Showing posts with label Out of Body Experiences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Out of Body Experiences. Show all posts

Tom Campbell | Special Energy Places | June 18, 2024


Are there places where the type of "energy" that surrounds them is such that it can facilitate a shift in consciousness to give one a data stream to the larger reality? A shift of awareness such as an Out of Body Experience?

Luis Minero | Out-of-Body Expert on Soulmates vs. Karmic Partners: What You NEED to Know! | Apr. 29, 2024

Source: oursuperiorself youtube,

Luis Minero is a leading authority on out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and altered states of consciousness. As the Director of the International Academy of Consciousness (IAC), he has dedicated his life to exploring the mysteries of the mind and spirit. Through rigorous research and personal experimentation, Minero has delved into the various states of consciousness beyond the physical body, offering practical guidance and techniques for individuals seeking self-discovery and spiritual growth. A captivating speaker and teacher, he shares his insights with audiences worldwide, inspiring others to explore the profound possibilities of human consciousness.

With a lifelong fascination for the nature of reality, Luis Minero has become renowned for his expertise in OBEs and consciousness exploration. Through his work at the International Academy of Consciousness, he offers practical tools and guidance for individuals seeking to unlock the mysteries of the universe and tap into their inner potential. As a sought-after speaker and author, Minero continues to inspire audiences globally, guiding them on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

00:00 Intro
03:00 Connecting with Higher Self
05:10 Out of Body Experiences
11:01 Religious Dogma
15:19 Cool Dreams
18:05 Other Dimensions
30:00 Interactions with higher beings
36:10 How the individual affects the whole
40:19 Science behind OBE
45:08 Non-physical True Reality?
51:31 Evolving
55:07 Past-life Realities
57:11 In-between lives preparing future relationships
59:44 Seeing future events with significant others

Tom Campbell | Out of Body Experiences, Afterlife & The Larger Consciousness System (LCS)


Today’s guest is Tom Campbell. Tom is a Physicist and Consciousness Researcher that began researching altered states of consciousness with Bob Monroe in the early 1970s where he and a few others were instrumental in getting Monroe’s laboratory for the study of consciousness up and running.

He has been experimenting with and writing and speaking about consciousness ever since. There is a stillness about Tom, and deep inner knowing that you will experience when you listen to this conversation. Even though I have spent many years reading about and researching consciousness and time and space, this conversation and Tom’s work has forever shifted and altered the way that I understand and think about these things.

Through this vast and expansive conversation, we dive into Tom’s understanding of consciousness and answer some of the BIG questions like, Why are we here? Where do we go? Where does love fit into all of this? And a whole lot more!

I also want to say that it is OK not to agree with some of Tom’s discoveries and beliefs. In my humble opinion the truth about our existence is a multi layered reality. There are many answers that will construct the one truth. So take from this conversation the parts you need to add to your truth.

We are here to grow up. We’re here to make good choices, and through the quality of our choices we evolve.” ~ Tom Campbell

Tom shares the work that he did with Bob Monroe in the 1970s, his first out-of-body experience, and how he can now have these experiences at will. Tom is a self-described skeptic and explains how these experiences allowed him to see what is fact and what reality, consciousness, and our purpose here really is.

We talk about what reality actually is, what those synchronicities might mean, and trying to tell you. I share a story that some of you may have heard already about a rubber ducky and how it continues to show up in my life, the life of my loved ones, and even people I’ve worked with.

He explains in great detail what happens when we die and how he knows this to be true, how we remain connected to those that have exited this reality, and how that connection changes as well. This conversation will stay with me in this life. It is truly extraordinary. You may want to listen to it a few times over because it is FULL of big ideas and concepts. -Christina Rasmussen

Tom Campbell | Inside and Beyond Podcast with Natalia Fomichenko | Part 2 | March 25, 2023


Natalia continues her interview with Tom Campbell focusing on conscious computers, the transition reality, multiple life experiences, learning in all realities, and exploring consciousness.


00:00:00 Intro
00:00:15 AI
00:01:38 conscious computers
00:01:40 consciousness definition
00:02:03 neural nets
00:03:09 virtual reality
00:04:00 carbon vs silicon avatar
00:07:43 we believe are only the avatar
00:09:41 what happens after we die
00:13:17 the transition reality
00:15:25 the purpose of multiple life experiences
00:16:45 life with a mission
00:17:38 recycling with different life experiences
00:20:47 do we learn from all virtual realities?
00:25:32 choices in a dream
00:28:28 out of body experiences
00:29:00 where is consciousness in a deep sleep
00:30:30 your intellect is not the only way to make a choice
00:33:00 MBT definition of out of body experiences
00:38:49 what keeps people from achieving the out of body state
00:44:24 binaural beats experiences from Natalia
00:45:15 meditation is key to OOBE
00:48:02 discipline in exploring consciousness
00:48:40 Tom's Park is another way to the out of body

Tom Campbell and Donald Hoffman with Host Jack of Asking Anything | Feb. 14, 2023

Source:, Jack's Youtube

This fascinating conversation between Tom Campbell and Donald Hoffman was originally streamed live on Jack's discord platform. Thank you, Jack, for your insightful questions, intelligent commentary, and professional moderation of this special discussion with two of the most significant scientists of our time.

00:00:00 Intro
00:09:46 Simulation Theory
00:10:40 computed reality
00:11:00 consciousness as awareness with choice
00:11:28 consciousness as information
00:12:02 larger consciousness system metaphor
00:13:34 lowering entropy
00:15:25 Big Digital Bang
00:17:00 predictions in MBT
00:19:16 objective and subjective universe
00:20:00 out of body research
00:22:50 speed of light
00:26:35 meditation
00:27:00 point consciousness
00:29:00 the intuitive
00:30:58 Akashic records
00:35:40 consciousness partitioned
00:40:24 conscious agents
00:42:22 scientific theories
00:44:50 Markovian chain model
00:46:10 trace of chain consciousness
00:48:28 Fusions of Consciousness
00:48:56 space and time
00:54:45 prediction in Hoffman theory
00:57:55 consciousness has a place at the table
00:59:27 MBT virtual reality model
01:04:19 how does reality work
01:05:07 random draw form the probabilities
01:07:40 John Archibald Wheeler
01:19:16 conceptual and mathematical theory
01:14:56 a TOE that is fundamental
01:26:48 many realities of experiences
01:27:00 VR single player multi player
01:29:00 good vs bad
01:38:37 Noam Chomsky
01:41:00 physical and non physical are points of view
01:42:30 a disagreement
01:43:00 time
01:46:00 The One
01:47:00 time consciousness and free will
01:49:41 reincarnation
01:52:00 Hoffman’s theory
01:53:00 Campbell’s theory
01:55:51 thought definition
01:58:31 the power of thought

Alexander De Foe, Ph.D. | Consciousness Beyond the Body: OBEs, NDEs and Altered States | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Our special guest presents the latest theories, research, and applications of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and other consciousness states that transcend the limitations of one's physical body space. He aims to meld contemporary scientific evidence with the latest and most compelling practical applications of OBEs.

Dr Alexander De Foe is a Melbourne-based researcher with expertise in human consciousness and perception and is a Founding Board Director of the Australian Centre for Consciousness Studies. Dr De Foe has carried out numerous projects on the role of self/body integration in the feature binding problem, as well as the use of modern technology in transforming mind-body perceptions. 

He has worked extensively on research in altered states of consciousness, including those apparent in the use of mindfulness, meditation, clinical hypnotherapy, entheogens, and induction via modern technologies. He has also lectured on these topics, including teaching expertise in the philosophical antecedents of modern psychology, exceptional human experiences, and a higher-degree subject he created on Eastern models of self and personality. 

He presently supervises 3 doctoral students, has previously overseen 14 masters/honours dissertations, and has published in leading academic journals such as Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, and the Journal of Affective Disorders.

Andy Chu Discord Special with Tom Campbell | Aug. 7, 2021

Source: nimsa Channel youtube,


Thomas W. Campbell is a former NASA physicist. His expertise is in simulations and large complex systems. He is also a consciousness explorer who teaches people how to meditate, grow up and become love. His groundbreaking research unifies physics and metaphysics, mind and matter, the normal and the paranormal.

Recently, he designed a set of physics experiments that would revolutionize our understanding of reality. The design was published in a peer-reviewed journal of quantum mechanics. His book My Big TOE has been translated into several languages. His YouTube videos have inspired millions to live wisely and courageously.

Timestamps: 0:00 introduction

1:55 Dealing with discord is part of growing up
15:10 reflect back on your past choices and see if you were choosing out of love or fear

17:26 Can we have negative feelings and still be of low entropy?
21:00 If you stop putting effort in, you start to de-evolve
24:45 Can we reincarnate in the past or the distant future?
27:17 probable future database

36:14 Toby question about out of body experiences
36:22 Beliefs and themes in out of body experiences
43:33 intellectual vs intuitive processing
54:33 Nitrous oxide
55:15 How do our higher selves learn from our emotions
55:55 How do our emotions benefit the IUOC experience

1:07:25 How to grow with our natural talents

1:13:40 Can we create our own worlds after we die?
1:21:50 Do blindness or deafness carry over to the afterlife?
1:29:30 Tom meeting Tom after 40 years, 70's recording

1:41:30 Tom’s offer to help

Anthony Peake | Cracking Reality: Daimons, Avatars, & Egregores | Part 2 | Forum Borealis | July 18, 2021


We smash the final cracks at the existential mirrors, with topics such as: 

- Can who master to navigate reality enter a more optimal timeline? 
- Is civililization rigged to reset once a critical mass see through the illusions? 
- Will time slow down upon death? 
- Can we continuously zoom in & out? 
- What's the origin of prophets? 
- How many dimensions of space-time & are there holes in between?
- Multiverse or Many-worlds? 
- Is the ubiquitous Corona reality exceptional in known history? 
- What if during Lucid Dreaming or OBE we look into a mirror? 
- Is brain a projection generator? 
- What's the secrets of the Pineal Gland? 
- Virus = Genetic Machine? + Will Peake's team create an Egregore?

In the words of our guest:

"Just finished a discussion with Al of FB. This has to be the most intellectually satisfying interview I've ever done. We are going into areas no other interview has. You guys really need to listen to this one when it's uploaded. Particularly those of you interested in esoteric traditions and how my writings link with them. In my epic interview our far-ranging discussion moved into some intriguing areas of occult and mystical lore."

Judith Pennington | Superconscious: The Brainwaves of Extraordinary States | Monroe Instutute | June 2, 2021

Source: Monroe Institute youtube,,, 

What do extraordinary states of awareness look like inside the brain? See for yourself in "The Brainwaves of Extraordinary States." The Mind Mirror EEG is used to map the brain-wave patterns of remote viewers and out-of-body travelers listening to Monroe audio technology during the research-oriented Discovery program. Hear about their superordinary experiences in higher states of consciousness—and how they got there.

Judith Pennington is a Mind Mirror Consciousness Trainer, an internationally-published journalist, mind researcher and world authority on EEG biofeedback meditation and the evolution of consciousness. Founder of the Institute for the Awakened Mind and co-developer of the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6 EEG and the Mind Mirror Portal, she is the author of two books and seven guided meditation albums.

Tom Campbell | Fireside Chat March 2021 | Part 1-3


Part 2

Thomas Campbell | Straight Talk Live The Science of Consciousness | March 1, 2021


This episode we sit down with physicist, author, and consciousness expert Tom Campbell who has worked as an applied physicist for over 40 years — including a decade with Army technical intelligence, two decades with National Missile Defense and several years as a consultant to NASA, as we discuss:

✔️ Out-of-body experiences and what it has to teach us about our current physical reality
✔️ Why fear, ego, beliefs are the greatest limiters to evolving our consciousness
✔️ How to balance rational and intuitive modes of perception for greater problem solving
✔️ And how you can make better choices that align with your highest-level growth and potentiality

Dr. Mark Pitstick | After Death Communication Shatters Materialism | Oct. 20, 2020


Dr. Mark Pitstick has over 40 years’ experience in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers, and private practice. His training includes pre-medical degree, graduate in theology and pastoral counseling studies. Master’s in clinical psychology and doctorate in chiropractic health, which is no joke in my opinion, is fantastic. He has also provided suicide prevention counseling, and education to many, many people.

He began having clairvoyant experiences around the age of 10 and has been blessed with numerous miracles in his life, revelatory experiences, spiritually transformative experiences. Are you getting a kind of feeling for why I wanted to read all this in, pretty amazing? 

After working in hospitals with many suffering and dying adults and children, he was motivated to find sensible evidence-based answers to the questions that many people ask, actually, I think many people should be asking more on a regular basis. Who am I? Why am I here? What happens after I die? Will I see departed loved ones again? Is there God? Why is there so much suffering? 
So his books, documentary films, and workshops have grown to address all of these questions. Dr. Pitstick wrote Soul Proof, compelling evidence that no one really dies and Radiant Wellness: A Holistic Guide for Optimal Body, Mind & Spirit. And I think there’s another book in there that I may or may not have mentioned, but I’m sure we will get Mark to talk about it.

Tom Campbell | On Fear of Death | Sept. 17, 2020


Tom Campbell explores the complex dynamics behind the fear of death from different viewpoints. 
His experience with the transition process brings a unique perspective to this subject.

Caroline Cory & Tom Campbell | Consciousness is Fundamental | Aug. 5, 2020


"Superhuman" is a provocative award-winning documentary that provides tangible evidence for the powers of the human mind over matter.

Through ground-breaking scientific experiments and real-life demonstrations, viewers will find themselves connecting the dots about the relationship between mind and matter and discover whether they live in a simulated matrix or if they can have any control over their physical reality.

Physicist, consciousness researcher, author of the My Big TOE trilogy and international lecturer, describes the nature of our larger reality, provides a complete theory of consciousness, and explains our purpose and connection to that larger reality. Along the way, Campbell derives a more fundamental science that directly answers the most pressing problems and paradoxes of modern physics.

Caroline Cory’s film “Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible:

Linda Moulton Howe | COVID-19, Drones in Colorado/Nebraska, Viewer Letter, Viewer Q&A | March 4, 2020


Tonight's topics:

Pets getting coronavirus?
  • Virus lives up to 9 days on surfaces
  • Current number of cases worldwide at 95,4811
  • Reported deaths 3,285
  • Recoveries 53,688
Positive news - pollution levels in China drops

COVID-19 updates
  •  Continues to pop up across USA
  •  Spread to 84 countries and territories
  •  Estimated death rate is 3.4% vs 0.1% for regular flu
  •  India facing supply problems for pharmaceuticals production, to stop exporting some drugs
Unexplained Colorado and Nebraska drone swarm update
  • Task force organized to investigate drone issue, asking for help, then rescinds request 48 hours later
  • Interview with Richard Hoffman from SCU, Co-Founder Scientific Coalition for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (SCU)
  • Internal Air Force emails show confusion and concern over Colorado’s mystery drones
  • Drones appear to be dropping and picking up things, moving 60-70 mph
  • FBI and JTTF are looking into sightings and have samples of dropped items.
  • Sightings near Arcardia, including swarms of up to 40 drones on January 6, 2020
  • Owner of drones still unknown
  • Air Force Global Strike Command confirms not controlling drones
Viewer Letter - January 21, 2020
  • Out of body experience

Robert A. Monroe on Exploring Expanded Consciousness

Source: MonroeInstitute youtube

Bob discusses the experience of exploring higher consciousness through out-of-body experiences and audio-induced gamma brainwave states.

William Buhlman | The Spiritual Path - Belief is NOT the Way! | July 3, 2019


The out of body experience, though one of the most commonly reported anomalies, is still one such experience that many refuse to believe are real.

OBE expert and experiencer William Buhlman dealt firsthand with that resistance about his own repeated childhood out of body experiences, as he tried to explain them to his mother.

Though he insisted that his experiences were real and he needed an explanation as to what they were, his mother refused to acknowledge them.

This Buhlman says, is a symptom of rigid belief or in this case non-belief and why so many are limited in exploring their own spiritual path.

Too often spirituality is predicated on a particular belief system adopted by the individual, thereby leaving them with a narrow frequency band of possibility.

For others, however, the spiritual journey may begin through a challenging scenario or an experience like an OBE or NDE - near-death experience.

Buhlman has always insisted that if belief alone is the sole arbiter of the spiritual path, then we are missing the biggest part of the adventure.

I spoke once again with William Buhlman to discuss his thoughts on these ideas and what he feels it takes to peel back the layers of belief in order to experience an authentic spiritual journey.

Tom Campbell | From Consciousness To Big Bang | Freeman TV


We've got it all backwards, consciousness is an information-based system that created the Big Bang to find love. My Big TOE is not only about scientific theory, function, and process – a discovery of Big Picture science – but also speaks to each individual about his or her innate capabilities. You will learn how to evolve your human potential far beyond the limitations of the physical universe.

Tom Campbell's Bio: Tom Campbell is a physicist, lecturer, and author of the My Big T.O.E. (Theory of Everything) trilogy, a work that unifies general relativity, quantum mechanics, and metaphysics along with the origins of consciousness. His work represents the results and conclusions of thirty years of careful scientific exploration of the boundaries and contents of reality from both the physical and metaphysical viewpoints. In his career he has also worked in applied physics for organizations like the Department of Defense as well as NASA.

Anthony Peake | Consciousness and Grey Aliens | Freeman TV | Feb. 9, 2019


This is where the Psychonaut meets the Scientist. Like when Ken Kesey of the Merry Pranksters met with Dr. Timothy Leary, let's explore altered states of consciousness. Does consciousness exist outside of the living body? Can your soul be transferred to a computer?

What beings exist inside the realm of DMT? Is this the place where the Grey Aliens dwell? Why is it that when people traverse the psychedelic worlds, they meet with mantis beings? Insects are the only thing on planet Earth that do not contain DMT.

Anthony Peake is a writer who deals with borderline areas of human consciousness. Anthony attended the London School of Economics and is a member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, The Scientific & Medical Network and the Society for Psychical Research. In several of his books, he has presented a potentially paradigm-changing hypothesis that suggests that human consciousness survives the physical death of the body by falling out of time. He calls this process Cheating The Ferryman.

Anthony has now written eight books, co-authored an ninth and co-edited a tenth. All of them develop his Cheating the Ferryman hypothesis into ever-wider areas of application. His approach has always been to apply science to the mysterious and the enigmatic.

His tenth book, a work on the the time plays and time-theories of British author-playwright J.B. Priestley, was published in 2018. In 2019 a sequel to his book, Opening the Doors of Perception will be published. Also in 2018, an audio book of Anthony’s first work, Is There Life After Death – The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die was released with Anthony reading his own writings.

Tom Campbell and Brough Perkins | A Model of Reality and Consciousness | Nov. 5, 2018


Tom Campbell, retired NASA physicist and colleague/friend of Bob Monroe, joins Brough for an in depth interview on out of body experiences and Models of Reality. Brough Perkins is a Psychic Medium from Canada as well as a broadcaster online & television host.
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