Showing posts with label Nikola Tesla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nikola Tesla. Show all posts

Dr. Steven Greer | "They'll Erase You" - Super Elites, Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs | June 24, 2024

Source: PBP Podcast,,

Dr. Steven Greer returns for a second sit-down with Patrick Bet-David, and you won't want to miss it! This episode of the PBD podcast features one of the wildest conversations yet, covering government conspiracies, whistleblowers, aliens, secret patents, teleportation, Nikola Tesla, and more. Tune in for an unforgettable discussion!

Dark Journalist | APOTHEUM UFO File Wars Special Documentary Presentation!


In this fascinating documentary presentation Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt is interviewed by X-Series Host Kellsey Forest on the mystery of Apotheum: a Reality Distortion Physics (RDP) and its connection with the UFO File Wars that have been playing out in Secret Government circles for over seventy five years!


In this explosive breakthrough presentation Dark Journalist reveals how a covert aerospace group that oversees UFO Secrecy and a Secret Space Program that he refers to as X-Protect has been involved in suppressing the truth around exotic technology. He reveals that the extracted materials from crash retrieval programs include a highly unstable Apotheum effect that creates a Reality Distortion Field that UFO Contactees have described, including time displacement and de-materialization.

Dark Journalist connects the dots of the struggle of X-Protect vs. X-Share, another group involved in studying the Apotheum effects of UFO crash retrieval exotic technology. X-Share has been working to bring the entire program out from the wall of secrecy imposed by the X-Protect group and includes members like scientists Thomas Townsend Brown and Professor John Trump. DJ has revealed that Professor Trump was the protege of MJ12 leader Vannevar Bush and that Bush sent him in to study the inventor Nikola Tesla's papers on the Death Ray,

A terrifying process has unfolded over the decades including the control and even assassination of Presidents who have challenged the authority of X-Protect in relation to the UFO File. President Kennedy's assassination in 1963 was the direct result of his challenge to the X-Protect group and his attempt to pull the exotic technology control back under the auspices of the Executive Branch.

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell Mystery America and UFO Resonance! | Feb. 10, 2024



In this Special unlocked Part 2 episode, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell to go deep on the connection between Tesla Technology, UFO Resonance tech, Nazi Paperclip Scientists and the Airship Mystery. 
Farrell suggests in an extraordinary twist that exotic technology may have been involved in a missing chapter of the Confederate side of the Civil War.

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell | Nikola Tesla Great Pyramid Mystery! | April 22, 2023




Dark Journalist X-89 | X-Protect Silencers UFO File Secret Tesla-Von Braun-Bush-Trump Breakthrough! May 23, 2020


Dark Journalist goes deep on a Covert Program with lethal silencers set up to protect a secret technology called "Apotheum". Featuring Scientist Vannevar Bush, Wernher Von Braun, Professor John Trump, Nikola Tesla, The UFO File, Assassination and Strange Happenings in Mercury, Nevada!

Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh | True Consciousness & The Science of Tesla’s Magic | Nov. 26, 2019


Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh has been tinkering with the world from an early age. Born in 1964 in Amsterdam, he was repairing all things electronic by his teens, and built his first computer when he was 18. He went off to University to study computer science and physics and worked in IT until 2005. Then he moved to Thailand and while looking for a new hobby, decided to take a deep dive into the work of Nikola Tesla and it’s really been off to the races ever since.

He has since collected all of Tesla’s works that aren’t sealed away in classified files, has been replicated Tesla’s experiments- and has written 4 books along the way:

Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter: Recreating Tesla’s Dream
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy (annotated): The Tesla Code
The Battle for Wardenclyffe: A Story In Letters
and his most recent release, the topic of the day: The Science of Tesla’s Magic.

He is running a creative experiment to crowdfund his work by allowing donors to denote the category they’d like their donation to go to using this system for the last digit of their donation amount:

.01 Rebuilding the Colorado Springs experimental station.
.02 Research worldwide wireless transmission.
.03 Research single-wire transmission.
.04 Rebuild a full sized Magnifying Transmitter.
.05 Research downscaling Tesla’s energy source.
.06 Anti-gravity.
.07 Fundamental research into the nature of things.

Eric P. Dollard | Tesla Tech, Understanding Ether, & The Digital Demon | Oct. 20, 2019


Eric Dollard is an Electrical Engineer who is a “living legend” in the field of electrical research. He is considered by many to be the most knowledgeable expert alive today on the true nature of electricity.

Author of the landmark mathematical papers Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves and Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave, Eric shows how all electric phenomena can be mathematically measured and engineered WITHOUT using calculus or “Maxwell’s Equations.”

Author of Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers and Theory of Wireless Power, he is also the only person since Tesla’s death to successfully build a real Magnifying Transmitter. His last several conference presentations are Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity, The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla & Alexanderson & The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity, The Musical Seismograph. & History, Theory & Practice of the Electrical Utility System.

Joseph Farrell | Ancient War in Heaven | Part 1 - The Annihilation of Mother Tiamat | Forum Borealis


The professor returns & takes us back to distant times of yore, accounting for the Cosmic War theory. In part 1 we discuss the Titius-Bode Law, codes in ancient myths, Dr. Campbells influence on the Star Wars movies, Dr. Brandenburg, Dr. Van Flandern, Dr. Velikovsky, Graham Hancock,

Alan Alford, Christopher Knight, & ask such questions as: What's the exploded planet hypothesis? What people would live on original Ceres? Did Tesla try to monetize ZP energy? What's the anomalies of Mars, Luna & other solar system bodies? Is our Solar System a ruin? What tech can bust a planet? + we muse on the recent release of classified files on JFK & Hess.

F. William Engdahl | Gods Of Money & Climate Change Hoax | Nov. 8, 2018


WHO ARE THE GODS OF MONEY? The NEW WORLD ORDER enslavement plan! THE CLIMATE CHANGE construct! The ruling elite´s succesful economic crisis & The Federal Reserve! Media manipulation lies! Vaccinations and chemical medicine that makes people sick! The 9/11 lie! Oil and energy = Rothchilds vs. Rockefellers! The political voting scam! Nikola Tesla and Free Energy! GMO food poison! The Bilderberg Group! etc...

These controversial and eye-opening topics and more - discussed in this interview with award-winning American author, professor, historian, investigative reporter, geopolitical analyst, economic and conspiracy researcher: F. WILLIAM ENGDAHL.

AGE OF TRUTH TV´s Lucas Alexander is interviewing F. William Engdahl is this straight forward hard-talk interview, filmed at the Open Mind Conference in Skanderborg, Denmark in September 2013.

Dark Journalist | X Series IV | Tesla, Trump & The Time Capsule! | July 30, 2018


Dark Journalist goes deep in this Breakthrough Episode into the X message through the history of Exotic UFO Technology and the startling connection between Inventor Nikola Tesla, President Donald Trump and President Nixon's Time Capsule preserved in the White House.

Dark Journalist | Trump Tesla & The X-Technology Secret! | X Series Part XVIII | July 13, 2018


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt continues the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the history of Political and Covert groups coordinating in a Stealth fashion the Secret work of the Mystery Schools X Technology.

In this Breakthrough Episode Dark Journalist goes deeper than ever before into the startling connection between Inventor Nikola Tesla, President Donald Trump's Uncle MIT Professor John Trump and the Secret X Technology held by the Covert Wing of the National Security State.

Dark Journalist has uncovered fascinating information that includes the verified fact that Vannevar Bush, the Scientist who headed up the US Office of Scientific Research and Development under three different Presidents and controlled the UFO File was Professor John Trump's mentor! In addition Professor John Trump's papers were kept in 'Box X' at MIT showing the clear trail to his work on the secret program' along with his work in the Super Secret RADLAB!

Dark Journalist will also look at the deeper questions of how President Trump's announcement of a Space Force relates to his knowledge of the X Technology and we will feature a special guest that will describe how Secret Programs are hidden under the X Steganography!

Dark Journalist & Sarah Westall | Trump Family Ties to the Deep State | May 10, 2018

Source: Sarah Westall youtube,

Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt, rejoins the program to share his X series program. A deep dive into the covert activities surrounding presidential archives and the X meme. During his research he discovers incredible Trump family ties to the deep state, Tesla, and MIT. Investigative journalism that you have not heard anywhere else. -Sarah Westall

Jeff Rense & Ralph Ring | Inventor Otis T Carr, Nikola Tesla & Anti-Gravitic Spacecraft | Feb. 17, 2017


Clip from February 17, 2017 - guest Ralph Ring on the Jeff Rense Program.

Dr. Joseph Farrell | 9/11 and Tesla Directed Energy Weapons | Dark Journalist | June 1, 2016


In this exciting Part 2 episode with Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and Dr. Joseph Farrell on his new book: Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery, they go deeper into his controversial research examining the Level 2 and Level 3 forces operating in the Deep State that penetrated the operations of 9/11 using the exotic technology of a TESLA DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON.

While investigating the potential roots of the exotic technology used, Farrell discovered an unusual series of links to Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) and an engineer on their staff who was developing a scale model version of the Nazi Bell and anti-gravity ships. He also cites an interview with former NSA Director Admiral Bobby Ray Inman from a decade ago, in which he confirms that the SAIC was working on Anti-Gravity research. Inman is an enigmatic figure who has a tendency to exasperate his superiors by speaking his mind. He was one of the highest ranking intelligence officials to criticize the Bush Administration’s warrantless wiretapping policies program. His interest and connections to reverse engineered UFO Technology have been well-documented.

In researching the many anomalies of the Pentagon attack and the takedown of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania, Farrell discovered witnesses who described some perplexing features in their testimony, such as Flight 77 appearing to “melt" instead of crash into the building. Others described a missile with wings attached and some claimed they only saw an explosion with no plane visible! He also refers to photos that show almost no debris on the Pentagon lawn and the appearance of just a small hole at the crash site, hardly enough of a footprint for a major crash of an airliner.

Farrell also found that the same Swedish cleanup company that was remodeling the Pentagon before 9/11 was granted the contract to restore the damaged areas of the building complex and bizarrely to also handle all of the cleanup activities at the World Trade Center. The company donned nuclear protocol suits while they were working to clear the unusually small amount of debris at the major crash sites.

Farrell further investigates one of the main witnesses that has been put under embargo not to testify or be questioned named Frank Probst. A retired Army officer and Pentagon employee, Probst provided contradictory testimony, but his story of watching the plane fly into the Pentagon and having to jump out of the way became the foundation of the official story. In addition, he was somehow in a position to corroborate every major point of the narrative. Digging into his past, Farrell traces his background and expertise to being involved with the remote operation of airliners, raising major concerns about the crash being manipulated from the ground.

In this special part 2 of 3 episodes they reveal more astounding and shocking information which shows the parallels in Deep Events like the JFK Assassination and 9/11 and how they were designed as Mass Occult Ritual Sacrifice to provide the public with a psychic shock. Together they show how the obscure symbolism involved reveals the true purpose of the perpetrators behind these historic happenings.

The Lost Physics Knowledge of Nikola Tesla | AlienScientist |

Source: AlienScientist youtube,

I decided to do this week's podcast on Nikola Tesla and the laws of electromagnetism which he used to build his inventions. After reading the following article deifying Tesla as some sort of God with supreme knowledge of the universe, I decided to break down the laws of physics as Tesla likely understood them in order for people to gain more insights into what Tesla actually knew or didn't know in an effort to separate myth and legend from the real history.

The Influence Vedic Philosophy Had On Nikola Tesla’s Idea Of Free Energy

Tom Paladino | Tesla Applications For Healing, July 1, 2013


Nikola Tesla, the progenitor of radiant energy research, sought to tap into the rarefied pulse of a primal energy existing everywhere in the universe. Although Tesla's intention was to make free energy available to mankind, his discoveries appear to have healing value as well.

After 25 years of research, Tom Paladino appears to have effectively harnessed radiant energy -- also known as prana, qi, zero point energy, orgone, or scalar energy -- for the remote healing of pathogenic disease. He is the pioneer of the pathogenic cleanse, a technique that causes bacteria, pathogens, and viruses to disassemble or fall apart. Even diseases previously thought incurable, such as herpes, Lyme disease, and HIV/AIDS have diminished or disappeared altogether under scalar wave light treatment.

Scalar energy has useful applications in nutrient therapy as well, able to assemble vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fatty acids inside the cells. Additionally, it can be used to balance and harmonize the chakras (endocrine system). In the shadow of looming disease epidemics, both congenital and communicable, scalar wave light treatment stands to revolutionize the way medicine is practiced today. Join us with remote scalar energy healer Tom Paladino and discover a new paradigm in healing.
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Joseph P. Farrell | Cultural Transitions, Part 1-3


Interview Timetable:
Part 1, May 29, 2012
Part 2, July 8, 2012
Part 3, November 24, 2012

Douglas Dietrich on GLPVC | Satanism & Dark Alchemy thru the Military Complex, October 3, 2012


Douglas Dietrich was a Department of Defense Research Librarian for almost a decade, responsible for incinerating highly classified materials on critical historical topics such as Pearl Harbor, Roswell, Viêt-Nam, and the different ethnic holocausts; as well as documents exposing the reality behind vampires, zombies, Soviet psychic warfare, and other occult phenomena. Volumes of notes on Tesla, H.P. Lovecraft, L. Ron Hubbard, the Vatican and United Nations were destroyed, along with reams of reports detailing everything from military/intelligence-sponsored drug-smuggling operations to experimental mind-control programs. Records plundered from both Allied and enemy states articulated the hidden objectives of modern mass-movements such as Nazism, Zionism, Islamicism, Voodooism, and other ideologies.

His Post was The Presidio, San Francisco's Western Defense Command Center, which was seething with Satanism, child abuse, and controversial medical experimentation. An assassination plot on presidential candidate William Clinton was even attempted. Since base-closure, his background in military reference and his experiences in mercenary/security enforcement exposed him to startling insights into geopolitics, the current demographic apocalypse, and the medical-industrial complex thanatizing our future.
Weapons of Mass-Deception unleashed generations ago by increasingly self-deluded American élites have since warped the U.S. electorate's very perception of reality. Mr. Dietrich believes NOW is the time for TOTAL disclosure. ~GLPVC
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Secret of Nikola Tesla (full length)

When a young and gifted inventor by the name of Nikola Tesla (Petar Bozovic) arrives in America, he first works for the famous Thomas Edison (Dennis Patrick) but later strikes a fruitful cooperation with George Westinghouse (Strother Martin).

Together they battle against Edison in order for Tesla's superior system of alternative current to be accepted by the world community who currently uses only Edison's system of direct current. Later on the mighty financier J.P. Morgan (Orson Welles) joins the game as he provides Tesla with financial support to build his Colorado Springs laboratory only to completely dump him later on after he realizes Tesla's inventions could provide the world with unlimited free energy for everybody.

See one of the most important periods of modern history and the tragedy of this great inventor who aspired to change the world towards a better place. A rare attempt of biographical movie production by the former yugoslav (croatian) cinema, the movie being completely in english.

Ralph Ring | Ether Technology, Magnetism, Nikola Tesla & Otis T. Carr


May 12, 2011–
Ralph Ring is a Natural Scientist and a Creative Technician who in the late 1950's and early 1960's worked together with Otis T Carr, a protégé of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, and a team of dedicated scientists on and with alternative technologies, including levitation and teleportation.

With the aid of his small team, Carr and Ralph built a number of flying disks which worked. They attempted to commercially manufacture their invention. Their experimentation was terminated by FBI agents. His dream since birth has and is to produce floating homes, cities and countries.

In the first hour of this interview, Ralph Ring will discuss the spacecraft technology in the experimental vehicle he co-piloted in 1960, the OTC-X1. The OTC-X1 was powered by rotating electromagnets in conjunction with a number of small, ingenious capacitor-like devices called "Utrons". He'll share his story of building, flying, and trying to commercially manufacture this type of technology.

Ralph will explain ether technology and magnetism. He'll also talk about our 3D brain and how belief and consciousness play an important role when operating this type of technology. Ralph's research assistant and best friend, Marsha Brown-Ring also joins in from time to time. She has been a witness to many events in Ralph's life.

Topics Discussed: ether technology, magnetic energy, magnetism, belief, Otis T Carr, flying discs, spacecrafts, technology, Nikola Tesla, teleportation, FBI, manufacturing spacecrafts, laws of physics, floating homes, OTC-X1, monetary system, Germans, General Motors, 3D brain, multi-verses, crystal consciousness, Los Alamos, Victorville, California, levitation, police witness, unbelief, knowing, wireless technology, utrons, electromagnets, floating cars, brain protective of its job, FBI confiscating crafts and more.

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