Showing posts with label Rupert Sheldrake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rupert Sheldrake. Show all posts

Rupert Sheldrake | Meet The Scientist BANNED By TED Talks | Sept. 11, 2024

Source: Jesse Michels youtube

Join us for a captivating conversation with renowned biologist and author, Rupert Sheldrake. In this thought-provoking interview, we delve deep into Sheldrake's groundbreaking theories on morphic resonance, the nature of consciousness, the sense of being stared at, and the limitations of conventional science. Discover how his controversial and heretical ideas within academia challenge mainstream scientific thinking and open up new possibilities for understanding reality and our place within it.

Whether you're familiar with Sheldrake's work or new to his ideas, this interview offers valuable insights into the mysteries of life, mind, and the cosmos. Don't miss out on this chance to explore the cutting edge of science and consciousness research with one of its most original luminaries!

1. Sheldrake has collected an enormous amount of experimental evidence that people can sense when they are being stared at by others, a phenomenon known as “scopaesthesia”

2. This is (possibly) because consciousness involves a “transaction” (a Wheeler-Feynman handshake) between the outer physical world and the brain which emits/projects an image outwards onto any given object being sensed (if that object is conscious, like a human, they can sense that projection taking place). John Cramer, a Physicist from the University of Washington further developed a transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics which may support Sheldrake’s empirical findings here

3. Sheldrake has also acquired a lot of evidence around human and animal ability for “presentiment” or “precognition” of the future. This sounds like pseudoscience on the surface, but if the brain has a quantum component (widely hypothesized by Sir Roger @penrose and others), it could send information back in time providing a real physical model for these sorts of phenomena

4. Biology (morphology and even perhaps cells themselves) per the great work of @drmichaellevin, seem to work towards “conscious” or at least deliberate aims. Sheldrake would say they acquire information through “morphic fields”, a concept Darwin himself may have been open to, but that close minded "neodarwinians" like @RichardDawkins dismiss out of hand. If these fields are at all real (or really, if we have any inherited information transfer transcending DNA), they represent a fundamental update on modern concepts of evolution

5. The Sun and magnetic field of the earth combine to create the finely tuned conditions of intelligent life. Does this point towards a random universe? Or is that just as dogmatic as inserting God as a creator?

6. We speak of Sheldrake’s long friendship with legendary scientist and “fungal philosopher” Terence McKenna. We also discuss Sheldrake’s not super well known book “The Physics of Angels”, one with clear implications for the modern UFO conversation…

7. In 2013, Ted censored Sheldrake's talk with literally no first principles reasoning around his data or experimental protocols. They did it purely because he deviated too much from the consensus "understanding" of consciousness (a subject nobody really understands). This was their explicitly cited reason on their blog. That move, from Ted, was small-minded and contradicts the spirit of true scientific inquiry. Please watch this video (and Sheldrake's others) to engage with his ideas openly! All earnest engagements with them in support or opposition are welcome.

Graham Hancock and Rupert Sheldrake | Beyond the Brain: Explore the mystery of consciousness | Jan. 29, 2022


Consciousness – we all have it, yet it’s one of the greatest mysteries of science. Exactly what it is, how it works, what it’s for, and what its implications are for our understanding of “reality”, remain matters of speculation, not of fact. 

In this dialogue, originally recorded for the Beyond the Brain conference series author Graham Hancock and biologist Rupert Sheldrake offer some food for thought. 

For background on the censoring of Graham’s and Rupert’s TEDx talks, and links to the original uncensored talks, see here

VISIONARY, the new edition of Graham Hancock’s book on the mystery of consciousness (formerly titled Supernatural) is published in the United States on 4th April 2022. 

To get a sense of the wide variety of issues explored in VISIONARY check out Chapter Nineteen, free to read online here.

And note, whereas the audiobook of Supernatural was read by a third-party narrator, the audiobook of VISIONARY is narrated by Graham Hancock himself. 

In some ways – to be welcomed – we are reinventing the ancient tradition of storytelling around the campfire, and with this in mind Graham hopes to launch his new podcast in 2022

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake | Are Human Beings Robots?


What is a human being? It is the ultimate question, to which institutional science offers surprising answers. The materialistic paradigm, which has dominated institutional science for well over a century, states that the essence of consciousness can be reduced to the physical components of the brain. However, does an alternative scientific perspective does exist?

One of the most remarkable researchers into consciousness and the evolution of life is biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake. Dr. Sheldrake is the author of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books. He has won international acclaim for his experimental research on his hypothesis of morphic fields and morphic resonance.

Tom Campbell Supports Dr. Rupert Sheldrake's 10 Dogmas of Science, April 22, 2014


Tom Campbell, physicist, and author of My Big TOE, responds to Dr Rupert Sheldrake's 10 dogmas of science from Dr Sheldrake's book The Science Delusion (Science Set Free in the US), and discusses the one concept that shakes up materialist worldview scientists the most - Consciousness.

Materialist worldview scientists have taken small steps for man for the past 100 years and now need to understand (fittingly from a NASA physicist) that the next "giant leap for mankind" in science is Consciousness.

Note: MBT theory scientifically derives a supreme being, what Tom calls the Larger Consciousness System, and what some may call God.

Rupert Sheldrake | The Science Delusion, December 27, 2012


December 27, 2012-British biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, one of the world's most innovative scientists, is the author of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books and is best known for his groundbreaking theory of morphic resonance. In this program we discuss Rupert’s latest book "The Science Delusion." He begins with an overview of the ten dogmas of science. According to these dogmas, all of reality is material or physical, the world is an inanimate machine, nature is purposeless, free will is an illusion, notions of higher orders of consciousness and absolute "God" awareness exists only as ideas in human minds, which are themselves nothing but electrochemical processes imprisoned within our skulls.

These powerful assumptions, have led science down the wrong path according to Rupert. He explains how originally the scientific field held a kind of Cartesian dualistic view of spirit and matter, which eventually was replaced solely by matter. The scientific view that matter is "dead" and has no soul or spirit is dangerous, argues Sheldrake. Later, we talk about the Large Hadron Collider, the most expensive scientific project in the history of mankind. Rupert explains that the results in the search for the "Higgs field" and the so called "God particle" might very well be influenced by the intention of the scientists performing the experiment, also known as the observer’s effect. Lastly, Sheldrake tells us about the biotech bubble and shares his opinion on what alternative fields of science he would like to see funded.
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Rupert Sheldrake | Telepathy and Morphic Fields, May 22, 2012


Science can offer incredible insight into the way nature works – but the bigger questions (why and how) generally go unanswered by materialistic scientists, who see them as untestable and unprovable. But since the late 1970s, biologist Rupert Sheldrake has incorporated these essential questions into a new paradigm that sees the universe as a living, developing entity with its own memory.

Best known for his theories on morphic fields and morphic resonance, Sheldrake’s work strives for a deeper understanding of nature by investigating unexplained data. His findings indicate that morphogenetic fields organize energy into tangible forms, and are also responsible for phenomena such as telepathy, the sense of being stared at, and pets who know when their owners are about to arrive. Join us as we discuss his newest book Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home: And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals. ~Kim Greenhouse

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Rupert Sheldrake | Extended Mind, January 19, 2012


January 19, 2012–Rupert Sheldrake discussed his work on the extended mind and human intuitive abilities including telephone telepathy, and how dogs know their owners are coming home. His telephone telepathy experiment involved having a subject give the experimenters four different friends' phone numbers; then the experimenters randomly chose one of the people to call the subject, who tried to predict which one it would be. In repeated trials, the correct hits averaged around 45%, which was far higher than the 25% chance rate, he detailed. For more on the experiment, see this video report.

Sheldrake suggested that such phenomena may arise out of morphic fields-- intention, thoughts, and memories that extend out past the mind, and can be picked up by others, including animals. His study of dogs that know when their owner is coming home revealed that the pets wait by the window 4% of the time when the owner is not home, and 60% of the time when the owner is about to return. Further, he spoke about an African gray parrot named N'Kisi who seems to demonstrate telepathy, and has a 1,500 word vocabulary. Sheldrake also touched on a disturbing 2008 incident, when a Japanese man knifed him in the leg when he was speaking at a conference. It turned out that the man suffered from mental illness and thought Sheldrake was sending him telepathic messages to kill himself, so he attacked him out of "self defense."
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