Showing posts with label Randy Maugans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Randy Maugans. Show all posts

Robert Morningstar | Secret Space Program Part 1, OffPlanet Radio


Robert Morningstar joins Randy Maugans and Chris Holly to talk about his investigative work in exposing NASA cover-ups of what he calls "multiple secret space programs" dating back to the 1950s. Famous for his analysis of the Zapruder film of the JFK assassination and exhaustive analysis of the events of 11-22-1963, his work also includes deep forensic probing of numerous photos taken by Apollo, Mars landers, satellite photos, and his own images of the moon and Mars.

John Stormm | OffPlanet Radio Interview With a First Generation MKULTRA Survivor

Source:,, John Stormm youtube

OffPlanet Radio - Recorded 12/08/2013 - Randy Maugans with Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly and guest, John Stormm. This call includes three generations of MK Ultra survivors: John Stormm (Gen1), Duncan O'Finioan (Gen 2), and Miranda Kelly (Gen 3). John and Duncan first met when Duncan was a child abductee in CIA MKUltra Program.

Over the course of nearly three hours you will learn fascinating details from one of the few living, publicly disclosing original Ultra subjects. More than that, you will hear the story of not only how these subjects were taken, abused, deployed, and discarded—but how they, in fact, survive and spiritually re-discover themselves.

John, Duncan, and Miranda reveal aspects of the "magical" awakening...the literal return of the mage and the coming shaking of the kingdoms of darkness.

John Stormm Bio:
My name is John Stormm, and I am an MKUltra survivor. I'm a highly trained ninja and a master martial artist and very, very hard to kill.

In the summer of 1953, I was one of the first batches of infants to be inducted into the MK Ultra program. I was subjected to torturous physical, mental, genetic, psychological and chemical conditionings, designed to make me into an unstoppable hunter/seeker/assassin. A master of what the CIA used to refer to as "the happy accident". An untraceable stealth weapon capable fracturing skulls, necks, spines, ribs or whatever and in a split second, leaving a corpse that can be easily set up to appear as a car wreck or household accident that leaves no embarrassing fingers pointed or homicide investigations.

In the late 1960s, I was trained and used as a remote viewer in an MK Talent portion of the program, and by 1970, I had taken on some of my first combat roles taking and terrorizing my victims from the Cambodian side of the Ho Chi Minh trail, making them disappear and die silently in the jungle shadows as they crossed over to avoid US troops.

I trained Khmer freedom fighters in stealth tactics to facilitate them equipping themselves from the weapons and stockpiles of the Khmer Rouge, just prior to the US bombings of Battambong. I became "problematic" as an MK unit because my cooperation as a killer was dependent upon me believing it was always for the greater good. I was pulled and given the option to join up as a "contractor" with the DEA and other alphabet agencies in hunting down drug lords and other such monsters in Central America. My unit was designated as "Disney Toons" and my call sign was: "Thumper", probably for my machinegun punching style.

With well over 140 different programs under the MK Ultra umbrella, there are many aspects we have in common, including ritual abuse, abusive families and constant terrorizing as children.
Secondly was dislocating and micro fracturing our bones (Google: "Wolf's Law"), making them harder, denser and stronger to further protect our organs, making us more survivable to knives and bullets. Also preparing our skeletons to handle the increased strength without breaking. The pain and terror of this also facilitated the first item in this list.

Thirdly was the shock treatments. There were less of these to the head, when we proved to be "talented", which also contributed to our terror and conditioning to separate ourselves from the pains. Also making us nearly unstoppable by any normal means.

Drugs, hypnosis, sounds, flashing pictures to forcibly opened eyes also were used to condition and program us.

Advanced martial arts training and tactics from various experts and masters involved nearly every weapon, including devastating "kiai's" (shouts) that have been the last sounds to violate a man's ears.
There was also "the chair", which was used to either implant false memories and/or remove any memories in a debriefing and replace them with something a bit more innocuous. Over time, the real memories seem to return... mostly.

Many variations in training, drugs used, genetics, ultra-steroids, bionics, implants and more are also used in these programs, almost all of them will include much of what I've listed here" - John Stormm

Robert Morningstar | Headshot: The Death of America

Source:, Information Machine

Robert D. Morningstar is a civilian intelligence analyst and psychotherapist in New York City. He is a specialist in photo interpretation, analysis and computer imaging. He graduated from Power Memorial Academy (NYC).

Morningstar was a New York State Regents Scholar (1967-72) and received a degree in psychology from Fordham University. An expert in Chinese language, history and martial arts. He is acknowledged as a Master of Yang Family Tai Chi Ch'uan by the Hong Kong Tai Chi Masters Association and has taught at Oberlin College and for the City University of New York (Hunter College) as well as, the International Center for the Disabled. He is a FAA-licensed pilot and Instrument Ground Instructor with 23 years of flying experience.

Robert D. Morningstar has studied the paranormal and UFOs for over 40 years and has published many research articles on the Internet, exposing government cover-up and deception in the JFK Assassination and his work is cited in major books on the assassination, notably in Paris Flammonde's "The Assassination of America" and "Conspiracy Science" by Prof. James Fetzer.

Morningstar has written extensively to expose NASA's use of 'Disinformation Technology' in suppressing evidence of extraterrestrial life and exposing the real nature and threat of the UFO phenomenon. He is currently the Associate Editor of UFO Digest.

Bonnie and John Mitchell | TV Sigil Magick Mind Control, OffPlanet Radio, November 15, 2013


Bonnie and John Mitchell run, an anthology of videos with categories like DNA Activation and Ascension, Reptilians, Masons and the New World Order, Alternative Energy, Sacred Geometry, HAARP and Project Blue Beam.

Hour 1: We discuss their serious research on Television Sigil Magick: the cabal's use of electronic media blended with sacred power symbols. The origins of dark magic and the applications of hypnotic -swirls-, enchanted icons, and trance state induction via frequency embeds.

Brad Steiger | Unified Paranormal Field Theories, OffPlanet Radio, October 25, 2013


Legendary author, Brad Steiger, joins us for an amazing conversation about his 56-yearwriting career, spanning 180 titles, thousands of articles, a newpaper column , written under his own byline, and with his wife, Sherry Hansen Steiger. The Steigers continue to research, document, and expand the outer boundaries of our known existence, from the strange to the spiritual; from the paranormal to the world of animal beings. 

A true trailblazer, Brad wrote about subjects like reincarnation, non-traditional spirituality, and UFOs long before these subjects were acceptable. His 1973 -The Divine Fire- was at the forefront of the emerging spirituality of the late 60s and early 70s, along with Jane Roberts' -Seth Materials- (for which he wrote a foreword).

Mike Clelland | The Owls of Synchronicity, OffPlanet Radio, October 18, 2013


Mike Clelland is an artist, author (Ultralight Backpacking Tips), and researcher into synchronicity and contact experiences. Since 2009 he has journaled online his search to discover what is behind his own paranormal memories and anomalous experiences. Those experiences are informed by the persistent appearence of owls...a -marker- noted in UFO experience lore, notably in the the film -The Fourth Kind-, and also repeatedly in the David Lynch TV series, -Twin Peaks-. We discuss Mikes's journey, the process of discovery about his abduction experiences, and the meanings of the owls of synchronicity.

Ken Pfeifer on OffPlanet Radio, Sightings and Encounters, October 4, 2013


NJ MUFON-Star Team Investigator, Ken Pfeifer, returns for another report on the current state of UFOlogy with reports from around the world on UFO sigithings and engagements with alien craft. We discuss, among other subjects, the protocols of reporting sightings to MUFON; the changes within the MUFON organization; cases which Ken reports on his websites, and the more -exotic- aspects of the historically critical subject, which mainstream media, science, and education continue to sweep under the rugs.

GlobalBEM Transmissions Episode #002 | Foster Gamble - Whole System Strategies, September 2, 2013


At age 14, Foster Gamble had a vision where he glimpsed what he perceived to be the Universe's fundamental energy pattern. He spent the next 35 years trying to figure out the details and implications of what he had seen. That quest took two paths: a scientific journey and an exploration of the human potential to navigate successfully through the challenges threatening our survival. THRIVE represents the convergence of these two paths.

Randy Maugans has spent his adult life seeking the truth about "what's out there", as result of two (known) childhood "contacts" with "something" he could not explain. "OffPlanet Radio" is the natural outgrowth of his interests in the areas of the paranormal, technology, and communications...the "future" caught up with him.

The journey is physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental...we are drawn into a very human battle with forces that seem beyond our comprehension...or ARE they? "They" haven't won, but have awakened sleeping giants who do not accept the proposition that we were thrown headlong into a malevolent universe. Humans can choose to be victims, or choose to be empowered...humans can remain blind, to their peril.

Courtney Brown | Farsight Global Climate Change Project, OffPlanet Radio, September 2, 2013


In 2008 The Farsight Institute began a 5-year project remote viewing future climate patterns linked to multiple realities, timelines, and events. In this interview, Courtney explains the project, and some of the surprising outcomes. More info.on the project:

We also discuss other Farsight remote viewing projects, including multiple universes/timelines, known as "Remote Viewing the Future with a Tasking Temporal Outbounder", remote viewing of a base on Mars; as well as the skills and disciplines of RV, the theoretical physics behind remote viewing, and Farsight's unique mission to advance the understanding and usage of RV.

Courtney Brown is Director of The Farsight Institute, where he does remote-viewing research. He has spoken internationally at a host of prestigious venues, including various universities, as well as the respected Lucerne gathering of physicists (which was attended by various Nobels) where he was a keynote speaker.

The Farsight Institute is the leading scientific organization publishing studies relating to nonlocal consciousness and remote viewing. Courtney Brown is the chief investigator at the Institute, and the Board of Directors includes Lyn Buchanan and Glenn Wheaton, both of whom are the leading military (now retired) instructors of remote viewing.

Part 2 | Remote Viewing Atlantis

Atlantis: The True Story — Anomalous Geography on Ocean Bottom Suggesting Technologically Advanced Ancient Civilization Evidence

In what may be the most intriguing Farsight Experiment to date, Courtney Brown describes the tasking of an RV project, based on Google Earth surveys of anomalous underwater patterns found in two locations: the Atlantic waters off Morocco and Spain; and another off the coast of Antarctica. Learn the surprising details of how these two locations connect in a disaster believed to be the destruction of Atlantis.

GlobalBEM Transmissions Episode #001 | Jeane Manning - The Big Picture


Jeane Manning is a pillar in the Breakthrough Energy community as author of several books and lecturer and organizer of breakthrough energy events and a study group in Vancouver, B.C. Jeane has served as an advisor to the New Energy Congress since Feb. 2009. She is also a founder of the New Energy Movement.

Randy Maugans has spent his adult life seeking the truth about “what’s out there”, as result of two (known) childhood “contacts” with “something” he could not explain. “OffPlanet Radio” is the natural outgrowth of his interests in the areas of the paranormal, technology, and communications…the “future” caught up with him.

The journey is physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental…we are drawn into a very human battle with forces that seem beyond our comprehension…or ARE they? “They” haven’t won, but have awakened sleeping giants who do not accept the proposition that we were thrown headlong into a malevolent universe. Humans can choose to be victims, or choose to be empowered…humans can remain blind, to their peril.

GlobalBEM TRANSMISSIONS is the broadcast of the Breakthrough Energy Movement. Presenting voices and ideas from around the planet to activate awareness, promote understanding and advance the deployment of breakthrough energy technologies. Technologies that not only solve our planet’s critical problems, but work to create a unified experience of abundance, creativity, and peace. The 

Breakthrough Energy Conference 2013
October 10 - 12th, 2013
University of Colorado in Boulder

The Breakthrough Energy Conference 2013 program promises to be a one of a kind experience within the Breakthrough Energy field. This year's program won't be just for scientists and experts, but for anyone interested in innovation and improving life on our planet.

Richard Palmisano | Extreme Paranormal, OffPlanet Radio, August 14, 2013


Join us as we hear gripping tales from the case books of real paranormal investigators: shadow people, entities, hauntings, the most touching -ghost story-...and the most terrifying. The inside view of one of the most experienced researchers in Noth America: Formed in 1979, The Searcher Group is a team of dedicated people who are extremely active in the study of parapsychology and work towards re-enforcing its positive impact on the rich history of our nation, with a specific focus on Ontario, CA. The people and events within our historical past have wonderful stories to share and important lessons to teach us. Through their research and investigations they attempt to gain a glimpse into the human condition, the personal events from those lives past and the mark they have left behind.The Searcher Group provides information on research and investigative methods to individuals and investigative groups around the globe.

Richard Palmisano is the Director of The Searcher Group, a paranormal investigator and theorist, as well as author of several books on the subject matter. Richard has been investigating the paranormal since 1979, and formed two companies which are dedicated to the study and advancement of paranormal research. The Searcher Group being the first and is the backbone of his research. The second company The Canadian Institute of Parapsychology is community based and provides education and public assistance. Richard has written several books on the subject and his work has been featured in television shows such as Northern Mysteries and Discovery Channel's 'A Haunting-.Richard has worked in law enforcement, security and surveillance for over 30 years and is a trained investigator.

Jef Harvey on OffPlanet Radio | Healing The Matrix, August 7, 2013


Jef Harvey has a background in Naval Intelligence, electronics, advanced software systems, as well as training in remote viewing and neurolinguistic programmming (NLP). He is a technologist and healing arts practitioner, homeopathy practitioner, Board Certified in Quorom Nutrition, who is deploying emerging technologies in autoimmune disease reversal and accelerated deep tissue wound healing.

We discuss Jef's childhood -training- for his future work with Office of Naval Intelligence, assigned to the USS John F. Kennedy and the CV-67 Intelligence Center; his background in NLP and remote vieiwing; his desire to do counter-intelligence on the -powers-that-be-, and his adventures in corporate America.

SE 5 1000 Radionics hologram programmer The focus of this interview is on Jef's current work in the healing arts field using holographic generators, which operate on the cellular field level, combined with his own nutritional research to facilitate outcomes in a wide range of disorders including cancer, diabetes, Lymes, fibromyalgia, arthritis, Alzheimer's, thyroid issues, and a spectrum of autoimmune disorders.

We discuss the process behind the latest device Jef' is now using, The SE-5 1000 which employs an advanced scalar wave amplification technology, and is the most advanced holographic code programmer for information fields available. These technologies go far beyond the field of health remediation, they offer a means to administer specialized nutritional support, emotional balancing, and, and elimination of toxic EMF effects. As we also learn, these devices offer promise for treatment of PTSD-DID and effects mind control and abuse.

download mp3 hour 1, hour 2

Kate Valentine on OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans | The Radio Files, May 29, 2013


Veteran radio talk show host and UFOlogist, Kate Valentine joins us for a wide-ranging discussion of the UFO phenomena, paranormal, and the culture-at-large from our own -radio files-. Kate hosts a popular program, -Kate Valentine's UFO Show- over terrestrial radio at WVNJ AM 116 Fri­days from 1PM - 2PM — New York Time and rebroad­cast on Sun­days at 4PM, and reaches a significant audience on the nothern US Atlantic coastal region of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, as well as being heard in the UK.

Kathleen Marden and Denise Stoner | The Alien Abduction Files, OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans, May 22, 2013


Long-established investigators and sought-after media experts in the field of alien abduction, Kathleen Marden and Denise Stoner have combined their ground-breaking new evidence in a book, The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human-Alien Contact Ever Reported.

The Alien Abduction Files finally reveals:
1. The little-known characteristics of alien experimental procedures;
2. The theoretical science that can explain alien technology;
3. The messages conveyed by the ETs to abduction experiencers;
4. The vulnerabilities and benefits of living life as an abduction experiencer;
5. The evidence that these phenomena are real and not imaginary

About the guests: Author, researcher and lecturer Kathleen Marden has more than 22 years' experience in the research and investigation of the alien abduction phenomenon. She is the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, whose story stirred world-wide interest.

Marden has lectured at numerous conferences and appears on TV specials. She is coauthor of Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: the True Story of the World; and the coauthor of Science Was Wrong: Startling Truths About Cures, Theories, and Inventions "They" Declared Impossible.

Ken Pfeifer | What Goes On In The Skies, OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans, May 15, 2013


Ken Pfeifer is Chief Investigator for New Jersey MUFON and the webmaster for two popular websites (over 90,00 hits per month) chronicling the photographic evidence of UFOs which routinely appear in the skies around the planet. Ken is a pilot and Desert Storm veteran who has actively worked to classify and expose the presence of the craft—and the beings who fly them.

Slideshow of selected images discussed in the show

We discuss the body of photogaphic UFO evidence, the workings of UFO investigations, and the need to better coordination and collation of data between UFO investigative group. The current state of UFOlogy, trends in sitings, and government/military non-disclosure, as well as some insigths from three people who are experiencers and keep asking questions about "what goes on in the skies".

Gwilda Wiyaka | The Shamanic Path, OffPlanet Radio, May 8, 2013


After the Shift... now What?
When the world didn't blow up on December 21, 2012 or wasn't overrun by aliens, when the third world war didn't break out in earnest, or the sun go nova, the date was considered a "non-event", and we assumed the prophesies were wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth. Something has been happening. And something continues to happen. The frequencies bathing our solar system have been undergoing radical alteration due to our relative position in the galaxy and, in turn, our galaxy's relative position in the universe.

Gwilda Wiyaka's new book, "So, We're Still Here. Now What? Spiritual Evolution and Personal Empowerment in a New Era" (Swan•Raven & Co., April 2013) reveals that tremendous influences are occurring and will continue to occur, which will effect us for quite some time. In this talk we discuss the "shift", what exactly is occurring---and NOT occurring, and how it affects us individually and collectively.

We discuss at length the shamanic process as it relates to realigning the human soul on all levels; the meaning of the various ages; how shamanism embraces the "modern" concepts of quantum mechanics, and how shamanic practices can help those affected by physical, spiritual, and emotional difficulties. We learn why the shamanic ways are returning now to the forefront of human potential activation, and how they are accessible to all who desire embracing this 40,000 year old disicipline. Published by: Swan•Raven & Co. An imprint of Granite Publishing,

E. A. James Swagger on OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans | Spirits, Serpents, and the Shaman, May 1, 2013


James Swagger drops in to tell about his recent travels, notably to Peru, where he partook of the ayahuasca shamanic rites.

We discuss the effects of the ayahuasca, serpents, earht spirits, the Earth Goddess, and insights into expanding consciousnes; as well as his ongoing research into psychoacoustics (also known as archeoacoustics) in the ancient sites. James' research continues to cut deep into linking ancient mounds, burial sites, and megalithic structures to the rituals which enabled human consciousness to extend beyond its earthbound state.

Offplanet Radio | Chris Holly-UFO Update: Robert Bigelow, Space Privitization, UFO Disclosure, April 7, 2013


Chris Holly responds to the March 31/April 1, 2013 Coast To Coast AM, and the interview by George Knapp with financier, Robert Bigelow. In that show, Bigelow outlines a contract just signed with NASA, where Bigelow Aerospace is the primary contractor with NASA to privatize space missions and explorations.

In the second part of the interview, Knapp and Bigelow discuss "confirmation" of extraterrestrial life---a slow form of disclosure that attempts to not "disrupt" the general public's "reality". We analyze the interview, and ask: "Is Robert Bigelow effectively taking over all things space, and all things paranormal?" Does the public need a soft disclosure? What about the shills, liars, and drama queens of the alternative media? Is there a market for authentic journalism regarding the paranormal?
download mp3

Micah Hanks on OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans | The UFO Singularity, March 20, 2013


Micah Hanks is an author, researcher, Fortean, and skeptical inquirer into UFO and anomalous activity. He brings to the conversation a wide scope of ideas and factual data regarding what is called the Singularity. Also known as "trans-humanism", the singularity speculates a near-future transformation of the human into a super intelligent, highly evolved bio-machine via artificial intelligence, biological enhancement,and/or brain-computer interfaces. Singularity was first termed by mathematician, John von Neumann in the 1950s, and popularized by computer scientist and sci-fi writer, Vernor Vinge and inventor/futurist, Ray Kurzweil in his 1999 book, "The Age of Spiritual Machines".

We discuss the origins, aspects, and far-reaching implications of the so-called trans-humanist movement; technology, consciousness, and spirituality, as well as how the singularity may relate to the UFO phenomena that still presents an enigma to present understanding. -Randy Maugans

Download mp3 Hour 1  Hour 2

Book: "The UFO Singularity" (New Page Publishers) at Amazon:

Fred Burks on OffPlanet Radio | UFOs, Mind Control, and The Awakening, March 10, 2013


Whistleblower, Fred Burks was a high level interpreter for the U.S. State Department during the Clinton and G.W. Bush administrations. He served as translator in the Indonesian tongue for Presidents Clinton and Bush and their cabinet members until 2004 when he resigned over the extreme non-disclosure terms of his contract.

In 2001 he began to -wake up- as result of reading Dr. Steven Greer's "Disclosure : Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History", and learning about the UFO coverup and mind control projects. He began his website,, while still employed by the State Department, and being given insider information about government operations. Today he runs PEERS Network, a group of sites that provide information for skeptics, educational courses on spiritual growth, community development, and consciousness and awareness. -OffPlanet Radio
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