco Was Quietly Bailing It Out
Large US Banks Inundated With New Depositors As Smaller Lenders Face Turmoil
Cheering Silicon Valley Bank Bailout, Gavin Newsom Doesn’t Mention He’s a Client
JPMorgan Must Hand Over CEO Dimon's Records In Jeffrey Epstein Lawsuit
Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve
'Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve' (2-Disc DVD Set)
If SVB Is Insolvent, So Is Everyone Else
Treasuries: “Risk Free” or “Risk Unlimited”?
How the Fed Broke Silicon Valley Bank
The Coming Anastrophe

Story #2: Georgia Drops Foreign Agents Law After Massive Protests
Ukraine Denies Accusations Of Meddling In Georgia Protests
Dare Call It A Coup? CIA Front Threatens Color Revolution in Georgia
War Criminal Samantha Power Receives War Criminal Award From War Criminal Kissinger (Jun. 6, 2016)
Georgian Maidan: Fake It Till you make it?
NGOs Are The Deep State’s Trojan Horses

Story #3: US Military Testing Pulsed Energy on Animals to Recreate Mysterious 'Havana Syndrome' Symptoms
Pentagon Funding Experiments On Animals to Recreate ‘Havana Syndrome’
US Intel Report Says ‘Havana Syndrome’ Not Caused By Foreign Weapon
Common Dry Cleaning Chemical Linked to Parkinson's
The New World Next Week Store

Dark Journalist & Whitney Webb | The Control System | Part 2 | Dec. 31, 2022



The Governance Control System Part 2: Transhumanism 

Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and his Special Guest Whitney Webb, Author of the Sensational Two Volume Set, One Nation Under Blackmail. Whitney walks us through decades of the Covert Power Struggles in the National Security State. From Roy Cohn to Jeffrey Epstein the figures may be familiar but with her wide angle lens she helps us see the Truth Behind the Story!

Whether it's CIA, NSA, DHS or Organized Crime, let's pull back the curtain and take a look at the real Governance Control System and see who is pulling the strings!

Dark Journalist | JFK CIA Assassination Letter: George Joannides | Dec. 21, 2022


Please join us for this Special LiveStream of the Breakthrough Special Report by Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt on the release by the National Archives of records showing Secret CIA Officer involvement in the JFK Assassination!

The Corbett Report | False Flags Q & A - Questions For Corbett | Dec. 6, 2022


Last week James solicited your questions on False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda and you responded. In today's edition of Questions For Corbett, James answers your queries on Al CIA-da, the invasion of Iraq, the role of Cheney in 9/11, Eisenhower's awareness of the conspiracy and much more.

Show Notes:
A False Flag Reading List - Questions For Corbett #093
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
False Flags Watch Along Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Purchase the DVD
Cheney on CFR, Council on Foreign Relations
Angel is next
The 9/11 Plan: Cheney, Rumsfeld and the “Continuity of Government”
Greenspan: "I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil."
How Bush’s Iraqi Oil Grab Went Awry
A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm
Coping with Crumbling States: A Western and Israeli Balance of Power Strategy for the Levant
A Pretext for War by James Bamford
Iraq nets handsome profit by dumping dollar for euro
The Business of Biotech: Engineering the Genome for Fun and Profit
9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money (Bremer 9/11 clip)
COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity
The Information-Industrial Complex (Eisenhower farewell speech)
Air Force Film Report 103, "Development of the Soviet Ballistic Missile Threat"
Who Ever Believed in the Missile Gap?
After JFK was killed, ex-president Harry Truman called for CIA abolition
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton (book)
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution – Antony Sutton (video interview)

The Corbett Report | The CIA and the News Media 2.0 | Nov. 14, 2022



 By now, Corbett Reporteers know all about the CIA's infiltration of the news media, from Wisner's Wurlitzer and the CIA's global propaganda network to the Church Committee revelations and the CIA whistleblowers of the 1980s. We were told that the CIA stopped all that (which is a lie, of course). But do you know how the CIA is manipulating the media today? Join James on today's important edition of The Corbett Report podcast as he exposes the incredibly brazen trick behind The CIA and the News Media 2.0.

The CIA and the Media (Bernstein, 1977)
The CIA and the News Media (Corbett, 2011)
Edward Snowjob tweets Frank Snepp clip
CIA Officer Frank Snepp Discusses Planting Stories in Vietnam
The CIA's Global Propaganda Network - #PropagandaWatch
Gekaufte Journalisten by Udo Ulfkotte
Journalist Who Blew the Whistle on CIA Media Control Drops Dead at 56
Mass Media: A History (purchase the course at
Mass Media: A History (course notes and sneak preview)
Ex-CIA Director Admits Agency Meddles in Foreign Elections ("only in the interest of democracy")
CNN analyst compares Trump's CPAC speech to Hitler
Ex CIA/FBI Official Calls Julian Assange ‘Pedophile’ on CNN Live TV, Wikileaks Threatens Lawsuit HD, 12
Ex-CIA Official Jeremy Bash Calls Protesters Domestic Extremists, Calls for Surveillance and Penetration
John Brennan Warns MSNBC About "Deeply Disturbed" Conspiracy Theorists
CIA Officer Ralph McGehee Reveals How the Agency Deceived the Country During the Vietnam War

The Corbett Report | Torturing the Truth | Oct. 10, 2022


We all know that torture is bad, but are we really aware of how much of the narrative of the past two decades was constructed on torture testimony? Do we know the CIA contractors who developed the torture program or the steps that the intelligence agencies took to cover up their illegal activities? 

And, when we connect the dots, are we prepared to face the parallels between the torture regime and the biosecurity regime? If you haven't followed the twists and turns in the torture story since my 2008 podcast on the subject, buckle up. It's going to be a wild ride.

Show Notes

New Word Next Week | Biden Issues Executive Order to Begin Transhuman Nightmare | Sept. 23, 2022


Welcome to New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.

Story #1: US Senate’s CIA Torture Report to Remain Secret for ‘National Security’

Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda

Dark Journalist | Special Report: UFO File War Games & Nukes | Aug. 26, 2022


Dark Journalist will go deep and show that Intel Agencies like the CIA and the Media are now promoting the ET shutdown of Nuclear Missiles as a menacing threat as part of a high stakes contest of the National Security State UFO File WarGames...!

Dark Journalist | COG UFO CIA X-Tech 75 Years of Deception | June 24, 2022


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt will take us on deep exploration of the 75th Anniversary of the CIA National Security State and the Kenneth Arnold UFO Case, the Roswell UFO File, X-Technology the Continuity of Government (COG) Secret initiative, NASA Secret Space link to the JFK Assassination and more...

Joseph P. Farrell | COG NORTHCOM UFO Emergency Danger! | Part 1 | Dark Journalist | June 4, 2022


Dr. Joseph Farrell Says We May Already Be Under COG!
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell back to the show for a special deep dive on the Continuity of Government (COG) NORTHCOM activation for the CIA Department of Homeland Security UFO Threat!

Dark Journalist | Special Report UFO File Wars CIA Threat Games | May 17, 2022



An obscure naming system for moving Black Aerospace Projects through Government Agencies

Covert Intelligence/Aerospace Group that Controls the UFO File

Unidentified Flying Objects

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office

Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group

Dark Journalist | Coup to Coup: COG CIA Wars | Feb. 25, 2022


DJ goes deep on what's driving the plans for Worldwide Dictatorship through Emergency Powers and Global Continuity of Government (COG) Plans! He looks at the CIA forces behind the new war between Russia and Ukraine and the Totalitarian Surveillance State Infrastructure being built from Space!

Dark Journalist | X-117: UFO Neocons X-Protect Goes Public! | Jan. 14, 2022


Exposing Covert Control Operations: The UFO File and X-Steganography!
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on the real story of Government manipulation of the UFO File and the CIA Neocons that are positioning themselves to control the UFO Threat narrative in 2022 and Presidential Election of 2024!

An obscure naming system for moving Black Aerospace Projects through Government Agencies

Covert Intelligence/Aerospace Group that Controls the UFO File

Unidentified Flying Objects

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office

Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group
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