Showing posts with label Fukushima. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fukushima. Show all posts

Rally Against Nuclear Power in Osaka, Japan, March 11, 2012


March 11, 2012–James Corbett of reports live from the rally against nuclear power in Osaka, Japan in commemoration of the first anniversary of the start of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis. For more information on Fukushima and nuclear power in Japan, please visit

New World Next Week | Stop KONY 2012, LulzSec FBI, Fukushima Anniversary, March 8, 2012


Story #1: Joseph Kony Viral Video Campaign Clouded In Controversy
'Get Kony' Goes Viral: Questions Raised About Charity's Social Media Blitz
Joseph Kony Is Not In Uganda
Invisible Children, The Next Chapter

Related: Breitbart Autopsy Leaves More Questions Than Answers
After Ohio Primary, Kucinich Loses Seat in Congress

Story #2: LulzSec Hackers Charged after Ringleader Turns Informant
Flashback: One In Four US Hackers 'Is An FBI Informer'

Story #3: Children Wait Another Year for UN Radiation Study
Related: Iran Tops Agenda of UN Nuclear Inspectors' Meeting in Vienna
Flashback: Toxic link - the WHO and the IAEA

Patrick Chouinard, Dr. John Apsley | Giants & Lost Civilizations, January 12, 2012


January 12, 2012–Independent researcher Pat Chouinard presented information and theories about an ancient race of giants, as well as lost civilizations and their artifacts. There are numerous cross-cultural references to giants, as well as creation myths that involved them. "I think they were a highly advanced race," and they were said to have a lifespan of hundreds of years, he noted. Mesopotamia and Atlantis were not the first civilizations, "I believe there were hundreds, thousands of civilizations going back to a very very remote and early time in our history," he said. Sanskrit writings of India refer to civilizations that existed hundreds of thousands of years ago, "and I think the giants go back to this time," he continued.

One of the mysteries he's explored concerns the finding of ancient out-of-place Caucasians in such countries as New Guinea, China, and Japan, as well as in North America, far before the Europeans had arrived. Some of these were described as "red haired giants," and the Native Americans have myths about light-skinned giants, called the 'Bright White God,' and Quetzalcoatl, he detailed. Chouinard suspects that this race, which might have been as tall as 15-18 ft., gradually died out from epidemics or other factors.

He talked about the demise of the Atlantean civilization, suggesting that primitive groups that co-existed on the fringes of Atlantis as it was fading, picked up some remnants of their advancements, and eventually rose up to become the historic civilizations that we know from ancient history. Chouinard also spoke about ancient megalithic structures like Gobekli Tepe and Baalbek, as well as the anomalous discovery of the "X Woman of Siberia," in which a finger bone was found that came from a separate, unknown evolutionary line that dated back some 50,000 years.

Fukushima & US Deaths

First hour guest, Dr. John Apsley reported on increased deaths in North America that he believes are associated with the Fukushima catastrophe, and the leaking of radiation. There was a spike in infant mortality rates within the first 10 weeks of the catastrophe in cities across the US, and the radiation contamination likely came through rainfall, he said, adding that infants were particularly susceptible because of their reduced thyroid function. For more, see this page from Apsley.

News segment guests:
Greg Hunter, Peter Davenport

Fukushima Update | Aqua Chernobyl, November 23, 2011


This week on Fukushima Update we highlight a study showing the spread of radioactive materials from the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. We also look at some radiation symptom maps, examine the possibility of using mushrooms to remediate the soil around the plant, highlight a French report saying that all 58 French nuclear reactors need upgrades, and go over today's daily update. ~James Corbett

Fukushima Update, November 15, 2011


In this week's Fukushima Update we take a look at some of the photos and videos emerging from the Fukushima "media junket" that occurred last week. We also look at a pair of scientific studies on Fukushima radiation release that were just published and go over yesterday's daily update. ~James Corbett

Fukushima Update, November 8, 2011


In this week's Fukushima Update we highlight an important Enformable expose on how the nuclear lobby took over US radiation monitoring in the wake of the Fukushima crisis; note the Japanese government bailout of TEPCO; and watch an NHK video that notes the possibility of salt water corrosion of the walls of the spent fuel pool. ~James Corbett

James Corbett on Fukushima, the Eurocrats, Sysia and more, November 4, 2011


James Corbett on Fukushima, the Eurocrats, Sysia and more.

BREAKING: New Hole In Fukushima Reactor 2? November 2, 2011


According to a breaking story on, there appears to be a new hole in Fukushima Unit 2 even as TEPCO is reporting that fission is happening there. Please stay tuned to FukushimaUpdate and Enformable for more on this developing story. ~James Corbett

Fukushima Update, October 31, 2011


In today's Fukushima Update we highlight an editorial on the IAEA by "Nuclear Free by 2045"; note a new video interview with Aileen Mioko Smith; and go over all of today's latest Fukushima news and updates. ~James Corbett

Fukushima Update, October 30, 2011


In today's Fukushima Update we look at a petition to save the animals of Fukushima, highlight a new interview with Dr. Helen Caldicott, and do a round-up of all of the latest Fukushima stories from around the web. ~James Corbett

Fukushima Update, October 25, 2011


In today's Fukushima Update we examine the effects of the Fukushima disaster on children, find out more about the Kashiwa hotspot, learn about TEPCO's un-redacted documents, ponder the lessons of old Kurosawa films and watch some children-friendly pro-nuke programming. ~James Corbett

Fukushima Update, October 24, 2011


In today's Fukushima Update we go over a new video on food safety, a round-up of the latest headlines from around the web, and a profile of Aileen Mioko Smith who is on an American tour to bring awareness to the plight of the children at Fukushima. ~James Corbett

Fukushima Update, October 23, 2011


In today's Fukushima Update we go over a spate of weekend editorials on the Fukushima crisis and cover all of the news stories on the topic from around the web.
~James Corbett

New World Next Week | Fukushima Updates, Hyperlink Libel, Athens Austerity, October 20, 2011


Corbett Report and Media Monarchy covers some of the most important developments in alternative news and open source intelligence. This week:

Story #1: Over 20 Radioactive Hotspots Found in Tokyo ... All Due to
Citizens' Measurements

Video: Top Japanese Official on Tokyo Radiation 'Hot Spots'
Related: Son of Stuxnet? Researchers Warn of Impending Cyber Attack

Story #2: Supreme Court of Canada Rules Internet Links Not Libel
Related: Supreme Court Ruling Big Victory for Internet Freedom

Story #3: Citizens Swarm the Streets of Greece In a Whirl of Violence
Update: Clashes as Greeks Strike Against New Austerity Cuts
Update: Greek Protest Against Budget Cuts Turns Violent

NWNW Flashback: Financial Collapse of Greece - Canary in the Coalmine
for Global Economy?

New World Next Week on

Fukushima Update with Arnie Gunderson, October 20, 2011


Arnie Gundersen of joins us for today's Fukushima Update. We discuss Tokyo's radiation hot spots, TEPCO's "cold shutdown" announcement and what the next step is at the site.

Fukushima Update, October 19, 2011


In today's update, we cover the piling up of radioactive suits at the J-Village; more on the Tokyo hot spot phenomenon; a round up of news reports from around the web; a worrying report on the possibility that Fukushima is going recritical (again); and a video of a radioactive fallout forecast. ~James Corbett

Fukushima Update, October 18, 2011


The latest updates on the Fukushima crisis, including reports on how the Kyushu Electric Power Co has been manipulating and stage-managing meetings and reports to twist public opinion, and how the Japanese government is planning to redefine evacuation areas in response to news that Fukushima will reach cold shutdown one month earlier than expected.

Arnie Gundersen | Updates on Fukushima Fairewinds Associates


August 21, 2011–"Newly released neutron data from three University of California San Diego scientists confirms Fairewinds' April analysis that the nuclear core at Fukushima Daiichi turned on and off after TEPCO claimed its reactors had been shutdown. This periodic nuclear chain reaction (inadvertent criticality) continued to contaminate the surrounding environment and upper atmosphere with large doses of radioactivity.

In a second area of concern, Fairewinds disagrees the NRC's latest report claiming that all Fukushima spent fuel pools had no problems following the earthquake. In a new revelation, the NRC claims that the plutonium found more than 1 mile offsite actually came from inside the nuclear reactors. If such a statement were true, it indicates that the nuclear power plant containments failed and were breached with debris landing far from the power plants themselves. Such a failure of the containment system certainly necessitates a complete review of all US reactor containment design and industry assurances that containments will hold in radioactivity in the event of a nuclear accident. The evidence Fairewinds reviewed to date continues to support its April analysis that the detonation in the Unit 3 Spent Fuel pool was the cause of plutonium found off site.

Third, the burning of radioactive materials (building materials, trees, lawn grass, rice straw) by the Japanese government will cause radioactive Cesium to spread even further into areas within Japan that have been previously clean, and across the Pacific Ocean to North America.

And finally, the Japanese government has yet to grasp the severity of the contamination within Japan, and therefore has not developed a coherent plan mitigate the accident and remediate the environment. Without a cohesive plan to deal with this ongoing problem of large scale radioactive contamination, the radioactivity will continue to spread throughout Japan and around the globe further exacerbating the problem and raising costs astronomically."

Christopher Everard | Fukushima Update, Mind Control & Religious Programming, August 9, 2011

Source:, Christopher Everard

August 9, 2011–Chris & Sheree guest host Blacklisted News Radio and interview British Filmaker, Author and founder of Enigma Tv, Christopher Everard. We discuss Fukushima updates, radiation, mind control, religious programming. ~Truth Frequency Radio

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Ian Crane | Depopulation Disasters, Fukushima, E. Coli & Stuxnet June 16, 2011


June 16, 2011–Geo-political researcher, public speaker and former oilfield executive, Ian Crane joins us to talk about questionable manmade disasters over the last 14 months. We begin recapping the BP oil spill in the Gulf and discuss the latest developments.

Ian tells us about Robert Calusa who he believes was placed on an oil rig intentionally on April 16, 2010 to help create the spill. He also tells us why and how he thinks the Gulf area has been turned into a laboratory and talks about the "behavioral health" payments issued from BP to residents of the Gulf area. We also discuss miscarriages of women in the Gulf, same as the dolphins and the status on oil-devouring microbes. Then, we talk about Fukushima.

Ian shares some ideas about why he thinks Japan was targeted. He links Fukushima to the largest E.coli breakout, resistant to penicillin, in Germany. It seems Germany has been keeping an eye on world events. They've also been the forefront resistance against the EU's plan to use GM crops. Now they're shutting down pre 1980 nuclear plants and winding down the nuclear program. Has biological warfare been released upon Germany?

Topics discussed: BP oil spill, recap Bob Kaluza, Ron Paul, money, Joplin Missouri, hurricanes, Corexit, dispersant, "behavior health payments", CDC warns about zombie apocalypse, radiation, bisphenol-A, Japan, kelp, GMO crops, E. Coli outbreak in Germany, nuclear meltdown, Stuxnet, Rabbi Dov Zakheim, Fukushima, organic cucumbers, organic bean sprouts and more. ~Red Ice Creations
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