Showing posts with label Out of Body Experiences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Out of Body Experiences. Show all posts

William Buhlman | OBEs, The Afterlife & Walking the TRUE Spiritual Path | July 25, 2018


What does it take to walk the spiritual path? Does it take years and years of book study? Hours and hours of tutelage under the wise elders of mystical and esoteric traditions or organized religion?

In this special conversation with author and out of body expert (OBE) William Buhlman, he insists, it’s none of the above. In fact, he thinks that although the spiritual journey can be lonely at times, unless and until we have the courage of our convictions to toss all of the old belief systems that have held us in a perpetual state of compliance for years, and embrace the individual journey, we will never evolve.

Listen to William Buhlman’s insights. And ask yourself the question, “Am I truly on the spiritual path?”

Also discussed in this interview: How using specific techniques like self-initiated out of body experience (OBE) and deep meditation can launch a profound spiritual experience. Buhlman also discusses how an understanding of afterlife environments can completely re-frame and change how we live our lives while in THIS life.

Tom Campbell | The Implications of Virtual Reality and New Physics Experiments


For physicists: This lecture by Tom Campbell presents his MBT theory on virtual reality and his proposed variations on the double slit experiments.

Universities and Institutes: Please direct any inquiries regarding conducting these experiments (or for additional information) through the contact forms on either, or

The slides are available for download at
All the information required to do the experiments is contained in the slides in detail.

This video was originally edited by Justin Snodgrass for the MBT LA presentation, and this excerpt was edited by Keith Warner of MBT Events.

Tom Campbell | World Tour 2017 | Sydney, Day 1 & 2


Day 1

Day 2

On this world tour, Tom emphasizes the things that connect us to one another by discussing the similarities of MBT to cultural beliefs from ancient to modern times.

Day 2 will have questions from the participants, in addition to Tom's practical experiential exercises.

The workshops in this series, except for the significant cultural aspects, are similar in presentation, but the question and answer sessions are rich with diversity.

Tom Campbell World Tour 2017: Auckland, New Zealand Day 1 & 2 | Sept. 20, 2017


Day 1

Day 2

This world tour series of videos will include workshops from Auckland, New Zealand, Sydney, Australia, New Delhi, India, Frankfurt, Germany, and New York, New York.

On this world tour, Tom emphasizes the things that connect us to one another by discussing the similarities in our cultural beliefs from ancient to modern times.

Makuini Ruth Tai delivers a powerful message of love from her own Maori language experience through sound!

Day 2 will have a panel of special guests with questions from the participants, in addition to Tom's practical experiential exercises.

Back in Time Series | WILLIAM BUHLMAN | Out of Body Techniques | The 'X' Zone Radio | 2014-10-07


William Buhlman is a best-selling author and leading expert on the subject of out-of-body experiences. The author's forty years of extensive personal out-of-body explorations give him a unique and thought provoking insight into this subject.

His first book, Adventures beyond the Body chronicles his personal journey of self-discovery through out-of-body travel, and provides the reader with the preparation and techniques that can be used for their own adventure. He conducts an in-depth six-day workshop titled, Out-of-Body Exploration Intensive at the Monroe Institute.

As a certified hypnotherapist, William incorporates various methods, including hypnosis, Hemi-Sync, visualization and meditation techniques in his workshops to explore the profound nature of out-of-body experiences and the benefits of accelerated personal development.

 Through lectures, workshops and his books the author teaches the preparation and techniques of spiritual exploration. His latest book is titled, Adventures in the Afterlife. Insights provided in this book will assist the reader to understand and navigate the many thought responsive environments we will experience in the afterlife.

William is best known for his ability to teach people how to have profound spiritual adventures through the use of out-of-body experiences. In addition, he has developed an extensive series of audio programs that are designed to expand awareness and assist in the exploration of consciousness.

Thomas Campbell | The Good Intentions Show


Ready to have an Out Of Body Experience? Well listen to retired NASA Physicist Thomas Campbell share his scientific experience with OBEs as well as his thoughts on the Flat Earth Theory.

William Buhlman | Higher Self Now and Our Journey Into the Afterlife | Nov. 16, 2016


According to OBE expert, author, and researcher William Buhlman true revolutionary change will come when we change our ideas about death and dying. Right now, fear reigns supreme about so many aspects of life, including and especially death.

William joins Alexis to discuss how we can all learn to first understand who we really are as spiritual beings and how to incorporate that new understanding into life so we can better prepare for the “afterlife.”

Tom Campbell | Marseilles Workshop, Sunday 2015 | Part 1-4


The Marseilles workshop delivers the most current collective information of Tom Campbell's MBT theory. "Physics Metaphysics and the Fundamentals of Reality."

Tom Campbell at The Monroe Institute 11/2015 | Part 1-6


You are about to get a rare glimpse into one of the famous programs presented at The Monroe Institute, this one conducted by physicist and consciousness researcher Tom Campbell, author of My Big TOE.

Tom is the physicist T.C. in Robert Monroe’s book Far Journeys.

Tom shares his unique abilities with the participants firstly with a short synopsis of his work and scientific approach to consciousness, followed by advice on preparing for consciousness exploration.

The focus of this first part of his presentation is intellectual level versus being level in terms of successful exploration.

Participants reported significant breakthroughs, advances, and life-changing experiences in this six day workshop.

About Tom Campbell
Tom Campbell began researching altered states of consciousness with Bob Monroe Journeys Out Of The Body, Far Journeys, and The Ultimate Journey) at Monroe Laboratories in the early 1970s where he and a few others were instrumental in getting Monroe's laboratory for the study of consciousness up and running.

These early drug-free consciousness pioneers helped design experiments, developed the technology for creating specific altered states, and were the main subjects of study (guinea pigs) all at the same time. Campbell has been experimenting with, and exploring the subjective and objective mind ever since. For the past thirty years, Campbell has been focused on scientifically exploring the properties, boundaries, and abilities of consciousness.

During that same time period, he has excelled as a working scientist, a professional physicist dedicated to pushing back the frontiers of cutting edge technology, large-system simulation, technology development and integration, and complex system vulnerability and risk analysis. Presently, and for the past 20 years, he has been at the heart of developing US missile defense systems.

Tom is the "TC (physicist)" described in Bob Monroe's second book Far Journeys and has been a serious explorer of the frontiers of reality, mind, consciousness, and psychic phenomena since the early 1970s. My Big TOE is a model of existence and reality that is based directly on Campbell's scientific research and first hand experience. It represents the results and conclusions of thirty years of careful scientific exploration of the boundaries and contents of reality from both the physical and metaphysical viewpoints. The author has made every effort to approach his explorations without bias or preconceived notions. There is no belief system, dogma, creed, or unusual assumptions at the root of My Big TOE.

By demanding high quality repeatable, empirical, evidential data to separate what's real (exists independently and externally) from what's imaginary or illusory; Campbell has scientifically derived this general model of reality.

Tom Campbell | Atlanta 2016 | Q & A | Part 2


This is the second of two parts of the Q & A segment from Tom's recent workshop in Atlanta.

Tom Campbell | Atlanta 2016 | Q & A | Part 1


This is the first of two parts of the Q & A segment from Tom's recent workshop in Atlanta.

Anthony Peake | The Immortality of Consciousness & The Divine Spark | May 24, 2016


What is Deja Vu?
How do you explain an OBE?
What is The Daemon?
What is consciousness and perceiving an external world?

The Duality of Consciousness.
Could Planks be sending digital information into the universe creating our holographic universe?
Creator of the Discovery Program and friend of Mr Peake, Graham Nichols has had a real OBE and foresaw a terrorist attack in England. He talks in detail what happened to several witnesses , the event takes place exactly as described a week later.

In his previous two books Anthony has presented a potentially paradigm-changing hypothesis that suggests that human consciousness survives the physical death of the body by falling out of time. He calls this process Cheating The Ferryman.

In his second book, The Daemon- A Guide To Your Extraordinary Secret Self, he focuses in on one major element of this hypothesis - that all human beings consist of two centres of consciousness. Borrowing from Gnostic terminology He call these "The Daemon" and "The Eidolon".
Reincarnation happens multiple times before you reach the evolution of spirituality
Bohm Hologram

Anthony Peake | The Holographic Episode | Part 2


Secure your mind, it’s gonna be a wild ride in Part II of The Holographic Episode, the mind-blowing interview with Anthony Peake, expert on Near Death Experiences and researcher into the fringe areas of consciousness! We delve deeper into the Matrix to explore other dimensions, DMT and the pineal gland. Learn how to tell if you’re Lucid Dreaming, whether or not there are trillions of you, and whether we could be living in a computer simulation! -

Listen to Part One: Anthony Peake | The Holographic Episode | Part 1

Anthony Peake | The Holographic Episode | Part 1


Is everything an illusion? Natalie hits mecca in her quest to unearth the mystery of her 2012 experience with author and expert on Near Death Experiences, Anthony Peake, who has startling revelations to support the burgeoning theory that we are living in a Holographic Universe. He covers topics including DMT, the nature of time, reality, Alzheimers and more as he shatters everything we thought we knew about life and the Universe.

Anthony Peake is a writer who deals with borderline areas of human consciousness. His first book, Is There Life After Death? was published in 2006 and since then he has gone on to develop his own ideas together with exploring the latest areas of research in his field.

His fourth book, Making Sense of Near-Death Experiences, is a collaborative effort with some of the world’s leading authorities on the near death phenomenon. He was very honoured to be asked to be one of the editors as well as contributing a chapter.

His seventh book, A Life of Philip K Dick The Man Who Remembered the Future, is a departure from his previous works in that it is a mixture of biography, literary criticism and psychological/neurological analysis.

His eighth book, The Immortal Mind: Science and the Continuity of Consciousness Beyond the Brain, is a joint project with Professor Ervin Laszlo. This was published in Autumn 2014.

Listen to Part Two: Anthony Peake | The Holographic Episode | Part 2

Tom Campbell | OBE France 2015


Invited to speak at OBE France 2015; an annual 9-day experiential out-of-body exploration retreat, Tom Campbell gives a talk in the spirit of the event - 'experiencing nonphysical reality'.

In this important presentation, Tom shares insights on how to access other virtual realities beyond your physical reality awareness, such as, dream realities and out of body realities by using the power of your intent.

He explains how a precise and focused intent, versus, a weak and undefined intent, makes all the difference in accessing data streams to other virtual realities. Tom further explains how the "metaphor of "out of body" and the huge processes we attach to accessing out of body virtual realities are just tools for switching data streams, but ultimately are not required.

In Tom's own words, "Experiencing nonphysical reality simply provides another experiential reality frame that is a virtual reality in which you get to make choices and evolve the quality of your consciousness. Evolution is your job, its why you exist. If you're dropping out of physical reality awareness then another experiential virtual reality will take its place, because you are learning everywhere you go."

William Buhlman at Monroe Institute | OBEs as a Spiritual Practice


What have we learned from 40 years of documented NDEs and OBEs? What hinders the spiritual evolution of humanity? What does it take to be truly free? Consummate consciousness explorer William Buhlman asks the big questions and shares what he has discovered through personal experience.

William Buhlman is a best-selling author and leading expert on the subject of out-of-body experiences. The author's forty years of extensive personal out-of-body explorations give him a unique and thought provoking insight into this subject. His first book, Adventures Beyond the Body chronicles his personal journey of self-discovery through out-of-body travel, and provides the reader with the preparation and techniques that can be used for their own adventure.

He conducts an in-depth six-day workshop titled, Out-of-Body Exploration Intensive at The Monroe Institute. As a certified hypnotherapist, Mr. Buhlman incorporates various methods, including hypnosis, Hemi-Sync®, visualization and meditation techniques in his workshops to explore the profound nature of out-of-body experiences and the benefits of accelerated personal development. Through lectures, workshops and his books the author teaches the preparation and techniques of spiritual exploration.

His latest book is titled, Adventures in the Afterlife. Insights provided in this book will assist the reader to understand and navigate the many thought responsive environments we will experience in the afterlife.

Gaham Nicholls | Out of Body Experience | Empower Radio with Wendy Garrett


Jump start your OOB efforts. Graham Nicholls offers a wonderfully wide range of techniques to help initiate an Out of Body Experience and offers a refreshing perspective of consciousness. Definitions are relative. Graham Nicholls is a English author, speaker, artist, and out-of-body experience (OBE) specialist. He had his first OBEs in 1987, a practice that he has developed to the level that some of his experiences are considered to be the best examples on record.

Graham first came to public attention as an installation artist exploring psychology and consciousness through specially designed technological environments, the largest of which was exhibited at London’s Science Museum in 2004. These installations also led to immersive technology designed to induce OBEs and later his Infra-liminal sound recordings, which help bring about the vibrational state in the majority of those who use them.

In 2011 he published, Avenues of the Human Spirit, a moving account of his personal journey and exploration of the nature of consciousness. The following year his second book Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience was published, which offers a totally new way to learn and approach the subject of OBEs, remote viewing, and the extended mind.

Graham Nicholls Speaking at the Cambridge Union 2011Since the late 1990s he has lectured widely at events including the Gateways of the Mind, and the International Remote Viewing Association Conference (US), as well as at venues including Cambridge University, The Institute of Noetic Sciences (US), The Society for Psychical Research, and the UK’s Science Museum.

He has organised, conducted and taken part in experiments into telepathy and precognition with author and biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, and has also taken part in experiments with Dr. Dean Radin to effect the famous Quantum double-slit experiment using only psi ability, all with positive results.

Graham Nicholls has gained much attention for his rational approach to his abilities and his areas of expertise as a whole, and has appeared in most of the major press as a result. He has been interviewed by The Times, The Independent, The Telegraph, The Daily Express and the BBC, as well as many overseas and independent media like Lilou Mace, AfterlifeTV, Skeptiko, The People’s Voice TV, and Mysterious Universe. His work and abilities are also featured in several books by other authors.

Jeff Rense & Jordan Maxwell | Out Of Body Experiences | 2007


Clip from August 21, 2007 - guest Jordan Maxwell on the Jeff Rense Program.

Website of Jordan Maxwell:

Graham Nicholls | Navigating the Out Of Body Experience: Part Two | Legalise Freedom Radio | March 13, 2015


Graham Nicholls discusses his books Avenues of the Human Spirit and Navigating the Out of Body Experience. The talk includes the nature of the out of body experience, the science behind it, and the state of current research into OBEs.

Out of body experiences can be self-induced, but can they be controlled? Are out of body experiences always positive, and might they ultimately have a purpose? What might they tell us about the nature of consciousness and the possibility of life after death?

Other subjects touched upon include remote viewing, near death experiences, reincarnation, quantum entanglement and the notion of extended mind and collective consciousness, and the role of sound in altered states of consciousness. We also discuss the skeptic community and their role in denying and debunking non-material forces and psychic phenomena in general.

Graham Nicholls | Navigating the Out Of Body Experience: Part One

Graham Nicholls | Navigating the Out Of Body Experience: Part One | Legalise Freedom Radio | March 8, 2015


Graham Nicholls discusses his books Avenues of the Human Spirit and Navigating the Out of Body Experience. This is a two part interview. Part two will be published soon.

The talk includes the nature of the out of body experience, the science behind it, and the state of current research into OBEs. Out of body experiences can be self-induced, but can they be controlled? Are out of body experiences always positive, and might they ultimately have a purpose? What might they tell us about the nature of consciousness and the possibility of life after death?

Other subjects touched upon include remote viewing, near death experiences, reincarnation, quantum entanglement and the notion of extended mind and collective consciousness, and the role of sound in altered states of consciousness. We also discuss the skeptic community and their role in denying and debunking non-material forces and psychic phenomena in general.

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