Showing posts with label James Corbett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James Corbett. Show all posts

The Corbett Report | The UN's [Death] Pact for the [Globalist] Future | Sept. 20, 2024



Next week, a gaggle of globalists will descend on the UN to rubber stamp the Pact for the Future, a new document from the kleptocrats laying out their goals for global government and universal neofeudal enslavement. What, you didn't think the UN was an innocent organization devoted to world peace, did you? Well, you certainly won't after this weeks edition of The Corbett Report podcast. United Nations delenda est.

Show Notes

The Corbett Report | Is It Pyramids All The Way Up? - Questions For Corbett | Sept. 17, 2024


A listener writes in to ask whether the pyramid of control that the would-be rulers of the world want to impose on us applies to them, too. James supplies an answer on this edition of Questions For Corbett.

Show Notes:
Interview 1875 – James Corbett Breaks The Spell of the Global Conspiracy
Episode 261 – International Law?
September 11, 1990: Address Before a Joint Session of Congress
The discourse of anarchy in IR” by Jack Donnelly
Do We Ever Really Get Out of Anarchy?” by Alfred G. Cuzán
The Road to 9/11 by Peter Dale Scott

James Corbett Answers 9/11 Questions | Sept. 13, 2024


via Truth Over Comfort: 911 can be a touchy subject, you may be like me and not have a consolidated view, are undecided, have questions, or you may feel the likelihood of an inside job is low, nevertheless, the day remains to have many strange phenomenons and questions.

The official line the Bush administration could not see an attack like this coming, is a clear lie, no matter your overall view of 911 Truth, shown by the governments documents and words themselves. Whatever you may think, this interview should provide information you may have not been aware of, and all though we did not cover everything, it will provide a starting point to follow the links discussed.

Whatever your view, there is no hiding from previous administrations working with terrorists, bin laden, Al-qaeda in previous conflicts to achieve geopolitical goals, which led to their rise and these attacks, if you believe the official story.

In this interview I had James on the 4th time, this time to discuss the 911 attacks. We discuss the lies that the Bush administration could could never have imagined an attack like this, proven by the many pre 911 war Games with similar scenarios, including one specifically with Bin Laden’s face on the first page.

We also discuss the many war games on the day of 911, that confused the response shown by the NORAD tapes released by Vanity Fair and whether the war games were coincidence or intentional. On top of this, we spoke about the investigations into 911 insider trading, of investors appearing to have foreknowledge of the attacks, shown by the activity of trades with airlines and other companies in the days coming up to 911. We discussed the explosions reports in the towers, building 7, the pentagon, Pennsylvania, AQ Links and other general questions.

The Corbett Report | The Future of Food is OURS to Decide - #SolutionsWatch | Sept. 10, 2024


Using our knowledge of the Future of Food agenda, today James explores ways that we can negate that agenda and work toward building up the food and farming systems we will need to build resistant, thriving, independent communities in the future.

Show Notes:

How to Become A Very Independent Producer… – #SolutionsWatch
Very Independent Producer Summit 4 – Say No to NWO
Attack on Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back Day 1 / Day 2
Eat Ze Bugs or You’re Racist! #PropagandaWatch
Open Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life
Concerns over rice shortage growing in Japan
Why has Japan been hit with rice shortages, soaring prices despite normal crops?
Episode 275 – Solutions: Boycotts and Buycotts
Buycotts – #SolutionsWatch
The Sugar Conspiracy
Episode 365 – Lies, Damned Lies, and Government Nutrition Advice
Gavin Mounsey Substack
Episode 299 – Solutions: Guerrilla Gardening
Community Gardens – #SolutionsWatch
Episode 460 – The Future of Food
Regenerative Agriculture – #SolutionsWatch

New World Next week | Pandemic Babies and Polio Peace | Sept. 6, 2024


Story #1: In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening To Your Phone’s Microphone To Serve Ads For Stuff You Mention

As Elon Musk’s Battle With Brazilian Government Intensifies, Another Of His Companies Facing Trouble
How to De-Google – #SolutionsWatch
404 Media Podcast On “Active Listening” Story
How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did (Feb. 16,. 2012)

Story #2: Mortal Enemies Reach Truce Over A Polio Vaccine

Long-Delayed U.S. Government Report Finally Released, Concludes Fluoride Lowers IQ in Children
Mexican Government Drops Planned Import Ban On Genetically Modified US Corn (Jul. 1, 2024)
Supermodel Elle Macpherson Reveals She Was Diagnosed With Breast Cancer Seven Years Ago, Refused Chemotherapy

Story #3: “They’re About Two Years Behind” – Fears For Children Born During Lockdown As They Start School

BBC: Pandemic Babies Starting School Now: “We Need Speech Therapists Five Days A Week”
NYT: The Youngest Pandemic Children Are Now In School, And Struggling
The ‘New World Next Week’ Store

The Corbett Report | How to Become A Very Independent Producer… – #SolutionsWatch | Sept. 4, 2024


So, you want to become an independent producer? Well, you’re in luck! In today’s edition of #SolutionsWatch, James shares a sneak preview of his presentation to the Very Independent Producer Summit 4 – Say No to NWO containing some tips and advice he has for young up-and-comers.

Show Notes:
Very Independent Producer Summit 4 – Say No to NWO
Finding Your Lifestyle of Liberty – #SolutionsWatch
Attack on Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back Day 1 / Day 2
Japanese man in mystery survival
The Highlighter is Mightier Than the Sword! – #SolutionsWatch
September Open Thread and Subscriber Video 2024
Become a Corbett Report member

The Corbett Report | The Media Conspiracy | Aug. 15, 2024


I'm still on August hiatus, but here's a two-hour lecture on the history of mass media to tide you over until September! This is Lesson One of my three lesson Mass Media: A History online course. Buy the complete course for audio and video downloads, a hyperlinked transcript of each lesson and a study guide with questions and reading recommendations. Enjoy!

Mass Media: A History — Course Notes

New World Next Week | Middle East on the Brink as Hamas Leader Assassinated | Aug. 2, 2024


Story #1: Hamas Leader Haniyeh Killed In Iran By Alleged Israeli Strike, Threatening Escalation

The Secret History of Hamas
Iran’s Khamenei Orders Attack On Israel As Revenge For Haniyeh Elimination
Russia Calls For Middle East To Step Back From Brink Of War
Episode 002 – WWIII Starts in Iran
Jewish Sex Therapist ‘Dr. Ruth,’ Who Fought In Haganah, Dies At 96

Story #2: The Frankengreens Are Coming

Pairwise – Our Products
Jiankui He, Creator of CRISPR-Edited Children, Relocates To Chinese Medical Tourism Hub
NWNW Flashback: Saudi Succession, Shootdown Showdown, CRISPR Mutations
Flashback: CRISPR Gene Editing Can Cause Hundreds Of Unintended Mutations (May 29, 2017)
Gene Editing Causes Unintended Genetic Changes With Implications For Food, Agriculture
Episode 460 – The Future of Food
Bill Gates FAKE Lab Made ‘Butter’ Is Here ‘To Significantly Reduce Our Carbon Footprint’
Singapore Approved 16 Insects To Eat As Food<br /> “Future Food” – No Thanks!
Image: Southern Gas Stations

Story #3: NWNW Updates – Man Releases New Footage Of 9/11 After 23 Years Revealing Unseen Angle Of Twin Towers Collapse

Are Olympics Actually Trial Run For 1984 Digital State?
Climate Activists Thwarted In Paris
CIA Denies Conspiracy Theory That It Used MKUltra On Trump Shooter
Bohemian Club Uses Copyright Strikes To Scrub Ritual Footage
The ‘New World Next Week’ Store
Corbett Report 2016 Data Archive (USB Flash Drive)

The Corbett Report | The Gaza Holocaust | July 31, 2024


As we approach the ten month mark of the slaughter in Gaza, it's time to peel back the layers of deception surrounding October 7th, the Israeli response, and the true meaning of this conflict. We must call things by their right name. The Gaza holocaust must end.


The Corbett Report | Meet the Sentient World Simulation: How the Government Predicts the Future | July 27, 2024



Have you heard of the “Sentient World Simulation”? Do you know that the US Defense Department revealed two decades ago that they were working on putting together a real-time model of the earth and every person in it? And do you know that project has effectively been swept under the rug and was never mentioned again? Well, you’re about to! Get ready for this week’s fascinating look back through The Corbett Report archives.

Flashback Show Notes:

How the Government Predicts The Future – Inside the “Sentient World Simulation”
Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations
Corbett Report 2012 Data Archive (USB Flash Drive)


New World Next Week | AI Ring of Steel Descends on Paris | July 26, 2024



This week on the New World Next Week: Biden drops out of the (s)election race while congress genuflects to their real leader; the Crowdstrike fiasco was a win for evil online disinformationists (say the establishment stooges); and Paris nabs 1000 dastardly spies in the lead up to the AI drone surveillance Olympics.

Story #1: Withdrawal Of Joe Biden From The 2024 United States Presidential Election

Biden Speech Live: President Says Best Way To Save US Democracy Is ‘To Pass Torch To New Generation’
Thousands Fill Washington’s Streets To Protest Israel’s War In Gaza During Netanyahu Visit
Video: Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Addresses US Congress

Story #2: You Been CrowdStrike Struck! Online Conspiracy Theories Abound After Major Global IT Crash

The Corbett Report | Poisoning Your Data – #SolutionsWatch | July 23, 2024


Do you use any big tech service or mainstream website? Do you like, comment or subscribe on social media. Do you browse reddit or use any major video streaming platform? Do you leave a digital data trail anywhere? Then you are most likely feeding the AI beast. So, what if you started to feed that beast poisoned data instead . . . ?

Show Notes:
Scientists Create Organic Slave Computers! (What Could Go Wrong?)
ChatGPT Stole Your Work. So What Are You Going to Do?
Unplugging From the Matrix – #SolutionsWatch
Salting Your Data – #SolutionsWatch
Simple Sabotage – #SolutionsWatch
About The Glaze Project
What Is Glaze?
Glaze: Protecting Artists from Style Mimicry by Text-to-Image Models
Nightshade: Prompt-Specific Poisoning Attacks on Text-to-Image Generative Models

New World Next Week | ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??? | July 18, 2024


This week on the New World Next Week: the shadow-casters are trying EXTRA HARD to get you to look at the shadows on the cave wall this (s)election cycle; swamp-dweller-in-chief Trump taps Peter Thiel's minion to be his VP; and the MSM tries their darndest to make Bohemian Grove sound boring and unimportant.

Story #1: The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

The Slow-Motion Assassination: Self-Described Guardians Of Democracy Spent Years Creating Lethal Atmosphere Around Trump
#MorningMonarchy: July 15, 2024 – Trump Injured In Assassination Attempt
#MorningMonarchy: July 16, 2024 – Trump Shooter Thomas Crooks’ Discord Account Deleted
Trump Considering Jamie Dimon, Who He Once Called “Highly Overrated Globalist,” For A Prime Cabinet Position
Wow. Listen To The Absolute Fear And Panic Trump Has When Asked If He’d Declassify Epstein Files

Story #2: Where Will J.D. Vance Stand On Israel? Wherever Trump Tells Him To.

Vance Becomes Face Of ‘New Right’
With J.D. Vance As VP, Peter Thiel Would Finally Have Trump Right Where He Wants Him
Sugar Daddy of Trump’s VP Pick Has Deep Ties to CIA
How Palantir Conquered the World

Story #3: S.F.’s Secretive, All-Male Bohemian Club Facing New Wage Theft Accusations

The Corbett Report | Who Had Access to the Twin Towers? - Questions For Corbett | July 16, 2024


If you, like Ancap94, have been getting into 9/11 Truth lately, you might want to know who had demolition access to the Twin Towers before 9/11. If so, boy does Kevin Ryan have some answers for you! Join James for today’s edition as he shines the light on Kevin Ryan’s groundbreaking article on “Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers,” the pre-9/11 WTC power down, and other long-forgotten bits of 9/11 conspiracy reality.

Show Notes:

Demolition access to the World Trade Center towers
Meet In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s Venture Capital Firm (2011)
Clearing the Decks – Questions For Corbett
Interview on Richard Gage Unleashed
Interview 293 – Aidan Monaghan on remote control airplanes
How to Steal an Airplane: From 9/11 to MH370
George Washington’s Blog cover Forbes story
Mysterious Power Down at WTC days before 9/11 Jack Blood interviews Forbes
Gary Corbett [no relation] discusses the WTC power downs
Scott Forbes discusses the WTC power down
WTC Employee Discusses pre 9/11 Power Downs
Kevin Ryan on The Corbett Report
Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
9/11 Whistleblowers: Michael Springmann
9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
Interview 741 – Jeremy Rys Identifies the Real 9/11 Suspects

New World Next Week | NATO Stooges Gather in Their Masses for 75th Anniversary | July 12, 2024



This week on the New World Next Week: The Lancet estimates 186,000 Palestinians will die as a result of Israel's Gaza holocaust; the NATO leaders descend on Washington to hatch schemes for launching wars around the globe; and from Europe to Japan, people are getting sick of overtourism.

Story #1: Lancet Says At Least 186,000 Deaths In Gaza Could Result From Israel-Hamas War

Haaretz (Further) Confirms IDF’s Use of Hannibal Directive on Oct 7
‘Lavender’: The AI Machine Directing Israel’s Bombing Spree In Gaza
Free Speech Under Fire: How Israel’s Tech Guard Is Killing Free Speech Online
NWNW Flashback: Israel Steps Up Offensive Against Hamas (Jul. 10, 2014)
Israel Orders the Evacuation of Gaza City
Israel Controls 26% Of Gaza, Potentially Paving The Way For Jewish Settlements

Story #2: NATO Leaders Gather For 75th Anniversary Summit

Ukraine Too Corrupt To Join NATO, US Says, In Blow To Zelensky…And Boost For Putin
Report: NATO Expected To Tell Ukraine Its Path Toward Membership Is ‘Irreversible’
NATO Needs 35-50 Additional Brigades
Starmer To Urge Nato Members To Boost Defence Spending Amid UK Review
NATO To Launch Four Projects With Indo-Pacific Partners, Including AI And Cyber
Japan’s Tacit NATO Membership Acts As Bridge For Global Security
Why NATO Should Stay Out Of Asia

New World Next Week | Assange is Free, But Speech…? Not so much. | June 28, 2024

Assange Guilty Plea
18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, Transmitting Or Losing Defense Information
Assange’s Plea Deal Sets a Chilling Precedent, but It Could Have Been Worse
What’s Your Take on Assange? – Questions For Corbett #044
Wanted by the CIA: Julian Assange – Wikileaks founder (and 9/11 Denier)

Story #2: Newly Released Video Shows Saudi Man Filming Locations Ahead of 9/11 Attacks

Investigators for 9/11 Families Examine Video Taken By Man With Ties to Saudi Intelligence Referencing “Plan”
Video: Omar al-Bayoumi Video Unsealed In Federal Court | 60 Minutes
What Was Omar al-Bayoumi Doing In San Diego?
Al-Hazmi, Al-Mihdhar Lived With FBI Informant
Interview 1161 – PFT Live: Debunking the 28 Pages
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
The Truth About What Is Happening To The Petrodollar
Sense and Nonsense on Petrodollars
Saudi Arabia: The Petro Dollar, China, and CBDC’s

Story #3: Pentagon Ran Secret Anti-Vax Campaign to Undermine China During Pandemic

The Corbett Report | Clearing the Decks – Questions For Corbett | June 26, 2024


In an effort to clear the decks and make way for another deep-dive, focused edition of Questions For Corbett, today James run through a dozen or so quick questions. Enjoy!

Show Notes:
Your Guide to Fifth-Generation Warfare
Interview 1816 – The WWIII Script on Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson
How Will WWIII Be Fought? – Questions For Corbett #062
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Questioned About Zionism, Calling Palestinians Pampered.
Are Pro-Palestinian Protests Being Hijacked By Marxists To “Destroy Capitalism, Freedom & Democracy”?
What Is Safeway and Who Really Owns It?
Episode 449 – How BlackRock Conquered the World
How Vanguard Conquered the World.
The Future of Food
Regenerative Agriculture
How to Boycott Big Food
Solutions: Guerrilla Gardening
Community Gardens – #SolutionsWatch
Eat Ze Bugs or You’re Racist – #PropagandaWatch
“An Open-Minded Spirit No Longer Exists Within NPR” – NPR Veteran Excoriates Outlet Over Hunter, Russiagate Activism
Punished NPR Journalist Resigns After Calling Out Partisan Trainwreck
New NPR CEO Gave Ted Talk Asserting “Truth” Is A “Distraction”
NPR Scandal Should Kill Taxpayer-Funded Broadcasting
The BBC Exposed (2013)
Episode 050 – The “C” Word
I Am A Conspiracy Theorist
CIA Dispatch 1035-960
Interview 1885 – Whistleblower Reveals US Cover Up of Israeli War Crimes (NWNW 557)
The Corbett Report . . . now with CAPTIONS!

The Corbett Report | I Read The Most Dangerous Superstition (And You Can, Too!) | June 24, 2023


In the EXACT OPPOSITE of the tradition of the "I Read . . . So You Don't Have To" series of podcasts, today James presents a read-through / exploration of a book you actually really SHOULD read: The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose! Strap in and get ready for a data dump. And then get ready to read the book yourself!

Show Notes:

Episode 412 – I Read The Great Narrative (So You Don’t Have To!)
Episode 418 – I Read Bill Gates’ New Book (So You Don’t Have To!)
Episode 439 – I Read Richard Haass’ New Book (So You Don’t Have To!)
Episode 451 – I Read Yuval Noah Harari’s Book (So You Don’t Have To!)
The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose
Larken and Amanda Rose on The Corbett Report
Jones Plantation film
The Tiny Dot
Tiny Candles

James Corbett Predicts the CBDC Rollout on Reality Check Radio | June 20, 2024


via “Independent journalist James Corbett from The Corbett Report joins us to discuss CBDCs, Digital IDs, and more. You won’t want to miss this one!”


The Corbett Report | Regenerative Agriculture – #SolutionsWatch | June 17, 2024


We all know the problem of The Future of Food. So, who’s ready for the solution? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James examines regenerative agriculture, one of the solutions that is already being used to wean us off the industrialized factory farming system and back toward a healthy relationship with our food . . . and with the earth itself.

Show Notes:

Episode 460 – The Future of Food
How to Boycott Big Food (2013)
Episode 275 – Solutions: Boycotts and Buycotts
Solutions: Guerrilla Gardening (2015)
The Future of Food (Is Ours to Decide)
Community Gardens – #SolutionsWatch
Regenerative agriculture (Wiki)
Regenerative Agriculture Podcast
Episode 121: Building a Truly Regenerative Kitchen with Mollie Engelhart
Short #1 – MacroPak and the Importance of Calcium
Episode 94: Challenging Assumptions About Regenerative Agriculture with John Kempf hosted by Future of Agriculture
Burdened by debt and unable to eke out a living, many farmers in India turn to suicide
How rural communities are tackling a suicide and depression crisis among farmers
Farmers have a high suicide rate. Therapists struggle to connect with them
Common Ground documentary
The Fundamental Principles of Regenerative Agriculture and Soil Health
Dr. Elaine Ingahm’s Soil Food Web
Dirt Doctor
Gavin Mounsey Substack (use the discount code embodythesolution for 25% off a physical copy or 50% off a digital copy)
Covert Food Gardening In The Era Of The Lawn Nazis
Fire Roasted Fermented / Bourbon Infused Hot Sauce
Regenerative Gardening Seed/Seedling/Tree Sources 2024
Regenerative Resources (a recommended reading list from my library)
Trees of Power: Ten Essential Arboreal Allies
Regenerative Soil by Matt Powers
Mounsey Minute on MediaMonarchy
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