Showing posts with label Pepe Escobar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pepe Escobar. Show all posts

Pepe Escobar | World Reactions to Putin Peace Plan | June 18, 2024

Source: Judge Napolitano youtube

Welcome to our latest episode, where we dive deep into the global reactions to Vladimir Putin's Peace Plan with renowned geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar. In this insightful conversation, we explore the nuances of Putin's proposal and its potential impact on international relations.

Topics Covered:

- The specifics of Putin's Peace Plan
- How different countries are responding to the plan
- The implications for global power dynamics
- Pepe Escobar's expert analysis on the situation
- Potential outcomes and future scenarios

Pepe Escobar and Larry Johnson about the war against the BRICS | Apr. 23, 2024

Source: Throughtheeyesof youtube

Pepe Escobar | Geopolitical Storm Brewing from Palestine to Ukraine | Dec. 2, 2023

Source: New Rules Rumble

In this week’s episode of the New Rules podcast, host Dimitri Simes Jr. speaks with veteran geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar about why the Global American Empire needs war in Gaza to maintain its geopolitical hegemony.

“This [conflict] proves once again that the US will never leave West Asia. The region is absolutely essential for the empire, considering that the Americans are being slowly, but surely and very forcefully expelled from the big Eurasia by the Russia-China strategic partnership – by their trade deals, their multilateral organizations and economic integration projects. All that goes completely against American domination of Eurasia.”

Pepe Escobar | How the US Global Order is Challenged | Nov. 20, 2023

Source: Syriana Analysis youtube

Geopolitical analyst and journalist Pepe Escobar joins Kevork Almassian to discuss the challenges facing the US-led unipolar world by growing powers such as China, Russia, and Iran.

The show starts at 3:00 min.

Pepe Escobar | Can BRICS Dethrone US Empire? | Aug 21, 2023

Source: New Rules youtube

In this week’s episode of the New Rules podcast, host Dimitri Simes Jr. speaks with Pepe Escobar, a geopolitical analyst and writer, about BRICS, its opportunities and challenges, ahead of the summit in South Africa this week.

"We should not expect BRICS in two days in South Africa, turning the rules based international order upside down. No, this is going to be a gradual, slow moving, very challenging process. But what's happening in South Africa and immediately after South Africa, let's say, is a sort of Rosetta Stone for what's going to happen ahead."

00:00 Let's roll!
1:30 BRICS Summit in Johannesburg
8:47 BRICS expansion and BRICS+
22:20 Challenges of BRICS' development
29:49 The rising role of Africa
33:27 BRICS' internal divisions
52:01 BRICS needs its own "soft power"
54:59 Don't be a stranger!

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 29, 2023


We're not the only ones noticing something "odd" about the alleged "coup" attempt in Russia... So is Pepe Escobar, and Joseph has some (very) high octane speculation about it:

What happens in Russia after The Longest Day?

Pepe Escobar | Ukraine War is Desperate Bid by US to Preserve Hegemony and Prevent Multipolar World | Jan. 28, 2023

Source: Finian Cunningham youtube, Pepe Escobar Twitter

The war in Ukraine is not just about Ukraine and Russia with the US and NATO acting as seemingly benevolent supporters of Ukraine, as the Western media portray.

The United States and its NATO allies are deeply involved in the conflict. The military withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 – after 20 years of futile occupation – was a calculated “reorganization of firepower” against Russia, says Pepe Escobar.

Ukraine is merely a proxy and ultimately cannon fodder for American imperial planners.

This war is part of a bigger geopolitical confrontation between the US and Russia, China and other nations that are pushing for the emergence of a multipolar world. That is a multipolar world no longer under the hegemony of US-dominated Western capitalism.

Pepe Escobar assesses the bigger picture and outlines how the US imperial state is in "panic mode" to shore up the collapsing American-controlled global capitalist system, and in particular the privileged position of the US dollar.

Going to war with Russia presently and in the longer term against China is part of the desperate dynamic to prolong the dominant position of Washington that was established after the Second World War. That postwar imperial order – euphemistically called the "rules-based order" – is increasingly falling into disrepute from unbridled imperialist wars and abuse of financial controls.

The vast majority of the planet wants liberation from the US/Western warmongering system that underpins capitalist exploitation that only enriches a global elite. The war in Ukraine is but the manifestation of the breakdown in US global power and the desperation to preserve the systematic inequality that defines capitalism.

This year is fraught with extreme danger, says Pepe Escobar. But if the psychotic US deep-state planners can be contained by Russia and China without an all-out catastrophic war erupting then there is a chance of a more hopeful, peaceful and just world order emerging.

Alastair Crooke, Pepe Escobar, Max Blumenthal, Dr. Mohammad Marandi | The Post-American World | Feb. 2, 2021

Source: Zeinab Ghasemi youtube

Thirty years ago, the United States dominated the world politically, economically, and scientifically. But today?

Watch this in-depth discussion with distinguished guests:  

Alastair Crooke - Former British Diplomat, the Founder, and Director of the Conflicts Form
Pepe Escobar - Brazilian Political Analyst and Author
Max Blumenthal - American Journalist and Author from Grayzone
Chaired by Dr. Mohammad Marandi - Professor at University of Tehran

Pepe Escobar | The US 2020 Presidential Election (Day 3) | Nov. 6, 2020

Source: Consortium News youtube

As promised, the full interview with Pepe Escobar, journalist for Asia Times, on the US Presidential Election.

For an unknown reason, the sound cut out twice on this interview during our livestream, but we recorded at our end and have been able to restore the audio.

To make it easy to identify those sections, we have a used gallery view of the participants. Scroll along until you see all 3 onscreen. -Consortium News

Nader discusses Iran shooting down of the U.S. drone with military experts & analysts | June 30, 2019


Following the shootdown of a U.S. drone over Iran's territorial waters and the controversies after that, Nader Talebzadeh is going to have a comprehensive discussion with three prominent experts in Nader's Show;

Dr. Scott Bennett, ex-U.S. army 11th Psychological Operations Battalion and a researcher at the Heritage Foundation

Pepe Escobar, a prominent correspondent for Asia Times and an analyst for RT

Michael Maloof, ex-senior security policy analyst for the U.S. Secretary of Defense and a specialized trainer for border guards and Special Forces, also Director of the Technology Security Operations for the U.S. Department of Defense

William Engdahl | The Rape of Russia | Apr. 16, 2018


Introduction by Pepe Escobar:

William Engdahl is one of the world’s top geopolitical analysts. His books – from Century of War to Full Spectrum Dominance – are absolutely essential to understand how the self-described exceptional nation created and expanded its global hegemony tentacles.

A measure of his influence is that as much as Engdahl may be dismissed or derided across the Beltway, the usual suspects do read him – and are incapable of finding conclusive arguments to prove him wrong.

This extensive interview by financial journalist Lars Schall is largely centered on Chapter 3 – The Rape of Russia – of Engdahl’s new book Manifest Destiny: Democracy as Cognitive Dissonance.

Here you will find all you need to know about the genesis of the 1990s Russian oligarchs; the dirty deals of the Yeltsin mafia; everything from the plunder of Soviet gold to the dodgy operations of the elder Bush’s brother; the incredible Yamashita gold story; the “privatization coupon” scam; the way the Harvard mafia run the Russian economy – all the way to Putin’s uphill battle throughout the 2000s to turn Russia into a functioning economy as NATO kept marching east.

As Engdahl notes, if we don’t understand what happened in Russia in the 1990s it’s absolutely impossible to contextualize the neocons and US Think Tankland’s deep hatred and 24/7 demonization campaign of Putin’s Russia.

So sit back, relax, enjoy the crash course and keep it as an essential reference you will find nowhere else. -Pepe Escobar

Full Transcript

BFP Roundtable | James Corbett, Sibel Edmonds, Peter B. Collins and Pepe Escobar | Introducing Newsbud: Where Media Integrity Matters | Jan. 15, 2016


On this edition of the BFP Roundtable James Corbett talks to Sibel Edmonds, Peter B. Collins and Pepe Escobar about Newsbud, a new media venture to take the alt media to the next level. In this conversation we discuss who is involved with the project, what they hope to achieve with it, and how it will be funded.

Show Notes:
NPR Public Radio Finances The Gatekeepers: Foundation funded media
PBS Funding
After pledging transparency, PBS hides details of new deal with billionaire owner of NewsHour
George Soros: Media Mogul
Why Is Soros Spending Over $48 Million Funding Media Organizations?
How PBS sold its soul to a billionaire donor

download mp3

Pepe Escobar | ‘China's V-Day parade is sending multiple messages to Asia and the West’ | Sept. 2, 2015


China is marking the 70th anniversary of victory over Japan in WW2 with a spectacular military parade involving thousands of soldiers and hundreds of military hardware . Political analyst Pepe Escobar told RT what the multiple messages that China is delivering to the world could be.

'Iran deal was fight for every preposition, victory for diplomacy' | Pepe Escobar | July 14, 2015


During nuclear talks Iran was strongly opposed to a Western proposal of installing security cameras at nuclear facilities, which would allow foreign inspectors to monitor them round-the-clock. Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar says it's one of numerous major hurdles to overcome.

CrossTalk | Tehran Pivot? (Ft. Pepe Escobar & Gareth Porter) | July 8, 2015


Historic breakthrough or more false hope? How best to describe the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program at this point in time? How will history record the present - when sworn enemies reached a compromise in the name of peace or as a missed opportunity that later led to war?

CrossTalking with Pepe Escobar, Gareth Porter, and Omid Memarian.

CrossTalk | Empire of Chaos (ft. Pepe Escobar) | Nov. 24. 2014


How should we describe the era we all now live in – has using the term ‘post-Cold War’ become meaningless? What is the dominant trend – growing multi-polarity or the west’s drive for absolute security and hegemony? Or is it just chaos? CrossTalking with Pepe Escobar, Patrick Henningsen and James Carafano.

CrossTalk | The Bear & The Dragon (ft. Pepe Escobar), Sept. 15, 2014


The bear and the dragon: Russia and China are moving closer together as Moscow becomes more and more disenchanted with the West. Can these two countries successfully challenge western hegemony? Can the bear and dragon reshape the world? CrossTalking with Martin Hennecke and Pepe Escobar.

Pepe Escobar on ISIS and on MH17

Source:, Ry Dawson youtube

Description from Pepe Escobar:
Always a pleasure to talk to Ryan in the dead of the Asian night. A lot on Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan, The Caliph, MH17 - the talk was pre-beheading though but the song remains the same. -Pepe Escobar

Pepe Escobar | BRICS: Panel Discusses the New Development Bank, July 21, 2014

Source: CCTV America youtube

Tanvi Madan is the director of the India Project at the Brookings Institution. Pepe Escobar is the Asia Times roving correspondent and veteran Brazilian journalist in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

On The Money: Who pays the price for InfoWars? (ft. Pepe Escobar & Ben Aris), May 28, 2014


News goes on to influence public opinion and private decision making, sometimes forcing the hand of politicians with demands that "something must be done" about this or that situation. With Russia in the info wars crosshairs, is it possible for international players to resist the media hype and focus on maximizing economic opportunity for all sides? To discuss this and more, RT's Peter Lavelle is joined by Ben Aris, Pepe Escobar, John Laughland, Alexander Mercouris, and Sebastian Sass, in co-operation with the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum.
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