Showing posts with label Spiro Skouras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiro Skouras. Show all posts

The Corbett Report | Sibel Edmonds, Spiro Skouras | Behind the CIA's Failed Coup in Turkey: Was It Only a Dry Run? | July 18, 2016


As we predicted last year, the deep state coup against Erdogan finally materialized last weekend...but it fizzled out almost as quickly as it arrived. So what are we to make of this would-be putsch? Did Erdogan allow it to happen in order to further cement his control on the rebound? Or was this merely a trial run for the real CIA/NATO/Gulenist coup yet to come? And what role do the Turkish people play in all of this? Joining us today to dissect the mayhem is Sibel Edmonds and Spiro Skouras of

Show Notes:
Is Erdogan Being Set Up For A NATO-backed Coup?
West Prepares to Replace Their Puppet in Turkey
Sibel Edmonds Predicts Turkish Coup with Lew Rockwell
Erdogan flight on FlightRadar24
Kerry says US awaits ‘formal request’ for Gulen extradition

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The Corbett Report | The UN and the Oiligarchs Are Teaming Up to Take Over the Oceans | April 24, 2016


Spiro Skouras joins us today to discuss his recent expose on the UN's Agenda 2030 global goals, its oiligarch and billionaire backers, and the attempt to take over the world's oceans. From "no go zones" and hydrocarbon rights to the shady characters and groups that are funding this resource grab, you won't want to miss this informative interview.

Show Notes:
UN 2030 Agenda Continues: The Plan To Take Over 1/2 Of The World With 1 Move
The UN starts toward new control over the world’s oceans
UN Resolution 69/292
Information on the Natural Resources Defense Council
Information on the Pew Charitable Trusts
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