Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts

New World Next Week | Scamdemic 2: Bird Flu Boogaloo | June 14, 2024


Story #1: The Latest “Bird Flu” Death Is “Covid” All Over Again

TLAV: Medical Industrial Complex Hypes Next Scamdemic
EU to Secure 40 Million Avian Flu Vaccines for 15 Countries
WHO Statement
Mexico’s Health Secretary Denies Death of Resident Due to Bird Flu Subtype
TCR Member Paul823 Says: “Scamdemic 2.0: The Famining”

Story #2: Japan’s Birthrate Falls to Record Low As Number of Marriages Also Drops

Tokyo Government to Launch Dating App In Bid to Boost Birth Rate
Japan Lower House Passes Child Care Aid Bill to Tackle Falling Births
TLAV: Scientists #Baffled By 22% Decline In Sperm Motility
Lockdown Was Meant to Save Lives – But Instead It’s Put the Future of Mankind At Risk
Exposure to PFAS, or ‘Forever Chemicals,’ Can Reduce Women’s Fertility By 40%, Study Finds
Pesticide Exposure: Hormonal Function of the Female Reproductive System Disrupted?
‘Safe’ Herbicide In Australian Water Affects Male Fertility
Corbett Report Search: Depopulation
Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan

Story #3: Photographers Outraged by Adobe’s New Privacy and Content Terms

Adobe to Update Terms of Service Amid Backlash
Apple’s Decision to Kill Its CSAM Photo-Scanning Tool Sparks Fresh Controversy
The ‘New World Next Week’ Store

Pre-Historic Mega Structures of Japan & Unexcavated Giant Tombs | May 11, 2024

Source: universeInsideYou youtube 

From massive granite blocks and quarries carved with extraordinary accuracy to immense stone walls, Japan’s landscape tells a story of an advanced prehistoric society. This documentary delves deep into the heart of Japan’s forgotten megaliths.

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 1, 2024


Talk about deja vu! Get a load of this (shared by S.C.G.):

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 18, 2024


There is some very significant news out of Japan regarding the cov. planscamdemic quackcines that you'll want to pay attention to. Here's the Twitter link to a recent Japanese doctors' press conference on the matter:

Link: Press Conference from Japan's "Vaccine Issues Study Group", January 11, 2024.

New World Next Week | Government Sachs Enters Geopolitics | Nov. 10, 2023


Story #1: Goldman Sachs Enters Geopolitical Advice Business
George Cabot Lee
Jared Cohen
The People From ‘Government Sachs’; Paulson, Kashkari & Others Carried the Bag For The Bush Administration
Goldman Sachs Was Top Obama Donor
Trump Continues White House’s Goldman Sachs Revolving Door Tradition
Goldman Sachs Vets Quietly Added to Biden Transition
Interview 1252 - Nomi Prins Exposes Government Sachs
Government Sachs Gets Golden Wrist Slap For Global Financial Crisis
Episode 315 - Meet Goldman Sachs, the Vampire Squid
Interview 1249 - Carey Wedler on How Government $ach$ Won The (s)Election
Conspiracy Theories | Jigsaw
There’s a News Black Out on the Strange Doings in the JPMorgan Chase/Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficking Case in Manhattan

Story #2: Germany to Tighten Immigration Rules
Japan Plans to Demonetise Its Elderly
Japan Plans to Combat Scams By Taking Elderly People’s Bank Cards Away: “People Are Going To Panic”
Episode 453 - Don't Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!

Story #3: NJ Parents File Federal Class Action Lawsuit Challenging State’s Secret Retention Of Newborn Blood For 23 Years
Announcing the DNA Control Grid
Episode 118 - Who Owns Your DNA?
The ‘New World Next Week’ Store

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | July 13, 2023

Source: NATO wants to open a "liaison office" in Tokyo... but what's really going on? As usual, says Joseph, the globalooneys are combining objectives (or stacking functions, as Catherine Austin fitts likes to say), of which there are three main ones:

The Corbett Report | Is the Empire Awakening? - Questions For Corbett | Oct. 5, 2022


The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a poppy, eye-catching explainer video about the rising sun flag. . . . So why is it so creepy? Patrick writes in with the question about the rising imperial ambitions of Nippon and James supplies the answer in this data-packed edition of Questions For Corbett.

Show Notes:
Rising Sun Flag as Japanese Longstanding Culture
What Happened to the Old Japanese Flag?
Suicide spurs debate over Japan’s flag, anthem
Facing ‘Rising Sun’ Flag Row, Japan Withdraws From International Fleet Review
South Korea asks IOC to ban Japan's use of 'Rising Sun' flag at Olympics
How is Japan Reacting NOW? - Questions For Corbett #061
Japan's Stealth Army
Interview 501 - Joseph Trento on the Secret US-Japanese Plutonium Program
With a Wink and a Nod, Japan Has an Aircraft Carrier Again
Japan wants to point 1,000 cruise missiles at China
The REAL Middle East Nuclear Threat
Japan is Building the Biggest Warships in Asia, Two 20,000-Ton Super Destroyers
Japan to Build Aegis-Equipped Ballistic Missile Defense Warships
Japan starts conversion of second Izumo "helicopter carrier"
Japan outlines funding proposal for new OPVs, anti-submarine helicopters in 2023
U.K. And Japan Team Up To Develop Next-Generation Fighter Engines
Japan eyes upping defense spending to $279 billion over 5 years
Japan weighs up amassing missiles, ramping up cognitive warfare capability amid cross-Straits tensions
Japan Needs a Cyber Ministry: Former JGSDF Major General
How Will WWIII Be Fought? - Questions For Corbett #062

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Aug. 25, 2022



 Communist China, Nationalist China, and Japan... again... and from Russia's point of view:

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Aug. 11, 2022


While most of us have been focused on the banana republic shenanigans of Swampington DC, you may not have noticed that the entire Japanese cabinet has resigned, and a major reshuffling of appointments is being done by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida...

Japan’s government resigns in its entirety

The Japanese cabinet resigned.

Truthstream Media | The Road to Manzanar: The Story of an American Internment Camp (documentary) | Mar. 8, 2022


Truthstream Media: Mel here. I put together this documentary on the Manzanar War Relocation Center in California — one of ten internment camps the Army used to house Japanese-Americans without charge or trial after the bombing of Pearl Harbor during WWII. We happened to pass by it off the side of the road during a filming road trip back in 2020 prior to the lockdowns and when I saw the guard tower at the entrance to a national park, I had no idea what it was.

Despite having earned a master's degree, I had never been taught about the history of Japanese-American internment in school, and that includes two university level American history classes, one of which specifically covered WWII supposedly in-depth. I wouldn't learn about it until years later during my own history research. Why wasn't this history ever taught? 

This dark moment in history is one of the saddest pieces I have ever made, but I think people need to see it and learn about this, so history doesn't get to repeat these human rights violations on the next "minority" because of the majority's hysteria and fear.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 30, 2021


As the fallout from America's Afghanistan debacle continues, Japan's Liberal Democratic Party has a new leader after some discussions about nuclear submarines, France and Greece just inked a mutual defense agreement (giving Greece some weighty new naval capabilities), Russia just pulled off something that, you have to admit, just makes you want to laugh:

Article: Russia, Mexico ink agreement on peaceful space cooperation

Brien Foerster | Lost Ancient Civilizations | Interview by Jonas Rosen | Sept. 8, 2021

Source:, Jonas Rosen youtube


Interview Topics:

0:00 - Introduction
1:20 - Evidence for lost civilizations?
2:35 - Astonishing megalithic site of Sacsayhuaman
4:25 - How were Sacsayhuaman's stones shaped and placed?
5:20 - What would a stone-softening technology look like?
6:15 - Megalithic sites are astronomically aligned
8:20 - Enigmatic Puma Punku in Bolivia
10:25 - Dating Puma Punku
11:30 - Magnetic anomalies at Puma Punku
14:50 - What is underground at Puma Punku?
16:20 - Is there a "Hall of Records" under the Sphinx?
18:00 - Mysterious stone "nubs" or protrusions at megalithic sites
20:00 - Further links between Peru and Egypt?
21:05 - The advanced tools of the past- why haven't we found them?
22:00 - UFOs and Megalithic Sites
23:50 - Brien on UFOs in the modern era
24:40 - Brien's UFO sightings
26:25 - The Serapeum of Saqqara – an exceptional site
30:30 - The purpose or function of these massive stone boxes?
32:25 - Another stone box- in the Great Pyramid
34:00 - Linking consciousness and megalithic sites
35:05 - Massive stone boxes around the world
38:20 - Mystery of elongated skulls
40:45 - Any discoveries Brien hopes to see in his lifetime?
42:50 - Enigmatic sites around the world
44:50 - Japan megaliths and underwater anomalies
46:45 - How Brien's research has affected his spiritual and metaphysical outlook
48:45 - What is the significance of megalithic research in the modern day?

The Corbett Report | What’s Going on in Japan? – Questions For Corbett | Sept. 3, 2021



It’s been a while since Questions For Corbett tackled everyone’s burning question: So what’s going on in Japan, anyway? From states of emergency to ivermectin to tainted vaccines to boring old Japanese politics, today James gives you the latest updates from the Land of the Rising Sun.

Show Notes:
How is Japan Reacting to the Crisis? – Questions For Corbett #057
How is Japan Reacting NOW? – Questions For Corbett #061
Gov’t considers extending state of emergency by 2 weeks
Tokyo governor says lockdown in Japan is ‘impossible’
Upper House passes bills allowing fines for defying antivirus steps
Restaurant chain sues Tokyo government over COVID hour curbs
Japanese restaurant chain sees shares tumble after short-lived Gamestop-style rally
Global-Dining, Inc.7625.T
Japan to introduce “vaccine passports” for international travel
Japan’s vaccine passport to initially be valid in five countries
Japan’s vaccine passports: Here’s what you need to know
1.6m Moderna doses withdrawn in Japan over contamination
Japan probes two deaths after jabs from tainted Moderna batch
モデルナワクチン、新たに異物 使用中止と別の製造番号―沖縄
Contaminants found in more Moderna COVID vaccine in Japan
Foreign matter in Moderna COVID vaccine identified as stainless metal
Japan health minister says Moderna vaccine contaminants likely from needle stick
Parasite-killing drug ivermectin heads into coronavirus trials
Ivermectin not approved for COVID use in Japan (Aug 4)
The Tokyo Olympics are rigged to fail. Why hasn’t the media noticed?
Suga says he intends to resign
FOCUS: Taliban’s takeover in Afghanistan may prompt China to value Japan
Japan seeks record military spending in 2022 to counter Chinese influence
Odysee channel translating independent media into Japanese
Japanese coronavirus truth page
Japanese truth bitchute channel
Japanese flyers/materials about coronavirus
Agorism in Japan

New World Next Week | Great Resetters Prep Cyber Scamdemic | June 11, 2021


Story #1: Japan Mulls Vaccinating All 70,000 Tokyo Games Volunteers
Senior Japan Olympic Official Jumps In Front Of Train In Suspected Suicide

Story #2: Cyber Polygon to Focus on Secure Development of Digital Ecosystems
WEF Partner JBS Meats Coincidentally Hit With Ransomware Attack
U.S. Recovered Millions in Ransom From Colonial Pipeline Hackers
Colonial Pipeline Was Fine, Its Owner Shut It Down To Make Sure They’d Get Paid Correctly

Story #3: Judge Orders VA School to Reinstate Teacher Who Refused to Use Trans Pronouns
Vaccination Rates Fall Off, Imperiling Biden’s July Fourth Goal
Houston Nurses Protest After Losing Their Jobs For Refusing COVID-19 Shots
‘Sweet Tooth’ Newspaper Ad Stunt Sparks Divisive Reaction

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Dec. 3, 2020


Well it's really official now: Australia and Japan sign a "Reciprocal Access Agreement;"

Article: On the Visit made by the Australian Prime Minister to Japan

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Oct. 1, 2020


There's big news possibly cooking in the pot regarding my idea of a "Quadruple Entente" that includes Russia and the USA, and it's being signaled by the new Japanese defense minister, and from an action taken by American President Donald Trump that has been little reported in the news:

Linda Moulton Howe | Part 1 - Interview with Abductee "John Smith" - Kansas Police Officer, Chat Q&A | Sept. 23, 2020


- Sept 22, 2020 - US reaches staggering milestone - 200,000 COVID-19 deaths
- COVID-19 causing heart damage
- Huge chunk of Greenland ice shelf breaks off
- Japanese Defense Ministry unveils protocol for encountering UFOs

- Interview with retired Kansas Police Officer “John Smith”, and his UFO experience
- A long-time police officer from Kansas tells for the first time his teenage encounter with a Man In Black that led to an abduction aboard a “white, propane-tank-looking craft” and his realization that the black-clothed “human" was an illusion for a grey-skinned being.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 17, 2020


Japan has a new prime minister...Yoshihida Suga... but what does it mean?

Japan's Suga wins party leadership race, headed for premiership

On V-J Day, U.S. Pushes for a Stronger Japanese Military

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 3, 2020


Russia says it has a covid vaccine, so what's that all about?Joseph shares a short take on it from an article from Zero Hedge. But the main story of the day is: you may have heard Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has resigned, but what does that portend?

Putin Gives the Middle Finger to Gates and the Marxist UN Agenda
Japan PM Abe resigns due to illness with many issues unresolved

James Corbett on The Filter Podcast | The Corona Constitution | July 4, 2020


Bush was right: The constitution really is just a piece of paper. So what does this mean in the age of the corona crisis, as some turn to those pieces of paper to protect the last shreds of their privacy and even their bodily autonomy? And if constitutional fictions aren't the solution, what is? Don't miss this in-depth exploration of the world of 2020 as James Corbett joins Matt Asher on The Filter podcast.

Show Notes: 
The Filter
Tokyo governor says lockdown in Japan is ‘impossible’
NJ governor ignores Bill of Rights in exclusive Tucker interview
How is Japan Reacting NOW? – Questions For Corbett #061
2010 Toronto G20 – “This isn’t Canada anymore.”
Harvard groups research planet-cooling aerosols
The Truth About Shadowbanning – #PropagandaWatch
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