Showing posts with label Shamanism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shamanism. Show all posts

Graham Hancock | Shamanism and Civilization | Presentation at Glastonbury Festival 2024


Graham gave this presentation on Sunday 30th June 2024 at the Glastonbury Festival.

Gwilda Wiyaka | The Shamanic Path, OffPlanet Radio, May 8, 2013


After the Shift... now What?
When the world didn't blow up on December 21, 2012 or wasn't overrun by aliens, when the third world war didn't break out in earnest, or the sun go nova, the date was considered a "non-event", and we assumed the prophesies were wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth. Something has been happening. And something continues to happen. The frequencies bathing our solar system have been undergoing radical alteration due to our relative position in the galaxy and, in turn, our galaxy's relative position in the universe.

Gwilda Wiyaka's new book, "So, We're Still Here. Now What? Spiritual Evolution and Personal Empowerment in a New Era" (Swan•Raven & Co., April 2013) reveals that tremendous influences are occurring and will continue to occur, which will effect us for quite some time. In this talk we discuss the "shift", what exactly is occurring---and NOT occurring, and how it affects us individually and collectively.

We discuss at length the shamanic process as it relates to realigning the human soul on all levels; the meaning of the various ages; how shamanism embraces the "modern" concepts of quantum mechanics, and how shamanic practices can help those affected by physical, spiritual, and emotional difficulties. We learn why the shamanic ways are returning now to the forefront of human potential activation, and how they are accessible to all who desire embracing this 40,000 year old disicipline. Published by: Swan•Raven & Co. An imprint of Granite Publishing,

E. A. James Swagger on OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans | Spirits, Serpents, and the Shaman, May 1, 2013


James Swagger drops in to tell about his recent travels, notably to Peru, where he partook of the ayahuasca shamanic rites.

We discuss the effects of the ayahuasca, serpents, earht spirits, the Earth Goddess, and insights into expanding consciousnes; as well as his ongoing research into psychoacoustics (also known as archeoacoustics) in the ancient sites. James' research continues to cut deep into linking ancient mounds, burial sites, and megalithic structures to the rituals which enabled human consciousness to extend beyond its earthbound state.

Shamanism & Spirituality with William White Crow, Bill & Tony Kudos, December 22, 2012


By popular request, William White Crow and Bill (Zen Shaman) join Tony Kudos to share their individual journeys which took them into Shamanism.

This is a rare Audio where three different approaches to becoming a Shaman (Eastern, Native American and Pythagorean) come together in one place. Enjoy!

Graham Hancock | Entangled, Supernatural, Shamanism & The Origins of Consciousness

April 10, 2010—Graham Hancock discusses his latest book Entangled, a novel, and why he's chosen to go into the field of fiction, considering his past non-fiction works, how his earlier books and research have influenced the writing of Entangled

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