Showing posts with label Remote Viewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Remote Viewing. Show all posts

Remote Viewing Livestream with Tom Campbell | Sept. 18, 2024

Source: Tom Campbell youtube

What Is Remote Viewing? Roughly speaking, remote viewing refers to the ability to perceive things beyond one’s immediate visual field. It’s like seeing what lies just beyond the horizon—something not immediately available to our regular senses.

The Materialistic Viewpoint: For those who adhere strictly to a materialistic or physicalist perspective—where everything out there is objective, material, and exists independently of conscious observation—remote viewing seems impossible, even unacceptable.

But Is It Really? Discover how and why remote viewing is not only possible but also within your own reach!

They LIED About The Great Pyramid For THOUSANDS of Years: Physicist Tom Campbell EXPOSES the Truth!

Source: Your Superior Self youtube,

Join us for an exhilarating journey into the depths of history and consciousness as we sit down with Tom Campbell, a trailblazing physicist with a passion for unlocking the secrets of our universe.

With a stellar background in physics and mathematics, Tom Campbell has dedicated over 50 years to pioneering scientific research into altered states of consciousness. His illustrious career spans various realms, from technology development to complex-system risk analysis for both government agencies and private industries. With a Ph.D. in nuclear physics from the University of Virginia, Tom's expertise has been instrumental in shaping our understanding of the world around us.

Delve into the groundbreaking scientific model known as My Big TOE (Theory Of Everything). Tom Campbell's profound insights have led him to propose a revolutionary idea: that consciousness itself is the bedrock of reality, challenging conventional notions of materialism and offering a new paradigm for understanding existence.

In this captivating conversation, Tom Campbell explores one of the greatest enigmas of human history: the construction of the Great Pyramids. Drawing upon his multidisciplinary expertise, Tom delves into the intricate interplay between ancient civilizations, consciousness, and the fabric of reality itself. Could there be more to the story than meets the eye? Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the past and glimpse into the infinite possibilities of the future.

00:00 Intro
01:32 Experiencing Beings as a Child
03:16 Where do you go when answering questions?
05:21 Why is hard for us to pull from the database?
08:44 How are you pulling from the database?
10:16 Pulling data out of the database about the Pyramids?
14:50 Built with the help of advanced civilization?
18:34 Other forces
19:56 Existing explanations of physical force
20:30 Who was the other force that helped us?
21:52 The written record of history
28:08 The Akashic Records
30:06 Is the Great Pyramid helping us evolve?
31:24 The LCS built The Great Pyramid
32:17 Why would the LCS put this into our reality?
33:22 Wake Up Calls! Paranormal Activity
35:00 Reason behind All Paranormal Activity
36:30 Physicalism
37:54 The Trinity UFO Crash- Interdimensional or Extraterritisal?
41:10 E.T.'s
43:01 Meaning of Dimensions
46:25 Physical Reality is NOT Physical
50:05 Theosophists
51:55 Crop circles
54:08 Remote Viewing
59:00 Omega Point
01:01:59 How can you tell this is a Virtual Reality
01:07:18 Single Player game vs Multi-player game?
01:12:41 What happens when we die?
01:19:03 Humanity in 2300
01:26:26 As you evolve, how does your reality change?
01:34:18 How do you connect at the being level?
01:38:00 Where to find Tom's new video on an overview of his theory.

Tom Campbell | What is Consciousness? with Into the Matrix | March 1, 2024



Timo and Tom discuss consciousness, remote viewing and much more!  
Timo is part of Controlled Remote Viewing, a professional group of remote viewers in Germany. 

What is consciousness? And what role does the physical world play in our development? 

What happens during remote viewing? We have the honor of discussing these and many other highly interesting questions with physicist and consciousness researcher Thomas Campbell. Enjoy watching.

Jay Dyer | Occult Government: Gateway Process & Project Stargate: Remote Viewing, Intel Agencies & SRI -DPH | Jan. 13, 2024

Source: Jay Dyer youtube

COTEL joins me to cover the tie ins between the deep government establishment and everything from UFOs to the occult: SRI, CIA, Remote Viewing, Stargate and much more!

Are “Aliens” Just Future Humans? Ft. David Grusch and Mike Masters | Nov. 11, 2023

Source: Jesse Michels youtube

Michael Masters is a biological anthropologist at Montana Tech University. He’s written 3 books: Unidentified Flying Objects, The Extratempestrial Model, and Revelation: The Future Human Past. His arguments that aliens are just humans from the future who have figured out time travel are compelling and thorough. Please enjoy this episode!!

Linda Moulton Howe | Is There A 5-Mile-Long Craft Orbiting Between Planets "e" and "f" ? | Apr. 6, 2022


Topics: Is There A 5-Mile-Long Craft Orbiting Between Planets "e" and "f" in the TRAPPIST-1 system?

Researchers made a new message for extraterrestrials

Buddy Bolton remote viewing session on TRAPPIST-1 System
- water beings on planet #3
- long cylindrical spacecraft between planets #4 & #5
- “humanoid biologicals”
- “race lost home longer habitable”
- “between 6 and 7 feet tall”

Linda Moulton Howe | "Tall Whites" and "Nordic" E. T.s - What’s the Difference? | Feb. 16, 2022



Topics: "Tall Whites" and "Nordic" E. T.s - What’s the Difference?

Remote viewer and astral projector Buddy Bolton from the Bronx, New York, took on the challenge to "see more" about the two alien civilizations in Earth's Milky Way Galaxy neighborhood that are described by some military, aerospace and scientist whistleblowers as friendly allies to Earth humans. So why isn’t Earth introduced to them publicly?

Western Drought worst in 12 centuries
- Climate scientists use tree ring data to determine 2000-2021 driest in last 1200 years.
- Drought in southwest US “will continue for at least 25 years”

Mystery in Wales, UK - hundred of dead birds fall from the sky - “hundreds of starling birds all died and fell to the ground”
- One witness saw a big flash of light. Another heard a loud electrical bang
- Strange birds deaths near Chihuahua, Mexico a week before

Interview with remote viewer, Buddy Bolton
- predicts huge solar flare in 2024, causing magnetic storm on level or Carrington Event
- predicts 2036 solar mini-nova
- “At least 2 extraterrestrial special helping us in space program” - “Tall Whites” and “Tall Nordics”

- Nordics are 6 1/2 to 7 feet tall, blonde, light coloured eye, pragmatic
- “Friendly to us”
- “longer heads”…”much more athletic, more militaristic”

Tall whites
- “Tall whites” physically very similar
- “very protective of their technology”..”exceedingly wise”…”more advanced technology”
- “500-1000 years more sophisticated”
- “3 bases in the Unites States”…South America, Russia near large underwater lake
- “they can be over 700 years old”
- “they have their own base on Ganymede”

Linda Moulton Howe | Mystery Booms — Secret Hypersonic Planes? | Feb. 2, 2022


Topics: Mystery Booms — Secret Hypersonic Planes?

Longest single flash of lightning on record - 477 miles - stretching overTexas, Louisiana, Mississippi

More loud mysterious boom reports
- Heard across New Orleans
- Mystery explosions across San Geronimo Valley near San Francisco
- Clarke County in Ohio
- UK boom caught on security footage

Remote viewing session with Buddy Bolton on loud boom mystery
- Contact email:
- “black pods…sonic booms…travel on the borders”
- “they can go into orbit…going into high orbit”
- “they go hypersonic”
- “three different engine types…aerospike”
- “90% from US space planes..the others are meteorites”
- Will there be an earth existential event? “2024 Carrington level event in 2024
- “Major micro nova even in 2036… a wall of fire”
- “Space X is involved…Project Nero”
- “extraterrestrials…can see the future”
- “a very large ship is coming in 2030”

Judith Pennington | Superconscious: The Brainwaves of Extraordinary States | Monroe Instutute | June 2, 2021

Source: Monroe Institute youtube,,, 

What do extraordinary states of awareness look like inside the brain? See for yourself in "The Brainwaves of Extraordinary States." The Mind Mirror EEG is used to map the brain-wave patterns of remote viewers and out-of-body travelers listening to Monroe audio technology during the research-oriented Discovery program. Hear about their superordinary experiences in higher states of consciousness—and how they got there.

Judith Pennington is a Mind Mirror Consciousness Trainer, an internationally-published journalist, mind researcher and world authority on EEG biofeedback meditation and the evolution of consciousness. Founder of the Institute for the Awakened Mind and co-developer of the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6 EEG and the Mind Mirror Portal, she is the author of two books and seven guided meditation albums.

Caroline Cory | Consciousness and Superhuman Abilities - YOU Are ALL That! Here’s What it Takes | March 31, 2021


It was this Seth insight channeled by the late Jane Roberts who said, “Consciousness creates reality. Not the other way around.”

Simple and powerful. But is this a scientific fact or a just postulate that can only be relegated to esoteric opinion?

According to consciousness researcher and filmmaker Caroline Cory, not only is the science there to show that consciousness is the primary ingredient to all of reality - both seen and unseen, but she’s got the experiments to prove it.

In her latest film: Superhuman - The Invisible Made Visible, some of the most mind bending feats of humankind, when put to the test, using innovative but rigid methods show without a shadow of a doubt that each of us have capabilities far beyond what most could ever imagine.

Remote viewing, psychokinesis (or PK),telepathy, even the ability to read while being completely blindfolded are all possible.

More than possible, there are people on this planet right now who are demonstrating these abilities every single day. This is how they live.

So what can WE learn by understanding and knowing the science that backs these claims up?

Caroline shares powerful information that will no doubt turn you on your ear, but also turn the volume up on your ability to plug in using some powerful and proven techniques.

The next step? How you can be a Super Human! -Alexis Brooks

Dark Journalist | Russell Targ SRI Star Gate Remote Viewing Revealed: Psychic Surveillance! | Nov. 7, 2020



Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Physicist Russell Targ for a deep look at his amazing career in developing and training individuals in psychic development for secret government programs at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) with clients like the CIA and the US Military.

Targ reveals that in their remote viewing program they learned that the mind has limitliess potential and that our consciousness can travel anywhere, even backwards and forwards in time. His breakthrough book, The Reality of ESP, highlights his years of covert intelligence work with the best psychics on the planet, including Ingo Swann, Joe McMoneagle and Pat Price who died mysteriously as Targ reveals in compelling detail after the CIA learned he was sharing his experiences with a top member of Scientology.

Russell Targ studied graduate physics at Columbia University until 1956, when he left Columbia to work on the earliest development of the laser. He pursued laser research and development until 1972, when he co-founded the Stanford Research Institute program investigating psychic abilities. Working with the great psychic, Ingo Swann he was able to teach many inexperienced people how to describe and experience events and objects in the distance and in the future. This ability became known as remote viewing. After a decade of highly classified research with the CIA, Targ left the Star Gate program to returned to laser research, which he pursued with Lockheed Missiles and space until 1998.

Linda Moulton Howe | Part 2: Interview w/Jim Marrs, Viewer Q&A | Nov. 4, 2020


- COVID-19 update
- England to lock down for 4 weeks
- Dr. Fauci warns “The United States could not possibly be positioned more poorly”.
- US has nearly 10m cases, 238k deaths

- Part 2 of 2007 Interview with Jim Marrs talking about his book “Psi Spies: The True Story of America’s Psychic Warfare”
- “People living underground and people living in domed cities…due to continued ozone depletion.
- Ingo Swann remote viewed Jupiter and Mars
- “… a circular object came out to meet the Phobos 2 spacecraft”
- “NASA has gone to extreme lengths to cover up these facts…they are keeping secrets about UFOs and activity on Mars.”
- “The people in charge don’t want remote viewing used generally…so that the public does not get a clear picture”
- Ingo Swann’s April 27, 1973 remote viewing session on Jupiter
- “Tremendous winds…crystals in the atmosphere…an enormous mountain range..crystal cloud cover”

- Phobos 2 failed mission from 1989
- spacecraft appeared to be spinning out of control after encounter with UFO

Linda Moulton Howe | 6 Galaxies in a Black Hole, Pt 1 2007 Interview w/Jim Marrs, Viewer Q&A | Oct. 28, 2020


- 6 galaxies discovered already formed in super massive black hole

- COVID-19 long term damage
- lungs and heart muscle damage
- can cause small blood clots and weaken blood vessels
- herd immunity called into question as antibodies appear to decline

- Remote viewer “Lyn” Buchanan saw future agrarian society,

- 2007 Interview with Jim Marrs talking about his book “Psi Spies: The True Story of America’s Psychic Warfare”
- Remote viewing testing
- Project STAR GATE

Lind Moulton Howe | Remote Viewer Leonard "Lyn" Buchanan Interview, Elon Musk Interview Excerpt & Q&A | Oct. 21, 2020


- Peru’s Minister of Culture announced cat figure found in Nasca, Peru

- NASA’s OSIRIS REx gathers samples on Asteroid Bennu

- Elon Musk speaks about Mars mission and the need for a self-sustaining city

- Retired Military man Leonard ‘Lyn’ Buchanan interview
- Involved in Project Star Gate in DIA - a controlled remote viewing program
- From 2020 to 2050, overwhelming change will occur
- Reduction in population and cities
- “Largely agrarian society with almost no cities”
- “…we have the ET genes within us”
- “the die off will be from things like poisoning in our atmosphere and poisoning in our food”
- “only one specific type of ET that… has ben mixing with humans for centuries”

Update from Kenyan family that had bloodless cattle mutila

Jeff Rense and Richard Allgire | The 'Great Reset'... Where We Are Going? | Sept. 21, 2020


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 09-21-20 with Guest Richard Allgire.

Linda Moulton Howe | Pentagon U.F.O Unit, Mars Missions, Interview w/Remote Viewer “Lyn” Buchanan & Q&A | July 29, 2020



UFO Unit at Pentagon will publish its findings
- Former Senator Harry Reid - “UFOs are advanced technologies from another planet”
- Eric Davis on meta materials - “We could not make it ourselves”. “Off-world vehicles not made on this earth”
- Micron-layered Bismuth/Magensium/Zinc material
- Linda has been investigating this material for the last 24 years.
- One piece sold to TTSA last year.
- TTSA is now collaborating with the US Army to investigate the material.

Elon Musk plans to send 1 million people to Mars by 2050
- Tomorrow, July 30, USA to launch Mars “Perseverance” rover.
- To land in Jezero crater on Mars which used to contain a lake.
- Test flights of new “Ingenuity” helicopter to take place

Interview with Leonard “Lyn” Buchanan
- Former US Army Sgt First Class, worked controlled remote viewer (CRV)
- Project Star Gate investigated the ability of human minds to see events, sites, or information from a great distance
- Project Sun Streak - DIA manual for remote viewing
- Star Gate shut down in 1991
- Countless greys from all over. “Non-psychic ETs are here for trade.”
- “Trade with friendly ETs, all different types of ETs”
- “Life on earth in 2050. Virtually no cities around. Population was so small. It was an agrarian society.”
- “Massive reduction in population.”
- There is other life on Mars and all over the universe.

Jeff Rense with Dick Allgire & Yoichi Shimatsu | Remote Viewing The Corona Virus | Feb. 21, 2020


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 02-21-20 with Guests Dick Allgire & Yoichi Shimatsu.

Jeff Rense With Remote Viewers Dick Allgire, Edward Riordan | Coronavirus Horror | Feb. 17, 2020


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 02-17-20 with Guests Dick Allgire and Edward Riordan.

Russell Targ & Lance Mungia | Third Eye Spies, Remote Viewing, SRI, & The CIA | March 19, 2019


One of the most provocative sagas that American history books have left to the cutting room floor is the CIA’s Stargate Project, a 20+ year program to test psychic abilities for intelligence gathering though a contract with the Stanford Research Institute. The CIA “officially” closed the program in 1995 saying that it never yielded any worthwhile results, a stark contradiction to the testimonies of those involved and the 70,000+ documents that have been released on the program in more recent years.

Today we’re joined by one of the co-founders of this remote viewing research, Russell Targ, at 84 years young. Together with filmmaker, Lance Mungia, we discuss their new documentary Third Eye Spies which corrects the record through newly declassified documents, and interviews with those who still live to tell the tales.

The film is available now across all the big digital platforms, look into it.

Lance Mungia | The Truth about Remote Viewing, Consciousness & UFOs | Richard Dolan Show | March 4, 2019


Richard Dolan interviews Lance Mungia, director of Third Eye Spies, the new documentary on remote viewing featuring Russell Targ and many other luminaries of the remote viewing field such as Hal Puthoff, Ingo Swann, Joe McMoneagle, Pat Price, Hella Hammid, and others. Lance has much to say about not only the reality of remote viewing, but its implications for humanity as a whole, and how it is significant in relation to the UFO phenomenon.

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next?
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