Showing posts with label Non-Local Consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Non-Local Consciousness. Show all posts

Tom Campbell and Dr. Iain McGilchrist | A Discussion on the Nature of Reality | March 4, 2023


This discussion is between two scientists on the nature of our reality and ourselves. It is a stellar example of something significant: two researchers from different fields who have explored truth for decades share their unique perspectives and shared conclusions.

Their approaches may be different, but it is exciting when their conclusions are fundamentally the same. It's all about the bigger picture!

“Our talent for division, for seeing the parts, is of staggering importance -second only to our capacity to transcend it, in order to see the whole”
Iain McGilchrist

"Love is not just a nice idea, it is the fabric of our reality" Tom Campbell

00:00:00 Intro
00:06:14 the two brain hemispheres
00:06:40 seeing the worlds in different ways
00:07:36 portals of understanding
00:08:09 paths to truth
00:08:26 intuition and imagination
00:12:40 time as fundamental, space, matter, and the sacred
00:13:22 reductive materialism
00:17:50 debugging software 00:19:19 an insight into reality
00:20:03 verifiable evidence
00:20:50 Robert Monroe
00:22:20 another reality
00:26:26 deriving physics
00:26:55 probability distributions
00:27:30 speed of light
00:28:18 paradoxes in science
00:29:30 two assumptions of science
00:31:15 double slit experiment
00:31:30 founding of quantum mechanics
00:32:41 consciousness was a known fact
00:34:53 consciousness is fundamental
00:35:12 free will choice
00:47:19 experience and reality
00:51:11 the language of physics
00:53:27 math as not the whole story
00:54:48 intuition and imagination and business
00:55:30 imagination and reality
00:57:20 Darwin
00:57:58 math cannot describe the quality of relationship
01:00:58 logical paradoxes of McGilchrist
01:04:59 scientific understanding for right and left brain
01:13:02 resistance
01:17:03 a computer analogy

Tom Campbell and Donald Hoffman with Host Jack of Asking Anything | Feb. 14, 2023

Source:, Jack's Youtube

This fascinating conversation between Tom Campbell and Donald Hoffman was originally streamed live on Jack's discord platform. Thank you, Jack, for your insightful questions, intelligent commentary, and professional moderation of this special discussion with two of the most significant scientists of our time.

00:00:00 Intro
00:09:46 Simulation Theory
00:10:40 computed reality
00:11:00 consciousness as awareness with choice
00:11:28 consciousness as information
00:12:02 larger consciousness system metaphor
00:13:34 lowering entropy
00:15:25 Big Digital Bang
00:17:00 predictions in MBT
00:19:16 objective and subjective universe
00:20:00 out of body research
00:22:50 speed of light
00:26:35 meditation
00:27:00 point consciousness
00:29:00 the intuitive
00:30:58 Akashic records
00:35:40 consciousness partitioned
00:40:24 conscious agents
00:42:22 scientific theories
00:44:50 Markovian chain model
00:46:10 trace of chain consciousness
00:48:28 Fusions of Consciousness
00:48:56 space and time
00:54:45 prediction in Hoffman theory
00:57:55 consciousness has a place at the table
00:59:27 MBT virtual reality model
01:04:19 how does reality work
01:05:07 random draw form the probabilities
01:07:40 John Archibald Wheeler
01:19:16 conceptual and mathematical theory
01:14:56 a TOE that is fundamental
01:26:48 many realities of experiences
01:27:00 VR single player multi player
01:29:00 good vs bad
01:38:37 Noam Chomsky
01:41:00 physical and non physical are points of view
01:42:30 a disagreement
01:43:00 time
01:46:00 The One
01:47:00 time consciousness and free will
01:49:41 reincarnation
01:52:00 Hoffman’s theory
01:53:00 Campbell’s theory
01:55:51 thought definition
01:58:31 the power of thought

Dr. Richard Alan Miller | Bending Your Mind Around Space And Time... | March 29, 2022



Dr. Richard Alan Miller has a long and extensive resume in the fields of Physics, Metaphysics and Agriculture. Here are just some of the highlights from his very rich and varied resume – from solid state physics to states of consciousness and much in between…

Prodigious from an early age, two of Richard Miller’s high school science projects were adopted by NASA, including one used in the Mariner 4 mission to determine the amount of water on the planet Mars. At age 16 he built a linear accelerator and hydrogen bubble chamber for a science fair project and was the first American to demonstrate particles going faster than the speed of light.

He’s been involved in research and projects – many at top secret level – that have formed the basis of several modern-day scientific inventions. Miller’s research in the field of paranormal began as a graduate physicist working 11 years with Navy Intel (Anesthesiology). His work includes foundational papers on A Holographic Concept of Reality and Embryonic Holography and work with microwaves and synthetic telepathy. He was used as Timothy Leary’s experimental guinea pig to see what the effects of LSD were when taken by a Mensa level genius.

Dr. Miller was the real-life character that the X-Files’ Fox Mulder was based on – investigating unexplained phenomena for Navy Seal Corp and MRU, which put him in the path of many incredible life experiences, including an encounter with an alien and travel to an underground Antarctic Nazi base.
He conducted ESP experiments with astronaut Edgar Mitchell on the dark side of the Moon, and he developed early protocols and trained Navy Seals in ESP and Super Soldier techniques.

As an agriculturalist, he is a recognized expert in the growing and marketing of crops and herbals and has invented ingenious and effective farm machinery specific to the type of crops to be harvested and had input into production of some of the largest crop producers in the world.
He’s even played tennis at a Davis Cup level.

His metaphysical works spring from his mother and grandmother, who were renowned psychic investigators and he himself is a high-level initiate of several traditions and lodges. His grandfather was the magician who trained Houdini.

Dr. Miller’s key strength is in “joining the dots” and drawing from his vast pool of research and insight to find ingenious links and applications for designs, projects and development.

As an author he has written prolifically, with some most recent releases including Power Tools for the 21st Century and ESP Induction Through Forms of Self-Hypnosis. He has also recently released audio courses in Metaphysics.

And all of that is just the tip of the iceberg! Dr. Richard Alan Miller is a ‘whirlwind experience’ to behold.
A pioneer in the annals of metaphysical and paranormal exploration, he is re-emerging as a preferred internet radio guest at a critical time in humanity’s, evolution where metaphysics and practical survival converge.

Jared Murphy is the researcher and author of “It’s Not Aliens, Worse, It’s Us: Discovering Our Lost History” & Podcaster. Jared will be live and in person at America’s Stonehenge Saturday, May 1st, 2021 and giving a 3 hour lecture, meet and greet, & book signing! Tickets are on sale now so join via a virtual connection or in person at America’s Stonehenge in New Hampshire!

Stephan A. Schwartz and Thomas W. Campbell on Science, Consciousness, and a Better World | July 28, 2022


When two brilliant researchers with nearly a century of experience and experiments between them, agree on the commonalities of their findings on consciousness, a truly fascinating discussion follows!

In this interview, Stephan Schwartz, interdisciplinary scholar, remote viewing research founder, and one of the preeminent remote viewers in the world, and Tom Campbell, physicist and consciousness researcher, each present their views on how science and their discoveries on consciousness can help inspire you to create a better world.

Scientist, futurist, award-winning author of both fiction and nonfiction Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Associated Scholar of the California Institute for Human Science, Distinguished Consulting Faculty Saybrook, University, and a BIAL Foundation Fellow. He is a columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication in both of which he covers trends that are affecting the future. For over 40 years, as an experimentalist, he has been studying the nature of consciousness. Schwartz is part of the small group that founded modern Remote Viewing research and is the principal researcher studying the use of Remote Viewing in anthropology and archaeology.

In addition to his own non-fiction books and novels, he is the author of more than 250 technical reports, papers, academic book chapters, prefaces, and introductions, and has made over a thousand presentations to universities, institutions, and government agencies around the world. His work has been covered worldwide by numerous magazines, newspapers, and television productions, and he is the recipient of the Parapsychological Association Outstanding Contribution Award, the U.S. Navy’s Certificate of Commendation, OOOM Magazine's (Germany) 100 Most Inspiring People in the World Award, and the 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Award for Outstanding Contributions, and is listed in multiple Who’s Who.

Trey Downes with Tom Campbell on The Power of Imagination | July 24, 2022


An insightful interview by Trey Downes that delves into our nature and why imagination is so powerful.

From Trey's interview:
In the early 1970s, Tom began researching altered states of consciousness with Bob Monroe at the Monroe Institute in Virginia using basic scientific methodologies. Campbell took what he experienced directly and learned from all of the experiments at the Institute and wrote the trilogy “My Big TOE” (TOE stands for “theory of everything”).

According to Tom, “it represents the results and conclusions of 40+years of careful scientific exploration of the boundaries and contents of reality from both the physical and metaphysical viewpoints…By demanding high quality repeatable, empirical, evidential data to separate what's real (exists independently and externally) from what's imaginary or illusory; Campbell has scientifically derived this general model of reality.”

Tom Campbell | Interview with Elizabeth Rose and Trevor Hamlett | June 29, 2022


An insightful podcast with consciousness explorer, physicist, and author Thomas Campbell and Clear Trance channel and healer Elizabeth Rose, and Energy and sound healer Trevor Hamlett.


- What is healing?
- What is Sacred?
- Do we need rituals
- What are angels and Christ consciousness
- Virtual reality
- Consciousness, and much more?

Dr. Richard Alan Miller | The Non-Local Mind | October 3, 2021


Author and researcher Richard Alan Miller, PhD reveals a depth of knowledge and experience in alternative agriculture, physics, and metaphysics. Miller began working in the secret world of Navy Intel (Seal Corp. and then MRU) in the late 60s, and now has amazing experiences and conclusions to share. Before many leading edge concepts became trendy topics, Miller was (and is) in the international front lines of research, experimentation and documentation.

Miller has appeared on Coast to Coast, Red Ice Radio, Project Camelot, and numerous other shows, conferences, and workshops. He brings unique commentary to today's events and writes academic and popular articles in science and survival in our rapidly changing world.

Gary Lachman | Precognitive Dreams, The Hypnagogic State, & Synchronicity | Feb. 16, 2022


About Today's Guest:
Gary Lachman is the author of over twenty books on topics ranging from the evolution of consciousness to literary suicides, popular culture and the history of the occult.

He has written a rock and roll memoir of the 1970s, biographies of Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, C. G. Jung, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Emanuel Swedenborg, P. D. Ouspensky, and Colin Wilson, histories of Hermeticism and the Western Inner Tradition, studies in existentialism and the philosophy of consciousness, and about the influence of esotericism on politics and society.

He lectures regularly in the UK, US, and Europe, and his work has been translated into a dozen languages. He has appeared in several film and television documentaries and on BBC Radio 3 and 4 and is on the adjunct faculty in Transformative Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies.

Before becoming a full-time writer Lachman studied philosophy, managed a new age bookshop, taught English Literature, and was a Science Writer for UCLA. He was a founding member of the pop group Blondie and in 2006 was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Lachman was born in New Jersey, but since 1996 has lived in London, UK.

Graham Hancock and Rupert Sheldrake | Beyond the Brain: Explore the mystery of consciousness | Jan. 29, 2022


Consciousness – we all have it, yet it’s one of the greatest mysteries of science. Exactly what it is, how it works, what it’s for, and what its implications are for our understanding of “reality”, remain matters of speculation, not of fact. 

In this dialogue, originally recorded for the Beyond the Brain conference series author Graham Hancock and biologist Rupert Sheldrake offer some food for thought. 

For background on the censoring of Graham’s and Rupert’s TEDx talks, and links to the original uncensored talks, see here

VISIONARY, the new edition of Graham Hancock’s book on the mystery of consciousness (formerly titled Supernatural) is published in the United States on 4th April 2022. 

To get a sense of the wide variety of issues explored in VISIONARY check out Chapter Nineteen, free to read online here.

And note, whereas the audiobook of Supernatural was read by a third-party narrator, the audiobook of VISIONARY is narrated by Graham Hancock himself. 

In some ways – to be welcomed – we are reinventing the ancient tradition of storytelling around the campfire, and with this in mind Graham hopes to launch his new podcast in 2022

Tom Campbell | Dreaming and Returning to the Dream | Nov. 30, 2021


Consciousness explorers ask Tom Campbell their questions and share their experiences in a series of short clips for your easy listening!

Anthony Peake | Paul Levy | Dispelling Wetiko and Quantum Reality | Sept. 13, 2021


Join Anthony Peake and Sarah Janes in a fascinating discussion with American author Paul Levy.

Levy is a recognised pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence. Among his books are The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality (SelectBooks, May 2018) and Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil (North Atlantic Books, 2013).

He is deeply steeped in the work of C. G. Jung and has been a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for over 35 years. He was the coordinator for the Portland Padmasambhava Buddhist Center for over twenty years.

He is the founder of the “Awakening in the Dream Community” in Portland, Oregon.

Tom Campbell Answers Your Questions May 14, 2021


The topics in these two questions here are: stacked simulations, future technology for the advancement of our planet, conscious computers, consciousness, neural networks, and The Universal Turing Machine.

Andy Chu Discord Special with Tom Campbell | Aug. 7, 2021

Source: nimsa Channel youtube,


Thomas W. Campbell is a former NASA physicist. His expertise is in simulations and large complex systems. He is also a consciousness explorer who teaches people how to meditate, grow up and become love. His groundbreaking research unifies physics and metaphysics, mind and matter, the normal and the paranormal.

Recently, he designed a set of physics experiments that would revolutionize our understanding of reality. The design was published in a peer-reviewed journal of quantum mechanics. His book My Big TOE has been translated into several languages. His YouTube videos have inspired millions to live wisely and courageously.

Timestamps: 0:00 introduction

1:55 Dealing with discord is part of growing up
15:10 reflect back on your past choices and see if you were choosing out of love or fear

17:26 Can we have negative feelings and still be of low entropy?
21:00 If you stop putting effort in, you start to de-evolve
24:45 Can we reincarnate in the past or the distant future?
27:17 probable future database

36:14 Toby question about out of body experiences
36:22 Beliefs and themes in out of body experiences
43:33 intellectual vs intuitive processing
54:33 Nitrous oxide
55:15 How do our higher selves learn from our emotions
55:55 How do our emotions benefit the IUOC experience

1:07:25 How to grow with our natural talents

1:13:40 Can we create our own worlds after we die?
1:21:50 Do blindness or deafness carry over to the afterlife?
1:29:30 Tom meeting Tom after 40 years, 70's recording

1:41:30 Tom’s offer to help

Dr. Gregory Shushan & Anthony Peake | The cultural and anthropological aspects of the Near-Death Experience across history | Aug. 4, 2021


Dr. Shushan, is the leading authority on near-death experiences and the afterlife across cultures and throughout history.

He has been Perrott-Warrick Researcher at University of Oxford's Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion; Scholar-in-Residence at the Centro Incontri Umani (The Cross-Cultural Centre), Ascona, Switzerland; and Honorary Research Fellow at the Religious Experience Research Centre, University of Wales Trinity Saint David. He has lectured at universities in the UK, Ireland, and Switzerland and has given numerous talks on his research in nine countries, and has appeared on the History Channel.

Dr. Shushan holds degrees in Religious Studies (University of Wales Lampeter), Research Methods for the Humanities, Egyptian Archaeology (University College London), and Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology (Birbeck College, University of London).

In a wide-ranging discussion involving the cultural and anthropological aspects of the Near-Death Experience across history, we focus on a number of intriguing areas. of academic research.

If you are interested in more than just the "it happened to me" type of discussion of the NDE and associated Altered-States of Consciousness this is the video to check out.

Tom Campbell Answers Your Questions April 2021


We hope you enjoy this video as Tom shares his thoughts, experience, and research on such topics as:

- Alternate realities
- Shifting data-streams
- Entropy levels in other realities
- Speaking to a sensitive child about death
- Negative forces and focus
- Eliminating fear
- Being vs intellectual level
- Lucid dreaming
- Can experience be passive in the growth process
- Where are the adults in this learning lab?

Anthony Peake | Cracking Reality: Daimons, Avatars, & Egregores | Part 2 | Forum Borealis | July 18, 2021


We smash the final cracks at the existential mirrors, with topics such as: 

- Can who master to navigate reality enter a more optimal timeline? 
- Is civililization rigged to reset once a critical mass see through the illusions? 
- Will time slow down upon death? 
- Can we continuously zoom in & out? 
- What's the origin of prophets? 
- How many dimensions of space-time & are there holes in between?
- Multiverse or Many-worlds? 
- Is the ubiquitous Corona reality exceptional in known history? 
- What if during Lucid Dreaming or OBE we look into a mirror? 
- Is brain a projection generator? 
- What's the secrets of the Pineal Gland? 
- Virus = Genetic Machine? + Will Peake's team create an Egregore?

In the words of our guest:

"Just finished a discussion with Al of FB. This has to be the most intellectually satisfying interview I've ever done. We are going into areas no other interview has. You guys really need to listen to this one when it's uploaded. Particularly those of you interested in esoteric traditions and how my writings link with them. In my epic interview our far-ranging discussion moved into some intriguing areas of occult and mystical lore."

Tom Campbell | Conscious Computers and Consciousness in a VR | July 3, 2021


This video focuses on the nature of consciousness from the perspective of PMR science.
Conscious computers have long been a topic of interest, and Campbell has included his views on them here from the unique perspective of his own (My Big TOE) theory of everything -- a model with consciousness as the fundamental source of the virtual reality that we call the physical universe.

Consciousness is defined within MBT as awareness with choice or equivalently: awareness with free will or awareness with a finite decision space.

A system that can make rational or meaningful choices is said to have free will if its choices are impossible to predict. This necessary uncertainty can be generated by complex self-changing systems. 

He compares two types of choice making (chess playing) computers: the brute force approach of IBM’s Deep Blue and Google’s more elegant (and more effective) self-actualized AlphaZero neural net (NN). Neural nets can indeed have free will, but they cannot be constructed to have awareness. Awareness can only be attained if an IUOC choses that neural net to serve as its avatar within the PMR VR.

Campbell follows both the top-down process of VR rendering and the bottom-up process of VR evolution to where awareness meets free will. To where fundamental consciousness begins making the free will choices of its VR avatar.
Campbell continues to present the logic for consciousness being fundamental. He compares the significance and value of our subjective and objective realities and explains that both subjective and objective facts need to be explained by any comprehensive Theory Of Everything.

PMR- Physical Matter Reality
LCS- Larger Consciousness System (Creator, Source)
IUOC- Individuated Unit Of Consciousness (Us)

Anthony Peake | Cracking Reality: Daimons, Avatars, & Egregores | Part 1 of 2 | Forum Borealis | June 7, 2021


A few of the points in Part 1: 

- What's the invisible creatures?
- What relation to UFO's?
- Do life forms exist at EM frequencies beyond visible range?
- Can archetypes manifest objectively?
- Are quasi corporeal entities able to interact with us?
- Are jinns made of Plasma?
- Waves or particles?
- How literal is the simulation theory?
- Do quantum anomalies occur at higher levels?
- Are Black Holes closed systems?
- Is amnesis our curse or blessing?
- Is reality unfolding along an observer's awareness?
- Who controls your reality & how far can you affect it? AND hear how your life repeats upon death...

Recorded: 19 February 2021.

Judith Pennington | Superconscious: The Brainwaves of Extraordinary States | Monroe Instutute | June 2, 2021

Source: Monroe Institute youtube,,, 

What do extraordinary states of awareness look like inside the brain? See for yourself in "The Brainwaves of Extraordinary States." The Mind Mirror EEG is used to map the brain-wave patterns of remote viewers and out-of-body travelers listening to Monroe audio technology during the research-oriented Discovery program. Hear about their superordinary experiences in higher states of consciousness—and how they got there.

Judith Pennington is a Mind Mirror Consciousness Trainer, an internationally-published journalist, mind researcher and world authority on EEG biofeedback meditation and the evolution of consciousness. Founder of the Institute for the Awakened Mind and co-developer of the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6 EEG and the Mind Mirror Portal, she is the author of two books and seven guided meditation albums.

Tom Campbell | Fireside Chat March 2021 | Part 1-3


Part 2

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