Showing posts with label Jim Marrs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jim Marrs. Show all posts

Jim Marrs & Judy Erwin on the Hillary Raimo Show


February 2011–Jim & Judy join me on the air to discuss his latest book The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy: How the New Wolrd Order, Man-Made diseases, and Zombie Banks are Destroying America. Judy Erwin also joins us to discuss the Rife Machine and how it connects to restoring the health of the human body.

Jim Marrs is an American former newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling author of books and articles on a wide range of alleged cover ups and conspiracies. Marrs is a prominent figure in the JFK conspiracy press and his book Crossfire was a source for Oliver Stone's film JFK. He has written books asserting the existence of government conspiracies regarding aliens, 9/11, telepathy, and secret societies. He was once a news reporter in the Dallas–Fort Worth Metroplex and has taught a class on the Kennedy Assassination at University of Texas at Arlington. Marrs is a member of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth. ~Hillary Raimo

Freemantv | Jim Marrs - Aliens and the 4th Reich


This is where the esoteric meets the political. Jim Marrs joins Freeman for a discussion of Annunaki, Sumer, Egypt, Ancient Astronauts, Rule by Secrecy, the NWO, Nazi UFOs, Skull and Bones, Bush Dynasty, The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy, CIA, NSA, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, CFR, Flying Saucers, and the Alien Agenda.

Jim Marrs | Trillion-Dollar Bailout Conspiracy, American Revolutions & Wikileaks


December 9, 2010
Jim Marrs is a former newspaper journalist and a best-selling author with focus on conspiracies and cover-ups. He's written "Crossfire", "Alien Agenda", "Rule by Secrecy" and "The Terror Conspiracy". His latest books are "The Rise of the Fourth Reich" and "The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy". In this program we pan across the geopolitical spectrum and discuss zombie banks, how trillions of dollars went down the drain in bailouts, the history of the United States and the emerging global socialist dictatorship. We also talk about the Wikileaks distraction, Julin Assange, the control of the media and the attempts to control the internet. The TSA are now terrorizing Americans and visiting tourists, haven't the so called "terrorists" achieved their objective? Topics discussed: US tax dollars, the creation of money, power, Benjamin Franklin, American Revolution, Boston Tea Party, Knights of the Golden Circle, American Civil War, Financial Stability Board, socializing the banking system, charity & help, corporate control of the media, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, control of the Internet and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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UFO’s Over New York | PSYOP Or Prophecy with Freeman and Jim Marrs


On 10-13-10 a massive UFO display was seen by thousands in New York City. The event lasted all day and reports began to surface of sightings all over the world. This coincided with predictions made by retired NORAD director, Stan Fulham in his 325 page book, Challenges Of Change.

Tonight, 10-14-10 we welcome veteran researchers and UFOlogists – Jim Marrs and Freeman to discuss the event. Was it prophecy fulfilled? Are aliens real and visiting us? Or is this simply a government PSYOP??

Note: Unfortunately, we had some technical errors during this recording. We apologize for the lower than standard quality.~Truth Frequency Radio

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Jim Marrs | Rule By Secrecy August 8, 2010


August 8, 2010–Jim Marrs, acclaimed journalist and best-selling author of “Rule By Secrecy”, discussed the Annunaki/Nibiru/UFO connection.

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Jim Marrs | The Trillon-Dollar Conspiracy


Jim Marrs addressed the idea of a "shadow government," and described how the same families or financial powers, centered in Wall St. or London, "created communism in Russia...national socialism in Germany, and now they are pushing us into Marxist socialism in this country," in their conspiracy to control the world. He also previewed his forthcoming book, The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy, which looks at how the New World Order, man-made diseases, and "zombie banks" are destroying America.

Jim Marrs, graduated with a degree in Journalism from the University of North Texas. He served in the US Army after which he became a reporter for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Jim worked for and owned several Texas newspapers before becoming an independent journalist and author.

His in-depth investigative book, Alien Agenda, has been cited as the bestselling non-fiction book on UFOs in the world, having been translated into several languages. He is also the author of the New York Times bestsellers, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, a basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK, and Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects The Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids. He's also the author of Psi Spies, The Terror Conspiracy, Rise of the Fourth Reich. And his latest book, which will be the focus of tonight’s interview: The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America.

Preview: Jim Marrs on VERITAS with Mel Fabregas - The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy


Jim Marrs on VERITAS with Mel Fabregas - The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy. So many topics were discussed on this interviewe that it is hard to even include them all. The bottom line is, as Jim Marrs says: If it's not an act of God, it's a conspiracy! To listen to the entire show, which is based on Jim Marr's latest book - The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy.

Jim Marrs | The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy


30 April 2010—Truth Frequency Radio interviews Jim Marrs about his book The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy. Topics include vaccines and the NWO “bankster” take over as well as the alien agenda.
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