Showing posts with label Ether Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ether Technology. Show all posts

Ashton Forbes | The Mysteries of MH370 Disapperance and Overunity Technology | Veritas Radio | Part 1

Source:, Ashton Forbes on X


Prepare for a groundbreaking episode as we explore the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 with Ashton Forbes, who presents compelling evidence and theories that challenge the official narrative. Forbes takes us through detailed analyses of satellite and drone videos, suggesting the presence of advanced and covert technologies capable of manipulating the aircraft's trajectory.

Forbes proposes a scenario in which the plane didn't crash but was intercepted by sophisticated technology that altered its path, possibly linked to secretive military operations at Diego Garcia. He delves into the discrepancies in debris locations, highlighting how pieces found in Africa defy ocean current patterns and official crash site theories, pointing towards a military involvement and planned manipulation.

he interview takes a deeper dive into speculative technologies involving gravitational manipulation and space-time warping. Forbes suggests that these technologies allowed for the aircraft's disappearance through methods resembling wormholes or teleportation, visible in the footage he analyzes.

This episode isn't just about a missing airplane; it's a thrilling exploration of hidden technologies and government secrecy. Forbes challenges the boundaries of what we consider possible, suggesting the existence of a technology that could revolutionize our understanding of physics and world power structures.

Ashton also touches on the potential of these technologies to shift world energy paradigms, hinting at a future where free energy could become a reality, transforming our world from a Type 0 to a Type 1 civilization almost overnight.

Join us on this captivating journey into the shadowy realms of aerospace technology, military secrecy, and the untold stories behind one of the greatest modern mysteries. This isn't just another conspiracy theory; it's a detailed, evidence-backed narrative that could redefine our future.


Ashton Forbes is the founder and lead investigator of MH370x, a volunteer group dedicated to solving the mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. His interest in this field began around 2017 when the US government released footage of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) captured by the Department of Defense and the Navy. This sparked his curiosity and led him to delve into various related videos and cases.

MH370x is a community-led, crowdsourced investigation that aims to uncover the truth behind the disappearance of MH370. Ashton Forbes and his team focus on analyzing evidence, including leaked videos that some claim show advanced or possibly alien technology being used to make the plane disappear. Forbes asserts that these videos are authentic and significant, potentially indicating a major technological breakthrough.

In addition to his work on MH370, Ashton is a vocal advocate for Overunity, commonly known as 'Free Energy.' He has signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement with an entity that has developed a functioning Overunity device, which has already seen commercial success with over 30 units sold. Ashton aims to bring this technology to a wider market to initiate a new era in renewable energy.

Forbes has been active in various media, including podcasts and radio shows, where he discusses his investigations and the broader implications of the technologies he explores. His mission is to achieve 'true disclosure' regarding both MH370 and the potential of advanced energy technologies.

Shamangineer | Ether Theory, Ancient Alchemy & Ormuz | Jul 31, 2016


From the Ether Theory, Ancient Alchemy, and the existence of Ormus, Shamangineer knows first hand that we are being held back in more ways than one. With experience working for over a decade in a variety of industries from robotics, manufacturing equipment, chemical systems, and alternative energy.

The shadowy elite dedicated many pages in their playbook to suppressing information on Ether, technology, alchemy, ormus and scientific advancements that could improve the lives of people and offer a better perception of our reality.

To help us piece the puzzle back together independent researcher, Shamangineer, is ready to come out of the shadows and onto the main stage in his first real interview. Join The Higherside Chats this week as Greg Carlwood hosts, Shamangineer.

Those of us who are paying attention have recognized the scientific quarantine and seen many indications of the big suppression along the way including, but not limited to the work of Nikola Tesla, denial of electrogravitic crafts, lost legends of ancient alchemy, the lies of NASA, whispers of a breakaway civilization, and the free energy cancer cure technologies we’ve heard exist but have been thoroughly kibosh-ed “for our own good”.

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Ralph Ring | Ether Technology, Magnetism, Nikola Tesla & Otis T. Carr


May 12, 2011–
Ralph Ring is a Natural Scientist and a Creative Technician who in the late 1950's and early 1960's worked together with Otis T Carr, a protégé of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, and a team of dedicated scientists on and with alternative technologies, including levitation and teleportation.

With the aid of his small team, Carr and Ralph built a number of flying disks which worked. They attempted to commercially manufacture their invention. Their experimentation was terminated by FBI agents. His dream since birth has and is to produce floating homes, cities and countries.

In the first hour of this interview, Ralph Ring will discuss the spacecraft technology in the experimental vehicle he co-piloted in 1960, the OTC-X1. The OTC-X1 was powered by rotating electromagnets in conjunction with a number of small, ingenious capacitor-like devices called "Utrons". He'll share his story of building, flying, and trying to commercially manufacture this type of technology.

Ralph will explain ether technology and magnetism. He'll also talk about our 3D brain and how belief and consciousness play an important role when operating this type of technology. Ralph's research assistant and best friend, Marsha Brown-Ring also joins in from time to time. She has been a witness to many events in Ralph's life.

Topics Discussed: ether technology, magnetic energy, magnetism, belief, Otis T Carr, flying discs, spacecrafts, technology, Nikola Tesla, teleportation, FBI, manufacturing spacecrafts, laws of physics, floating homes, OTC-X1, monetary system, Germans, General Motors, 3D brain, multi-verses, crystal consciousness, Los Alamos, Victorville, California, levitation, police witness, unbelief, knowing, wireless technology, utrons, electromagnets, floating cars, brain protective of its job, FBI confiscating crafts and more.

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